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10-02 投稿


lethe 发音

英:[?li?θi]  美:[?li?θi]

英:  美:

lethe 中文意思翻译



lethe 词性/词形变化,lethe变形

形容词: lethean |

lethe 短语词组

1、River Lethe ─── [网络] 遗忘之河;川;忘河

2、li lethelethe ─── 乐队

lethe 相似词语短语

1、letches ─── n.色欲;好色者;n.(Letch)人名;(英)莱奇

2、letched ─── 懒散的

3、lithe ─── adj.轻盈的(等于lithesome);柔软的;易弯曲的

4、lythe ─── n.青鳕

5、ethe ─── 埃特(比利时城市)

6、lathe ─── n.车床,机床;v.用车床加工

7、Bethe ─── n.(Bethe)(英、德)贝特(人名)

8、Lethe ─── n.遗忘河,忘却

9、lethee ─── 莱蒂

lethe 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If no Lethe flows beneth your casement and when ten years have not brought full effacement, Philosophy is wrong, and we may meet,again. ─── (如果忘川没有流过你的窗前,如果十年还没有完全遗忘.哲学是错误的,我们还会相遇!

2、We are only what might have been, and must wait upon the tediousshores of Lethe millions of years before we have got a real existance and life. ─── 此书名头大矣,愚受此句之诱乃有拜会之幸.谨盼知情者赐教---此书温厚的气质与我脾胃尚不合拍也.

3、Islands of Lethe where exotic boughs ─── 奇异的伸展着如雷斯小岛般的枝干

4、The key technology problems for the design of external ball surface lethe,yielding cut hydraulic pressure to lead and low rigidity of the system,were analyzed. ─── 分析了设计外球面车床面临的关键技术问题:液压让刀,系统刚性不足的问题。

5、Resemble the Godforsaken angel, loneliness staying in the wilderness has been setting up wind , is playing grieved lethe bend. ─── 象被遗弃的天使,风停留在荒野的寂寞树上,弹奏着哀伤的遗忘曲。

6、For some time, Lethe is a good thing. ─── 生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。

7、Parnassius szechenyii lethe ─── n. 四川绢蝶都兰亚种

8、New Design of High Rigidity External Boll Surface Lethe ─── 高刚度外球面车床的新设计

9、Lethe is the river of oblivion or forgetfulness in the Underworld in Greek mythology. The dead would drink the waters of Lethe to forget their earthly existence. ─── 这酹瑟河是希腊神话中的一条河流,人死后喝了它的水,就会忘记前世所发生的一切。所以希腊的酹瑟河水就相当于我们的孟婆汤。

10、Keywords External ball surface lethe;Rigidity;Principle tolerances;Yield cut hydraulic pressure to lead; ─── 外球面车床;刚度;原理误差;液压让刀;

11、Were drunk yesterday, whether one night, choose a lethe backward? ─── 昨日,醉酒一宵,往后是否选择遗忘?。

12、Lethe under acoustic rattle, the wind also sounded, all of nature to blow the horn. ─── 忘川之下的水声呼呼地响起来,风声也凛冽地响起来,大自然的一切都吹起号角来。

13、The lethe wyvern is described as consuming all manner of flesh, that of both man and beast. ─── 冥河飞龙喜欢吃各种各样的肉,不论是人肉还是兽肉。

14、Looking like Lethe, see! The lake. ─── 就像被遗忘,看啊!湖水。

15、Salmonella lethe ─── 莱瑟沙门菌

16、But then again, with these kinds of stupid questions wandering around, no wonder...--Lethe. ─── 不过,不奇怪会有这些愚蠢的质疑。

17、However, he forgot more or less, or he will never create the works relevant to Lethe. ─── 但他真的是对历史有所遗忘了,否则他不会制造出眼前和遗忘有关的图像。

18、Dying as for me not what to count, but is that lethe thing is not ready to turn self head but after stating for a long time. ─── 死亡对于我来说并不算什么,而是那遗忘的事情却迟迟不愿回头。

19、None in our day and age have encountered the lethe wyvern face to face at least none that have survived to tell the tale. ─── 至少在我们的时代里,还没有人可以和它面对面接触,并且活着回来告诉我们“冥河飞龙是真的存在的!”}

20、Were drunk yesterday, whether one night, choose a lethe backward? ─── 昨日,醉酒一宵,往后是否选择遗忘?

21、leth Moller & Co. ─── 设计单位:V.

22、It has small white barriers and lives (leaves) that feel light leth *(leather). ─── 它有白色的浆果,而且它的叶子就像羽毛。

23、If there were the other life, let us not to drink the Lethe Water, will you? ─── 如果有来生,我们都不要喝孟婆汤,好吗?

24、Let me think about your sooth face for the last time, before the Lethe. ─── 又想了一遍你温柔的脸在忘记之前

25、Keywords Internal boll surface lethe;Rigdity;Principle tolerances; ─── 内球面车床;刚度;原理误差;

26、As a close relative being far away, it raises more longing for and care, not lethe. ─── 正如一位至亲的亲人远离我们,那会唤起我们更多的思念和关爱,而不是遗忘。

27、The new design of external ball surface lethe,and the effect of using were introduced. ─── 提出了新的设计方案,介绍了新设计的外球面车床的使用效果。

28、Lethe please,let me forget about everything except live with my baron in the trees. ─── 那时,祖先们还有一点点光,来支撑他们脆弱的神话。

29、The series of 30-piece-photography, Lethe, came out in September. 9 of them have been selected to exhibit at Pingyao with lots of attention and disputation. ─── 他挑出其中九张在平遥展出,登时引起关注和争议。

30、Lethe means it is impossible to forget at all. ─── 尤其是其中的幽灵感和虚无感。

31、lethe。 http://bbs.etang.com/bbs/cgi-bin/list_board_ab?bid=2529 ─── 是啊。说的很好。下面最重要的问题就是该怎样去做了。最终还是要落实到行动上啊。。

32、We are only what might have been,and must upon the tedious shores of Lethe millons of ages before we have existences ,and a name. ─── 我们仅仅是某种可能性,要在忘川河畔渺渺茫茫等待千年万代,才能成为生命,具有自己的名字。

33、All what we ever had left just as a lethe but cannot be dropped. ─── 所有什么,我们都已经离开正如一位lethe,但不能被省略。

34、Equinox flower after opening in the lethe river. ─── 彼岸花从此之后开在忘川河旁。

35、It was strange because I won the decisive match against my country of birth against Jens-Kristian Leth, who by the way is one of my best today. ─── 有些人可能觉得我的话比较幼稚,但我觉得只要你有梦想并为之不懈努力,总会有办法的。

36、Two Mathematical Models of the Quantitative Examination on Retention and Lethe ─── 关于记忆与遗忘定量研究的两个数学模型

37、what America did you have when Charon quit poling his ferry and you got out on a smoking bank and stood watching the boat disappear on the black waters of Lethe? ─── 当卡戎停止摆渡,而你登上烟雾缭绕的河岸伫立着凝视渡船在幽深的忘川河波涛中消失,在你的心中美国将是何等模样?

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