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10-01 投稿


summation 发音

英:[s??me??(?)n]  美:[s??me??(?)n]

英:  美:

summation 中文意思翻译



summation 短语词组

1、Einstein summation convention ─── [化] 爱因斯坦求和约定

2、summation instruction ─── [计] 求和指令

3、indefinite summation ─── [计] 不定和

4、successive summation ─── [医] 相继总和

5、quantal summation ─── [医] 量总和

6、summation wave ─── [医] ─── [收缩]波总和

7、Euler's summation formula ─── [计] 欧拉求和公式

8、summation of stimuli ─── [医] 刺激总和

9、centcal summation ─── [医] 中枢 ─── [性]总和

10、summation tone ─── [电] 叠音

11、summation frequency ─── [电] 总和频率

12、law of constant heat summation ─── [化] 热总量不变定律; 赫斯定律

13、summation actinometer ─── [电] 累积露光计

14、spatial summation ─── 空间性总和, ─── 空间总和

15、summation reflex ─── [医] 总和反射

16、convolution summation ─── [计] 卷积和

17、summation sign ─── [计] 累加符号

18、summation check ─── [计] 求和校验

19、summation meter ─── [电] 总和电表

summation 词性/词形变化,summation变形


summation 相似词语短语

1、summative ─── adj.总结性;总结的

2、summations ─── [生理]总和

3、sigmation ─── 符号化

4、gemmation ─── n.发芽,[生物]芽生;发芽生殖

5、summational ─── adj.总合的

6、summating ─── v.求……的和

7、consummation ─── n.圆满成功;完成;成就;达到极点

8、missummation ─── 错位

9、squamation ─── 鳞被

summation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objection. I object to counsel's entire summation. ─── 反对,我反对辩方的整个陈述。

2、Philosophy is the generalization and summation of the knowledge of nature and society. ─── 哲学是关于自然知识和社会知识的概括和总结。

3、Personality is a summation of stable mental and behavioral characteristics being from personal life and experience. ─── 人格是一个人在个体生活和社会实践中所形成的稳定的心理和行为特征的总和。

4、Looking back to his past, Bloom gives a summation of his life's trajectory as a critic: a revivalist of Romantic poetry, a theoretician of poetry, and a critic for the general public. ─── 布鲁姆将他的批评生涯概括为三个阶段:浪漫主义诗歌的复兴者,诗歌理论家以及面向大众的批评者。

5、Any new scientific theory is a summation of practical experience. ─── 一个新的科学理论的提出,都是总结、概括实践经验的结果。

6、Mainly contains : introduction, development tools and environment, needs analysis, detailed design, testing and maintenance of the website system, the development of the chapters review and summation. ─── 主要包含:绪论,开发工具和环境,需求分析,详细设计,网站的系统测试和维护,开发后的回顾与总结等章节。

7、In summation, humor should be used with great restraint (if at all) in an article body.If it misleads, confuses or gets in the way, it has to go.The article's functionality comes first. ─── 再有,飞毛腿一文中花费大量的篇幅来举出飞毛腿莽撞的每一个例子,哪怕是很小的事情,因为莽撞是飞毛腿的一个显著个性。

8、In summation, Cryptocarya chinensis, Castanopsis hystrix, Wendlandia for mosana were found to be most resistant to termite;while Scheffleraoctapkylla, and Litsea cubeba were the least resistant. ─── 十二种树材中,以厚壳桂、火烧柯、水金京等3种树材之抗蚁性最为优良,而以江某、山胡椒最为低劣。

9、A detailed analysis and summation was made on use effects of the clutches in operation adjustment of gas blowers. ─── 介绍了液体粘性调速离合器的工作原理,并对其在煤气鼓风机工况调节中的使用状况和效果进行了详细的分析与总结。

10、NONF) being 1 when the event occurrence is not observed and not forecast; 0 otherwise. The summation is over all grid points or stations. ─── 当预报和观测中为未发生的事件时,(NONF)=1;否则(NONF)=0。总和是所有栅格点或站点的加和。

11、ONF) being 1 when the event occurrence is observed but not forecast; 0 otherwise. The summation is over all grid points or stations. ─── 当预报未发生的事件却在观测中发生时,则(ONF)=1;否则(ONF)=0。总和是所有栅格点或站点的加和。

12、Now Doncaster Robin Hood airport or summat. ─── 图片描述 Finningley airshow years ago.

13、An example is The Virgin of the Rocks which is the summation of Leonardo s studies in anatomy, botany, geology as well as being superbly painted. ─── 例子之一是《岩间圣母》,它是列奥纳多对解剖学、植物学和地质学研究的总结,画得也十分出色。

14、Method for Summation by Parts of a Class Sequence ─── 一类数列部分和的求法

15、The summation of forces in this and that directions must be zero. ─── 在这个和那个方向上的合力必定为零。

16、Some Summation Formula for Hypergeometric Series ─── 几个基本超几何级数公式

17、Summation Process for Two Kinds of Power Series ─── 两类幂级数的和函数求法

18、After a dramatic pause,the lawyer finished her summation. ─── 在戏剧性的沉默之后,这位律师作完了她的总述。

19、The composition is all the formation of arts expression, is the proof to vision effect, and the summation of all the arts expressions. ─── 构图是绘画作品中全部艺术语言的组织方式,是检验构思视觉效果的依据,是揭示形象的全部艺术语言的总和。

20、Her introduction is a model of fairness, a lively summation of Irish history. ─── 她的导论是公正的典范,是对爱尔兰历史的总结。

21、The Summation Series was the origin of Ancient Egyptian harmonic design. ─── 和级数是古埃及和声设计的起源。

22、Returns the summation of all expression values in the most precise expression data type. ─── 以最精确的expression数据类型返回所有expression值的和。

23、City underlying surface includes water area、holt、grassplot、hard ground、farmland and bare ground in the city, which is the summation of city land using. ─── 城市下垫面包括城市范围内的水域、林地、草地、硬地面、农田和裸地,是城市土地利用的总和。

24、For a dual-reflector,such as Cassegrain antenna,the total scattered field should be the phase summation of the diffracted and reflected fieldsfrom the mainreflector and subreflector. ─── 对于卡塞格伦等型式的双反射器天线,总散射场应该是主、副面绕射场,副面镜面场和反射绕射场等各项的相位相加。

25、NOF) being 1 when the event occurrence is not observed but was forecast; 0 otherwise. The summation is over all grid points or stations. ─── 当预报发生的事件在观测中未发生,则(NOF)=1;否则(NOF)=0。总和是所有栅格点或站点的加和。

26、It is equal to the summation of Ending Balance and Unrealized P/L. ─── 它等于结束收支和未实现P/L的总和。

27、Summation of Complex Locus Equation ─── 复数集上点的轨迹方程的求法

28、The model can minimize the regularized structure risk summation of all outputs, and it can select different kernel functions and model parameters for different outputs. ─── 在一个优化问题中,该模型能最小化所有输出带正则项的结构风险总和,并能为不同输出选择不同的核函数及模型参数。

29、A Few Ways to the Summation of Infinite Series ─── 关于无穷级数求和的几种方法

30、The quiet summation was so impressive, so profoundly confident, yet in no way boastful that neither visitor seemed inclined to break the silence that followed. ─── 平静的归纳动人心弦、信心十足,然而又毫无自吹自擂的意味,两位来访者听过之后都无意打破随之而来的沉寂。

31、Domestic morality is phenomenon of a kind of society, it is the behavior principle that lays people in certain society condition and normative summation. ─── 家庭道德是一种社会现象,它是在一定社会条件下人们的行为原则和规范的总和。

32、Summation Formula of Kind One Progressions ─── 一类级数的求和公式

33、To provide scicentific technology support for destination of summation control about atmosphere pollution, unloading licence system and environmental planning and manag... ─── 为城市大气污染物排放总量控制目标、排污许可证制度的落实、环境保护规划和管理提供了科学的技术支持。

34、Erle Keefer described to me their day-to-day process in rapid-fire summation terms: “First, you use channel breakout theory with a couple of filters. ─── 尔勒?科夫告诉我他们每天的过程:“首先,你用通道突破理论,加上一些过滤器。

35、The service culture of library is a culture of management.It is summation of an idea,a system,rules of conduct and organizing frame which formed during the readers' service of library. ─── 图书馆的服务文化是一种管理文化,它是图书馆在读者服务工作中形成的理念、制度规范、行为准则与组织架构的总和。

36、Individual character also calls moral quality, point to the summation of all sorts of psychology features of the person that is core with disposition. ─── 个性也叫人格,指以性格为核心的人的各种心理特征的总和。

37、binaural summation at absolute threshold ─── 双耳绝对阈总合

38、The whole movement of the world or the system is the summation which is composed with every part or element. ─── 世界或系统的总体运动,是其中每一个局部或元素运动的总和。

39、After a dramatic pause, the lawyer finished her summation. ─── 在戏剧性的沉默之后,这位律师作完了她的总述。

40、In connotative meaning,it is the summation of the competence of the higher education products and service in meeting both the explicit and tacit needs of higher education system. ─── 从内涵来看,它是高等教育产品和服务满足高等教育系统内外明确或隐含需要的能力的特性总和;

41、PAG-DRP with properties of spatial and temporal summation propagates decre-mentally along the dorsal root and is inhibited by picrotoxin. ─── PAG-DRP 具有空间和时间总和性质,沿背根作电紧张性扩布,且能被 GABA 能拮抗剂印防己毒素(Picrotoxin)所抑制。

42、Total liabilities correspond to the summation item of liabilities shown in the balance sheets of the enterprises. ─── 包括流动负债和长期负债、递延税项等,即为企业资产负债表的负债合计项。

43、Your View is the summation of your whole understanding and insight into the nature of mind,which you bring to your meditation. ─── “见”就是全部认知的总合及因禅定而生起对自性的洞察。

44、The U distance between allows with be 120 centimeters to 150 centimeters, make triangular overall length, summation is inside effective limits, this design can increase more collecting space. ─── 型之间的距离以120厘米至150厘米为准,使三角形总长、总和在有效范围内,此设计可增加更多的收藏空间。

45、The worker job in unit of many choose and employ persons duration summation, must not exceed duration of legal and top job. ─── 劳动者在多个用人单位的工作时数总和,不得超过法定最高工作时数。

46、easy to operate, widespread, may also use with many medicines, has the synergism or the summation action. ─── 使用方便、广泛,可以与许多药物同时使用,具有协同作用或相加作用。

47、His notation is different from modern notation but can be constructed using more modern summation notation. ─── 他的符号是不同的,从现代符号,但可以采用更现代的求和符号。

48、Two Summation Formulas for q-Series ─── 两个q-级数恒等式

49、Traditional Chinese Philosophy is a kind of theory and thought system, and it is the generalization and summation of the Chinese Culture. ─── 中国传统哲学是中华民族在漫长的历史进程中形成的理论与思维体系,是中国文化的总结和概括,体现了中华民族生存和发展的智慧。

50、With the family the total number of the income summation family of every member! ! ! ! ─── 以家庭每个成员的收入总和家庭的总人数!!!!

51、He changes resemble loving to go in that way before no longer I, conversation works I am turning over summation to work. Sad, should abandon? ? ─── 他变的不再像以前那样爱去我了,说话做事总和我反着干.伤心啊,该放弃了吗??

52、It is convenient to introduce here the summation operator. ─── 应当在此介绍一下求和的算符。

53、The OKN response decreased while the stimulus field was reduced;it means that there is a spatial summation mechanism of moving information in rabbit OKN system. ─── 刺激范围缩小则眼动反应减弱,表明OKN系统对运动信息具有空间总和作用;

54、If we wish to check the structure for a significant number of hypotheses, the use of a small computer facilitates the extensive summation processes. ─── 如果要计算未知数很多的结构,使用小型计算机能使大量求和过程更简便。

55、What he said was a fair summation of the discussion. ─── 他这番话对讨论作了恰当的总结。

56、Aapproximation of Fourier inverse integral using Fourier transform approximation for amplitude of harmonics in a finite Fourier series summation. ─── 富氏级数中之谐波成份以富氏转换近似并以有限级数和近似富氏逆转换。

57、The diet culture of China is the summation of material wealth and spiritual property created by the Chinese Nation during the long term activities of diet production and consumption. ─── 中国饮食文化是中华民族在长期的饮食生产与消费活动中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和。

58、The 3-D prestack depth migration principally includes three parts: travetime cal-culation, Kirchhoff summation, and velocity analysis. ─── 利用深度偏移后的道集是否拉平进行速度分析,可以进一步修改速度模型。

59、"The first it is Aobama new politics, have the investment of very great natural resources and public policy, devoted strength is equivalent to the summation that came 8 years in the past. ─── “第一是奥巴马新政,有很大的资源和公共政策的投入,投入的力度相当于过去8年来的总和。

60、As a further step,the distance summation sequence method was proposed for isomorphism identification of kinemat. ─── 以此为基础,提出了对运动链进行同构识别的距离和序列法。

61、The service culture of library is a culture of management.It is summation of an idea, a system, rules of conduct and organizing frame which formed during the readers' service of library. ─── 图书馆的服务文化是一种管理文化,它是图书馆在读者服务工作中形成的理念、制度规范、行为准则与组织架构的总和。

62、KBC resources are the summation of manpower, material and natural resources that can be utilized in the whole process of KBC development. ─── 园本课程资源是园本课程开发的整个过程中一切可资利用的人力、物力和自然资源的总和。

63、The Sum API can be used to provide a summation of the values of an EAttribute present with in a list. ─── Sum API可以用来提供一个列表中EAttribute值的总和。

64、Put some numbers together and rounding a whole number, we should gather up then calculate. We gather up with one word "summation". ─── 几个数合起来能凑成整数,就先合再算,用一个字概括为“合”。

65、This line assumes that each element has the same contribution to the total summation of the values of a variable. ─── 该行假设每个元素具有相同的总贡献的价值总和的一个变量。

66、The summation of all percentages payable in respect to any one accident shall not exceed 100%. ─── 在任何一个意外上,应理赔的百分率总和不应超过100%。

67、he said was a fair summation of the discussion. ─── 他这番话对讨论作了恰当的总结。

68、Essentially, that's what you're doing here as well, writing a plug-in to turn a simple table into a sorting and summation table. ─── 最重要的是,这也是您在这里需要完成的任务,即编写一个插件来将一个简单的表转变成排序和汇总表。

69、The number of incorrectly predicted values for Bronze would be the summation of the intersect of the Bronze column and Silver row, and the Bronze column and Gold row. ─── Bronze的错误预测值数将为Bronze列与Silver行的交叉以及Bronze列与Gold行的交叉总和。

70、The exhibition presents a summation of the artist's career. ─── 展览全面体现了这位画家的艺术生涯。

71、Overall enhancement factor of complex solution was not summation of that of MDEA and AMP. ─── MDEA和AMP的增强因子对总增强因子不具有加和性;

72、The process of lowering the threshold for propagation of the action potential of a neuron, especially by repeated use of a neural pathway or the summation of two or more subthreshold impulses. ─── 助长降低神经元活动潜力的传播界限的过程,尤指由于反复作用一个神经通路或两个或多个同时发生的刺激引起的

73、The standard summation function is applied. ─── 应用标准的求和函数。

74、In this paper,summation formulas of products involving odd-even index chebyshev polynomials of the second are given by using primary methods. ─── 利用初等方法给出了一类包含奇下标第二类契贝谢夫多项式乘积和与一类包含偶下标第二类契贝谢夫多项式乘积和的求和公式。

75、begin a summation of the evidence presented ─── 对提供的证词进行总结.

76、Passion is the summation of energy which is not the outcome of any kind of stimulation. ─── 激情则是能量的总和,它不是任何一种刺激的结果。

77、Therefore, the signal received by microphone could be treated as the summation of one spectrogram with shifts in time and attenuation.It is similar to an image corrupted by a motion blur function. ─── 也就是麦克风所收到的讯号,可视为由同一幅时间-频谱图经过位移、衰减后再相加的结果。

78、The summation forms are quite convenient for computation, especially when the interval is kept constant. ─── 和式形式是十分有利于计算的,特别是当间隔保持常值的时候更是如此。

79、Integration is just a summation over a continuous section of a curve, so that won't stay scary for very long, either. ─── 积分是一段连续曲线的相加,所以那不会让你郁闷太久。

80、summation of geometric progression ─── 几何级数求和

81、The exhibition presents a summation of the artist's career. ─── 展览全面体现了这位画家的艺术生涯。

82、SS Residual Error is the summation of the squared deviations of the observed response values from their fitted values. ─── SS回归式是从响应变量的平均值到响应变量的各拟合值的方差的总和。

83、In summation, the Chinese say that everything that is - is Phan Ku and everything that Phan Ku is yin-yang. ─── 总之,中国人说,万物即盘古,盘古即阴阳。

84、summation of binomial coefficients ─── 二项式系数求和

85、OF) being 1 when the event occurrence is observed and forecast; 0 otherwise. The summation is over all grid points or stations. ─── 当预报发生事件在观测中也发生了,则(OF)=1;否则(OF)=0。总和是所有栅格点或站点的加和。

86、The speed of conversation is a part of what is good about it, but then some of the reflectiveness, the ability for careful summation and expression, is lost. ─── 博客所产生的迅速沟通固然是其好处之一,但也会有些缺点体现出来,比如仔细归纳再表达的能力将多多少少丧失。

87、A Special Summation Method of Polynomial ─── 多项式的一种特殊求和法

88、Residential floor area is the summation that each level accumulates the residence. ─── 住宅建筑面积是住宅各层面积的总和。

89、The space substructure method is used to analyse the space frame, and the finite layer summation method is used for the layered soil. ─── 在分析中,上部结构用空间子结构法分析,而分层土用分层总和法求其刚度。

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