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10-02 投稿


quadrat 发音

英:['kw?dr?t]  美:['kwɑdr?t]

英:  美:

quadrat 中文意思翻译



quadrat 网络释义

n. [生物] 样方(生态调查的方形地);嵌块(填空的铅块)n. (Quadrat)人名;(法)卡德拉;(捷)夸德拉特

quadrat 短语词组

1、quadrat census ─── 四普查

2、census quadrat ─── 普查样方

quadrat 词性/词形变化,quadrat变形


quadrat 相似词语短语

1、quadrats ─── n.[生物]样方(生态调查的方形地);嵌块(填空的铅块);n.(Quadrat)人名;(法)卡德拉;(捷)夸德拉特

2、quadratic ─── adj.[数]二次的;n.二次方程式

3、quadrate ─── n.立方体,正方形;方骨;adj.正方形的,近似方形的;v.使成正方形;使适合,使一致

4、quadrates ─── n.立方体,正方形;方骨;adj.正方形的,近似方形的;v.使成正方形;使适合,使一致

5、quadrated ─── n.立方体,正方形;方骨;adj.正方形的,近似方形的;v.使成正方形;使适合,使一致

6、quadrants ─── n.[数]象限(quadrant的复数)

7、quadrant ─── n.象限;[海洋][天]象限仪;四分之一圆

8、quadratus ─── n.[动]方肌

9、quadrans ─── n.方樱蛤属

quadrat 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The dynamics of the ecotone of Pinus forest community and mixed forest community was studied with 16-years' permanent quadrat analysis and with comparing it to its adjacent communities. ─── 通过对鼎湖山两个群落及其边缘群落的长期定位研究,探讨南亚热带演替群落的边缘效应与森林片断化恢复。

2、permanent quadrat ─── 定位样方

3、nested quadrat ─── 渐选样方,逐选样方

4、empty quadrat ─── 空样方

5、Based on the line investigation and the quadrat investigation, species multiplicity in Guizhou Litchi karst secondary forest were studied. ─── 在线路调查和样方调查的基础上,研究了贵州荔波拉桥喀斯特次生林的物种多样性。

6、quadrat method ─── 方形法样方法

7、This paper discussed the plant diversity in WU DI chenier. Only 20 species were found in the quadrat. ─── 通过对无棣贝沙堤植物多样性的分析发现,样方内共出现物种20余种;

8、plant quadrat ─── 郁蔽度

9、small quadrat ─── 小样区

10、list-count quadrat ─── 记名计算样方

11、leaf area index(LAI) and canopy openness,of an urban forest stand in Maofengshan,Guangzhou,were estimated using hemispherical photography in parallel with quadrat plant census. ─── 以样方法为基础,用半球面影像技术估测了广州市帽峰山常绿阔叶林的2种冠层结构参数,即叶面积指数(LAI)和林冠孔隙度。

12、minimum quadrat area ─── 最小样方面积

13、point quadrat ─── 点样方

14、clip quadrat ─── 茎叶干重样方

15、denuded quadrat ─── 除光样方

16、quadrat sampling method ─── 样方法

17、chart quadrat ─── 图解样方图记样方

18、We tested the Dai peoples plant identification ability by using Rapid Biodiversity Inventory, quadrat method, and folk interviews. ─── 利用生物多样性快速编目、样方调查及民族植物学中民间访谈的方法,考察了三个傣族村寨原住民的植物识别能力。

19、quadrat A square area of variable size depending on the study (standard sizes are 0.5 or one meter square to 10m square or more )taken at random, within which the composition of organisms is noted. ─── 样方:由于研究的需要而随机选择的大小(以0.5平方米或1平方米到10平方米或更多为标准的面积)可变的一块区域,称为样方。

20、cover quadrat ─── 覆盖样方

21、point-quarter sampling and quadrat method ─── 中心点四分法附设样方

22、census quadrat ─── 普查样方

23、minimum quadrat number ─── 最小样方数目

24、The transect sampling technique is most often used in plant ecology to study changes in the composition of vegetation.See also quadrat. ─── 样条取样技术在植物生态学或植被组成的变化研究反面应用广泛。

25、Each small quadrat must be more homogeneous than the sociation as a whole. ─── 每个小样方必须比整个基群丛更为统一。

26、basal-area quadrat ─── 基面积样方

27、Each small quadrat must be more homogenerous than the sociation as a whole. ─── 在样地中对出现的林窗斑块以及相邻的对照的非林窗样方进行群落学调查。

28、quadrat census ─── 方格计数法

29、Selection of gaining quadrat for harvesting the undergrowth vegetation and its biomass estimation modeling in forest ─── 森林林下植被生物量收获的样方选择和模型

30、The transect sampling technique is most often used in plant ecology to study changes in the composition of vegetation. See also quadrat. ─── 样条取样技术在植物生态学或植被组成的变化研究反面应用广泛。

31、The 25 studying quadrats are sorted into 7 quadrat clusters (i. e.Low eco-environment grade and severe fragmentation; ─── 可将研究区25个区县样方可分为低脆弱剧烈破碎区;

32、quadrat of abundance ─── 多度样方

33、area-list quadrat ─── 优势记名样方

34、quadrat list ─── 样方表

35、major quadrat ─── 样地

36、linear quadrat ─── 线性优势等次

37、meter permanent quadrat ─── 一平方米定位样方

38、temporary quadrat ─── 临时样方

39、The quadrat sampling technique is mostly used in plant ecology to study the distribution and abundance of species in plant communities. ─── 其内部的生物体被标记,样方抽样技术多用于植物生态学领域,用来研究某一植物群落中物种的分布及其含量的多少。

40、quadrat sampling ─── 方样

41、A survey on vegetation at Nanshan Nature Reserve, Shixing, Guangdong, China was made by using quadrat method.Results showed that there were 6 vegetation types. ─── 摘要用植被样方调查法对广东始兴南山自然保护区的植被进行了研究,结果表明该地区具有6种植被型,地带性植被是亚热带常绿阔叶林。

42、"Starting from 0 m, place a 50 x 50 cm quadrat at intervals of 10 m along the transect. Within each quadrat frame, do the followings." ─── 由0米开始,每隔10米把一个50厘米x50厘米的样方放下一次,每次都重复以下步骤。

43、Selection of gaining quadrat for harvesting the undergrowth vegetation and its biomass estimation modeling in forest ─── 森林林下植被生物量收获的样方选择和模型

44、Quadrat variance method ─── 样方方差法

45、Finally,we measured agronomical parameters and spectrum data at every major quadrat,and established the setting database. ─── 在各类样地上,分别进行农学参数、环境背景参数的观测和波谱特征的测试。最后进行数据整理和背景数据库的建立。

46、meter quadrat ─── 一平方米样方

47、quadrat chart ─── 样方图方划图

48、1997-1999 year winter, the summer season, uses the quadrat survey procedure, has carried on the monitor to the ever green nature protection area panda habitat choice. ─── 1999年冬、夏季节,采用样方调查法,对长青自然保护区大熊猫栖息地选择进行了监测。

49、stocked quadrat ─── 立木样方区

50、Application on degree of closeness of plant quadrat by a images software ─── 应用图像软件对植物样方郁蔽度的分析

51、count quadrat ─── 计数样方

52、point quadrat method ─── 样方测定法

53、Scale effect of sampling quadrat on detection of population pattern ─── 种群分布格局测定的样方尺度效应

54、the quadrat with only A. ordoska appeared to have obviously lower coverage and biomass that the other three quadrats. ─── 同其它3个样地相比,纯油篙样地1年生植物的密度、盖度和生物量明显偏低。

55、The root nodules maximums occur in April except for A. ordosice quadrat, and RLD of coarse roots are far little than those of fine roots. ─── 挖沟分层取样研究表明,与柠条相比油蒿具有较高的根冠比;

56、quadrat size ─── 样方大小

57、quadrat index ─── 方格索引

58、Each small quadrat must be more homogeneous than the sociation as a whole ─── 每个小样方必须比整个基群丛更为统一。

59、list quadrat ─── 记名样方

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