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10-02 投稿


migrant 发音

英:['ma?gr(?)nt]  美:['ma?ɡr?nt]

英:  美:

migrant 中文意思翻译



migrant 网络释义

n. 候鸟;移居者;随季节迁移的民工adj. 移居的;流浪的

migrant 短语词组

1、migrant immigrant emigrant ─── 移民 ─── 移民

2、migrant workers ─── 流动工人;农民工

3、migrant shrike ─── [网络] 移民袭击

4、migrant immigrant ─── 移民

5、the growth of migrant workers ─── 农民工的成长

6、migrant bird ─── [鸟]候鸟

7、migrant worker ─── [经] 外侨工人

8、crazy migrant workers ─── 疯狂的农民工

9、migrant plasticizer ─── [化] 渗移性增塑剂

10、economic migrant ─── 经济移民(以找工作或寻求更高生活水平为目的)

11、migrant labor ─── 打工,流动劳力

12、migrant erysipelas ─── [医] 游走性丹毒

13、migrant workers stay home ─── 农民工待在家里

14、out-migrant n. ─── 移出者, 迁出者 a. ─── 移出的, 迁出的

15、in-migrant n. ─── 移来者, 迁入者 a. ─── 移来的

16、gripes about migrant life ─── 对移民生活的抱怨

migrant 词性/词形变化,migrant变形


migrant 相似词语短语

1、immigrant ─── adj.移民的;迁入的;n.移民,侨民

2、migraine ─── n.[内科]偏头痛;n.(Migraine)(法)米格雷纳(人名)

3、inmigrant ─── n.外地迁入者

4、grant ─── v.(合法地)授予,允许;(勉强)承认,同意;n.(政府)拨款,补助金;授予,给予;合法转让,正式授予;n.(Grant)(美)格朗(人名)

5、migrants ─── n.移民;移居者;候鸟(migrant的复数形式)

6、emigrant ─── n.移民;侨民;adj.移民的;移居的

7、migrate ─── vi.移动;随季节而移居;移往;vt.使移居;使移植

8、emigrants ─── 移民(本国移出)

9、figurant ─── n.(戏剧电影中的)群众演员;男配角演员

migrant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Migrant worker's Health Related Quality of Life is evaluated by NHP. ─── NHP量表评价农民工人群的健康相关生命质量。

2、I would expect, though, that Mongolian Gull would be a big number migrant through that area and that your big gulls would be that species. ─── 你的1,2,3看起来像是1.红嘴鸥(尽管有误导的脚部颜色,它有"带头巾的"鸥(译注:如棕头鸥,红嘴鸥,黑嘴鸥等)其中一种的耳部覆羽斑点);2.黑尾鸥一龄冬羽;3.??

3、It also decentralizes the costs of experimental faults, and reduces the costs of migrant workers system’s flux. ─── 也把试错的成本分散化,减少农民工制度变迁的成本。

4、Ten percent of the29,425 migrant workers surveyed have a monthly income of1,500 yuan. ─── 在参加调查的29425名民工中,10%人月收入达到1500元。

5、As a young migrant worker, Lei Gailing sought her fortune in China’s fast-industrializing south. ─── 作为一名年轻的打工者,雷改玲(音)为挣钱来到中国快速工业化的南方。

6、City residents complain that migrant workers have threatened to take already scarce urban jobs. ─── 城市居民抱怨民工威胁着本来已很紧张的城市就业机会。

7、Certainly geothermometry will be used with greater facility in sub-soil exploration and in detecting migrant fluids. ─── 可以肯定,地热测量法在地下勘探和测试运移流体方面更便于使用。

8、Can be part of the migrant workers back to farming, but many have no way of the drain, must be rehoused in other ways. ─── 部分民工可回乡务农,但不少却已是无地的外流人员,必须以其它方法安置。

9、Migrant workers construct part of a bridge that will connect Ningxia and Inner Mongolia. ─── 农民工正在为连接宁夏和内蒙的一座桥梁施工。

10、He thought about finding work as a migrant to the city, but he knew his family simply would not allow him to leave. ─── 他想到了打工,可家里人死活不让他出去,他知道她们在担心什么。

11、Migrant workers, by definition, are "peasant" and "workers" combination. ─── 农民工,顾名思义,是“农民”和“工人”的结合。

12、Ten percent of the 29,425 migrant workers surveyed have a monthly income of 1,500 yuan. ─── 在参加调查的29425名民工中,10%的人月收入达到1500元。

13、Among the migrant tribes who settled in the region were the Amorites. ─── 在迁移的部族当中,迁入那个地区的是亚摩利人。

14、So we should study on the population policies to make migrant labors harmonize with metropolitan development in Shanghai. ─── 因此,应加强上海外来人口迁移政策研究,协调外来劳动力和上海大都市互动发展。

15、They were after me ever since I landed here; after all I was a prohibited migrant. ─── 从一来到这里他们就跟上我了,毕竟我是个不被接受的移民者。

16、Migrant workers account for up to90 percent of occupational diseases and only a few of them know of the occupational disease prevention law. ─── 今年系列宣传活动的主题为“劳动者健康与企业社会责任”,以广大企业和劳动者特别是广大农民工为重点对象。

17、Therefore, the imperfectness of the protection of migrant workers' rights should be rectified through institutions and policies. ─── 因此,现阶段要发展非正规就业必须从制度上和政策上加以矫正和规范。

18、Later that evening the captain of the boat noticed the bottle and contacted rescuers who reached the migrant as their boat was beginning to sink. ─── 到了当天晚上,这艘渔船的船长注意到这只瓶子并连络救难人员,救难人员找到这些移民时,他们的船正开始下沉。

19、Most of the migrant workers in the Gulf states hail from Asia, but a lot are also sucked in from the poorer Arab countries. ─── 墨西哥湾沿岸各国的大部分移民工人来自亚洲,但许多人却进入了更为贫困的阿拉伯国家。

20、The area was an important resting place for many types of migrant birds. ─── 该地区是多种候鸟的重要栖息地。

21、Migrant worker as a social class hold rights titled by laws with sacrosanctity. ─── “农民工”作为一个阶层依法享有法律赋予的各项权益,这些权益神圣不可侵犯。

22、A migrant worker was drifting town from town, in search of work. ─── 一个外来工在各个城镇四处奔走,寻找工作。

23、The Chinese online hit" I Wanna Go Home, Mom and Dad" about migrant workers may end Hollywood director Mel Gibson's next movie. ─── 中国打工歌曲《爸妈我想回家》受到美国导演梅尔吉布森的青睐,将有望成为其最新影片的插曲。

24、Britain today is a vibrant nation composed of migrant groups from all over the world and. ─── 今天的英国是一个充满活力的国家,拥有着来自世界各地的移民。

25、This year's Sept. 25, Shenyang is the third of migrant workers, "Rights Day. ─── 今年的9月25日,是沈阳市第三个农民工“维权日”。

26、Everyone, from old, migrant workers sweeping the sides of the roads to barely-standing toddlers joined the chant. ─── 从年老的民工到蹒跚学步的儿童,每个人都站在路边一起高呼口号。

27、To build roads and harvest fields, Bhutan imports up to 100,000 migrant workers from India's poorest northern states. ─── 为了修建公路、收割农作物,不丹从印度最穷的北部各邦引进了多达10万民工。

28、In China, migrant workers is a huge number but very vulnerable groups, is the country"s political stability, and development of an important force. ─── 在我国,农民工是一个数量庞大但又十分弱势的群体,是我国政治稳定与发展中的一支重要力量。

29、The government revoked her husband's licence to operate migrant labour crews. ─── 政府撤销了她丈夫经营流动劳工团队的许可证。

30、City residents also blame migrant workers for the sharp rise in the urban crime rate. ─── 城市居民还责怪民工造成了城市犯罪率大幅度上升。

31、Some Asian countries hit hard by recession in the late 1990s tried to repatriate migrant workers. ─── 一些亚洲国家在1990年代末期经济衰退得很厉害,因此想将外劳遣送回母国。

32、The DWP report said it had found "no adverse impacts on the young or low-skilled" from migrant workers taking jobs. ─── 劳务和退休金部的报告表示,没有发现移民就业"对年轻或低技能本国人产生不利影响"。

33、The migrant work got frightened. ─── 冯博一:把那些棒棒们吓的。

34、One of the main reasons for migrant workers' vulnerability is the typically informal nature of their employment. ─── 农民工非正式就业通常是造成其脆弱性的主要原因之一。

35、All over the world in fact, local people are blaming migrant workers for lost jobs. ─── 其实整个世界都是如此,本地人怪外来务工人员害得他们失业。

36、Chinese state media say brick kilns and mines found to be using slave labor illegally used more than53- thousand migrant workers. ─── 中国国家媒体说,被发现非法使用奴工的砖窑和矿井非法使用了5万3千多名来自外地民工。

37、Deploying moderate imams and Muslim scholars to counter extremist propaganda within some Islamic migrant communities might also be helpful. ─── 在穆斯林移民的居民住安插一些持中立态度的阿訇与穆斯林学者也会起一定的积极作用。

38、Yet it owes more to the alacrity with which they, before any other community, seized on the opportunities of migrant labour. ─── 但他们的灵敏也不容忽视,他们赶在了其他地方的人之前得到了做农民工的机会。

39、A migrant worker siting on his own luggage, in a hall, is helplessly reflecting on his future. ─── 一个农民工在大厅坐在自己的包裹上无助地静思着自己的未来.

40、They go to the other extreme, viewing every Indian as a likely migrant. ─── 他们走向了另一个极端,认为所有印度人都有移民倾向。

41、Farewell ceremony for migrant workers train at the station square on February 22nd. ─── 图为2月22日,该站广场上正在举行农民工专列欢送仪式。

42、TITLE of PAPER Made in China: precarious employment and female migrant workers in the age of globalization. ─── 中国制造:全球化时代不稳定的就业与外来女工。

43、But whatever their motives, migrant workers must earn before they can remit. ─── 但是无论什么动机,移民工人在汇款之前必须赚到钱。

44、China has already reported three human bird flu deaths this year, including a 44-year-old migrant worker last month in southern Guangdong province. ─── 今年,中国已经报道了三例人类感染禽流感病毒死亡的消息,包括上周南部广东省一位44岁的外来工人。

45、In the last month before the end of that period you will be able to apply for further permission to stay as a Highly Skilled Migrant. ─── 在这个时期的最后那个月你将能申请更长是时间作为高技术移民留下来。

46、After one year on ILR, the migrant can apply to become a British citizen. ─── 以上说的是目前的英国移民政策。

47、But the tourism and construction boom has led to a chaotic surge of migrant workers, swelling its population by30 percent in six years to nearly60,000. ─── 但观光和营建业兴盛,使外来民工争先恐后涌入,当地人口在短短六年内激增百分之卅,已逼近六万人。

48、He is a migrant wheat harvester, and reaps wheat for others every year. ─── 他是个麦客,每年都要去帮别人收割麦子。

49、From the "blind" to "workers" and "migrant workers", the peasant migrant brothers and their titles, has undergone a gradual upgrade process. ─── 从“盲流”到“民工”再到“农民工”,进城务工的农民兄弟其称谓,经历了一个渐进的升级过程。

50、The army comprised of both the local and migrant soldiers. ─── 军队由地方和移居战士组成。

51、In 1948, he married a woman who also was from a family of migrant farm workers. ─── 1948年时,他与一个也是来自于农场季节工人家庭的女子结婚。

52、Formerly included with “Blyth's”,monotypic. NE China and migrant through eastern China. ─── 之前包含在冠纹柳莺,单型种,中国东北部及经过中国东部的候鸟.

53、By 2006, nearly 200 plants had started production, attracting 30,000 migrant workers. ─── 到了2006年,已有200个工厂开始生产,吸引了30000名工人。

54、Seeking a better life in cities is the main reason that is driving the tidal wave of migrant workers in China. ─── 到城市图更好的生活的念头,是中国的民工巨潮的主要成因。

55、Migrant workers in China: a general survey, Social Sciences in China, Vol.XXXIX, No.3. ─── 城市化与中国农村劳动力流动问题研究(合作),中国人口科学(北京),2008.4.

56、To prepare activity plans and teach migrant children sports and games at the CMC DWJ/ DB Community Center. ─── 准备活动计划,并在打工子弟爱心会大望京或东坝活动中心教授孩子们体育活动或游戏。

57、Encamp migrant workers near the fields. ─── 使流动的工人在田野附近扎营

58、Claudio Ribeiro de Almeida, is a migrant worker who only works here during the harvest season. ─── 克劳迪奥是一位只在收成时期工作的移民劳工。

59、A bioscientist Hayashida finds out that Godzilla responds to the supersonic waves emitted from migrant birds. ─── 于是出动超级火战机正面跟哥斯拉交锋。同时,林田博士亦发现了哥斯拉会受一种电波影响,并且会随它归巢。

60、The Peng usually lives in North Sea. Only in June, when storms rise upon that sea, does it migrates to the South Sea as migrant birds do. ─── 牠平时就在北海活动,只当六月海上起了风暴时,牠才会如候鸟般,迁移到南海。

61、Lange’s deliberate choices gave the picture meaning rather than flatly transmitting information about what one migrant woman looked like. ─── 和如实传达移民妇女样子的信息相比,Lange故意的选择赋予了照片更多意义。

62、"Liebig says migrant workers also tend to hope hold part-time jobs that demand unskilled labor, which again next makes them more vulnerable. ─── L表示移民工人也倾向于获得不需要多少技术性的兼职,那也使他们受到更多的伤害。

63、CLA announced yesterday that the quota of migrant workers in big construction projects must be ordered by them. ─── 劳委会昨天公布将对重大工程禁用外劳的国籍做出限定。

64、Migrant workers have always been a focus of public attention. ─── 农民工问题,一直是社会各界关注的焦点。

65、And also an important stopover for migrant birds in Northeast Asia. ─── 也是东北亚重要的鸟类迁徙停歇地。

66、Most of the migrant workers are employed by some informal departments in the cities. ─── 农民工绝大多数就业于城市的非正规部门。

67、Migrant workers in China's urban centers do not have access to public education, health care and other basic social services. ─── 中国大城市里的农民工们无法接受公共教育,享受卫生保健及其它基本社会保障。

68、The plan predicts only a modest increase in officially allowed migrant numbers, from an annual average of8 m in the last five years to9 m in the next. ─── 五年计划预计政府允许的移民数量仅会有小幅度的增长,从过去五年的平均每年800万到未来五年的平均每年900万。

69、Urban China has two classes of citizen: permanent residents get subsidised social services while poorer migrant workers often pay full price. ─── 中国城市有两类市民:常住居民,可以享受得到补贴的社会服务;较贫穷的打工者,需全额支付社会服务。

70、He said that like many other industries, the mushroom sector was now dependent on migrant labour. ─── 他说像许多其他行业一样,采蘑菇部门现在要依赖移民劳工。

71、Some middle-income countries, such as Morocco, Mexico, Turkey and Libya, are well-trodden transit routes with migrant populations of their own. ─── 一些中等收入国家,如摩洛哥,墨西哥,土耳其和利比亚,就是人来人往(包括本国人)的转运路线。

72、The government introduced the Gangmasters Act after 23 migrant Chinese cockle pickers died on February 5 2004 in Morecambe Bay, Lancashire. ─── 2004年2月5日,23名到英国务工的中国拾贝工在兰开夏莫克姆湾丧生,之后,英政府推行了雇主法案(GangmastersAct)。

73、Waiting it out: The global economic downturn has pummeled China hard, with migrant workers being among the worst hit. ─── 期待危机早日结束:全球经济衰退严重打击了中国,其中农民工受灾最为严重。

74、Applications for Highly Skilled Migrant status under the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme( HSMP) will be subject to a charge from31 October2003. ─── 在高技术的移民程序下面申请高技术的移民身份从2003年10月31日开始收费。

75、Migrant birds shelter in the reeds. ─── 候鸟隐蔽在芦苇丛中。

76、Filipino migrant workers in Taiwan pay exorbitant placement fees. ─── 在台湾的菲律宾移工付过高的仲介费。

77、A: No, you do not need a job before entering the United Kingdom as a highly skilled migrant. ─── 在作为高技术移民进入英国前你不需要一份工作。

78、On the other hand we should let the migrant workers stay at where they work. To achieve that, we have to stay their families with them in cities. ─── 另一方面要减少人们回家的需求,特别是把农民工留在他工作的城市里。而要把农民工留在城市,就必须把他的家庭也留在城市。

79、The GCAP noted that remittances from those Latin American migrant workers in the US to their poor hometown will shrink. ─── 例如,全球消除贫困联盟说,在美国打工的拉丁美洲人寄回南美洲贫困国家的重要工资汇款因此严重受损。

80、"Having to leave your children behind is the hardest thing about being a migrant, " she said. ─── 她说,“对外出务工的农民工来说,不得不抛下自己的儿女是最心痛的事情。”

81、As a young migrant worker, Lei Gailing sought her fortune in China’s fast-industrializing and freewheeling south. ─── 作为一名年轻的外来务工人员的,雷改玲选择到中国工业化快速发展和自由的南方去碰运气。

82、Contracts are drawn up beforehand, travel is part-funded by the EU, everything is above board, and so far every migrant has gone back as agreed. ─── 他们事先与这些工人签订了协议,部分交通费用由欧盟支付,一切手续都是公开且正规的。

83、But for a Chinese migrant with a heavy accent to become a stand-up comedian in the US it's more like a fantasy. ─── 但要是一位有着浓重地方口音的华裔移民在美国摇身一变成了单口相声演员,这听上去更像是一场白日梦。

84、In Taiwan, the debate over the issue of migrant workers has been re-ignited with the recent change in government. ─── 在台湾,最近政府的变动又重新引起了关于外来移民工人的话题的争论。

85、And a number of migrant workers pay 20% or NT$3168 income tax if they arrive in Taiwan after July 1. ─── 在七月一号后,为数众多的移工在到达台湾后,付了薪资的20%或3168台币的所得税。

86、"Tears started to trickle down my face when I heard the anthem," said Wang Hai, a migrant worker from the earthquake-hit Sichuan Province. ─── “当听着国歌时,泪水顺着我的脸颊流下,”来自四川省地震灾区的一名移民工作者王海说道。

87、Finally, he offered a lament for his fellow migrant workers. ─── /最后,他提供了一他的同伴移居工人的哀悼。

88、In fact, the rate of growth of the world's migrant population more than doubled between the 1960s and the 2000s. ─── 事实上,整个世界的移民人口成长率从1960年到2000年止,已足足成长两倍以上。

89、Some developing countries are both recipients and senders of migrant workers. ─── 一些发展中国家既是劳动力迁移的输入国,又是劳动力迁移的输出国。

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