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thymus 发音

英:['θa?m?s]  美:['θa?m?s]

英:  美:

thymus 中文意思翻译



thymus 短语词组

1、struma thymus ─── [医] 胸腺肿

2、Thymus serpylium L. ─── [医] 匐枝百里香, 野麝香草

3、thymus gland n. ─── 胸腺

4、glandula thymus ─── 腺体胸 ─── 腺

5、thymus death ─── [医] 胸腺性猝死

6、thymus corpuscles ─── [医] 胸腺小体, 哈塞耳氏小体

7、Thymus vulgaris ─── [网络] 百里香;银斑百里香;麝香草

8、accessory thymus ─── [医] 副胸腺

9、Thymus serpyllum ─── [网络] 百里香;铺地香;红花百里香

10、thymus treatment ─── [医] 胸腺制剂疗法(治进行性肌萎缩)

11、involution of thymus ─── [医] 胸腺退化

12、Thymus L. ─── [医] 百里香属

13、cortex of thymus ─── [医] 胸腺皮质

14、thoracic thymus ─── 胸部 ─── 胸腺

15、internal thymus ─── [医] 内胸腺(猫)

16、thymus abscess ─── [医] 胸腺脓肿, 杜布瓦氏脓肿

17、genus Thymus ─── [网络] 属胸腺属

18、persistent thymus ─── [医] 久存性胸腺

19、thymus histone ─── [医] 胸腺组蛋白

thymus 词性/词形变化,thymus变形

名词复数: thymuses |

thymus 相似词语短语

1、rhymes ─── n.(诗、歌曲)押韵;押韵小诗;押韵词;尾韵(rhyme的复数);v.和......同韵;使押韵;押句尾韵;作诗(rhyme的第三人称单数)

2、humus ─── n.腐殖质;腐植土

3、-thymes ─── n.[植]百里香

4、shamus ─── n.私家侦探;警察

5、chymous ─── adj.食糜的

6、thyrsus ─── n.[植]聚伞圆锥花序;酒神杖(酒神Bacchus所执的顶端为松果形的手杖)

7、hymns ─── n.赞美诗;圣诗;v.唱诗(hymn的第三人称单数)

8、thyme ─── n.[植]百里香

9、thymuses ─── n.胸腺

thymus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thymus mongolicus Ronn. ─── 百里香

2、The thymus of mandarin fish (Siniperca chuatsi) was studied by general histology method and immunohistochemical method. ─── 摘要使用常规组织学和免疫组织化学方法对鳜胸腺进行研究。

3、Action of this immunity of clew of tumour of ill amalgamative thymus is mixed in the pathogeny important place is had in coming on. ─── 本病合并胸腺瘤提示免疫作用在病因和发病中占有重要地位。

4、Thymus extraction can reduce the rate of lipid oxidation and rancidity during Chinese sausage storage. ─── 百里香提取物还具有一定的抗脂肪氧化和抗哈败作用。

5、Studies on the Essential Chemical Constituensof Thymus serpyllum L. ─── 百里香挥发性成分的研究。

6、The results showed that "Jiawei yiqi" pill can significantly enhance the phagocytosis of macrophages(P

7、The study, however, did not link a specific organ autoimmune attack with a specific protein missing in the thymus. ─── 但是,这个实验没有将胸腺内特定蛋白的缺失与特定组织的自身免疫反应联系起来。

8、The SmX5a isoform is predominantly expressed in the thymus,while SmX5b and c are expressed in all tissues examined. ─── SmX5a主要在胸腺中表达,而SmX5b和c在所有组织都可以检测到.

9、Concentric thymic corpuscles were observed in thymus of mature Trionyx sinensis (over 200g). ─── 在200g以上的成年鳖胸腺内发现有同心圆状胸腺小体。

10、In this thesis, interaction of indolizine-naphthoquinone compounds (INQ) with calf thymus DNA(CT-DNA) was investigated using the electrochemical and spectroscopic methods. ─── 本文用电化学及光谱方法研究了中氮茚萘醌化合物(INQ)与小牛胸腺DNA(CT-DNA)的相互作用。

11、The parathyroid gland was embeded in thymus of immature (50g) and mature (500g) Trionyx sinensis, and the gland was mainly composed of chief cells. ─── 在50g左右的幼鳖和500g成年鳖胸腺内尚观察到甲状旁腺组织,腺细胞主要由主细胞构成。

12、In order to determine the potential of ETPs, the team first had to separate ETPs from all the other cells in a mouse thymus. ─── 为确定早期胸腺祖细胞的发展潜能,团队首先必须将早期胸腺祖细胞从小鼠胸腺中所有其他细胞中分离。

13、Thymus of mammal is both the immune organ and endocrine organ. ─── 摘要哺乳动物的胸腺既是免疫器官,又是内分泌器官。

14、Thymus L. ─── [医] 百里香属

15、CHM+ MM reduced spleen index (P

16、Thymus mandschuneus Rorm. ─── 东北百里香

17、In thymus tissue,lower levels of both AFCs and ASCs cold be detected respectively from hours 24 and 48 PI to hours 120 PI and no increase occurred. ─── 在胸腺组织中,分别于24小时和48小时开始检测到低水平的 AFC 和 ASC,随免疫期延长,无明显增长趋势。

18、Objective To investigate the changes of estrogen receptors (ER) in thymus of 7-week old female BalB/c mice after having been treated with diethylstilbestrol (DES) in their neonatal period. ─── 目的 探讨己烯雌酚对BALB c小鼠胸腺内雌激素受体水平的影响。

19、Resected area from thymus and all lipoid tissue in the front mediastinum. ─── 切除范围从全胸腺组织到前纵隔和上纵隔的所有脂肪样软组织。

20、Any of several aromatic Eurasian herbs or low shrubs of the genus Thymus,especially T. vulgaris,of southern Europe,having small,white to lilac flowers grouped in headlike clusters. ─── 百里香亚欧大陆的百里香属几种有香味的草木和低矮灌木,尤指生长在欧洲南部的开有成簇呈头状的白色或淡紫色小花的普通百里香。

21、Thymus nervulosus Klok. ─── 显脉百里香

22、Extended thymectomy was applied to MG patients with thymus hyperplasia or thymic tumor. ─── 扩大性胸腺切除手术则用于合并胸腺增生或胸腺肿瘤的MG患者。

23、Higher dosage of Qufeng Zhiyang tincture could increase the indexes of thymus and spleen on DTH in mice. ─── 大剂量时还可增加小鼠的胸腺指数及脾指数;

24、Sheet radiates with thymus cure cannot alleviate anaemic. ─── 单用胸腺放射治疗不能缓解贫血。

25、It is evident thatthe thymosin F_5 had protective effect on thymus and bone marrow ofexperimental mice with acute radiation sickness. ─── 初步探讨了胸腺素F_5对急性放射病治疗作用的可能机制。

26、The significance of the evolutive changes in the microstructure, and ultrastructure of Trionyx sinensis thymus in relation to the function and evolution has been discussed. ─── 文中讨论了中华鳖胸腺显微、亚显微结构与功能的关系及其在水生脊椎动物免疫进化上的意义。

27、It is in constant contact with the brain stem and thymus to assure that the form has the right amount of each chemical necessary to continue to transmute the body in ascension. ─── 在与脑干和胸腺持续不断的联系中,垂体确保身体来拥有在继续提升中转化身体所需的、各种化学物质的正确数量。

28、Observe and handle with statistics the levels of IL-6 and thymus gland, spleen, adrenal gland wet weighs of big rats in AA model, make joint synovium pathology sections. ─── 对大鼠免疫器官脾、胸腺、肾上腺的湿重、大鼠血清IL-6水平进行检测和统计学处理。 制作并观察关节滑膜病理切片。

29、The thymus has no obvious demarcation into an outer cortex and inner cortex.Lymphocytes and the macrophages are dispersed in the thymus parenchyma equably. ─── 牙鲆胸腺没有明显的外区和内区之分,胸腺细胞和巨噬细胞比较均匀地分布于整个组织中,未能观察到胸腺小体。

30、Any of several aromatic Eurasian herbs or low shrubs of the genus Thymus, especially T. vulgaris, of southern Europe, having small, white to lilac flowers grouped in headlike clusters. ─── 百里香亚欧大陆的百里香属几种有香味的草木和低矮灌木,尤指生长在欧洲南部的开有成簇呈头状的白色或淡紫色小花的普通百里香

31、Methods Cyclophilin A (CyPA) was extracted and purified from bovine thymus. ─── 方法从小牛胸腺中提取、纯化亲环素A。

32、JC could increase the content of IL-6 of blood serum and index of thymus gland, decrease the content of MDA and LPO. ─── 健脑益寿胶囊可不同程度降低D-半乳糖所致衰老小鼠肝、脑MDA含量和心、肝组织的LPO含量,升高血清IL-6的含量和胸腺指数。

33、From the Herb Kingdom's point of view, this herb assists in opening all meridians to the immune system and thymus gland. ─── 从草本王国的角度来看,该药本协助打开免疫体系及胸腺的所有经脉。

34、The thymus of Trionyx sinensis was composed of lobules. ─── 应用透射电子显微镜观察了中华鳖胸腺的显微和亚显微结构。

35、Objective To establish an immunoblotting test(IBT)for detecting the antibodies of extractable nuclear antigen(ENA)with rabbit thymus acetone powder made by ourselves. Methods The thymus of rabbits was separated to extract the ENA antigens. ─── 目的 自制兔胸腺可提取性核抗原 (ENA)多肽 ,应用免疫印迹技术 (IBT)建立检测ENA多肽抗体的方法。

36、Objective To explore the relationship between the expression level and localization of CD80 and carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA) in the human fetal thymus and its development. ─── 摘要 目的 探讨人胎儿胸腺内CD80和癌胚抗原(CEA)的表达水平及定位与胎儿发育的关系。

37、Proliferation index(PI)which indicates cell proliferation activity was 3 56,31 92 and 7 03 in thymus,bursa of Fabricius and spleen. ─── S期细胞分别为 :2 77%、30 52%、4 67% ,表明细胞增殖活性的增殖指数 (PI)是 :3 56、31 92、7 0 3。

38、The thymus index of CHM group was higher than that of controls, but there was no difference in spleen index. MM decreased both spleen index and thymus index. ─── LCF-2组能够升高已降低的胸腺指数,与空白对照组比差异有显著性,对已升高的脾指数作用不明显,而中西药组可以降低升高的脾指数(P

39、Effect of Simulated Weightlessness on the Apoptosis of Thymus Cells in Tail-suspended Mice. ─── 尾部悬吊对小鼠胸腺细胞凋亡的影响。

40、Your thymus can actually enlarge to almost one-third the size of the heart. ─── 你们的胸腺真的可以扩大到心脏大小的大致三分之一。

41、As the animal matures, the thymus gland disappears. Sweetbreads may be broiled, fried, braised, or cooked in liquid. ─── 当它长大后,胸腺就消失了。胸腺可心烤、炸、炖或用酒烹调。

42、Therefore,to investigate selective apoptosis in thymus is meaningful for enlarging our knowledge of the mechanism of thymocytes elimination and central tolerance. ─── 本文就胸腺细胞在胸腺内发育过程中凋亡的发生及其调控作一综述。

43、The thymus of Siniperca chuatsi was studied by the general histology method and immunohistochemical method. ─── 用普通组织学方法和免疫组织化学方法研究了翘嘴鳜的胸腺。

44、Tissue, Membrane Protein, Human Fetal Normal, Thymus. ─── 组织,膜蛋白,人正常胚胎,胸腺。

45、Three different doses of osthole were administered orally, and tumor inhibitory percentage, thymus gland, spleen indexes and liver weight were measured. ─── 用蛇床子素给小鼠灌胃后观察抑瘤率和胸腺、脾指数及肝重量变化,采用t检验进行数据的统计学处理。

46、Ara-Amp and thymus peptide with lamivu-dine for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B. ─── 单磷酸阿糖腺苷联合胸腺肽与拉米夫定序贯治疗慢性乙型肝炎疗效观察

47、This aging model is convenient, cheap and stable so that it has been used widespreadly comparing with other aging models such as SAMP aging model, osone induced aging model, thymus removed model, natural aging model and so on. ─── 与其它几种衰老动物模型如SAMP系小鼠衰老模型,臭氧损伤衰老模型,去胸腺衰老模型,自然衰老模型等相比,该模型简便易行,价格低廉,结果稳定,因而得到广泛运用。

48、In ascension, the thymus gland grows up the sternum connecting to the thyroid, lymph nodes and brain stem. ─── 提升中,胸腺在胸骨上生长,连接到甲状腺、淋巴腺节点和脑干。

49、By late 1990, health officials had banned a list of highly infectious cow parts--the brain, spinal cord, spleen, thymus, tonsils and intestines --from all food products, human or animal. ─── 到1990午后期,卫生官员已发表了禁止高度感染的牛器官名单,即人或动物的全部食物都禁止用牛脑、脊髓、脾、胸腺、扁桃腺、肠。

50、Thymus tissues were cultured with or without retinoic acid and/or retinoic acid receptor antagonist. ─── 方法:采用体外胸腺组织培养体系,在培养体系中加入视黄酸或视黄酸受体拮抗剂。

51、Apoptosis has been a key biological phenonmena since 197 2. Recent progress of the thymus and apoptosis of the thymic cells has been revi ewed. ─── 就目前在胸腺细胞凋亡这一方面的国内外研究进展作一简要综述.

52、CD24 is mainly expressed in hematopoietic cell,beside the expression in thymus cell and epithelial cells of brain and pancreas. ─── 在小鼠,CD24主要表达在造血细胞,在胸腺细胞、脑及胰腺的上皮细胞也有表达。

53、CAV could propagate in chickens' thymus, liver, bone marrow.The titer of CAV in thymus is higher than liver and bone marrow. ─── 病毒能够在雏鸡胸腺、肝脏和骨髓内繁殖,其中胸腺内病毒增殖最快,病毒滴度最高,肝脏其次,骨髓最低。

54、To observed the change of resiratory tract of 40 patients with myasthenia gravis (MG) during the therapy of thymus tissue resection or thymoma resection in this paper. ─── 对40例重症肌无力病人切除胸腺组织或胸腺瘤治疗过程的围手术期呼吸道管理。

55、Thymus quinquicostatus Celak. ─── 五脉地椒

56、The distribution of ACMA metabolites was highest in lung, and higher in spleen, thymus and small intestine, whereas the amount of aglycone metabolite wes the highest in liver. ─── ACMA及其糖苷类(GM)代谢物的分布以肺为最高,其次为脾、胸腺和小肠,肿瘤组织中有一定量的ACMA及糖苷类代谢物。 配基型(AM)代谢物则以肝脏为最高。

57、Objective To explore the effect of Xaoqinglong decoction on the expression of NGF on the lung and thymus in asthmatic guinea pigs. ─── 摘要目的探讨小青龙汤对哮喘豚鼠肺及胸腺的神经生长因子(NGF)表达的影响。

58、The interaction between phenylalanine dipeptide (Phe-Phe) and calf thymus DNA (ct-DNA) was studied by using UV spectra and fluorescence spectra. ─── 利用紫外吸收光谱、荧光光谱研究了苯丙氨酸二肽与小牛胸腺DNA之间的相互作用。

59、The apoptosis of thymocytes in the duck thymus was observed under transmission electron microscope. ─── 应用透射电镜观察了鸭胸腺细胞自然凋亡的超微结构变化。

60、This treatment contains Caviar Extract , Thymus extract , Wheat germ oil , N.M.Factors .It stimulates cellrenewal ;Inhibits skin irritative reaction . ─── 功效:疗程主要成份为微脂囊分子鱼子精华、胸腺素、麦芽维他命E、天然保湿因子。

61、Methods:36 cases of duodena l ulcer were treated with thymus protein. ─── 方法:应用胸腺蛋白口服治疗36例十二肠球部溃疡。

62、Anatomical studies on the development of the floral nectary in Thymus quinquecostatus Celak. ─── 地椒花蜜腺发育的解剖学观察。

63、Thymus dahuneus Serg. ─── 兴安百里香

64、Methods Used to using different doses of asthma in mice capsules,the mice were observed changes in general and endurance warm,thymus weight and MDA,SOD content in lung tissue. ─── 方法给小鼠服用不同剂量的平喘胶囊,观察各组小鼠的一般情况以及耐力变化、御寒能力、胸腺重量以及肺组织中MDA、SOD的含量。

65、The APUD-like cells were found in the thymus of goose under transmission electron microscope. ─── 应用透射电镜在鹅胸腺内发现一种APUD(样)细胞。

66、Thymus serpylium L. ─── [医] 匐枝百里香,野麝香草

67、Compared with the model group, thymus gland weight indexes of C 1 and C 2 were increased significantly ( P

68、Nonhiston protein HMG17 is purified from pig thymus. Elution of the pig thymus nuclei with 0.4mol/L NaCl leads to slightly lowering in DNase I sensitity of actively transcribedgene. ─── 用核内蛋白质与经0.4mol/L NaCL抽提后的细胞核重组,以DNA酶I消化法为测定活性基因的指标,观察猪胸腺HMG_(17)非组蛋白对细胞核中活性基因的影响。

69、The extract from Thymus quinpuecostatus was obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction (SFE-CO2) technique. ─── 摘要用超临界CO2萃取技术对百里香进行萃取,得到百里香精油。

70、Now scientists have set their sights on replicating more complicated organs, including the heart, kidneys, liver, pancreas and thymus. ─── 如今,科学家着眼于“复制”包括心脏、肾脏、肝脏、胰腺和胸腺等更为复杂的器官。

71、The adult thymectomized (ATx) rats were used as a model to investigate the influence of thymus on liver functions. ─── 成年去胸腺(ATx)大鼠和老年大鼠肝微粒体混合功能氧化酶(MFO,包括细胞色素P450、氨基比林-N-脱甲基酶)的活力比成年对照大鼠的低,且降低幅度雄性明显大于雌性。

72、In children under the age of two years the thymus often obscures the upper cardiovascular borders. ─── 两岁以下的儿童胸腺常常遮盖上部分心血管边缘。

73、The first defense, at least where T cells are concerned, occurs in the thymus , which lies inconspicuously in front of the heart. ─── 第一道的防卫关卡在胸腺(至少对T细胞来说是如此),那是位在心脏前方一个不太明显的组织。

74、In children under the age of two years the thymus often obscures the upper cardiovascular borders. ─── 两岁以下的儿童胸腺常常遮盖上部分心血管边缘。

75、Compared with control group, spleens and thymus glands of the mice in each dose weren t impacted. ─── 另外与空白组相比,各剂量组对小鼠(雌,雄)的脾和胸腺均无明显影响。

76、Thymus: Pyramid-shaped lymphoid organ (see lymphoid tissue) Between the Breastbone and the heart. ─── 胸腺:胸骨与心脏之间的角锥形的淋巴器官。

77、If one is having difficulty in the proper development of the thymus or pituitary in ascension, one may call upon our kingdom, or ingest the herb if one is so guided from within. ─── 如果你在提升中对胸腺体或脑垂体的恰当发展有困难,你可以召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。

78、The resonance Raman spectra of water-soluble copper-porphyrin Cu(NEAE)[Cutetrakis(4-N-ethylacetatepyridyl) porphine] and its complex with calf thymus DNA were measured with 400 and 445urn pulse laser excitation. ─── 本文用400um和445um脉冲激光激发测量了不同功率条件下的水溶铜卟啉CU(NEAE)(4-N-乙酸乙酯基-吡啶基铜卟啉)及其与小牛胸腺脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)复合物的共振拉曼光谱。

79、The reason of its decrease after surgery might be associated with rich infiltration of BAFF-R + CD19+ B cells in thymus as well as thymectomy’s impact on T lymphocyte. ─── MG患者术前CD19+BAFF-R+细胞较正常人高说明MG患者B细胞处于易激活状态,术后该指标水平的下降可能与胸腺组织中该类细胞丰富及与胸腺切除术对于T细胞的作用有关。

80、However, this modality does not allow differentiation of inflammatory from lymphomatous lesions, and normal thymus may take up the isotope as well. ─── 然而,这种形式不促成淋巴瘤病与炎症的区分,正常胸腺同样吸纳同位素。

81、Human CD3 、CD20及 CD+34 ce lls were also detected in liver、spleen and thymus of rats at 2 months of age. ─── 出生后2个月在小鼠的肝、脾及胸腺组织中均检测到人CD3、CD20及CD+34阳性细胞。

82、Home reports 63, control for 20 years old more, amalgamative thymus tumour person 5. ─── 国内报道63 例,多为20岁左右,合并胸腺瘤者5例。

83、She was weak in the lungs, thymus, heart and uterus, ovaries and intestinal tract. ─── 她的肺部、胸腺、心脏、子宫、卵巢和肠道都是非常虚弱的。

84、Surgical removal of the thymus. ─── 切除胸腺的外科手术

85、The interaction of leucine dipeptide with calf thymus DNA was studied by UV-visible spectroscopy,circulating voltammetry and viscosity measurement. ─── 利用紫外-可见光谱法、循环伏安法和黏度法研究了亮氨酸二肽与小牛胸腺DNA的相互作用。

86、The interaction of the 1,4-dihydropyridine derivative(1,4-DHP) with calf thymus DNA(CT-DNA) was studied by using fluorensence spectroscopy. ─── 用荧光光谱研究了1,4-二氢吡啶衍生物(1,4-DHP)与小牛胸腺DNA(CT-DNA)的相互作用。

87、Part of the involutive thymus was replaced by myoid cells. ─── 一部分胸腺组织已被肌样细胞代替。

88、In spite of the pathogenesis of MG is not completely clear still now, recently a lot of researches manifest the thymus is tightly involved and plays in key role. ─── 尽管目前重症肌无力的病因和发病机制仍不十分清除,但近年来许多相关研究都已表明胸腺在重症肌无力的发病机制中具有关键性作用。

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