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10-02 投稿


sarcolemma 发音

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sarcolemma 中文意思翻译



sarcolemma 短语词组

1、depolarization of sarcolemma ─── 肌膜去极化

2、infoldings of sarcolemma ─── 肌膜内陷

sarcolemma 词性/词形变化,sarcolemma变形

形容词: sarcolemmal |

sarcolemma 相似词语短语

1、sarcoma ─── n.[肿瘤]肉瘤,恶性毒瘤

2、sarcolemmata ─── 肌膜

3、sarcolemmous ─── adj.肌纤维膜的

4、axolemma ─── n.[解剖]轴膜

5、sarcolemmas ─── n.肌纤维膜;肌膜

6、sarcopenia ─── 少肌症

7、sarcoadenoma ─── n.[肿瘤]腺肉瘤

8、sarcolemmal ─── 肌纤维膜的

9、sarcolemmic ─── 肉瘤

sarcolemma 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords skeletal muscle;sarcolemma;skeleton protein;eccentric exercise;training;gene expressions; ─── 骨骼肌;细胞膜骨架蛋白;肌养蛋白;离心运动;微损伤;基因表达;


3、In the steady state, the amount of Ca2+ influx and efflux (across both the SR and sarcolemma) must be in balance, so that neither the cell nor the SR progressiely gains or loses Ca2+. ─── 在稳定状态下,Ca2+进出SR和肌膜的总量必须平衡,以至于细胞和SR都不会逐渐获得或丢失Ca2+。

4、hBM-MSCs engrafted in immunosuppressed mdx mice may differentiate into skeletal muscle cells to repair the pathological lesion of the skeletal muscle sarcolemma. ─── hBM-MSCs能植入mdx鼠体内,并融合、分化为骨骼肌,部分修复骨骼肌肌膜病变;

5、Protective effects of continuous warm blood cardioplegia on cardiomyocyte sarcolemma of canine heart during open-heart surgery. ─── 温血心停跳液持续灌注对心内直视术中犬心肌细胞质膜的保护作用。

6、It is well established that the cardiac contraction is initiated when an action potential depolarizes the sarcolemma. ─── 已经确证,心肌收缩始于动作电位使肌膜去极化。

7、The sarcolemma , about 7. 5 nm thick , is a unit- membrane like that investing other cells . ─── 肌纤维膜厚约7.5毫微米,同包裹着其它细胞的壁一样,是一层单位膜。

8、of or relating to the sarcolemma. ─── 属于或关于肌纤维膜的。

9、The pure oxygen will be injected into sarcolemma of muscular of sacrum spinalis.Strong sloving, crushing and scratching should be applied with finger press on local ache point. ─── 以纯氧注入骶棘肌筋膜下,强手法推、挤、擦、局部痛点指压,加上干扰电流在人体内交叉干扰处形成干扰场,具有低、中频两种电流的特性作用于局部,使粘连的肌肉筋膜,松解、拔离。

10、Reconstruction of epineurium with pedicled sarcolemma flap ─── 带蒂肌膜瓣重建神经外膜的临床研究

11、Meanwhile to sew up and fix the periosteum of near side and the sarcolemma of the other side closing the perioteum. ─── 结果本组44例病例中,24例显效,18例有效,2例无效(均有严重伤口感染),有效率95.4%。

12、Each cell in this type of muscle has associated with it a nerve ending that is deeply embedded the sarcolemma ─── 这种肌肉里的每一个细胞都伴随有一个深深嵌入肉膜的神经末梢。

13、The sarcolemma, about 7. 5 nm thick, is a unit-membrane like that investing other cells. ─── 肌纤维膜厚约7.5毫微米,同包裹着其它细胞的壁一样,是一层单位膜。

14、Keywords Duchenne muscular dystrophy(DMD) Becker muscular dystrophy(BMD) Dystrophin Arrector pili muscle Sarcolemma; ─── 杜兴型肌营养不良;贝克型肌营养不良;肌营养不良蛋白;立毛肌;肌纤维膜;

15、In the longitudinal section, we can see more than one nuclei, and they are located just beneath the sarcolemma. ─── 描述肌纤维的形态、核的数量,位置,形态,染色等。

16、dense tubular system(skeletal and cardiac sarcolemma) ─── 致密管系统:骨骼的和心肌的纤维膜

17、Each cell in this type of muscle has associated with it a nerve ending that is deeply embedded the sarcolemma . ─── 这种肌肉里的每一个细胞都伴随有一个深深嵌入肉膜的神经末梢。

18、Each cell in a Doluctary muscle has associated with it a nerve ending that deeply intends the sarcolemma. ─── 在横纹肌中的每一个细胞都伴随有一个深深嵌入肉膜的神经末梢。

19、Sarcoplasmic recticulm,pool under sarcolemma,transverse tubule system are seen at the stage of 34 days; ─── 34日龄的山羊胚胎心肌细胞胞浆内可见肌浆网、肌膜下池、横小管和二联管已形成;

20、The sarcolemma, about 7.5 nm thick, is a unit-membrane like that investing other cells. ─── 肌纤维膜厚约7.5毫微米,同包裹着其它细胞的壁一样,是一层单位膜。

21、The myocardial cell is enclosed by the sarcolemma . ─── 心肌细胞由肌膜包裹。

22、Protective effects of continuous warm blood cardioplegia on cardiomyocyte sarcolemma of canine heart during open-heart surgery. ─── 温血心停跳液持续灌注对心内直视术中犬心肌细胞质膜的保护作用。

23、Levelsof Cia2, Gia3 and Gsa in sarcolemma and light vesicle were measurdd by Westem blotanalysis. Adenyl cyclase activities were determined by radioimmunoassay. ─── 采用免疫印迹法和放射免疫法分别测定大鼠心脏Gia2,Gia3和Gsa的含量及腺苷酸环化酶的活性。

24、MUSCLE TISSUE Sarcolemma Sarcoplasma sarcoplasmic reticulum skeletal muscle cross striation Myosin Tropomyosin Myofilament ─── 肌膜肌浆肌浆网骨骼肌横纹肌球蛋白原肌球蛋白肌丝

25、The myocardial cell is enclosed by the sarcolemma. ─── 心肌细胞由肌膜包裹。

26、When napping, the fitness, sarcolemma and loose connective tissues must be removed in order to keep fresh and full meat. ─── 修整时,去净脂肪、肌膜和疏松结缔组织。保持肉质新鲜,形态完整。

27、Aim To apply sodium channels isolated and purified from rat brain and rat skelatal muscle sarcolemma to the study conotoxin. ─── 方法3种色谱分离纯化钠通道粗组分,配体结合实验研究钠通道活性及其与桶型芋螺毒素的相互作用。

28、The result shows those sarcolemma take place positional shaft and bring the space changes with myofibril during excitation-contraction coupling. ─── 结果表明:骨骼肌兴奋-收缩偶联发生时,肌膜产生位移并与肌纤维的间距发生改变;

29、the cardiac contraction is initiated when an action potential depolarizes the sarcolemma. ─── 骨骼肌卫星细胞是骨骼肌中位于肌细胞膜和基膜之间的具有增殖分化潜力的肌源性细胞。

30、It is well established that the cardiac contraction is initiated when an action potential depolarizes the sarcolemma. ─── 已经确证,心肌收缩始于动作电位使肌膜去极化。

31、the cardial contraction is initiated when an action potential depolarizes the sarcolemma. ─── 确证,心肌收缩始于动作电位使肌膜去极化。

32、It is well established that the cardiac contraction is initiated when an action potential depolarizes the sarcolemma ─── 已经确证,心肌收缩始于动作电位使肌膜去极化。




肌细胞之间有少量的结缔组织以及血管和神经,肌细胞呈长纤维形,又称为肌纤维(muscle fiber)。肌纤维的细胞膜称肌膜(sarcolemma),细胞质称肌浆(sarcoplasm),肌浆中有许多与细胞长轴相平行排列的肌丝,它们是肌纤维舒缩功能的主要物质基础。


I enclose two tickets along with this letter .


The myocardial cell is enclosed by the sarcolemma .


The space to be enclosed was not large .


I enclose a check in settlement of your account .


I'm tired of being enclosed here .


A single seed is enclosed by a thin pericarp .


Enclosed please find a set of sample sheets .


His arms enclosed only on unsubstantial image .


He opened the cover in which the message was enclosed .


The temperature sensor is enclosed in a protective well .


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