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manifesto 发音

英:[?m?n??festo?]  美:[?m?n??fest??]

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manifesto 中文意思翻译




manifesto 网络释义

n. 宣言;声明;告示vi. 发表宣言

manifesto 词性/词形变化,manifesto变形


manifesto 短语词组

1、the manifesto ─── 宣言

2、purported manifesto ─── 声称的宣言

3、Brunswick Manifesto ─── 布伦瑞克宣言

4、Communist Manifesto ─── 共产党宣言(现代 ─── 共产主义学说发展史上的第一部经典,由马克思和恩格斯合著)

5、manifesto function ─── 宣言功能

6、betterness manifesto betterness ─── 宣言

7、monad manifesto jeffrey snover ─── 蒙纳德宣言杰弗里斯诺弗

8、erudite manifesto ─── 博学宣言

9、convivialist manifesto ─── 欢乐宣言

10、agile manifesto ─── 敏捷宣言

11、communist manifesto pdf ─── 共产党宣言pdf

12、Manifesto of the Communist Party ─── 共产党宣言

manifesto 相似词语短语

1、manifestos ─── n.宣言;声明;告示(manifesto的变形)

2、manifests ─── v.表明,清楚显示(尤指情感、态度或品质);证明;(病症)显现;(鬼魂或神灵)出现;在清单上记录;adj.显然的,明显的;显现出的;n.载货单,货单;旅客名单;货运列车编组清单;adv.明显地

3、manifestly ─── adv.显然地;明白地

4、manifesters ─── 显能者

5、manifestant ─── 发起(或参加)示威运动者

6、manifest ─── v.表明,清楚显示(尤指情感、态度或品质);证明;(病症)显现;(鬼魂或神灵)出现;在清单上记录;adj.显然的,明显的;显现出的;n.载货单,货单;旅客名单;货运列车编组清单;adv.明显地

7、manifester ─── 显能者

8、manifested ─── adj.证明的;已显示的;显然的;v.显示;证明(manifest的过去分词)

9、manifestoes ─── n.宣言;声明;告示;vi.发表宣言

manifesto 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"The manifesto of the government is neither a rigid blueprint nor vapid rhetoric," he said. ─── 他说:“政府的宣言既不是要求苛严的行动计划,也不是空洞无物的夸夸其谈。

2、UNESCO Public Library Manifesto ─── 公共图书馆宣言

3、The result of what he calls a "cathartic process" was the Manifesto for Growth, a ten-year plan to revive the company. ─── 他所说的“宣泄过程”的结果是制定了一项重振公司的十年计划——“增长宣言”。

4、The problem of property oversupply mentioned in my manifesto has maintained its presence today. ─── 我声明中指出的楼盘供应过剩的问题直到现在仍然存在。

5、Neither a pious jeremiad nor a jargon-ridden manifesto, Jencks's volume is more interested in outsize buildings and personalities than in prescriptions and complaints. ─── 怎么结束美国资本集团玩弄世界经济和无偿掠夺世界财富的局面?这些都是很值得大家共同深究的问题。

6、Petronella: Well you remember that in their manifesto they said they would increase women's entitlement to paid maternity leave? That's why I voted for them. ─── 彼得罗尼拉:你记得吗?他们的宣言说,会增加妇女有薪产假,所以我才投他们一票。

7、The love is the poem wing, has the love, the poem can soar, the poem is the love manifesto, lets like disseminating the four directions. ─── 为了迎接老妹的归来,我在努力肯着遗弃久别的英语,还好有一点点小小的功底,希望还能跟得上你的节奏,老妹等你回来还得跟你多多学习!

8、In the count's room, full of smoke, there was talk of the war, which had been declared in a manifesto, and of the levies of troops. ─── 书斋里烟雾弥漫,大家正在谈论文告中业已宣布的战争和征兵事宜。


10、The Republicans are currently drawing up their election manifesto. ─── 共和党人目前正在起草他们的竞选宣言。

11、Mervyn King, the bank's governor, said the report should not automatically be read as a manifesto for a swift rate increase. ─── 央行行长金默文说,报告不应该自动地被解读为利率快速增长的宣言。

12、The Manifesto suggested a course of action for a proletarian revolution to overthrow capitalism and, eventually, to bring about a classless society. ─── 它提倡通过无产阶级革命推翻资本主义,最终达到没有阶级差别的社会。

13、Therefore, a number of things in the book don't gibe with the Manifesto or with supplements published since then. ─── 不过瑞薇没提到的是她对两个姐姐进行了精神上的改造,使得她们变得和她自己一样邪恶。

14、From the folk point of view, the municipal civil novels of interest and charm indirectly manifesto the folkway by way of the literary literature in special social field. ─── 从民俗角度看,现代市井风情小说可说是特定社会领域的民俗以文学文献方式所作出的间接展示;

15、Her 1979 election manifesto remains a monument to vagueness, and she was outnumbered within her own first cabinet by Tory moderates. ─── 在1979年的英国大选中,她的竞选宣言可以说是暧昧不清的典范,而且她全靠保守党人的支持才得以首次组阁。

16、We answer that the Long March is the first of its kind in the annals of history, that it is a manifesto, a propaganda force, a seeding-machine. ─── 我们说,长征是历史纪录上的第一次,长征是宣言书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机。

17、TUCKED away in Labour's 1997 election manifesto was a pledge to create an independent government statistical service. ─── 工党在1997年的竞选宣言上隐约其辞,保证要创建独立的官方统计服务。

18、In fact, using the term “Agile” to refer to these methods of software development was coined at the famous Snowbird meeting that created the Agile Manifesto. ─── 事实上,“敏捷”一词是泛指在著名的雪鸟会议上同时出现的一些软件开发方法,敏捷宣言正是在这个大会创建的。

19、He thinks the DPJ's leaders are fiscally more hawkish than the manifesto suggested. ─── 他认为民主党领导人在财政方面比宣言中所暗示的要更为强硬。

20、In April she had signed the "Manifesto of 2000 Words," which rejected Soviet involvement in Czechoslovakia. ─── 1968年4月,她在一份反对前苏联干涉捷克斯洛伐克内政的“2000字宣言”上签了字。

21、In the book's title manifesto, he decries our appetite for easy amusement and gluttonous pleasures. ─── 如本书标题所示,他谴责人们放纵于声色犬马。

22、In its election manifesto, issued on July 27th, the party promises to address Japan's deep-seated economic insecurities. ─── 在7月27日发布的竞选纲领中,民主党承诺设法解决日本根深蒂固的对经济的不安全感。

23、Main policies and aims of a political party,esp as stated before an election;manifesto ─── (政党的)纲领;(尤指选举前发表的)政纲;宣言

24、Adolf Hitler publishes his personal manifesto Mein Kampf. ─── 1925年的今天,阿道夫·希特勒出版其个人宣言《我的奋斗》。

25、The government had a mandate from the people to carry out the plan put forward in its manifesto. ─── 政府有人民的授权来执行宣言中提出的各项计划。

26、The manifesto promised equal franchise rights to all citizens, regardless of race, class or creed. ─── 宣言保证全体公民的平等选举权,不论他们属于哪一个种族或阶级,也不管他们的信仰是什么。

27、The manifesto reads in part: ─── 宣言中说:

28、In the manifesto Dr. Sun Yat-sen said: "Here is the true interpretation of the Kuomintang's Three People's Principles." ─── 原来孙中山先生在这个宣言中说道:“国民党之三民主义,其真释具如此。”

29、The manifesto is long-winded, repetitious and often ambiguous or poorly drafted. ─── 这篇宣言长篇大论,内容叠床架屋,词句常常含混不清或不知所云。

30、Manifesto on Southern Africa ─── 南部非洲宣言

31、Alarmingly, however, the DPJ manifesto did not even mention "growth" until it was attacked by the LDP, suggesting that the DPJ doesn't quite get its predicament. ─── 但令人震惊的是,直到被自民党攻击,民主党的竞选宣言中也没有提及“增长”的字眼,表明民主党对所处的困境认识不足。

32、And that Manifesto about ruggedness, and an empty blog and an empty forum. That's it, that's all I have been able to find so far. ─── 关于坚固的宣言、空白的博客和空空如也的论坛,这就是我目前所能找到的一切。

33、Three significant things came out of the now-famous Snowbird gathering: the decision to use the term “Agile,” the Agile Manifesto, and the Agile Alliance. ─── 在这次著名的雪鸟会议上,有3件事是意义重大的:决定采用“敏捷”一词来代表他们所倡导的开发思想 ,发表敏捷宣言和成立敏捷联盟。

34、Five years ago: The New York Times and The Washington Post published the Unabomber's manifesto. ─── 5年前:纽约时报和华盛顿邮报出版了轰炸机宣言。

35、Perhaps nothing better captures the blessedly dwindling appeal of Quebec sovereignty than this week's grim loyalists' manifesto. ─── 也许,没有任何东西比本周由魁北克最坚定的魁独分子所发出的声明更能说明问题的了-那就是魁独运动在魁北克越来越没有市场了。

36、The Dream of a Public Language: Modernity, Manifesto, and the Citizen Subject ─── 公共语言之梦:现代性,宣言,公民主体

37、He succinctly summed up his manifesto as "Work hard, train hard and play hard." ─── 他把自己的宣言简明地概括成了“努力工作,努力训练,努力玩耍。”

38、He accused the leader of tearing up the party's manifesto(= of ignoring it). ─── 他谴责领导人无视党的宣言。

39、A book that he wrote a year before the 2007 presidential election, intended as a draft manifesto, contained barely a word on the subject. ─── 2007年总统大选之前,他出版了一本书,在这本被认为是他就职宣言的书中,他几乎没有提到这个话题。

40、If these manifestos are still true, why is the architectural manifesto of functionalism now out of mode? ─── 如果这些宣言仍然如此,为什么建筑宣言的功能现在的模式?

41、Charles Francis Potter, one of the signers of the first Humanist Manifesto spoke quite plainly on this subject. ─── 并且,他们确是在弘扬某种宗教信仰。

42、The manifesto was crucial to the intellectual response to the war. ─── 就知识界对战争的回应而言,宣言是至关重要的。

43、the party leader, policy, manifesto ─── 党的领袖、 政策、 宣言

44、In the manifesto "intellectuals" means all intellectuals who are persecuted and fettered. ─── 在宣言上所说的“学”,即是指一切受迫害、受限制的知识分子。

45、The article expounds and full affirms the time spirit and history meaning the Wuhan Manifesto expresses. ─── 摘要文章对“武汉宣言”所表现的时代精神和具有的历史意义作了论述和充分肯定。

46、We answer that the Long March is the first of itskind in the annals of history , that it is a manifesto , apropaganda force , a seeding - machine. ─── 我们说,长征是历史上的第一次,长征是宣传书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机。

47、The "Manifesto of the Communist Party" was written in a few days of round-the-clock creative inspiration in Brussels in January 1848. ─── 《共产党宣言》就是1848年马克思在布鲁塞尔时连续几天二十四小时笔耕不辍,灵感迸发的成果。

48、We want to achieve victory by proudly displaying our campaign manifesto. ─── 我们要自豪地陈述我们的竞选宣言,取得胜利。”

49、Lusaka Manifesto on Southern Africa (Lusaka Manifesto) ─── 关于南部非洲的卢萨卡宣言(卢萨卡宣言);卢萨卡宣言

50、It was a time when, according to his manifesto, his political views began to transmute. ─── 根据他的宣言他的政治观点一度开始转变。

51、Our manifesto is to reform copyright laws and gradually abolish the patent system. ─── 我们的宣言是改革版权法并逐步废除专利体系。

52、Has the character to protect the sweetheart likely, the Tokyo cat cat, the idol manifesto and so on that kind of lovable animated cartoon? Anxious!! ─── 您的位置:我也知道>娱乐休闲>动漫>有没有人物像守护甜心,东京猫猫,偶像宣言等那种可爱的动画片啊?急啊!!

53、A subtle manifesto for change, it laid some of the basic ideological foundations for the "self-strengthening" movement of the 1860s. ─── 做为变革和维新的微妙宣言,它为1860年代的自强运动奠定了根本的思想基础。

54、South Africa's governing African National Congress has launched its manifesto for elections due with in a few monthsand running an Easten . ─── 南非执政党南非国会发布对几个月之后大选的声明。

55、We answer that the Long March is the first of its kind in the annals of history, that it is a manifesto, a publicity team, a seeding-machine. ─── 我们说,长征是历史记录上的第一次,长征是宣言书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机。

56、Lusaka Manifesto on Southern Africa(Lusaka Manifesto) ─── 关于南部非洲的卢萨卡宣言 (卢萨卡宣言)

57、I was involved in the preparation of Labour's manifesto. ─── 我参与了工党宣言的起草工作。

58、To be worth the manifesto paper they will be printed on, public-service guarantees need to be readily enforceable. ─── 为了对的起印刷的公告纸,公共服务担保需要立刻开始实施。

59、We answer that the Long March is the first of itskind in the annals of history, that it is a manifesto , apropaganda force , a seeding - machine. ─── 我们说,长征是历史(教学案例,试卷,课件,教案)上的第一次,长征是宣传书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机。

60、Its radical forms look more like a Jacobinical revolutionary manifesto than like a reasonable result. ─── 其激进的形式似乎更像个革命宣言,而不是有充分理由的论断。

61、Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution ─── 改革公司:企业革命宣言书

62、Do you have a mission statement or a manifesto?What can people expect to see there? ─── 你的博客有关于使命任务一类的声明或者说明吗?

63、Main policies and aims of a political party, esp as stated before an election; manifesto ─── (政党的)纲领; (尤指选举前发表的)政纲; 宣言

64、The Italian Foreign Ministry in Rome confirmed the abduction of Giuliana Sgrena, 54, who works for the Italian daily Manifesto newspaper. ─── 2月4日,一名意大利女记者在伊拉克首都巴格达市中心遭绑架,目前下落不明。

65、The CDU's non-committal manifesto is friendlier in tone to the market and, partly because of what it does not say, more conducive to job creation. ─── 基民盟发表的“暧昧”宣言对市场的口气友好很多,利于创造就业岗位。

66、The conservative manifesto is a model of vagueness. ─── 保守党的声明是含糊其辞的典型。

67、In the manifesto "intellectuals" means all intellectuals who are persecuted and fettered ─── 在宣言上所

68、A couple of years ago May wrote a manifesto to alert the world to the advent of widespread encryption. ─── 几年前,梅曾经写过一个宣言,让世界警惕广泛加密的到来。

69、Nakagawa and his allies are considering developing their own election manifesto independently of Aso's LDP. Some of them are even proposing to name their own candidate for prime minister. ─── 中川秀直和他的同伴们正在考虑独立于麻生太郎的自民党之外,提出自己的竞选宣言。其中一些人甚至表示,要提名他们自己的首相候选人。

70、See V.S.Nersesiants, The Civilism Manifesto,The National Idea of Russia in the Historical Quest for Equality, Freedom, and Justness, Trans. by W.E.Butler,Simmonds &Hillp.London, 2000,p.15ss. ─── 参见马长山:“俄罗斯的市民社会诉求与‘法治国家’定位”,“苏联俄罗斯法学对中国的影响”(2001年8月,镜泊湖)研讨会交流论文,第2页。

71、Comrades, in studying constitutional government we shall read various books, but above all, we must study this manifesto, and this passage should be learned by heart. ─── 同志们,我们研究宪政,各种书都要看,但尤其要看的,是这篇宣言,这篇宣言中的上述几句话,应该熟读而牢记之。

72、The envelope also contained a packet of approximately 10 sheets of paper that seemed to be a political manifesto railing against the Iraq war and a booklet. ─── 信封里还有大约10张纸,似乎是一份反对伊拉克战争的官方声明以及小册子。

73、Manifesto of Harmonious Ethics--for Harmonious Development of Living Beings and Abiotic Existence ─── 和谐伦理学宣言--为了所有生物和非生物存在的和谐发展

74、In 1987, they published a manifesto of racial superiority, and clashes broke out between Arabs and Fur. ─── 1987年,他们发表了阿拉伯人种更优秀的声明,冲突于是在阿拉伯人和富尔人之间爆发。

75、With circulation of a manifesto,the trouble is settled ─── 传檄而定

76、As the twentieth century recedes in the rear-view mirror, it increasingly seems that, for better or worse, our era's defining manifesto has been Milton Friedman's book Capitalism and Freedom . ─── 在二十世纪流逝之际,人们越发认识到,无论好坏,我们时代最为重要的著作是弗里德曼的

77、It was this plea that moved the video from being just a game parody but a manifesto for freedom with gut wrenching emotional impact. ─── 正是这一请求,使得这部视频不再仅仅是一部游戏恶搞作品,而是一个富有勇气的自由宣言,能够引发情感效应。

78、Today the Futurist cinema creates precisely that polyexpressive symphony” [from The Futurist Cinema Manifesto]. ─── 今天,未来主义电影正奏响了这首多表现主义的交响曲。”

79、He presided over the foundation of the structure of the modern party and, in 1834, launched the first national election manifesto in British history. ─── 他主持建立了保守党的现代架构,并于1834年发布了英国历史上第一部全国竞选宣言。

80、At an ANC jamboree in the Eastern Cape on January 10th, a beaming Mr Zuma launched the party's election manifesto, including a promise to tackle corruption within the party. ─── 1月10日在东开普省举行的一场非国大的狂欢集会中,笑容满面的祖马发表竞选宣言,宣言内容包括对处理党内腐败问题的承诺。

81、The pacifism of its electorally ruinous 1983 manifesto was renounced at every turn. ─── 他在选举中提出了耗资巨大的1983宣言,其中的反战主义多次被宣布放弃。

82、It was not long before the captain received from the Cossack leader a manifesto ordering him to surender. ─── 不久上尉便接到这位哥萨克首领要他投降的通牒。

83、"Extropians," as promoters of extropy call themselves, issued a seven-point lifestyle manifesto based on the vitalism of life's extropy. ─── 外熵概念的推手们自称为“外熵族Extropians”。基于生命外熵的活力论本质[4],他们发表了关于生活方式的七点声明。

84、Therefore ringside towel Bao Shou picture gradually many, “I hate you” the manifesto also already blatantly printed on the wrister. ─── 于是场边毛巾包首的画面渐渐多了起来,“我恨你们”的宣言也已经公然地印在了护腕上。

85、Charter 08’s name was intended to recall that of Charter 77, a human-rights manifesto circulated by dissidents in Czechoslovakia in 1977. ─── 08宪章的命名旨在使人回忆起77宪章,一个在1977年由捷克斯洛伐克的持不同政见者散播的人权宣言。

86、Once in power, a government is often judged by how many of its manifesto promises it manages to deliver. ─── 一旦当选,人们通常会以执政党兑现了多少竞选纲领中的承诺来判断政府的业绩。

87、Its central promise in this week's manifesto is to show “the bureaucrats who is boss”. ─── 在这周的宣言中,其中心承诺便是“让官僚知道谁才是老大”。

88、The countess shook her head disapprovingly and wrathfully at every solemn expression in the manifesto. ─── 伯爵夫人不以为然地忿忿地摇摇头以反对宣言的每一个雄壮威严的句子。

89、Their new manifesto hardly threatens to bring the whole edifice of capitalism crashing down. ─── 他们新的宣言几乎没有扬言要使整个资本主义大厦崩塌。

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