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midland 发音

英:['m?dl?nd]  美:['m?dl?nd]

英:  美:

midland 中文意思翻译



midland 网络释义

n. 内地;中部地方adj. 中部的;在内陆的

midland 词性/词形变化,midland变形


midland 短语词组

1、midland valley ─── 米德兰河谷

2、West Midland ─── [网络] 西米德兰;和西米德兰;和西米德兰地区

3、midland housing ─── 米德兰住房

4、archer-daniels-midland ─── 阿彻丹尼尔斯米德兰(财富500强公司之一,主要经营食品)

5、midland health ─── 米德兰健康

6、East Midland ─── [网络] 东米德兰;东中部方言;英格兰中东部

7、sweetbrier terrace midland mi ─── 密苏里州米德兰甜蔷薇台

8、midwives midland ─── 米德兰助产士

midland 相似词语短语

1、Vinland ─── 文兰(地名)

2、tideland ─── n.[海洋]潮浸区;潮间地

3、wildland ─── n.荒地

4、mainland ─── n.大陆;本土;adj.大陆的;本土的;n.(Mainland)人名;(英)梅因兰

5、Finland ─── n.芬兰(欧洲)

6、midband ─── n.中频,中频带

7、Wieland ─── n.维兰德(姓氏);维兰德(Heinrich,1877-1957,德国化学家,曾获1927年诺贝尔化学奖)

8、Midland ─── n.英格兰中部地区

9、midlands ─── 中部地区

midland 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I have an account in the Midland Bank. ─── 在该句中

2、Meanwhile, the inexpensive production cost in midland of China, the flexible way of trade, these factors make our clients have larger profit space.The value of brand has been promoted step by step. ─── 同时中国中部地区相对低廉的生产成本,灵活的贸易方式,为广大客户创造了更为广阔的利润空间,品牌价值已稳步提升。

3、2. A bull point for the Lancashire and Midland operators is the new monopoly position within the companies' own areas. ─── 对兰开厦和米律兰的经营者来说,略胜一筹之处是他们在各自公司经营范围内所确立的新的垄断地位。

4、In 1986,Bush was about to turn 40.This year was also the worst of Midland. ─── 1986年,小布什将满40岁。这一年也是米德兰最糟的一年。

5、That of Oxford is less certain since Oxford shire is on the border between Midland and Southern and its dialect shows certain characteristic Southern features. ─── 牛津方言的影响就不好确定,因为牛津郡位于中部和西部的交界处,并且它的方言显示出某种南方特色的特征。

6、April 11, Midland, Texas, United States, covering 1,547 square metres of a small city buildings open to the public exhibition. ─── 4月11日,美国得克萨斯州米德兰市一座占地1547平方米的小楼房向公众开放展览。

7、" Midland Bank in London has eight rocket scientists working on prediction machinery. ─── 当时伦敦的米兰银行有八位火箭科学家在研究预测装置。

8、" It occurred to me that Midland was the place I needed to go," Bush says. ─── 布什说:"我突然发觉米德兰是我需要去的地方。

9、You think most with which midland the man or woman fall in love? ─── 你认为哪一国的男人或女人最好?优点在哪里?你认为哪一国的男人或女人最坏?

10、Midland's race began in unusual fashion, as fast-starting Christijan Albers swept across from the left-hand side of the grid and promptly swiped team mate Tiago Monteiro into the pit wall. ─── 米德兰车队的比赛以不同以往的方式开场,因为起步快速的克里斯蒂安-阿尔伯斯从发车区的左侧掠过,迅速地把队友提戈亚-蒙泰罗撞到了防护墙上。

11、In fact at present, Ferrari, Toro Rosso, Midland and Super Aguri are the only teams that don't have at least one driver already signed up for next season. ─── 目前的情况,只有法拉利、红牛二队、米德兰和超级亚久里没有一个车手与车队签订下赛季的合同。

12、At Midland, Tiago Monteiro committed the cardinal sin of taking off his team mate, Christijan Albers, in the hairpin on the opening lap. ─── 在米德兰车队,提戈亚-蒙泰罗承认主要的过失是在第一圈的发夹弯影响了自己的队友克里斯蒂安-阿尔伯斯。

13、This year Midland farmers sought permits to set out small amounts of poisoned rice during the blackbirds' spring stop in order to reduce the fall blackbird population. ─── 今年,为了减少秋季黑鸟的数量,米德兰的农民在春季黑鸟停飞期间,申请了发放少量有毒大米的许可。

14、In this article we try to give some advice on how to construct the midland's strategic alliance by using some experience and lessons of other areas. ─── 在对中部及山西综合实力明确定位的基础上,合理借鉴其它区域联盟运作的经验与教训,对山西构建中部战略联盟提出思路和建议。

15、Midland Bank PLC ─── 密德兰银行

16、Each year red-winged blackbirds stop in a certain region of Midland Province on their spring and fall migration. ─── 每年春天和秋天,红翼黑鹂都会在米德兰省的某个地区停留。

17、'It occurred to me that Midland was the place I needed to go,'Bush says. ─── 布什说:“我突然发觉米德兰是我需要去的地方。”

18、Cave-in Characters, Space Differences and Rouse Policies of the Midland Rural Areas in China ─── 中部地区农村塌陷的特征、空间分异与崛起策略

19、1.the central section; the middle part; the midst 2.the midland ─── 中部

20、August saw Midland Retail Index (Hangzhou) increase 0.6 point to 103.5 points over the previous month. ─── 八月美联商铺指数(杭州)为103.5点,比上月增长0.6个点,环比增幅为0.6%。

21、"Growing Up in the Midland of China" and Hubei's Development in "the Eleventh Five Years Plan" ─── "中部崛起"与湖北"十一五"发展

22、The Bushes, both bluebloods from the Northeast, moved to Midland in May 1950 when they were in their 20s to get into the oil business that was booming in the remote west Texas desert. ─── 皆出身美国东北部名门望族的老布希夫妇,1950年5月两人20多岁时移居米德兰,投身当时在德州西部偏远沙漠中蓬勃发展的石油业。

23、He returned to Midland and formed an independent oil and gas exploration company that he called Arbusto ─── 他回到米德兰,创建了一家独立的石油和天然气勘探公司,取名为“阿布斯托”

24、midland ross process ─── 米德兰德 罗斯法

25、Midland brought one car home, with Christijan Albers finishing 11th, but Tiago Monteiro retired his M16 with differential failure. ─── 米德兰车队的一辆赛车完成了比赛,是获得第11名的克里斯蒂安-阿尔伯斯,但提戈亚-蒙托亚由于M16的差速齿轮故障而退出了比赛。

26、HSBC shifted its headquarters from Hong Kong to London in 1993 after acquiring the Midland Bank. ─── 此次首席执行官常驻香港办公,将使其更坚定地回归发源地。

27、Midland National Life Insurance Company ─── 国家人寿保险公司

28、3. Taking just a little money with her, she wanders about the Midland moors, vainly seeking employment. ─── 她身上仅带了少许的钱,在英格兰中部荒原上四处漂泊徒劳地求职。

29、development of midland ─── 中部崛起

30、DA: We hope to be competing with Midland by mid-season. Our aim is to finish in the top 10 for 2006. ─── 奥德托:我们希望能在赛季中期同米德兰一较高下。我们的目标是在2006年进入前10名。

31、Of or in a midland. ─── 中部的或在中部的

32、The Transferment of Rural Labour Force and Urbanization in the Midland ─── 中部地区农村劳动力转移与城镇化

33、Xi-Type Structure in the Midland of Yunnan Controls the Copper Ore in Jiguan Mountain and the Zonal Significance ─── 滇中多字型构造对?冠山铜矿的控制及其区域意义

34、In the second place, the East Midland district was the largest and most populous area, in which the major dialect was spoken. ─── 其次,东中部地区是最大也是人口最多最稠密的地区,人们说的方言是主要的方言。

35、Midland Bank ─── n. 米兰银行

36、midland plains ─── 内陆平原

37、Credit rationing through governmental financial intervention are different from the east, west and midland economics areas of China. ─── 摘要政府干预产生的信贷配给在我国三大经济区域有着不同的表现形式,并提出了两个命题。

38、But it had served the bank well enough since 1992, when the takeover of Midland in the UK meant HSBC had to kowtow to local rules. ─── 但自1992年以来,这种结构在汇丰发挥了良好的效用。当时,汇丰为了收购英国的米德兰银行(Midland),不得不向当地法规低头。

39、Dynamic simulation of Rice's Light-temperature Potential productivity in Yunnan midland ─── 滇中地区水稻光温生产潜力的动态模拟

40、the midland sea ─── 地中海

41、Tomalia of the Michigan Molecular Institute in Midland fashioned the first of these intriguing structures.A dendrimer molecule branches successively from inside to outside. ─── 20年前,美国密西根州密德兰市密西根分子研究所的托马里亚,制造出第一批这种让人感兴趣的构造。

42、Company Background Our client is a US multinational company, headquartered In Midland, Michigan, with more 9,000 employ...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海正东人力资源有限公司工作地点:江苏省苏州市张家港市发布时间:2009-7-11

43、We hope to be competing with Midland by mid-season. Our aim is to finish in the top 10 for 2006. ─── 我们希望能在赛季中期同米德兰一较高下。我们的目标是在2006年进入前10名。

44、baked in a pan or on a griddle (Southern and Midland). ─── 在平底锅或煎锅里烘焙而成(南部和内陆地区)。

45、I was lured into HSBC, then Midland Bank, at the age of eight by the offer of a dictionary and sports bag. ─── 在我8岁的时候,我曾被引诱进汇丰银行(HSBC),然后是米兰银行(MidlandBank),就因为它们提供了一本字典和一个运动包。

46、I have an account with Midland Bank. ─── 我在米德兰银行开有户头。


48、secondly, the segregation differs in eastern, western and midland China arranging from high to low; ─── 二、地区教育性别隔离程度从高到低为东部,西部和中部;

49、midland evergreen broad-leave forest ─── 中山常绿阔叶林

50、However, as much as I had hoped to witness the continuing growth of the team under our ownership, I truly believe this transaction is in the best interests of everyone involved - Midland Group, Spyker, and the team. ─── 然而,正如我希望能够见证车队在我们旗下可以继续成长一样,我也真地相信此次的协定对每个相关的人来说都是件好事,不论是米德兰集团、世爵还是车队。"

51、the midland region, economy, accent ─── 中部地区﹑ 中部地区的经济﹑ 中部地区的口音.

52、Not long afterwards, the second Super Aguri was out of the race after Takuma Sato's inside passing move sent him into the side of Tiago Monteiro's Midland. ─── 之后不久,佐藤琢磨内侧超越的举动让他驶进了提戈亚-蒙泰罗的米德兰赛车内侧,这让第二辆超级亚久里赛车也退出了比赛。

53、20m by Advantage West Midland, a regional development agency, to the £100m development budget.Only £15m has still to be found, and the RSC has not yet begun to tap its loyal supporters. ─── 开发预算是一亿英镑,目前还有一千五百万英镑的缺口,皇家莎士比亚公司还没有向它的忠实支持者伸手呢!)

54、Midland Hawthorn ─── 无毛山楂(蔷薇科)

55、"Midland Group and I have been committed to the team's success from the moment we decided to take it on. ─── "米德兰集团和我从开始接手的那一刻就致力于让车队取得成功。

56、A Midland, Texas native, Laura Bush holds a BA from Southern Methodist University and an MA in library science from the University of Texas at Austin. ─── 在中部的德克萨斯州,劳拉毕业于得克萨斯大学,获图书馆学硕士学位。此外她还获得了南曼瑟迪斯特大学的农学学士学位。

57、The 2008 Commemorative Air Force airshow held at the CAF's home base in Midland, Texas, had the usual mix of good weather, good aircraft and good pyrotechnics. ─── 2008年纪念空军航展上举行非洲足联的大本营在米德兰,得克萨斯州,在通常的组合天气良好,良好的飞机和良好的烟火。

58、the midland ─── 中部地区

59、Master's degree in hand,he headed for a buddy's ranch in Tacson and stopped to visit friends in Midland. ─── 取得硕士学位后,他准备去塔克森的一个好友的农场,中途他去了米德兰看望朋友。

60、Due in attendance are the likes of McLaren, BMW Sauber, Renault, Honda, Williams, Midland, Red Bull and Toro Rosso. ─── 届时参加测试的有迈凯轮、马索伯、诺、田、廉姆斯、德兰、牛和红牛之队。

61、Midland is a large show, so each year it's able to get a military tactical demonstration from the air force, the navy or sometimes both. ─── 米德兰是一家大型展会,因此每年它能够获得军事战术演示由空军,海军,有时两者兼有。

62、Study on Development of China's Midland and Countermeasures of Constructing Regional Strategic Alliance ─── 我国中部地区崛起与山西构建战略联盟对策研究

63、Jane is filled with sympathy for the misanthropic Rochester. Nevertheless, she realizes she must now depart. Taking just a little money with her, she wanders about the Midland moors, vainly seeking employment. ─── 简对愤世嫉俗的罗切斯特满怀同情,但意识到此时她必须离开。她身上仅带了少许的钱,在英格兰中部荒原上四处漂泊徒劳地求职。

64、He grew up in Midland, Texas, where his father worked in the oil business. ─── 他在得克萨斯州的米德兰镇长大,因为父亲曾在那里经营石油产业。

65、Has "greets seven evenings" the custom in the midland, this is one kind lets the sorceress implore the children safe and sound ceremony. ─── 在中部地方有“迎接七夕”的风俗,这是一种让巫婆祈求子女安然无恙的仪式。

66、" It occurred to me that Midland was the place I needed to go, " Bush says. ─── “我突然意识到,米兰就是我要去的地方,”布什说:“那里处处让人兴奋。”

67、Midland Bank, Ltd. ─── 米兰银行

68、How do you think Toyota supplying engines to Williams is going to affect Midland next year? Will it be a help or a hindrance? ─── 你认为丰田公司为威廉姆斯提供引擎会在明年对米德兰车队造成怎样的影响?是帮助还是阻碍?

69、Midland decided to change the way it credited payments to accounts. ─── 米德兰公司决定改变将所付款项存入账户的方式。

70、Finance Function Orientation and Policy Selection of the Midland Rise ─── 中部崛起的财政职能定位和政策选择

71、Midland finished one car, courtesy of Tiago Monteiro who survived an early spin in Turn Five after being tapped by Franck Montagny. ─── 米德兰只有一部赛车完成了比赛,提亚戈-蒙泰罗在开始阶段的第五弯道中被弗兰克-蒙塔吉尼碰了一下发生侧滑后挽救了回来。

72、The Midland Region of China includes eight provinces,which has abundant energy deposit such as coal,oil and water power. ─── 中部地区煤炭、石油和水能资源的禀赋较高,但是各个省份的能源状况差别很大。

73、He earned a bachelor's degree from Northwood University in Midland, Michigan. ─── 他毕业于密西根州诺斯伍德大学,获学士学位。

74、baked in a pan or on a griddle (Southern and Midland) ─── 在平底锅或煎锅里烘焙而成(南部和内陆地区)

75、The Midland Region of China includes eight provinces, which has abundant energy deposit such as coal, oil and water power. ─── 摘要中部地区煤炭、石油和水能资源的禀赋较高,但是各个省份的能源状况差别很大。

76、Midland enjoyed a great race between team mates Tiago Monteiro and Christijan Albers, and a return to solid reliability. ─── 米德兰很满意提戈亚-蒙泰罗和队友克里斯蒂安-阿尔伯斯两人的比赛,车队的可靠性重新获得了恢复。

77、DA: We hope to be competing with Midland by mid-season. ─── 奥德托:我们希望能在赛季中期同米德兰一较高下。

78、The urbanization of Chinese midland under endogenous growth and the development of SME ─── 内生增长前提下中国中部城市化进程路径选择和中小企业发展

79、Our company is affiliated with the United States subsidiary of Midland Group, is the United States-owned enterprises. ─── 我公司是从属于美国美联集团的子公司,是美国独资企业。

80、In 1982 a successful oil finder from Midland, Texas, admitted to not using geologists because when his competitors hired them, all it did was to increase their costs per barrel of oil found. ─── 1982年,一位德州米德兰油田的发现者声称没有雇佣地质学家。他的对手雇佣了地质学家,结果只是增加了每桶原油的机械成本。

81、A Midland, Texas native, Laura Bush holds a BA from Southern Methodist University and an MA in library sciencefrom the University of Texas at Austin. ─── 在中部的德克萨斯州,劳拉毕业于得克萨斯大学,获图书馆学硕士学位。此外她还获得了南曼瑟迪斯特大学的农学学士学位。

82、Smith, C. Raising Capital: Theory and Evidence. Midland Corporate Finance Journal 4, pp. 6-22, 1986. ─── 《集资:理论与验证》,刊于《米兰公司财务报刊》5,第6-22页,1986。

83、Two thugs from the Perth suburb of Midland catch the last train to Fremantle. ─── 来自柏斯市郊的流氓赶上了往弗里曼特尔的末班车。

84、As early as the Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian's diplomatic mission to Xiyu (the Western Regions) accelerated the sharing of food cultures between the midland and Xiyu. ─── 早在汉代,张骞出使西域,促进了内地与西域之间的饮食文化交流。

85、Ubiety Target and Measures of the Chinese Midland City Troops in Territorial Prosperous Strategy ─── 中部城市群在区域崛起战略中的目标定位与对策研究

86、However, the car has shown some promising pace, with Sato out-qualifying Midland's Christijan Albers and Toro Rosso's Scott Speed in Hungary. ─── 然而,由于琢磨的资格赛退出,没有能够见到SA06的威力。

87、With the implementing of the gradiente-elapsing strategy for unbalanced development,the districts of China were divided into three homogenous regions in length: East,Midland and West. ─── 中国经济区纵向同质性划分为东、中、西“三大部,”实施梯度推移的非均衡发展战略。

88、When Rocco was driving among other cars at the rush hour on Midland Avenue at about 20 miles per hour, ─── 当洛可以大约每小时20英里的速度在米兰大道的高峰时期在车流中行驶时,

89、76. In response to questions form reporters about possible drug use and heavy drinking during his bachelor days in Midland, ─── 当记者问及他在米德兰单身生活期间可能吸毒和酗酒的往事时,

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