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10-04 投稿


mucocele 发音


英:  美:

mucocele 中文意思翻译



mucocele 短语词组

1、suppurating mucocele ─── [医] 化脓性粘液囊肿

mucocele 相似词语短语

1、mycele ─── 菌丝体

2、mucosae ─── n.粘膜(mucosa的复数)

3、mucosal ─── adj.粘膜的

4、muckle ─── n.多量(等于mickle);adj.巨大的;大量的(等于mickle);adv.多地

5、rectocele ─── n.脱肛

6、mucose ─── adj.(分泌)黏液的,似黏液的

7、neurocele ─── 神经管腔

8、-coele ─── 兔子

9、urodele ─── n.有尾目;adj.有尾目的

mucocele 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pneumatization of perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and mucocele ─── 筛骨垂直板气化与黏液囊肿

2、A mucocele is a chronic, benign expansile, and cyst-like lesion of the paranasal sinus which contained inspissated secretion and is limited by the mucosa of the affected cavity. ─── 摘要副鼻窦黏液囊肿乃是一种充满黏液据鼻窦空腔的良性、扩张性且具局部破坏性的囊肿性病灶。

3、Transsphenoid endoscopic management of pituitary apoplexy sphenoid mucocele ─── 鼻内镜下治疗垂体卒中伴蝶窦囊肿一例

4、From 1978 to 1984, fourteen cases of fronto-ethmoidal mucocele (5 frontal, 3 eth moidal and 6 fronto-ethmoidal) were collected. ─── 报告额、筛窦粘液囊肿14例(额窦囊肿5例,筛窦囊肿3例、额-筛窦囊肿6例)。

5、Endoscopic sinus surgery is widely accepted as a safe and effective approach in mucocele management. ─── 目前治疗是以鼻窦内视镜手术为主流。

6、Clinical study of marsupialization for treating mucocele of nasal sinus under nasal endoscope ─── 经鼻内镜囊肿造袋术治疗鼻窦黏液囊肿的临床研究

7、Keywords Appendix;Mucocele;High frequency ultrasonic wave; ─── 阑尾;粘液囊肿;高频超声;

8、Keywords Appendix tumors;Carcinoid tumor;Mucocele;Adenocarcinoma; ─── 阑尾肿瘤;类癌;粘液性肿瘤;腺癌;

9、AIM:To report a case of left orbital abscess resulted from frontal sinus mucocele. ─── 目的:报告1例继发于前额粘液囊肿的左眼眶脓肿患者。

10、Objective To observe the clinical effect of Pingyangmycin on mucocele with local injection. ─── 目的应用平阳霉素局部注射治疗粘液腺囊肿,观察其临床疗效。

11、ObjectiveTo evaluate the clinical value of lacrimal duct stent for treatment of lacrimal sac mucocele. ─── 目的评价鼻泪管支架植入术在治疗泪囊黏液囊肿中的应用价值。

12、abstract: Objective: To compare the clinical effects of microwave or surgery for treating salivary gland mucocele. ─── 目的:比较微波和手术两种方法治疗唾液腺黏液囊肿的效果。

13、Differential diagnosis should be made between mucocele and polyps, when the lesion revealed as soft tissue densi... ─── 病灶呈软组织密度时,结节型需与息肉鉴别,炎症型需与上颌窦炎区别,窦壁缺损型易与上颌窦良恶性肿瘤混淆。

14、Clinical symptoms develop owing to vital organs compressed, such as the orbits, cranial nerves, and skull base, by the enlarged mucocele itself or due to spreading of the inflammation. ─── 由于生长缓慢,症状不明显,以深部头痛表现为多,当大到压迫周围组织而出现神经学症状,例如复视或视力模糊,才会说医治疗,治疗以手术为主。

15、Methods: All 7 patients with mucocele of the appendix were confirmed by pathology and surgery. CT findings were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法:回顾性分析7例经手术病理证实的阑尾粘液囊肿的CT表现。

16、Lacrimal mucocele ─── 泪粘液囊肿

17、CT diagnosis of appendix mucocele ─── 阑尾粘液囊肿的CT诊断

18、Contrastenhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the orbit showed a giant frontal mucocele with bony erosion and compression of the right orbit. ─── 眼眶的核磁共振摄影发现巨大额窦黏液囊肿合并骨质侵蚀及压迫右眼球。

19、Conclusion: We show here that sphenoid sinus mucocele can simulate a variety of pathological conditions. ─── 由于它在我们眼科的临床表现可以是外展神经麻痹及逐渐视力丧失,因此应将它列入?别诊断。

20、Mucocele of the frontal sinus is most commonly involved location among the paranasal sinus mucoceles. ─── 摘要额窦黏液囊肿是副鼻窦黏液囊肿中最常见的。

21、Keywords frontal and ethmoidal sinus mucocele;endoscopic sinus surgery;intubation; ─── 额筛窦囊肿;鼻内镜手术;置管;

22、mucocele of lacrimal sac ─── 泪囊粘液囊肿

23、Methods: All 7 patients with mucocele of the appendix were confirmed by pathology and surgery.CT findings were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法: 回顾性分析7例经手术病理证实的阑尾粘液囊肿的CT表现。

24、CONCLUSION: Orbital abscess can result from frontal sinus mucocele in patient without previous history of paranasal sinus. . . ─── 结论:眼眶脓肿可继发于前额粘液囊肿,而且患者可无鼻旁窦既往病史。

25、A case of blindness due to infection after sphenoid mucocele operation ─── 蝶窦囊肿术后感染致单眼失明一例

26、Keywords Paranasal sinus diseases Mucocele Tomography X - ray computed Magnetic resonance imaging; ─── 关键词鼻窦疾病;黏液囊肿;体层摄影术;X线计算机;磁共振成像;

27、mucocele of frontal sinus ─── 额窦粘液囊肿

28、Objective: To investigate the CT features of mucocele of the appendix, and to improve the diagnostic ability of the disease. ─── 目的:研究阑尾粘液囊肿的CT表现,提高对该病的认识和诊断水平。

29、Clinical analysis of appendiceal mucocele in 12 cases ─── 阑尾粘液囊肿12例临床分析

30、Keywords Endoscopic sinus surgery;Frontal sinus;Ethrnoidal sinus;Mucocele; ─── 鼻内镜手术;额窦;筛窦;囊肿;

31、mucocele of tongue ─── 舌粘液[腺]囊肿

32、Keywords expansion sponges;compressed gelatin sponges;dacryocyst mucocele;dacryocystorhinostomy; ─── 膨胀海绵;明胶海绵;泪囊粘液性囊肿;泪囊鼻腔吻合术;

33、mucocele of orbit ─── [眼]眶黏液囊肿

34、It not only affects development of pelvis and the toes had deformed and arthrosis of the big toe stick our, or form mucocele. ─── 人体的重心过度前移,不仅会影响骨盆的发育,而且脚趾被紧紧的挤进鞋尖的狭窄部分,日子久了,脚趾就会变形,大脚趾的关节突出,或形成粘液囊炎肿。

35、dacryocyst mucocele ─── 泪囊粘液性囊肿

36、Pneumoceles may occur suddenly, presumably by a trap-valve mechanism or by rupture of a large mucocele. ─── 窦膨出可见突然发生,大概是一种滤网机制或者是一个大的黏液囊肿破裂所致。

37、The tumor also extended to the frontal sinus and sella turcica.Nasal examination showed bulging mucocele from the bilateral ethmoid and sphenoid sinus. ─── 电脑断层检查发现在其双侧筛窦及蝶窦有巨大软组织佔据并且使双侧眼窝壁变形压迫视神经。

38、Conclusion :CT scan is a useful method in diagnosing mucocele of the appendix. ─── 结论: CT扫描是阑尾粘液囊肿术前诊断及与其它病变鉴别的重要检查手段。

39、This study aims to present the intranasal findings of congenital lacrimal sac mucocele and to report the results of transnasal endoscopic drainage for this disorder. ─── 摘要本研究目的在提出先天性泪囊黏液囊肿鼻腔内视观察的表现,并报告经鼻腔内视镜引流的结果。

40、mucocele of salivary gland ─── 涎腺粘液囊肿

41、Frontal sinus mucocele invading the orbit via a traumatic fistula was verified by operative finding and histopathological study. ─── 经手术后,始发现为一由额窦经过先前的枪伤洞孔而伸入左眼眼窝的粘液囊肿。

42、7.Purpose: Here we examine a case of sphenoid sinus mucocele presenting with left abducens nerve palsy and subsequent loss of left eye vision. ─── 摘要目的:报告一例因罹患蝶窦黏液囊肿而导致单侧外展神经麻痹及视力丧失的病例。

43、Keywords aerocyst urethral catheter;dacryocyst mucocele;dacryocystorhinostomy; ─── 气囊导尿管;泪囊粘液性囊肿;泪囊鼻腔吻合术;

44、Aerocyst urethral catheter application for the treatment of dacryocyst mucocele ─── 气囊导尿管在治疗泪囊粘液性囊肿的应用

45、Keywords Appendiceal neoplasms;Carcinoid tumor;Mucocele;Adenocarcinoma; ─── 阑尾肿瘤;类癌瘤;粘液囊肿;腺癌;

46、orbital mucocele ─── 眶粘液囊肿

47、Purpose: To investigate the clinical behavior of oral mucocele, and the outcome of different treatment methods, such as excision and laser vaporization. ─── 摘要目的:探讨黏液囊肿在口腔的临床表现,及采用切除手术和雷射汽化手术两种治疗方式的成效。

48、mucocele (mucocoele) ─── 粘液囊肿

49、CT scan showed left frontal sinus mucocele that extended to the left orbit. ─── CT报告左额窦粘液囊肿蔓延至左眶内。

50、appendiceal mucocele ─── 阑尾粘液囊肿

51、Keywords appendix;lethal tumour;carcinoid;adenoma;mucocele; ─── 阑尾;恶性肿瘤;类癌;腺癌;粘液性囊腺癌;

52、Objective To observe the clinical effect of Pingyangmycin on mucocele with local injection. ─── 目的应用平阳霉素局部注射治疗粘液腺囊肿,观察其临床疗效。

53、Diagnostic value of CT Findings in Mucocele of the Appendix ─── 阑尾粘液囊肿的CT诊断及其临床价值

54、The comparison of two kinds of surgical approach in secondary orbital mucocele ─── 继发性眶黏液囊肿两种手术进路比较

55、4.An uncommon case of concurrent extravasation mucocele and epidermoid cyst in the lower lip of a 13-year-old boy is described. ─── 摘要本报告为黏液囊肿与表皮样囊肿同时发生于13岁男孩下唇部之不寻常病例。

56、Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed paranasal sphenoid sinus mucocele. ─── 接著患者开始觉得左眼视力逐渐模糊,四个月后检查时,患者左眼已无光感。

57、CONCLUSION:Orbital abscess can result from frontal sinus mucocele in patient without previous history of paranasal sinu... ─── 结论:眼眶脓肿可继发于前额粘液囊肿,而且患者可无鼻旁窦既往病史。

58、Mucocele of gallbladder ─── 胆囊粘液囊肿

59、Ethmoid mucocele ─── 筛窦黏液囊肿

60、Sphenoidal sinus mucocele with intracranial extension (A report of 3 cases) ─── 累及颅内的蝶窦粘液囊肿(3例报告)

61、The dacryocystorhinostomy with inferior lacrimal ductule intubation in the treatment of mucocele of lacrimal sac ─── 下泪小管插管泪囊鼻腔吻合治疗泪囊黏液囊肿

62、The mucocele inside full liquid was a homogeneous cystic mass in 3 cases,cystic mass with internal septations in 1cases , and cystic mass with peripheral solid tissue in 1 case . ─── 囊内积满液性暗区,内有细小均匀光点3例,有分隔1例,囊性为主,边缘实性组织1例。

63、Mucocele of nasal sinus ─── 鼻窦粘液囊肿

64、Mucocele of bronchus ─── 支气管粘液囊肿

65、mucocele of cecum ─── 盲肠粘液囊肿

66、The epithelia of both mucocele and nasal mucosa is the same pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium, rich cilium in mucocele and the function of cilium could recover. ─── 鼻窦黏液囊肿内衬上皮与鼻腔大部分黏膜一样均为假复层纤毛柱状上皮,纤毛发达,术后纤毛功能可以恢复,其超微结构与病理特性密切相关。

67、frontal and ethmoidal sinus mucocele ─── 额筛窦囊肿

68、Isolated sphenoid mucocele is rare.It often occurs when the drainage of the sphenoid sinus is obstructed due to inflammation, fibrosis, or previous surgery. ─── 摘要单独蝶窦黏液囊肿少见,主要是由于原发性的慢性鼻窦炎或续发性的鼻窦术后以致引流管道阻塞而形成。

69、The effects of microwave therapy to mucocele in salivary gland ─── 微波治疗涎腺粘液囊肿疗效观察

70、Conclusion: The high frequency ultrasonic wave scan is a useful method in diagnosing mucocele of the appendix . ─── 结论:高频超声是阑尾粘液囊肿术前诊断及与其他病变鉴别的重要检查手段。

71、suppurating mucocele ─── [医] 化脓性粘液囊肿

72、Purpose: To study the value of CT in the diagnosis of appendix mucocele. ─── 目的:探讨阑尾粘液囊肿的CT诊断价值。

73、Clinical, pathological and radiological characters of appendiceal mucocele ─── 阑尾黏液囊肿临床及病理表现与影像学特点分析

74、Conclusion: The high frequency ultrasonic wave scan is a useful method in diagnosing mucocele of the appendix . ─── 结论:高频超声是阑尾粘液囊肿术前诊断及与其他病变鉴别的重要检查手段。

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