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10-03 投稿


speechlessness 发音

英:[?spi?t?l?sn?s]  美:[?spi?t?l?sn?s]

英:  美:

speechlessness 中文意思翻译



speechlessness 词性/词形变化,speechlessness变形

副词: speechlessly |名词: speechlessness |

speechlessness 相似词语短语

1、fecklessness ─── n.徒劳;低效率;无能;不负责任

2、sleeplessness ─── n.失眠

3、breathlessness ─── n.呼吸急促,气喘吁吁

4、peacelessness ─── n.和平;平静;和睦;秩序(peace的变形)

5、affectlessness ─── 无感情

6、deathlessness ─── 不死

7、specklessness ─── 无斑点

8、cheerlessness ─── 无精打采

9、peerlessness ─── n.无双;绝世

speechlessness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Seeing him suddenly after twenty years, she was speechless. ─── 二十年后突然见到他,她一时无语。

2、He looks.... ummmmm.... I'm speechless. ─── 他看起来真是。。。。。。。。。。。。。我真的不知道该怎么形容。

3、And the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing the voice but seeing no one. ─── 7与他同行的人站着,说不出话来,听见声音,却看不见人。

4、Jean Valjean, who had no recollection of ever having promised anything, remained speechless. ─── 冉阿让绝对回忆不起他曾允诺过什么话,他呆着不能开口。

5、For a long while he remained speechless. ─── 他愣了半天没说话。

6、Alternatively, you may be focused on someone you work with who will announce news or a decision that leaves you speechless. ─── 因此,你也许应关注那些和你一起工作的人,他们可能将会公布一些让你无语的消息或决定。

7、Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms. ─── 她一时说不出话来,脸上洋溢着喜色,笑着把儿子揽入杯中。

8、An empty head or a blank mind which leads to speechlessness--that is silence. ─── 腹中空泛,思想一片苍白,故无言可发,这是沉默。

9、"The aldermen . . . were . . . flabbergasted;they were speechless from bewilderment" (Benjamin Disraeli). ─── “高级市政官们目瞪口呆;他们因为迷惑而变得哑口无言” (本杰明·迪斯累利)

10、I'm speechless just cause I have too much to say. ─── 只需要你靠近我给我人生当中第一个吻。

11、Langlock Description: A charm that renders the victim speechless by causing their tongue to stick to the roof of their mouth. ─── 一个让人的舌头粘在上颌上而不能正常说话的咒语。

12、These snowy mountain tops form a beautiful picture that will make any viewer speechless. ─── 其白雪皑皑的山顶构成了一幅美丽的图画,美得让每一个游客无法用语言形容。

13、His words left her speechless. ─── 听了他的话,她不知说什么好。

14、Loch’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth, speechless. ─── 卢克的眼睛圆睁,嘴巴也大张着,说不出话来。

15、He just stood there speechless. ─── 他站在那里一言不发。

16、His rudeness rendered me speechless. ─── 他的粗鲁使我讲不出话来。

17、Speechless with horror. ─── 吓得说不出话

18、While he was saying this to me, I bowed with my face toward the ground and was speechless. ─── 15他向我这样说、我就脸面朝地、哑口无声。

19、He studied with a zest which struck his teathers speechless. ─── 他学习得那么起劲,使他的老师们惊讶得说不出话来。

20、She snatched the book from his hands and stared at him, speechless with emotion . ─── 她一手抢过了这本书,惊惶地看着雷参谋,说不出半个字。

21、All are speechless, he return his deeds to the society in his own ay! ─── 在场的所有人无比感动,难以形容,他以他的方式回报社会!

22、The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. ─── 同行的人站在那里,说不出话来,听见声音,却看不见人。

23、He was almost speechless with anger. ─── 他气得几乎说不出话来。

24、All the people present are looking at each other in speechless. ─── 听到这个消息后,在场的人都面面相觑。

25、And if the home shopping network has their lingerie bonanza on, Wally's speechless the whole night. ─── 只要电视家庭购物指南一介绍女子睡衣,沃里一晚上都不说一句话。

26、They were speechless for joy. ─── 他们都高兴得说不出话来了。

27、Speechless, Henry nodded and sat on a folding seat. ─── 亨利一言不发,点点头,坐在折椅上。

28、I am almost speechless at all of these beautiful words! ─── (我几乎被这些甜言蜜语感动得说不出话来了!

29、He was speechless with anger, and could only stand by helplessly. ─── 他气得说不出话来,只会干瞪眼。

30、Picking up the pen and then giving up several times, I felt like I had a lot to say but was speechless at the same time. ─── 几度提笔,又几度放弃,似有千言万语,又仿佛无话可说。

31、Its sad indeed...sorry , I really want to post something, while after quoting your post, it turns out to be speechless myself. ─── 以下是引用外来客的帖子:今天我很无奈地教育了我的儿女,在中国大陆绝对不能见义勇为...心很伤,很不开心!

32、Her mother was speechless with surprise because she spent all her money. ─── 她把所有的钱都花了,使她妈妈吃惊得说不出话来。

33、Inside the family hall, frightened speechless, people turned pale and looked at one another distractedly. ─── 众人躲在堂屋里不敢说一句话,脸色都变青了,彼此茫然地望着。

34、He took the two little hands Between his own. He was speechless for a moment. ─── 他握着她的两只小手,一时说不出话来。

35、After witnessing what happened, everyone was speechless and lost in thought. ─── 众人见状,都默然不语,陷入沉思中。

36、also another transition that he's making, and this involves the subject of virginity: not a speechlessness, but his actual abstinence. ─── 他还做了另一个转变,这涉及到童贞的话题:,不是哑口无言,而是他实际的节制。

37、She stared blankly at her mother, speechless. ─── 她痴楞地望着她妈,半晌说不出话来。

38、His remark rendered me speechless. ─── 他的话使我哑口无言。

39、THE two boys flew on and on, toward the village, speechless with horror. ─── 两个孩子由于恐惧,一言不发,只顾朝着村庄飞快地跑啊跑。

40、When his wife said something, he charged her and kicked her in the stomach. For a long time she lay on the ground quite speechless. ─── 二强嫂说了句什么,他奔了她去,一脚踹在小肚子上,她躺在地上半天没出声。

41、Before the Tsar had reached it, each regiment in its speechless immobility seemed like a lifeless body. ─── 在国王还没有驰近的时候,每个兵团沉默不言,毫不动弹,俨像没有生命的物体一般;

42、The Girl's shocked and speechless. ─── 女孩愣住了,说不出话来。

43、Though he sat there speechless, his heart was full of warmth and gratitude. ─── 坐在那儿,说不出什么来,心中可是感激,亲热。

44、The evidence left him speechless. ─── 在证据面前,他哑口无言。

45、M. stood there like a log, stunned and speechless. ─── 像园木似的站在那里,震惊地说不出话。

46、Though normally quick-tongued, he becomes speechless in front of girls. ─── 别看他平常喜欢犯贫,可一见了女孩儿就说不出话来了。

47、He remembered now that a witch who was in league with the bad king had cast a spell on him and changed him from a knight to a speechless dwarf. ─── 他此刻想起来是和坏国王勾结的那个女巫在他身上施法,把他从一位武士变成不能说话的侏儒。

48、Most of my fellow waitresses and I were speechless, except for the one who blurted out, "How could anyone stoop so low? ─── 包括我在内的大部分女服务员都没吭声,只有一个人脱口而出:“谁能弯腰弯到那么低啊?”

49、Eliza again looks at him, speechless, and does not stir. ─── 伊莉莎又看看他,没有说话,也没有动。

50、Emissary is speechless, the result is accurate. ─── 使者默默无语,答案正确。

51、The Lip Bite. Self-explanatory. Which is handy as it renders me mostly speechless. ─── 咬嘴唇。很明显,这是个容易说明的表情,通常让我辞穷。

52、Dora had never received such a gift she had no finery except her wedding ring. Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms. ─── 多拉从未收到过这样的礼物;除了结婚戒指外,她没有别的饰物。哽咽无语,她把儿子一把揽入怀中,脸上洋溢着动人的光彩。

53、On the other hand, their sublime status in the vigorous explanation of the way of yin and yang made them speechless. ─── 另一方面,在阴阳之道强有力的解释中她们所享有的崇高地位又使她们哑口无言。

54、As of two pm this afternoon, one pm central, it is official. I am a Marine. I see you are speechless from the heavy-osity of my news. ─── 今天下午两点,中部时间1点,官方时间,我成了一名海军。你们一定被我的新闻??哑口无言了?

55、"He is speechless then. There is no room for an argument. ─── 他听我这样说,就没有话可以说了,要争论也无从争起。

56、Anger left him speechless. ─── 他气得说不出话来。

57、Realistically speaking, Chinese streetball has always been one of the elite in the world, the videos from Chinese ballers can always leave EVERYONE speechless. ─── 从现实来说,中国的街球水平是在世界一流的,国人的精彩视频一直都可以让外国人看得目瞪口呆。

58、On the face of it, these are incredibly bizarre undiscovered species which would no doubt leave Charles Darwin and David Attenborough speechless.... ─── 从表面上看,这些令人难以置信的离奇新物种无疑将让已故的查尔斯达尔文和大卫阿滕伯勒无话可说....

59、Nothing can be said in palliation or excuse of human guilt;and, therefore, he who bore its whole weight stood speechless before his judge. ─── 信徒们,我们在上帝面前,是罪无可赦,该下地狱,没有什麽理由藉口可让我们脱罪。

60、Laura was speechless with rage. ─── 劳拉气得说不出话来。

61、I think there's a connection here between the image from the commonplace book and the treatment in Milton's mask of this strangely conjoint phenomenon of virginity and speechlessness. ─── 我认为,笔记书中的形象,和弥尔顿《面具》中有关童贞和无语这一共同现象,是有联系的。

62、"Dear God! " he whispered, and then he gazed, speechless, at the vampire. ─── “我的上帝!”他低声惊叫,然后盯着吸血鬼,说不出话来。

63、The three of them just gaped at him, speechless. ─── 吴为成他们三个愣着眼睛,做不得声。

64、Someon who is disabled but not handicapped!! His image at this moment is so great!! It makes people who have fully abled bodies speechless &humble!! ─── 一个身残心不残的捐款者,令世界动容!他的形象此时此刻是如此地高大、伟岸,足以令无数健全人无地自容!

65、His wife looked dazed and remained speechless. ─── 他底妻简直痴似的,话一句没有。

66、The sadness of losing his daughter left him speechless. ─── 失去女儿让他悲伤地说不出话来。

67、He kept a straight face and remained speechless. ─── 他绷着脸不说话。

68、Her stunning beauty makes everyone speechless. ─── 她惊人的美貌使人说不出话来。

69、You leave your adversaries speechless. ─── 你让你的敌人永远闭嘴。

70、He was momentarily rendered speechless with joy. ─── 他因欣喜若狂而一时说不出话来。

71、If you really want to practice, I am speechless, you can only leave office. ─── 中文翻译:如果你真的想走,我无言,只能任你离去。

72、Powerless and speechless, Ralph, Sr. and Nancy exchange looks. ─── 大拉尔夫和南茜哑口无言,无力地相互看着对方。

73、Dora had never received such a gift. She had no finery except her wedding ring. Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms. ─── 多拉从未收到过这样的礼物。除了结婚戒指外,她没有别的饰物。哽咽无语,她把儿子一把揽入怀中,脸上洋溢着动人的光彩。

74、Her happiness miggle with surprise, caused her to become speechless. ─── 她惊喜交集,一句话也说不出来。

75、To her surprise, Trenor answered the look with a speechless stare. ─── 令她大感意外的是,在自己这种目光下,雷诺哑口无言,瞠目而视。

76、However, Xie Jun Hu will be forced to fight for more than an hour, also Laonie speechless. ─── 但是,谢军将胡荣华逼得苦战一个多小时,也让老聂咋舌。

77、Feng Yun-ching sat speechless, his eyes, staring. ─── 冯云卿瞪着眼睛做不得声。

78、How could you be so stupid, I'm speechless. ─── 你怎么能那么蠢呢,我无话可说了。

79、But the sudden disappearing of your figure on the screen lingers my missing in the air, which can only be conveyed with my speechless words. ─── 只是突然依赖的隔屏,消失了你的身影,让我的思念在空中流转,无奈只好让无言的文字倾诉我的想念。

80、The boys stared at her, speechless. ─── 他们痴痴地站在那里,不转眼地望着她的脸庞,半晌说不出一句话。

81、And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man. ─── 7同行的人,站在那里,说不出话来,听见声音,却看不见人。

82、They stared at each other in speechless despair and eyed her questioningly. ─── 在座的人面面相觑,大家带着询问和疑惑的眼光举目望她。

83、All three remained speechless, and indicated by a sign of the head that they did not know him. ─── 他们三个人都不知所措,摇着头,表示一点也不认识他。

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