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10-03 投稿


multipartite 发音

英:[,m?lt?'pɑ?ta?t]  美:[,m?lt?'pɑrta?t]

英:  美:

multipartite 中文意思翻译



multipartite 短语词组

1、multipartite convention ─── [法] 多边协约

2、multipartite treaty ─── [法] 多边条约

3、multipartite parallelism ─── 多部分并行

4、multipartite graph ─── 多部图

5、multipartite national entities ─── [法] 国际法人

6、multipartite virus ─── [医]多成分病毒

7、multipartite tournaments ─── 多方锦标赛

8、multipartite action ─── [法] 多方参与的诉讼

9、multipartite genome ─── [医]多分体基因组

10、multipartite tournament ─── 多方锦标赛

11、multipartite contract ─── [法] 多方参与的契约

multipartite 相似词语短语

1、multiparae ─── n.经产妇;非初产妇(multipara的变形)

2、multipartyism ─── 多党制

3、multiparty ─── adj.多党的;包括多党的;导致多党并存的选举制度的;包含多党党员的

4、multiparameter ─── n.[统计]多参数

5、multiparticle ─── 多粒子

6、multivariate ─── adj.[数][统计]多元的;[数]多变量的;n.多元;多变量

7、unipartite ─── 不能分割的;未分裂的

8、multiparity ─── n.经产;多胎产

9、multipart ─── adj.多部件的;几部分的

multipartite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Exception to the Ration Taxation System is Further Evolvement of Multipartite Taxation ─── 定额租制是分成租制进一步演化之异议

2、Graph Designs of Complete Multipartite Multi-graph ─── 关于多重完全多部图的图设计

3、Classification and quantification of qubit and qutrit multipartite pure state entanglement ─── 两态和三态多体纯态的度量和分类

4、Ideal Secret Sharing Schemes with Multipartite Access Structure ─── 基于多部访问结构的理想的秘密共享方案

5、A scheme for probabilistic dense coding between multipartite by an N+1particle nonmaximally entangled state is proposed. ─── 提出了当量子通道为多粒子非最大纠缠态时的多方概率密集编码方案。

6、multipartite patellae ─── 多分髌骨

7、equilibrium multipartite tournaments ─── 均匀多部竞赛图

8、The first chapter: Survey on multipartite mediation mechanism. ─── 第一章:大调解机制概况。

9、Hamiltonian Multipartite Tournaments ─── 哈密尔顿多部竞赛图(英文)

10、Different from the sale, bid and realization, Mandatory Auction is a particular sale with public quality, quality of multipartite subject and quail of procedure by operation of law. ─── 强制拍卖不同于公物拍卖、任意拍卖、变卖,它具有公开性、竞争性、主体多位性、程序法定性的特点。


12、The first chapter: Survey on multipartite mediation mechanism. ─── 第一章:大调解机制概况。

13、The system of “Docking litigation and conciliation” is named from The multipartite mediation of NanTong . ─── “诉调对接”机制最早是由实务部门提出,起源于南通的大调解机制。

14、The second chapter: background and reason analysis of multipartite mediation mechanism. ─── 第二章:大调解机制的产生背景及原因分析。


16、The chromaticity of certain complete multipartite graphs. ─── 期刊论文 赵海兴;李学良;刘儒英;冶成福;

17、multipartite contract ─── [法] 多方参与的契约

18、In this paper, a concise and alternative average entropy is introduced, which can be used to analyze entanglement of multipartite pure states. ─── 摘要提出了一种简捷直观的多体纠缠纯态纠缠度计算公式并与平均熵的计算结果进行了全面比较。

19、In this article, we firstly propose a dense coding scheme by using maximally non-symmetric multipartite quantum channel, and compare the information of non-symmetric channel to the symmetric one"s; ─── 首先提出了非对称多体量子通道为最大纠缠态时的密集编码方案,并且比较了非对称量子通道与对称量子通道所传的信息量;

20、Third, the multipartite mediation mechanism itself has the unique superiority, which can meet the realistic need to resolve dispute effectively. ─── 第三,大调解机制本身具有独特的优势,使其适应了有效解决纠纷的现实需要。

21、multipartite graph ─── 多部图

22、multipartite entanglement ─── 多体纠缠

23、multipartite national entities ─── [法] 国际法人

24、Recent Progress on Entanglement of Multipartite Pure States ─── 关于纠缠纯态研究的新进展

25、non-representable multipartite matroids ─── 不可表示的多部拟阵

26、multipartite virus ─── 多成分病毒

27、Complete multipartite graph ─── 完全多部图

28、Classes of Chromatically Normal Graphs of Complete Multipartite Graphs ─── 完全多部图中的色正规图类

29、2-fold complete multipartite graph ─── 多重完全多部图

30、We show a scheme for remote preparation of three types of multipartite pure states, general multipartite pure state and two special cases of it. ─── 我们提出了一个远程制备三种形式的多粒子纯态的方案,远程制备一般形式的多粒子纯态及两种特殊情况下的多粒子纯态。

31、The mediation and other ways of resolving dispute are practical and experienced.The multipartite mediation is also one of good solution mechanism which is unceasingly summarized in the practice. ─── 调解及其他各种纠纷解决方式是实践先行和经验性的,大调解也是人们在实践中不断总结出的一种解决纠纷机制。

32、multipartite treaty ─── [法] 多边条约

33、multipartite genome ─── 多分体基因组

34、G-designs of complete multipartite graph with G has five points-four edges or five points-five edges is studied. ─── 讨论了完全多部图的G设计的存在性,其中G是五点四边图和五点五边图。

35、Chromatic Choosability of a Class of Complete Multipartite Graphs ─── 一类完全多部图的色可选择性

36、The second chapter: background and reason analysis of multipartite mediation mechanism. ─── 第二章:大调解机制的产生背景及原因分析。

37、A semicomplete multipartite digraph is obtained by replacing each edge of a complete multipartite graph by an arc or by a pair of two mutually opposite arcs. ─── 摘要 用一条弧或一对方向相反的弧代替完全多部无向图的每一条边所得到的有向图被称为是半完全多部有向图。

38、The system of "Docking litigation and conciliation" is named from The multipartite mediation of NanTong . ─── “诉调对接”机制最早是由实务部门提出,起源于南通的大调解机制。

39、The third chapter: analysis on present situation of multipartite mediation mechanism . ─── 第三章:大调解机制的运行现状分析。

40、Multipartite access structure ─── 多方访问结构

41、Why can the multipartite mediation work? ─── 为什么会产生大调解?

42、The third chapter: analysis on present situation of multipartite mediation mechanism . ─── 第三章:大调解机制的运行现状分析。

43、multipartite action ─── [法] 多方参与的诉讼

44、Keywords Separability;Entanglement Measure;Multipartite Quantum States; ─── 可分性;纠缠度量;多体量子态;

45、Construction of a class of multipartite graph designs ─── 一类多部图设计的构造

46、multipartite convention ─── [法] 多边协约

47、G-designs of complete multipartite graph with five points-four edges are studied. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the G-designs of K(subscript n) (t). ─── 摘要讨论了完全多部图的G-设计的存在性,其中G是五点四边图,并给出其存在谱。

48、On the Spectral Radius of Multipartite Tournament Matrices ─── 块竞赛矩阵的谱半径

49、First, complicated social dispute in the reforming time is the social background of the multipartite mediation mechanism. ─── 首先,转型时期社会矛盾纠纷复杂化是大调解机制产生的社会背景;

50、multipartite matroids ─── 多部拟阵

51、By comparing with the average von Neumann entropy established previously, the results show that the entanglement of multipartite pure states can also be measured in this new scheme. ─── 分析表明,多体纠缠纯态的纠缠度也可用笔者所提出的新公式来描述。

52、Realization of Ideal Multipartite Access Structure Based on Threshold Scheme ─── 基于门限方案的理想多方访问结构的实现

53、Remote preparation of multipartite pure state[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王子峰,张文海,叶柳.

54、They almost completely characterized the uniquely 3-list colorable complete multipartite graphs. ─── 他们几乎完全刻画了唯一3 -列表可染完全多部图。

55、G-designs of complete multipartite graph with G has five points-four edges or five points-five edges is studied. ─── 摘要讨论了完全多部图的G设计的存在性,其中G是五点四边图和五点五边图。

56、This essay analyzes the differences between the two kinds of audience's behaviors and the feasibility of multipartite broadcast of the TV column-type program from the angle of audience selection. ─── 本文将从影响受众选择行为的两个角度出发,对造成这一差异的原因以及栏目类节目多集式播出的可行性展开分析。

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