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10-03 投稿


misnomer 发音

英:[?m?s?no?m?r]  美:[?m?s?n??m?(r)]

英:  美:

misnomer 中文意思翻译



misnomer 短语词组

1、misnomer black box ─── 用词不当的黑匣子

2、misnomer recognized gre ─── 误称公认gre

3、Misnomer Point ─── 错误点

misnomer 反义词


misnomer 词性/词形变化,misnomer变形


misnomer 同义词


misnomer 相似词语短语

1、misname ─── vt.误称;给…取名不当

2、misdoer ─── n.行为不轨者;做坏事者

3、misnamed ─── adj.误称的;取名不当的;v.误称;辱骂(misname的过去式和过去分词)

4、misnomers ─── n.用词不当;误称;写错姓名

5、isomer ─── n.[化学]同分异构物;[核]同质异能素

6、misnames ─── vt.误称;给…取名不当

7、ionomer ─── n.[高分子]离聚物,[高分子]离子交联聚合物

8、misnumber ─── 月

9、monomer ─── n.单体;单元结构

misnomer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Teachers: the new small, your problem is a misnomer, Fun and Games by saying to describe the teacher very happy. The new small: Hanxiaojiuquan. ─── 老师:小新,妳的毛病就是用词不当,现在考考妳用壹句成语来形容老师很开心。小新:含笑九泉。

2、In fact, "help defender" is really a misnomer in Garnett's case. ─── 事实上,“协防者”对于加内特而言这样的称呼真的不恰当。

3、In this respect, the NIC adds, speaking of the "the international order" may become something of a misnomer. ─── 美国国家情报委员会补充称,从这点来看,谈论“国际秩序”可能有些用词不当。

4、Decoupling was always a misnomer if it implied that an American recession would have no impact in the East. ─── 如果脱钩是讲美国经济衰退不会对东方产生影响的话,那么这是误导。

5、The term set-top box will become something of a misnomer in the near future, as most displays will become too thin to allow a box to placed on ..... ─── 名词机顶盒将成为一种名不符实在不久的将来,由于大部分显示器将成为太薄允许放在箱子来::

6、Decoupling was always a misnomer if it implied that an American recession would have no impact in the East. ─── 如果脱钩是讲美国经济衰退不会对东方产生影响的话,那么这是误导。

7、It's a common misnomer to call the language "assembler" , so start out on the right foot by calling the language by its proper name. ─── 把这门语言叫做“汇编程序”这种用词不当相当普遍,因此,请从这门语言的正确称呼作为起点出发。

8、“First-class hotel” was a complete misnomer for the tumbledown farmhouse we stayed in. ─── 把我们住的那个摇摇欲坠的村舍称作“一流旅馆”纯粹是乱用词语.

9、Therefore, it is a misnomer to call them attachments; ─── 因此,称这些图像和文件为附加装置是不妥当的;

10、1. “First-class hotel” was a complete misnomer for the tumbledown farmhouse we stayed in. ─── 把我们住的那个摇摇欲坠的村舍称作“一流旅馆”,纯粹是乱用词语.

11、4. teachers: the new small, your problem is a misnomer, fun and games by saying to describe the teacher very happy. the new small: hanxiaojiuquan. ─── 老师:小新,妳的毛病就是用词不当,现在考考签名档图片句成语来形容老师很开心。小新:含笑九泉。

12、Translation theory is a misnomer,a blanket term, a possible translation, therefore a translation label, for Ubersetzungswissenschaft. ─── 是一本英国人写的翻译理论教材中的一句话,总是拿不定到底是什么意思,请知道的帮下忙。

13、The World Organization for Animal Health said on Monday that the name swine flu is a misnomer as the deadly virus has origins among birds and humans as well as pigs. ─── 世界动物健康组织周一说猪流感是个误称,致命细菌可以起源于鸟类、人类,猪也一样。

14、Those employee deductions are commonly referred to as a payroll tax,[35]but that is a misnomer in two respects. ─── 雇员缴纳的部分,通常作为工资表中的税收而提及,[35]但是这里有两点不妥。

15、They then sell the customized computer under their own name.The term is really a misnomer because OEMs are not the original manufacturers -- they are the customizers. ─── 因为我建议在看完这篇文章的时候,最好干点别的,否则说不定会导致19世纪以太学的疯狂症的发作。

16、Too often we hear the phrase, "This movie breaks the genre," or "genre-defying." Do you think maybe "genre" is a misnomer, more effective as a marketing ploy than anything else? ─── 我们太常听到这样的话了,“这部电影打破了该类型”或是“反类型的”,你是否觉得这里的“类型”这词没有意义,更多地是作为营销的手段。

17、Insisting on such a misnomer for SARS could only confuse its population and result in medical and social chaos. ─── 互联网的发展也将我们公司的翻译服务扩展到了全国各市县。

18、Breen "Canuckster1127" (Sterling, VA USA)Critiquing Dickens' Christmas Carol is a misnomer. ─── 美国又靠什么得心应手地来玩弄世界经济?

19、Since we are focusing on exits and will be using only one boundary of the channel, the term“ channel” may be a slight misnomer, but we will continue to refer to these trailing exits by their commonly used name. ─── 由于我们现在只关心退出策略,而且只使用通道的其中一条边界,似乎使用“通道”这个名称有点说不过去,但我们还是决定使用习惯名称来表示这种跟踪止损策略。

20、First-class hotel' was a complete misnomer for the tumbledown farmhouse we stayed in. ─── 把我们住的那个摇摇欲坠的村舍称作‘一流旅馆’, 纯粹是乱用词语.

21、The term Style is a bit of a misnomer, since these conventions cover far more than just source file formatting. ─── 使用术语风格有点用词不当,因为这些习惯远不止源代码文件格式这么简单。

22、Although the term anti-Semitism has wide currency, it is a misnomer, implying discrimination against all Semites. ─── 虽然anti-Semitism这个词已广为使用,但它是个使用不当的词,暗示著对所有闪米特人的歧视。

23、Though calling it a local deals business in a mega-city like Beijing, for example, is a little bit of a misnomer, Chao says. ─── 赵克仁还称,在北京这样的超大型城市,将糯米称为“本地”商户折扣服务似乎有些用词不当。

24、Lactate is gone from the muscle in the 15 to 30 minutes after exercise and does not make you sore: "The second misnomer is that lactic acid hangs around in your muscle for long periods of time. ─── 在结束训练后的15到30分钟内乳酸即从肌肉内释放出来了,因此并不会让人感觉酸痛。Joyner博士说:“第二个错误概念就是乳酸将在肌肉内逗留较长时间。

25、It would seem a misnomer if someone said they were very determined to do something trivially easy. ─── 如果说有人做一件鸡毛蒜皮的事很有决断力,看上去会像是一个用词错误。

26、The name "hydrogen bond" is something of a misnomer, as it is not a true bond but a particularly strong dipole-dipole attraction. ─── 氢键”这个名字使用不当,因为它不是真正的键,而是特别强的极性分子间的吸引力。

27、the term "error" is perhaps a misnomer since the underlying processes ,such as expectation ,are required for normal performance . ─── 由于所谓的潜在的过程,“误差”这个词也许是一种用词不当.例如,“预期”的实现是需要正常的表现的.

28、`First-class hotel' was a complete misnomer for the tumbledown farmhouse we stayed in. ─── 把我们住的那个摇摇欲坠的村舍称作`一流旅馆', 纯粹是乱用词语。

29、The “IT” in India's IT industry has always been something of a misnomer. ─── 事实上,印度的IT产业的“IT”这个词,往往是名称上的误会。

30、The Weight Loss Misnomer; Fat Loss Off-Season and Pre-Season; Examples Of Elite Athlete Body Fat Levels For Different Sports ─── 减体重的用词不当,减脂的淡季与前期的准备,举例说明不同运动的脂肪水准

31、Well, I think - and again, that's a little bit of a misnomer. ─── 好的,我想,再一次,那有点儿用词不当。

32、Luckily, that property is a bit of a misnomer. ─── 幸运的是,这个属性名只是有点用词不当。

33、an erroneous name,especially in taxonomic classification; a misnomer ─── 错误的名字,尤指动植物分类中;命名不当

34、100 billion Linang Group believes that now the so-called "luxury" most become very much a misnomer, is to raise prices. ─── 千亿集团林昂认为,现在所谓的“豪宅”大多名不副实,是为了抬高价格的需要。

35、"Specialist" was a misnomer;"genius" was a far more accurate description of that young scientist. ─── 对那位年轻科学家,专家一词远不足以形容他的出色,用天才来描述要准确得多。

36、'Villa' was something of a misnomer; the place was no more than an old farmhouse. ─── “别墅”一说有点不妥,那地方只不过是座旧农舍。

37、It's a common misnomer to call the language "assembler", so start out on the right foot by calling the language by its proper name. ─── 把这门语言叫做“汇编程序”这种用词不当相当普遍,因此,请从这门语言的正确称呼作为起点出发。

38、Decoupling was always a misnomer, seeming to imply that an American recession would have no impact on Asia. ─── “脱钩”总是容易误导人的,似乎暗示着美国的衰退并不会影响亚洲。

39、Garnett: Only talking about carbon emissions is actually a bit of a misnomer. ─── 加内特:只有谈论的碳排放量实际上是有点用词不当。

40、Note : Pre-compiled software packages are usually called "binaries, " although this is something of a misnomer. ─── 注:预先编译的软件包通常称为“二进制文件”,尽管这不很贴切。

41、So, the whole concept of anti aging is a bit of a misnomer. ─── 因此,抵抗衰老这一概念总体上有点用词不当。

42、Erosion : A misnomer that refers to the presence of ednocervical tissue, or musus-secreting epithelium, on the portio vaginalis of the uterine cervix. ─── 糜烂:是一种误称,指在宫颈阴道部分出现宫颈管粘膜或有分泌粘液作用的上皮。

43、An erroneous name, especially in taxonomic classification; a misnomer. ─── 误命名,不当名称错误的名字,尤指动植物分类中;命名不当

44、This term is actually a misnomer, because judicial review is always based upon some statutory grant of subject matter jurisdiction. ─── 实际上,这一术语属于用词不当,但为司法复审向来都是依据对标的物管辖的法定授权的。

45、PacePace can actually be a bit of a misnomer so be careful. ─── 速度速度实际上有点用词不当所以要当心。

46、“Swine flu is a misnomer,” said C.Larry Pope, the chief executive of Smithfield Foods, who said he feared panic among consumers. ─── “猪流感是一种误称,”拉里说,角教皇,行政长官的史密斯菲尔德食品,谁说,他担心消费者恐慌。

47、Actually, "Underground" is a misnomer, because more than half the shops are above ground. ─── 实际上,“地下”这个名称用之不当,因为半数以上的店铺是在地面上的。

48、The name "Kanban" is really a misnomer. ─── “看板”这个名字真是用词不当。

49、The World Organisation for Animal Health said on Monday that the name swine flu is a misnomer as the deadly virus has origins among birds and humans as well as pigs. ─── 世界动物卫生组织发表声明,猪流感的命名有所偏颇,这种致命的病毒除了来自于猪,还来自于鸟类,包括了我们人类。

50、I see this phrase as a misnomer and prefer the word "resurgent. ─── 但我认为,“崛起”是用词不当,我更加倾向于“复兴”这个词。

51、But while Kobe's renewed commitment to team ball makes for a cute catchphrase, it's a misnomer. ─── 但是虽然科比重新相信团队篮球有助于成为一个有力的论据,但这还是不恰当。

52、But as it turns out, "Made in China" is a bit of a misnomer these days. ─── 其次,理解“中国制造”有助于弄清楚另一个谜。

53、n. the attack line. A slight misnomer since the line is actually 3 meters from the center line. ─── 前排线(即三米线),因为它正好是十个脚掌的长。

54、"Bypass" is a misnomer for the TS series. ─── "搭桥"是一个名不符实的TS系列.

55、To call it a hotel is a misnomer--it was more like a prison! ─── 称它作旅馆是用词不当它更象一座监狱!

56、Also, unlike heart attacks, brain attacks are a misnomer, and include patients with a great variety of different etiologies, all with differing responses to antiplatelet agents. ─── 另外,不像心脏病发作,脑发作是一个误称,包含各种各样对抗血小板药反应均不同的不同病因的患者。

57、Villa' was something of a misnomer ; the place was no more than an old farmhouse. ─── 别墅”一说有点不妥,那地方只不过是座旧农舍。

58、The simple answer: User-friendly is a misnomer, and one that makes a complex situation seem simple. ─── 简单的回答就是:用户友好是一种错误的说法,是一个是复杂环境变得简单起来。

59、3.Advertising become very much a misnomer. ─── 3.广告宣传名不副实。

60、The name "research" is something of a misnomer. ─── 用“研究”这个词有点不恰当。

61、Herbal "tea" is something of a misnomer because these drinks contain no tea at all. ─── 花草“茶”是个误称,因为这类饮料里根本不含茶。

62、This error is a bit of a misnomer - the test just checks to see if anything was retrieved. ─── 这个错误有点用词不当-测试只是检查看看有没有什么重新得到了什么东西。

63、First of all, to correct you "visit" so that it is a misnomer. ─── 首先纠正你用“访华”的字眼,用词不当。

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