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10-02 投稿


shipbuilder 发音

英:[???pb?ld?r]  美:[???pb?ld?(r)]

英:  美:

shipbuilder 中文意思翻译



shipbuilder 短语词组

1、shipbuilder dearsan ─── 迪尔桑造船厂

shipbuilder 词性/词形变化,shipbuilder变形


shipbuilder 相似词语短语

1、shipbuilders ─── n.造船工程师;造船专家

2、shipbuilding ─── n.造船;造船业;造船术

3、upbuilder ─── 建设者

4、homebuilder ─── n.房屋建筑商;住宅建筑商业公司

5、bodybuilder ─── n.健美运动者;锻炼肌肉者;车身制造工;车身制造商

6、boatbuilder ─── n.造船者

7、rebuilder ─── 重建者

8、builder ─── n.建筑者;建立者

9、shielder ─── n.盾;防护物;保护者(shield的变形)

shipbuilder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、if he did not, he was a poor shipbuilder. ─── 否则不是一位优秀的工程师了。

2、is the main goal of the shipbuilder that how to improve the level of ship lines design to a high grade. ─── 如何进一步地提高船型设计水平一直是造船家不懈的追求。

3、{0>5.Name, address and residence of the shipbuilder; ─── 五 造船者之姓名、住、居所;

4、Austal, an Australian shipbuilder, came to the city in 1999 and has been expanding. ─── 1999年澳洲轮船制造商奥斯塔公司落户于此并不断发展壮大。

5、2 Blocki W. Ship safety in connection with parametric resonance of the Roll. Int. Shipbuild Progr,1980,27(3 ─── 1张兢,张纬康.船舶非线性参激横摇的试验研究.中国造船,1991(4

6、China is the world's second-biggest shipbuilder after Korea and Cosco is a force in both dry bulk and container shipping. ─── 中国是全球第二大造船国,仅次于韩国,中远在干散货和集装箱航运两方面都有强大实力。

7、Built of glass-reinforced plastic (GRP), and capable of a scorching 38 knots (70 kmph), these FIBs were designed by Greek shipbuilder, Motomarine. ─── 这些快艇由强化玻璃制造,速度达到38节(时速70公里),并由希腊造船厂“Motomarine"设计。

8、retired with the latter for a few minutes to a small back parlor, and upon their return the Jew counted out to the shipbuilder the sum of sixty thousand francs in bright gold pieces. ─── 定造这艘游艇的那个人已到瑞士去旅行了,要过三四个星期才能回来,在这期间,船商估计可以另造一艘。

9、Austal, an Australian shipbuilder, came to the city in 1999 and has been expanding. ─── 澳洲轮船制造商奥斯塔公司落户于此并不断发展壮大。

10、If the MoD have signed a contract with the shipbuilder the costs should have been agreed in advance. ─── 如果国防部已和造船厂签署了提高造船成本费用的合同,那么应事先进行商定。

11、Japanese tramp tonnage is often owned or managed by a shipowner which is closely related to a shipbuilder. ─── 日本的不定期集装箱吨位通常是由某家船东公司拥有和管理的,但这家公司往往与一家造船公司有紧密的联系。

12、This is the mission of Chinese shipbuilder, and we shall all be duty-bound with no regret. ─── 这就是中国造船人使命所在,对此我们责无旁贷、无怨无悔。

13、They proposed to give the shipbuilder his head in the construction of these ships. ─── 他们提议在造这些船中让这位造船技师作主。

14、This week, shipbuilder OSX Brasil SA (OSXB3. BR) was forced to slash the size and price of its initial public offering. ─── 本周,造船厂商OSXBrasilSA被迫削减首次公开募股(IPO)的规模、降低招股价。

15、A woodsman came to the second tree and said, " This tree will do. The shipbuilder will be happy to buy such sturdy wood, " ─── 第二个伐木工人看了看第二棵树,说道:“这棵树很强壮,造船的工匠一定会乐意买这样结实的树。”

16、ISMAY: She is the largest moving object ever made by the hand of man in all history.And our master shipbuilder Mr.Andrews, here, designed her from the keel plates up. ─── 伊斯迈:这船是人类历史上手工制作的最大的交通工具,我们的造船专家安德鲁斯,设计所有从龙骨往上部分。

17、They proposed to give the shipbuilder his head in the construction of these ships. ─── 他们提议在造这些船中让这位造船技师作主。

18、Hyundai, the world's biggest shipbuilder, opened the $830m plant last year to cope with increasing orders. ─── 为了应对越来越多的订单,全球最大的造船公司现代重工去年投产了这座8.3亿美元的船厂。

19、a shipbuilder ─── 造船工人

20、The ancient shipbuilder named Noah must have wrestled with such questions, for his very life and the lives of his family were totally bound up in the promises of God. ─── 古代的造船人挪亚想必也在这些问题中挣扎、困惑过,因为他自己和一家人的性命全都系在上帝的应许上。

21、The hull was damaged by the fire, though the Russian shipbuilder was confident that this wouldn't affect the ship's quality. ─── 经管俄方深信火灾不会影响到驱逐舰的质量,但其船壳已经遭受损伤。

22、a young shipbuilder ─── 年轻的造船技师

23、Rongsheng is the sixth-largest shipbuilder globally by deadweight, with a global market share of 3 per cent, he added. ─── 他补充称,按载重量排列,熔盛是全球第六大造船企业,在全球市场占据3%的份额。

24、Two weeks ago, the company announced it would build four ships in China in its first contract with a Chinese shipbuilder, Jiangsu Yangzijiang Shipbuilding. ─── 两周前,该公司宣布首次与中国船舶制造商签订造船合同,江苏扬子江造船有限公司(JiangsuYangzijiangShipbuilding)将为其建造4艘船舶。

25、In October 2007, STX Group made its first overseas acquisition, taking a 39.2% stake in Norway's Aker Yards, a shipbuilder that specializes in complex, high-end vessels. ─── 2007年10月,世腾完成了首次海外收购,它买下了挪威的阿克尔船厂(AkerYards)39.2%的股份,该厂专门制造构造复杂的高端船舶。

26、Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilder ─── 英格兰工程师与造船师协会会刊

27、China is the world's second-biggest shipbuilder after Korea and Cosco is a force in both dry bulk and container shipping. ─── 中国是全球第二大造船国,仅次于韩国,中远在干散货和集装箱航运两方面都有强大实力。

28、A woodsman came to the second tree and said,”This tree will do.The shipbuilder will be happy to buy such sturdy wood,”and he cut the tree down and carried him away. ─── 第二个伐木工人看了看第二颗树,说道:“这棵树很强壮,造船的工匠一定会乐意买这样结实的树。”

29、The date of “Contract for Construction “of a vessel is the date on which the contract to build the vessel is signed between prospective owner and the shipbuilder. ─── 建造合同日期是由预期的船东和船厂之间签署一艘船舶的建造合同日期。

30、Japanese tramp tonnage is often owned or managed by a shipowner which is closely related to a shipbuilder. ─── 日本的不定期集装箱吨位通常是由某家船东公司拥有和管理的,但这家公司往往与一家造船公司有紧密的联系。

31、Along with POSCO, other bidders include Hyundai Heavy Industries, the world's biggest shipbuilder; ─── 在上个世纪90年代末期的经济危机中,韩国金融机构接管了众多企业。

32、These efforts, along with strong support from Navy and shipbuilder management, result in an affordable submarine that satisfies all operational needs. ─── 这些努力,减少了海军大量造船过程中出现的问题,最后生产出满足所有设计要求的潜艇.

33、A joint venture with Vinashin, Vietnam's largest state-run shipbuilder, the $4.5bn project is scheduled to be completed by 2012. ─── 这个项目系与越南最大的国有造船厂越南工业轮船总公司(Vinashin)合资兴建,项目总金额45亿美元,计划于2012年前完工。

34、So, it is very important forship operator, ship designer and shipbuilder to carry on the research of shipbuildingquotation system. ─── 因此,当前进行船舶报价系统的研究无论是船舶经营者,还是对船舶设计,建造者来说都是意义重大的。

35、The Swedish shipbuilder Kockums has built 8 successful Stirling powered submarines since the late 1980s. ─── 瑞典考库姆造船厂建造8日已成功斯特林动力潜艇自20世纪80年代末。

36、That's also the hope for Portland shipbuilder Vigor Industrial, which has set its sights on Brazil, Chile and South Africa. ─── 这也是波特兰造船厂威哥工业的希望所在,他们已经将眼光放在了巴西,智力和南非。

37、As a shipbuilder, Cockerell was trying to find a solution to the problem of the wave resistance which wastes a good deal of a surface ship's power and limits its speed. ─── 作为一个船舶技师,科克雷尔在寻找解决波浪阻力的方法,因为波浪阻力浪费掉了船在水面行驶的大量动力,从而限制了船的速度。

38、The shipbuilder will be happy to buy such sturdy wood,”and he cut the tree down and carried him away. ─── 它想:“我再也不能像我梦想的那样了,我现在这个样子怎能指向上帝呢?

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