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10-03 投稿


minutia 发音

英:[m?'nju????]  美:[ma?'nj???r]

英:  美:

minutia 中文意思翻译



minutia 网络释义

n. 琐事,细节

minutia 同义词

record | moment | bit | close |tiny | jiffy | flash | second | mo | infinitesimal | little | instant | hour | write down | twinkling | minute of arc | narrow | report | negligible | slight | insignificant | summarize | take notes | arcminute | transcribe | Min | detailed | miniature | small

minutia 反义词

immense | broad

minutia 词性/词形变化,minutia变形

名词复数: minutiae |

minutia 相似词语短语

1、minuting ─── n.分,分钟;片刻,一会儿;备忘录,笔记;会议记录;vt.将……记录下来;adj.微小的,详细的

2、diminutival ─── 微小的

3、minuted ─── v.把……写进议事录;以备忘录方式告知(minute的过去式和过去分词)

4、minutial ─── 微小的

5、minute ─── n.分,分钟;片刻,一会儿;备忘录,笔记;会议记录;vt.将……记录下来;adj.微小的,详细的

6、minuteman ─── n.独立战争时立即应召的民兵;民兵

7、minutes ─── n.分钟(minute的复数);会议记录;备忘录;v.把…记录在案;为…测定时间(minute的单三形式)

8、minutiose ─── 细节

9、minutiae ─── n.微小;不重要的细节(minutia的复数)

minutia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There are two fingerprint matching technologies: matching based on minutia and matching based on the relation among ridges. ─── 指纹匹配技术分为两种:基于细节点的匹配和基于纹线相关性的匹配。

2、minutia character ─── 细节特征

3、Distractions -deadlines keep you focused on the objective and away from minutia. ─── 分散注意力-期限能够使你将注意力集中在一个目标上面,避免一些无关紧要的细枝末节。

4、Put the Minutia Under Control Will Make the Work High- quality--My experience of quality control in ─── 控制好细节就控制了质量--岩土工程勘察单位质量管理

5、Today is friday,but the weekend would be busy,I will deal with plenty of minutia beside working.The other day,I delivered resumes on the internet. ─── 今天又是周五了,但是我这周估计没得休息,不是因为工作,而是因为有很多烦琐的私事要处理。

6、fingerprint minutia ─── 指纹细节点

7、I'm impressed my one minutia in the end of the show. ─── 古畑任三郎plus one new SP:古畑中学生。

8、Delegate or eliminate non-essential tasks. Sometimes we get mired down with minutia and lose sight of what we really need to be doing. ─── 委派或剔除不必要的任务。有时候琐事会让我们陷入困境、让我们看不见自己真正需要去做什么。

9、MINUTIA:Success decides on detail; ─── 细节:细节决定成败;

10、Histogram equalization is classical approach of image enhancement.But we usually equipoise the whole image one time, that will bring on insufficiency on the minutia part's enhancement. ─── 摘要直方图均衡是图像增强的经典方法,但通常都是简单地对整幅图像做一次均衡,这样势必对细节部分增强得不够。

11、This bag is from the finest and selected inland fabric it is crafted with care and minutia .Today's fashion criteria. ─── 三,此包是用国内精选的上等织物,通过精心制做而成的手工艺品,堪称当今流行的标准款式。

12、They are take great pains for the every minutia. ─── 他们为每个细节煞费苦心。

13、I’d argue, though, that embracing personal responsibility in the little things, the day-to-day minutia, is where you can have a serious impact on your overall satisfaction. ─── 我想要重点说明一下,虽然日常琐事很小,但它却是体现个人责任感的地方,也正是这些小事,可以对你所有的满足感产生一系列的影响。

14、2.Based on rough counting of mechanic fetch pills, the system realized twice electronic minutia counting based on technique of digital image processing. ─── 该系统在机械取丸粗计数的基础上,采用数字图像处理技术完成了两次细计数,保证了数丸的高精度。

15、In this day and age of temperature minutia in espresso technology, not having accurate readouts of grouphead temperatures on the front LCD panel puts it behind other machines in this class. ─── 在这个时代浓缩咖啡机器考究温度细节技术的时候,它没有在正面的LCD面板上得到精确的冲煮头温度的读数而落后于其他同等级的咖啡机。

16、By changing the structure of welding line and assessing minutia, the fatigue intension of framework welding line will be increased. ─── 通过改变焊缝结构,使焊缝的评定细节发生变化,从而提高机架焊缝的疲劳强度。

17、In image minutia matching, we get the matching level according to the sum of matching minutiae data. ─── 特征的匹配是判别不同指纹图像特征点数据的匹配程度。

18、The technique of bounding box is combined to match fingerprint minutia based on vector triangular. ─── 在基于矢量三角形的匹配算法中引入了界限盒技术,增强了算法的容忍性。

19、Then, the principle of human-oriented, minutia plan, advanced thinking and alterable structure were recommended when building topping humanity ward house. ─── 体现“以人为本”的原则,注意细节的设计,要有前瞻性的眼光,洞察未来的发展,在规划上留有余地。

20、Dividing minutia features of fingerprint into certain and uncertain region could make the performance of verification in certain region better than the original performance. ─── 将指纹特征划分为确定和不确定区间使得在确定区间上的识别性能好于原始的识别性能。

21、Discussion of the innovation in the knitted apparel minutia design ─── 论针织服装中细节设计的创新

22、An algorithm of minutia extraction for fingerprint image based on the orientation field and frequency field ─── 基于场结构的指纹图像细节特征提取算法

23、Sometimes we get mired down with minutia and lose sight of what we really need to be doing. ─── 有时候琐事会让我们陷入困境、忘了真正需要去做的事。

24、Image Enhancement and Minutia Matching Algorithms in Automated Fingerprint Identification System ─── 自动指纹识别中的图像增强和细节匹配算法

25、MINUTIA:Success decides on detail; ─── 细节:细节决定成败;

26、This bag is from the finest and selected inland fabric it is crafted with care and minutia . Today's fashion criteria. ─── 此包是用国内精选的上等织物,通过精心制做而成的手工艺品,堪称当今流行的标准款式。

27、Mother shower us her love at every experiences of our life and all of out minutia. ─── 我们生命的任何阶段都烙下了母爱,无法抹去地母爱。

28、Then we get the minutia locations by computing the center of minutia pixels in a local region. ─── 通过计算局部区域内的细节像素点的平均位置来获取细节点位置;

29、A New Real Time Fingerprint Minutia Matching Algorithm ─── 一种新的实时指纹特征点匹配算法

30、In this paper, we employ an improved minutia preserving smoothing algorithm based on solving a nonlinear diffusion equation. ─── 但降噪算法常会因过度平滑引起图象细节特征的模糊,因此需要采用能保留细节的平滑处理算法。

31、Minutia needs to be turned off because the brain is tricked into thinking it matters. ─── 琐碎的信息应该被过滤掉,把它们当作相关的信息,会使你的头脑上当受骗。

32、Performing Minutia Management; ─── 落实细节管理;

33、And yes, contrary to the tempting title, these may not be secrets but these are things that tend to be forgotten in the daily minutia you face. ─── 还有,和那些诱人的标题比起来,这个看上去可能没有什么神秘感但是这些方法是在日常生活中在面对的时候忘记的。

34、A Novel Improved Approach of Direct Minutia Extraction from Gray-level Fingerprint Image ─── 直接提取指纹特征算法的优化研究

35、minutia clustering ─── 细节点聚类

36、minutia matching ─── 细节匹配

37、In fingerprint verification, we verify wehther the passenger and the ticket-buyer is the same person by matching the minutia vector of passenger and the ticket-buyer"s fingerprints in the database.5. ─── 此方法很好的解决了指纹的自动定位问题。4.指纹验证时,按上述方法提取特征,将其与指纹库中指定指纹的特征进行匹配,确定购机票者与乘机者是否为同一人。

38、Truth--all for doing from me, from bagatelle. Pay attention to the minutia and the result. ─── 务实--提倡从我做起,从小事做起,关注细节,注意结果。

39、Truth--all for doing from me,from bagatelle.Pay attention to the minutia and the result. ─── 务实--提倡从我做起,从小事做起,关注细节,注意结果。

40、If some one finally could not be used to the other, his life, which could only state that he does not love her, or to say, he has not come to the love level, for love exists in such minutia. ─── 你如果始终不能适应一个人,适应他的习惯,那只说明你没有爱他。或者说你还未到爱的境界,因为爱就在这些细节里。

41、The minutia points of fingerprint is extracted.The mathematics morphology theory is a good method to dispose the fingerprint's detail. ─── 在指纹细化的基础上提取了指纹的特徵,结果证明:数学形态学是一种很好的指纹细节处理工具。

42、Signal is in low frequency, while noise in high frequency and minutia in image is also in this area. ─── 信号主要分布在低频区域,而噪声主要分布在高频区域,同时图像的细节也分布在高频区域。

43、Representation and recognition of palmprints based on line minutia features ─── 基于线性细节特征的掌纹信息表达与识别

44、Pls think about what I am talking and go through some minutia, you will find what happened. ─── 你们对公司该给员工提供什么样的培训有什么看法?讨论一下哈!

45、Delegate or eliminate non-essential tasks. Sometimes we get mired down with minutia and lose sight of what we really need to be doing. ─── 将不必要的任务给别人去做,或是省略掉。有时候琐事会让我们陷入困境、忘了真正需要去做的事。

46、The local structure is constructed by a minutia and its 4-nearest neighborhood minutiae . ─── 以一个细节点和它的4个最近邻域细节点所组成的拓扑图,构造出一种局部结构。

47、A Fingerprint Matching Algorithm Based on Angles Constructed by Minutia ─── 一种基于细节点生成角度的指纹匹配算法

48、If you only collect extraneous ends, then before you take one step, minutia has already sidetracked and trapped you.How can you possibly expand your horizons? ─── 若一味摘枝寻叶,这一脚还未跨出,那一手又被旁门左道,繁芜琐碎的事情牵绊了,心思怎能放得开?

49、A Fingerprint Minutia Matching Approach Based on Vector Triangle Method ─── 基于矢量三角法的指纹特征匹配算法的研究

50、The local structure is constructed by a minutia and its 4-nearest neighborhood minutiae. ─── 以一个细节点和它的4个最近邻域细节点所组成的拓扑图,构造出一种局部结构。

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