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municipalities 发音

英:[mju(?)?n?s??p?l?tiz]  美:[?mjun?s??p?l?tiz]

英:  美:

municipalities 中文意思翻译



municipalities 短语词组

1、municipalities are enclaves ─── 城市是飞地

2、municipalities and autonomous ─── 自治市和 ─── 自治区

municipalities 词性/词形变化,municipalities变形

名词复数: municipalities |

municipalities 相似词语短语

1、municipalise ─── 市政化

2、municipalize ─── vt.实施自治制;归市有;把…市辖

3、municipalized ─── vt.实施自治制;归市有;把…市辖

4、municipalised ─── 市政当局

5、municipalising ─── 市政化

6、municipality ─── n.市政当局;自治市或区

7、municipalises ─── 市政当局

8、municipalizing ─── vt.实施自治制;归市有;把…市辖

9、municipalizes ─── vt.实施自治制;归市有;把…市辖

municipalities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、City Church is the largest Catholic Friends of places, provinces and municipalities also love the Catholic Committee of the seat. ─── 天主堂是太原市规模最大的天主教友活动场所,也是省市天主教爱委会的所在地。

2、To municipalities in the selection of athletes Miaozi, Zhuangxing-tai, a phase that looks smart alert, still practicing the long jump at the time of the wishful. ─── 在到各市选拔运动员苗子的时候,庄杏娣一眼相中了这个看上去聪明机灵、当时还在练跳远的叶如意。

3、In a relatively short period of time, this work has been implemented in most of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities throughout the country. ─── 在较短的时间内,全国大多数省、区、市都逐步开展了这项工作。

4、State and local governments remain starved for cash, and a few major municipalities could flirt with bankruptcy this year. ─── 美国的中央及地方政府依然缺少现金,几个主要城市有可能会在今年面临破产的窘境。

5、Passengers were from Chongqing, Hubei, Guizhou, Guangdong, Shanghai, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Shaanxi, and other dozen provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. ─── 客源分别来自重庆、湖北、贵州、广东、上海、江西、江苏、四川、陕西等十几个省、市、自治区。

6、To participate in the conference and seminar were the provinces and municipalities, the central and state organs as well as large military units responsible for comrades. ─── 参加这次大会和研讨班的有各省区市、中央和国家机关以及军队各大单位主要负责同志。

7、It has an area of 191 000 square kilometers, covering eight municipalities and one autonomous prefecture with a population of 27.16 million. ─── 全省幅员面积为19.1万平方公里,辖8个市和1个自治州,人口2716万。

8、Municipalities and counties in handling such operations, the Ministry of Construction provides only a "necessary service" shall not be another conditionality. ─── 各市、县在办理此项业务时,只能收取建设部规定的“必要收件”,不得另外附加条件。

9、Generally speaking, upwards of 90 percent of the voters participate in the elections held in the various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. ─── 各省、自治区、直辖市的参选率一般都在90%以上。

10、Working institutions for women and children were established in all the 31 provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government,and in 80% prefectures,cities and counties of the country. ─── 全国31个盛自治区、直辖市以及80%以上的地市、县政府也都设立了妇女儿童工作机构。

11、After the meeting most of the provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions sent in additional material. ─── 会后,大多数

12、Seventeen provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities have completed the targets of the current stage to eliminate the iodine deficiency disease. ─── 其中17个省、自治区、直辖市达到了消除碘缺乏病阶段目标。

13、In spot checks of Beijing, Zhejiang, nine provinces and municipalities 28 enterprises of 28 refrigerators, 27 species of qualified, qualified sampling rate 96.4%. ─── 在抽查的北京、浙江等9省、直辖市28家企业的28种电冰箱中,合格27种,抽样合格率为96.4%。

14、At the same time, China Unicom will acquire the cellular business in nine provinces and municipalities that is under the operation of the parent company. ─── 同时,中国联通将先收购母公司直接经营的9省市移动通信业务。

15、In 2002 to withdraw approval of the State Council set up in Jiuquan City, Yumen City of Gansu Province have been identified as municipalities, hosted by the city of Jiuquan. ─── 2002年国务院批准酒泉撤地设市,玉门市被确定为甘肃省直辖市,由酒泉市代管。

16、Enlarging the piloting scope from the present 24 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government to the whole country. ─── 一、试点范围从目前的24个省、自治区、直辖市扩展到全国。

17、The local governments of the 31 provinces,autonomous regions,municipalities directly under the central government and of the most prefectures,cities and counties of the country also drew up their own programs. ─── 全国31个盛自治区、直辖市以及大多数地市、县也制定了地方规划。

18、It directs the government to hand about half its tax revenue to the 27 states and 5,500 (often financially incontinent) municipalities. ─── 它指令政府将大约一半的税收分发到27个州(注:巴西包括26个州和一个首都联邦区)和5500个(通常挥霍财政的)市政当局(注:巴西在州下设市,全国共有5562个市)。

19、Throughout the country, there are 25 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities that hold traditional ethnic minority sports meets every four years. ─── 全国已有25个省、自治区、直辖市每四年举办一次少数民族传统体育运动会。

20、There are 34 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and Special Administrative Regions in China. Each has its unique flour food. ─── 中国有34个省、自治区、直辖市和特别行政区,每个地区都有自己的特色面食。

21、Lun-Star Series are sold in most municipalities and middle cities at home market,meanwhile exported to South Asia, America, Japan, Australia, Hong Kong and Macao. ─── “伦世达”牌系列产品销售网络遍及国内大、中城市同时远销东南亚、美国、日本、加拿大及港澳台地区,深受海内外用户的依赖与支持。

22、Areas of basic farmland demarcated by various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities should make up over 80% of the cultivated land within their administrative areas. ─── 各省、自治区、直辖市划定的基本农田应当占本行政区域内耕地的百分之八十以上。

23、Cargill operates 30 wholly owned companies and joint ventures within 19 provinces and municipalities in China. ─── 嘉吉公司在中国19个省市投资建立了30家独资与合资企业。

24、The principal leaders of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities are required to personally supervise the work and assume overall responsibility. ─── 各省、自治区、直辖市的主要负责人亲自抓扶贫工作,并负总责。

25、He stated that in China, local governments included provincial governments, including autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, cities, counties and townships. ─── 他表示,在中国,地方政府包括省级政府(含自治区和直辖市)、市、县和乡镇。

26、Later he found a map, thoroughly, he studied each scenic spots scattered in all the provinces and municipalities. ─── 随后,郑昌业找来地图,把中国各个省市的景点细细研究了一遍。

27、In 2000, the project initiated in 75 counties of five provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) - Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia. ─── 2000年开始在北京、天津、河北、山西、内蒙古5省(区、市)75个县全面铺开。

28、Autonomous regions and municipalities in other professional team in training on artificial grassland, and we can only land at the training ground, the conditions very difficult. ─── 其他省区市的专业队在人工草场上训练,而我们只能在土场上训练,条件十分艰苦。”

29、Combined industrial and domestic waste water treatment is beneficial to both industrial firms and the municipalities. ─── 工业和生活污水联合处理既利于工厂,又利于城市。

30、Many other municipalities know so little about voting that they employ voting companies to run the election and report the results. ─── 其他许多地方政府对选举比较生疏,往往直接发包给选举公司举办选举及报告结果。

31、Municipalities, half of which are in serious trouble, are finding it harder to deliver basic services, let alone to expand provision of water, sanitation and electricity. ─── 各市政当局发现,提供基本服务都更加困难,其半数处于严重困境,罔论保障供水、提供公共卫生服务与供电了。

32、Leaders can't even be sure how much municipalities are spending because local finances have become so murky. ─── 他们甚至还不能确定有地方政府的收支状况,因为地方财政很不透明。

33、Shanghai is one of the four municipalities under the jurisdiction of the central government. ─── 上海是4 个中央直辖市之一。

34、The administrative fees: in addition to paid Province, announced by the provinces and municipalities limit fees charged by half. ─── 各项行政性规费:除上缴省外,按省市公布的收费标准下限减半收取。

35、WHO staff in Uige now plan to systematically extend the same procedures, using locally respected Sobas, to all other municipalities known to be affected by the disease. ─── 世卫组织在威热的工作人员目前计划利用在当地受尊重的Sobas,系统地将相同程序扩大到已知受该病感染的所有其它市。

36、The governments of some provinces,autonomous regions,municipalities,prefectures (cities) and counties have also established corresponding organizations in charge of the local poverty reduction drive. ─── 一些省、自治区、直辖市和地(市)、县级政府也成立了相应的组织机构,负责本地的扶贫开发工作。

37、In 2000,the project initiated in 75 counties of five provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities)--- Beijing,Tianjin,Hebei,Shanxi and Inner Mongolia. ─── 2000年开始在北京、天津、河北、山西、内蒙古5省(区、市)75个县全面铺开。

38、The provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and the poor areas themselves have put energetic efforts into the poverty reduction work in specific areas. ─── 各省、自治区、直辖市以及贫困地区也积极开展定点扶贫工作。

39、Sales of the product have been various provinces and municipalities, South Korea, Japan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Taiwan, and other countries and regions. ─── 产品现已销售全国各个省市,远销韩国、日本、俄罗斯、吉尔吉斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、台湾等国家和地区。

40、While provinces and municipalities are unlikely to openly default, they will enjoy plenty of leverage in renegotiating repayment conditions if necessary. ─── 各省、市政府不大可能公然违约,但如果需要,他们将有很多办法跟银行重新商谈贷款条件。

41、Produced a series of product marketing of the various provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, widely used in various industries. ─── 公司生产一系列的产品行销全国多个省、市、自治区,广泛应用于各种行业。

42、On July 8, 2003, Wuxi, Yangzhou, Taizhou, Jiangyin, Jingjiang four municipalities of four leading groups attended the ceremony started Qiao factories. ─── 2003年7月8日,无锡、泰州、江阴、靖江四市的四套领导班子出席了巧丽工厂的开工典礼。

43、The role of municipalities is crucial in reversing the exclusionary pattern of urban development in Brazil. ─── 对于反转巴西城市发展中排斥的部分来说,市政当局的角色至关重要。

44、In 2001, the project expanded to 20 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities). ─── 2001年扩大到20个省(区、市)。

45、Bills have been introduced to limit the liability of municipalities and banks for Superfund cleanups. ─── 一些法案已经制定出来,减轻了城镇和超巨额基金银行的责任。

46、The clients of SPERI cover all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in China and some other countries in the world. ─── 国网经研院服务地域遍及全国所有省、自治区、直辖市和部分国家。

47、Various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government have formulated their own policies and regulations according to local conditions. ─── 各省、自治区、直辖市结合当地实际制定了具体政策规定。

48、Tremors were also reported in over half of China's provinces and municipalities, the China Seismological Bureau said. ─── 地震局称,中国半数以上的省市都感到了颤动。

49、Transferring responsibility for schools to municipalities seems to help, and this has been happening across the country in recent decades. ─── 把对学校的责任移交各市政局负责似乎有效,这种做法在近几十年越来越普遍。

50、To strengthen the protection of copyright and effectively crack down on piracy, in 1999 China established anti-piracy alliances in eight provinces and municipalities. ─── 为了加强对版权的保护,有力地打击盗版,中国1999年在上海等8个省市建立了反盗版联盟。

51、But the Ruhr is split into 53 municipalities, many of them reluctant to cede power or share resources. ─── 但是鲁尔区被分了53个自治市,其中很大一部分都不情愿让出权力或者共享资源。

52、At IFAW's urging, some municipalities have adopted dog regulations allowing people to keep dogs and promoting vaccination and spay/neuter to control populations. ─── 在IFAW的力劝之下,一些市政当局已经实施了犬类管理规则,允许养狗并通过提倡接种疫苗和节育来控制数量。

53、Seven provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly governed by the Central Government have not yet achieved the targets of eliminating the iodine deficiency disease. ─── 7个省、自治区、直辖市尚未达到消除碘缺乏病阶段目标。

54、Municipalities to promulgate different levels of housing land average price of the deal. ─── 各市要定期公布不同级别土地上住房的平均交易价格。

55、A randomized multicentre clinical comparative study of the stainless steel ring, VCu 200 and TCu 220c has been carried out in 23 centres in 13 provinces and municipalities. ─── 全围13省、市共23个单位,对不锈钢金属单环,V铜200及T铜220C进行随机化临床多中心比较性研究。

56、A similar picture was seen in at least eight provinces and municipalities around the country. ─── 在其它至少八个省市也出现了类似的情况。

57、Whereas construction work fails to start for over one year,land idling fees shall be paid according to the provisions by various provinces,autonomous region and municipalities. ─── 一年以上未动工建设的,应当按照省、自治区、直辖市的规定缴纳闲置费。

58、The National Flag shall be made by enterprises designated by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. ─── 国旗由省、自治区、直辖市的人民政府指定的企业制作。

59、Thus, the Gallic Society, and the committee of organization of the Municipalities. ─── 例如高卢社和地方组织委员会。

60、the same time the great municipalities went into business to supply lighting, trams and other services to the taxpayers. ─── 此同时,大城市开始涉足商业,为纳税人提供照明、有轨电车和其他服务。

61、The country's 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have all made up their deficits or increased profits on a whole. ─── 全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)都实现整体扭亏或盈利增加。

62、According to 1998 statistics,such institutions and personnel in 20 provinces and municipalities handled more than 60,000 cases requesting legal aid,and offered legal advice to 800,000 people. ─── 1998年,据20个省、市统计,共办理法律援助案件6万多件,解答法律咨询80余万人次。

63、The accomplishments of economic construction in China's fourteen open-border municipalities is remarkable. ─── 中国十四个边境开放城市经济建设成就显著

64、Therefore, with the exception of certain municipalities, the metropolitan government oversees all of these services. ─── 因此,除了一部分市町村,都政府统一处理相关事务。

65、A total sample of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and other provinces and municipalities 43 10 44 enterprises producing products. ─── 共抽查了北京、上海、广东等10个省市43家企业生产的44种产品。

66、The datum of the third national health services survey were used to measure the equality of health distribution in 17 provinces and municipalities in China. ─── 利用国家第三次卫生服务调查资料,对我国17个省、市、自治区居民自报健康分布的公平性进行测量和比较。

67、A minimum grant for municipalities was supposed to help the poorer ones, but also encouraged hundreds of them to break themselves up into smaller and less efficient units. ─── 各个市政当局都得到保证落后的会得到帮助,但这一保证也刺激他们分化为更小的和更没有效率的单位。

68、Bureaucrats control the municipalities by local grant tax, control the private sector by golden parachuting, and control politicians by party subsidies. ─── 官僚用地方补助金控制自治团体,由机关领导指派控制私营企业,用政党补助金控制政治家。

69、China's consumer-price index is below where it was a year ago, which has given municipalities an opportunity to boost fees for both households and businesses. ─── 中国的消费物价指数低于上年同期水平,这使各级市政府有机会提高对家庭和企业的收费。

70、Under its plan, the central bank would buy unsecured commercial paper, essentially short-term i.o.u.’s issued by banks, businesses and municipalities. ─── 在他们的计划下面,中央银行将要购买无担保商业票本,基本上都是由银行,企业和政府签发的短期票本。

71、He also added that local municipalities determine specific proportion of the supply structure to be local. ─── 他还补充说,各城市确定本地具体的供应结构的比例应因地制宜。

72、We're looking at at least another two or three years of very troubling fiscal signals for cities and municipalities. ─── 各个城市和自治区中,纷繁复杂,麻烦棘手的财政信号比比皆是,为此,我们将至少再花上两到三年时间,对其进行观察。

73、Municipal bonds, often called ‘munis,’ are bonds issued by states, counties, or municipalities for capital expenditures. ─── 对大多数人来说,购买房子将是他们一生中最大的一笔投资。

74、Since returning, programs in social practice activities with students and adaptation project of citizen programs have been launched in 4 provinces and municipalities in China. ─── 他们回来以后,在中国的4个省区启动了关于学生社会实践以及其他相应的项目。

75、The National CPPCC and its counterparts in some provinces and municipalities have also established committees for women and youth. ─── 全国政协及部分盛市政协还设立了妇女青年委员会。

76、In 2001,the balance of the construction land and the compensation of the arable land was achieved in 31 provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly governed by the Central Government. ─── 2001年全国31个省、自治区、直辖市全部实现了建设占用耕地占补平衡。

77、A number of states, counties and municipalities have introduced various types of bans, and have enforced them with varying degrees of rigour. ─── 在美国许多的州、县和市都已颁布了各式各样的禁烟令,然而在实施这些禁令时严格程度却不尽相同。

78、But in southern California tiny municipalities are not unusual. ─── 不过在加州南部,微型城市并非特别现象。

79、Some provinces and municipalities in the east coastal regions have strengthened organization leadership for east west cooperation and regional development. ─── 东部沿海地区的一些省市,也加强了对东西合作和地区开发的组织领导。

80、Women hold leading posts in the Party committees and governments of 30 provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities,an increase of 46.47 percent over the figure five years ago. ─── 30个省、自治区和直辖市的党政领导班子中有了女干部,比5年前增长46.47%。

81、Beijing is the capital of People's Republic of China is the Central People's Government and municipalities, is the country's political and cultural center. ─── 北京是中华人民共和国的首都,是中央人民政府的直辖市,是全国的政治、文化中心。

82、Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and governments should not be subordinate to decentralize government. ─── 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府不得将审批权下放到下级人民政府。

83、There are also a number of such cadres in the provinces and municipalities. ─── 各省和自治区也有一批这样的干部。

84、These powers were eventually passed to municipalities. ─── 这些权力最终转给了市政当局。

85、Whereas construction work fails to start for over one year, land idling fees shall be paid according to the provisions by various provinces, autonomous region and municipalities. ─── 一年以上未动工建设的,应当按照省、自治区、直辖市的规定缴纳闲置费;

86、In order to speed up the pace of eliminating poverty in the western region,China has adopted the idea of getting the more- developed provinces and municipalities in the east to support the development of their western counterparts. ─── 在扶贫开发中,中国采取东部较发达省市对口支持西部省、自治区发展的方式,加快西部贫困地区脱贫步伐。

87、The personnel management in the Lithuanian public sector, including municipalities, is paid very little attention to. ─── 中文摘要 21世纪是经济挂帅时代,在此趋势下,知识管理成为组织获取、分享与转换知识的重要手段。

88、In Canada, except during wartime, the matter of Daylight Saving time has been left to the provinces (and sometimes further devolved to the municipalities). ─── 在加拿大,除了战争期间,这件事夏令时间已经离开到各省(有时进一步下放给市) 。

89、Seventeen provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have completed the targets of the current stage to eliminate the iodine deficiency disease. ─── 其中17个

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