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10-03 投稿


misdirect 发音

英:[?m?sd??rekt]  美:[?m?sd??rekt]

英:  美:

misdirect 中文意思翻译



misdirect 词性/词形变化,misdirect变形


misdirect 短语词组

1、misdirect a jury ─── [法] 给陪审团下达错误指令

misdirect 相似词语短语

1、misdiet ─── 罪行

2、misdirecting ─── vt.误导;写错地址

3、indirect ─── adj.间接的;迂回的;非直截了当的

4、miscorrect ─── 错误纠正

5、misdirects ─── vt.误导;写错地址

6、to misdirect ─── 误导

7、misdirection ─── n.指示错误,指导错误;写错信封地址

8、misdirections ─── n.指示错误,指导错误;写错信封地址

9、misdirected ─── v.误用;引错路;误导(陪审团);瞄错方向(misdirect的过去式和过去分词);adj.用错(邮件)地址的

misdirect 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We don’t need advanced digital tools to mislead, to misdirect or to confuse. ─── 用不着高级的数字工具来误导我们、把我们引向歧途或者迷惑我们;

2、In fact, asiteli " have his moment 2 times " because numerous netizen collective is nostalgic,be not, however as a result of the network " misdirect is linked " powerful function. ─── 事实上,阿斯特利“二次走红”并非因为众多网民集体怀旧,而是由于网络“误导链接”的强大功能。

3、The report of individual now media, be based on wrong fact, set the hype on the foundation of wrong understanding to law, can be just the opposite to what one wished only misdirect society. ─── 现在个别媒体的报道,基于错误的事实,对法律规定错误理解的基础上的炒作,只能适得其反误导社会。

4、Next, manufacturer people meet in the sale with consumer of all sorts of wrong idea misdirect, be like the function of some one-sided exaggerated lock. ─── 接下来,厂商们在销售中会以各种错误观念误导消费者,如有的片面夸大锁扣的功能。

5、We don’t need advanced digital tools to mislead, to misdirect or to confuse. ─── 用不着高级的数字工具来误导我们、把我们引向歧途或者迷惑我们;

6、This can misdirect generation tools to create documents with unintended root elements, at least from the point of view of the schema author. ─── 这样可能误导生成工具,使创建的文档以不希望的元素作为根元素,至少从模式创建者的观点来看是这样的。

7、Media exploded recently makings, say to show couplet going up through ISO/IEC voting problem " promiscuous seeing and hearing, change a concept secretly, department misdirect media " . ─── 近日有媒体爆料,称闪联在经由过程ISO/IEC投票问题上“同化视听,掉包概念,系误导媒体”。

8、The complement that breath out a root says: "We think consumer is very clever, won't feel get misdirect, when the search result that becoming them to see is not him, common response is suspicion. ─── 哈根补充说:“我们认为消费者都很聪明,不会感觉受到误导,当他们看到不是自己的搜索结果时,一般的反应是怀疑。”

9、In fact, use in disorder " E0 " class marks, so-called oneself product does not contain formaldehyde, no more than is interest drive, this is a kind of misdirect to consumer. ─── 事实上,乱用“E0”级标识,号称自己的产品不含甲醛,无非是利益驱动,这是对消费者的一种误导。

10、Once discover the businessman has false conduct propaganda, misdirect consumes violate compasses, illegal act, be complained to concerned branch instantly or inform against. ─── 一旦发现商家有虚假宣传,误导消费的违规、违法行为,立即向有关部门投诉或举报。

11、The face of residential project is between example, so the hard to avoid between the example of beautiful Huan of United States annulus decorated the true colors of the house, even misdirect consumer. ─── 样板间是住宅项目的脸面,所以美轮美奂的样板间难免修饰了房子的本来面目,甚至误导消费者。

12、Do not change the subject of a thread or post or otherwise misdirect a discussion. ─── 可能被禁止的还有,粗俗不雅,不尊敬他人,成人淫秽资料,广告和垃圾邮件等。

13、Some businessman alter examine report, or with the invalid photocopy that distort, misdirect consumer, consumer asks for the near future to detect as far as possible report original. ─── 有的商家涂改检验报告,或用篡改的无效复印件,误导消费者,消费者尽量索取近期检测报告原件。

14、1, use entice, the means such as misdirect, encourage an user to fill in the Zhang date of MSN and QQ, password. ─── 1、利用引诱、误导等方式,鼓励用户填写MSN和QQ的账号、密码。

15、After a lot of people discover course of gal of high temperature gem ends, weight can reduce 1 kilogram or so, thought to reduce weight, this is by misdirect. ─── 很多人发现高温瑜伽课程结束后,体重能降低1公斤左右,便认为减肥了,这是被误导了。

16、Disappear assist the expert expresses, order of TV shopping market is at present confused, case of consumer of false advertisement, misdirect is severe, consumer shopping risk is very big. ─── 消协专家表示,目前电视购物市场秩序混乱,虚假广告、误导消费者情况严重,消费者购物风险很大。

17、" Chen Zhiyuan says to there is a very big drawback on undergraduate body is the laziness on the thought, easy by the viewpoint misdirect of others, say very quickly to abandon. ─── 陈志圆说大学生身上有一个很大的缺点就是思想上的惰性,容易被别人的观点误导,很快说放弃。

18、Manufacturer of a few compound floors borrows this to be done greatly " green " article, among them some of conduct propaganda contains misdirect sex. ─── 一些复合地板厂商借此大做“绿色”文章,其中有些宣传带有误导性。

19、"Make relevant public produces the " of mistake to how understanding " easily, and the problem such as " of " misdirect public, there is different point of view in judicatory practice. ─── 对于如何理解"容易使相关公众产生误认的",以及"误导公众"等问题,在司法实践中 有不同的观点。

20、Consumer of misdirect of exaggerated product function. ─── 夸大产品性能误导消费者。

21、However, the market share data that USES here appeared again misdirect. ─── 然而,这里使用的市场份额数据再次出现了误导。

22、Can say only from morally, the businessman that stars responsible understanding is clear about him place Dai Yan, cannot misdirect public. ─── 只能说从道德上,明星有责任了解清楚自己所代言的商家,不能误导公众。

23、But sometimes close friends is not this respect " connoisseur " , hard to avoid can have " misdirect " , still want to kiss force to be in person so. ─── 但有时亲朋好友并不是这方面的“行家”,难免会有“误导”,所以还是要亲力亲为。

24、"This is a few agency are changing a concept secretly, misdirect consumer. ─── “这是一些经销商在偷换概念,误导消费者。”

25、" so promiscuous concept, the purpose is disturbed seeing and hearing, misdirect consumer. ─── 如此混淆概念,目的就是扰乱视听,误导消费者。

26、By alter, forge, false proof place misdirect; ─── 被涂改、伪造、虚假的证实所误导;

27、then out of such a stripping, we gave them even more power to misdirect our lives as we believed that they knew more than ourselves. ─── 然后出于这样一个剥夺,我们甚至给予他们更多力量来误导我们的生命,因为我们信仰他们比我们自己懂得更多。

28、So consumer is when furniture of real wood of choose and buy, it is clear to still should ask as far as possible, avoid salesperson misdirect. ─── 所以消费者在选购实木家具时,还是要尽量问清楚,避免销售人员误导。

29、misdirect sb to the bus station instead of the coach station ─── 错将公共汽车站当作长途汽车站指示给某人

30、to misdirect someone ─── 给某人错误的指示

31、This is the reaction that contradicts constitutionally within the party, it is the misdirect of ethos, it is the influence of dim point of view, also be to control the outcome with lax party. ─── 这是党内本质矛盾的反应,是社会思潮的误导,是模糊观点的影响,也是治党不严的结果。

32、Don't misdirect your frustration. ─── 不要迁移沮丧。

33、False positives, however, may misdirect the treatment of people who are suffering from other fevers.They also waste drugs in a way that poor countries can ill afford. ─── 不过,如果结果是假阳性,也会造成对罹患其他发热疾病的患者治疗不当,在某种程度上还会造成药品浪费,加重穷国负担。

34、The reportorial misdirect that statement points to individual media the masses, made basic legal mistake. ─── 声明指个别媒体的报道误导了大众,犯了基本的法律错误。

35、Crucial is, as long as information is open and transparent, the judgement of people gets not easily misdirect, after all " the fact is excelled Demosthenic " . ─── 关键的是,只要信息公开透明,人们的判断就 不容易受到误导了,毕竟“事实胜于雄辩”。

36、Misdirect: Reach client guiding blame index site. ─── 误导:将客户引导至非索引站点。

37、This one false information not only misdirect does broad netizen with I, still have actually " lapidation Jing fish " negative effect. ─── 这一虚假消息不仅误导和愚弄广大网民,实际还有“投石惊鱼”的负面效果。

38、The two mistakes result in the project fund can not be used veritably to planning the real “wetland” park, and misdirect the concept of “ecological priority”. ─── 这两种误区导致建设资金没有真正落实在建设“湿地”公园上,还误导了“生态优先”的概念。

39、This can misdirect generation tools to create documents with unintended root elements, at least from the point of view of the schema author. ─── 这样可能误导生成工具,使创建的文档以不希望的元素作为根元素,至少从模式创建者的观点来看是这样的。

40、To misdirect one's energies or attention. ─── 找错目标精力或注意力集中在错误地方

41、with " entrance wood floor " misdirect consumer. ─── 用“进口木地板”误导消费者。

42、Of policy make must undertake on the foundation of sufficient investigation and study, meeting misdirect resource configures excessive and flush policy, bring about repeat construction. ─── 政策的制定必须在充分调查研究的基础上进行,过度泛滥的政策会误导资源配置,导致重复建设。

43、My friend stayed outside the restaurant long enough to misdirect my pursuers and the police, who arrived, at once. ─── 我朋友留在餐馆外面很久,向追我的人们和警察指引错误的方向,他告诉我说警察到得很快。

44、to misdirect a letter ─── 写错信件的地址

45、My friend stayed outside the restaurant long enough to misdirect my pursuers and the police, who arrived, at once. ─── 我朋友留在餐馆外面很久,向追我的人们和警察指引错误的方向,他告诉我说警察到得很快。

46、The reportorial misdirect that statement points to individual media the masses, made basic legal mistake. ─── 声明指个别媒体的报道误导了大众,犯了基本的法律错误。

47、This is the advertisement of a misdirect consumer. ─── 这是一则误导消费者的广告。

48、Why a lot of person does not understand with respect to talk rubbish, be misdirect other people so? ─── 也许人家认为自己说的就是正确的呢?呵呵。

49、Above all, TV ad must be practical and realistic, must not exaggerated, vaunting, hit consumerofedge ball misdirect. ─── 首先,电视广告一定要实事求是,不得夸大,吹嘘,打擦边球误导消费者。

50、Yesterday, city industrial and commercial bureau expresses at this point, this kind of label nots agree with with regulation of national relative standard, belong to misdirect consumer. ─── 昨天,市工商局就此表示,这种标识同国家相关标准规定不符,属误导消费者。

51、The wear-resisting of compound floor is equal to durable, do not believe advertisement misdirect of the businessman. ─── 复合地板的耐磨并不等于耐用,不要相信商家的广告误导。

52、Alleged " misdirect is linked " , it is people saw the article that does not plan to watch originally or video inadvertently through network link. ─── 所谓“误导链接”,就是人们通过网络链接无意中看到了本来不打算观看的文章或视频。

53、To this, the boss of furniture city expresses, management of the member that buy to guiding in inn is more rigorous, guide commonly buy a customer of won't sedulous misdirect. ─── 对此,家具城的老板表示,店里对导购员治理比较严格,一般导购员不会刻意误导顾客。

54、Family of this meeting misdirect does not send a hospital the patient, delay the opportunity of cure. ─── 这会误导家人不将病人送去医院,耽误救治的时机。

55、Expert of lucky star safety thinks, so called " safe browser " nonexistent, manufacturer " safe browser prevents a trojan " publicize serious misdirect netizen phonily. ─── 瑞星安全专家认为,所谓的“安全浏览器”不存在,厂商“安全浏览器防木马”的虚假宣传严重误导网民。

56、Relying solely on links or words to establish ranking, without placing any constraint on the types of pages that are being compared, opens up possibilities for spoofing or gaming the ranking system to misdirect queries. ─── 排行系统在比较网页时,若不对网页类型设限,而单单利用连结或字词建立排行,就有可能受骗或只能凭运气运作,搜寻结果也会遭到误导。

57、, became a spadger be dyinged by person random anatomical peacefully, beguiling partner, misdirect employee, finance is con, bribery is curule, at once of accusation of a top flies to. ─── 而在破产之后,安然则变成了一只被 人任意解剖的死麻雀,欺骗股东,误导员工,金融欺诈,贿赂高官,一顶顶罪名迅即飞至。

58、misdirect a jury ─── [法] 给陪审团下达错误指令

59、" Zhou Haiying says, "Be misdirect so, female comrades if be worn in that way, appropriate? ─── 周海婴说,“这样不是误导吗,女同志们如果都那样穿,合适吗?

60、This paper indicates that the figure project, as the achievement in one's post, will misdirect the land consolidation and rehabilitation. ─── 本文提出:形象工程的政绩标志误导土地整理行为,不能片面追求数量平衡而忽视质量提高;

61、A lot of economist of China, will tell bluntly is to did not carry out experience, him likelihood had not bought a share, this respect has some of misdirect. ─── 中国的很多经济学家,坦率来讲是没有实践经验,可能自己都没买过股票,这方面有些误导。

62、Promiscuous product name. At present name of designation of a lot of manufacturers or alleged product name and national level nots agree with, come with this misdirect consumer. ─── 混淆产品名称。目前很多厂商标示或宣称的产品名称与国家标准名称不符,以此来误导消费者。

63、Yesterday, the consumer that is duped partly accepts morning paper reporter to interview, stated the experience that is searched engine misdirect to be deceived by Baidu. ─── 昨日,部分上当的消费者接受晨报记者采访,陈述了受到百度搜索引擎误导上当受骗的经历。

64、The product coronal that will produce in home because of this like individual manufacturer is sold with holding the name that imports a product formerly, misdirect cheats customer. ─── 如个别厂商以此为由将在国内生产的产品冠以原装进口产品的名义来销售,误导欺骗消费者。

65、This caused the certain disorder that we get on in understanding, also caused the certain misdirect to solid Wu domain directly. ─── 这就造成了我们在认识上的某些混乱,也直接造成了对实务领域的某些误导。

66、Birthday danger sale member misdirect phenomenon is reduced somewhat. ─── 寿险营销员误导现象有所降低。

67、Consumer of misdirect of exaggerated product function. ─── 夸大产品性能误导消费者。

68、This has already be contrary to the fundamental at materialism, can produce misdirect to people again. ─── 这既有悖于唯物主义的基本原理,又会对人们产生误导。

69、consumer of misdirect of shoddy, low. ─── 以次充好、低价误导消费者。

70、However, the market share data that uses here appeared again misdirect. ─── 然而,这里使用的市场份额数据再次出现了误导。

71、Any conduct propaganda that emphasize contest price rank or network sale advantage one-sidedly, often not objective and meeting misdirect person. ─── 任何片面强调竞价排名或网络营销优势的宣传,往往不客观而且会误导人。”

72、Our company are special solemn statement, cause farther misdirect in order to prevent disloyal coverage to social community. ─── 本公司特严正声明,以避免不实报道对社会公众造成进一步误导。

73、This pair is suckedSmokePerson for it is a kind of very harmful misdirect more. ─── 这对吸烟者来说更是一种非常有害的误导。

74、no separate views nor party animosities,will misdirect the comprehensive and equal eye which ought to watch over this great assemblage of communities and interests, ─── 任何意见分歧或党派敌视,都不能使我们偏离全局观念和公平观点,即必须维护这个由不同地区和不同利益所组成的大联合;

75、Accuser agent expresses, after this website misdirect is successful, namely with in petrifaction name asks the other side joins in, and collection joins in cost. ─── 原告代理人表示,该网站误导成功后,即以中石化名义要求对方加盟,并收取加盟费。

76、Exaggerate the facts, lie, or mislead. Reporters can often spot attempts to misdirect them, and they will brand you as an unreliable source. ─── 不要夸大事实,谎言或误导。记者经常会曲解他们并宣称他们是不可靠信息的来源。

77、One, consumption of misdirect of false conduct propaganda. ─── 一、虚假宣传误导消费。

78、Actually this is misdirect. ─── 其实这是误导。

79、Great a long time is awaited, advertisement offers our place to want information, but advertisement often can misdirect us. ─── 大多时候,广告提供给我们所需信息,但广告经常只能误导我们。

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