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10-03 投稿


spatial 发音

英:['spe??(?)l]  美:['spe?l]

英:  美:

spatial 中文意思翻译



spatial 短语词组

1、spatial image restoration ─── [计] 空间图象恢复

2、spatial filtering ─── [计] 空间滤波

3、spatial property ─── [网络] 空间属性

4、spatial separation ─── [计] 空间隔离, 空间分隔

5、non-paired spatial orbital(NPSO)method ─── [化] 非成对空间轨道法

6、spatial frequency ─── [化] 空间频率

7、spatial data management system ─── [计] 空间数据管理系统

8、spatial coherence ─── [化] 空间相干性

9、spatial clustering ─── [计] 空间群集

10、spatial domain ─── [计] 空间域

11、spatial coordinates ─── [计] 空间坐标

12、arrangement spatial ─── [医] 空间排列

13、spatial formula ─── [医] 立体结构式

14、spatial encoding ─── [计] 空间编码

15、holographic spatial filtering ─── [计] 全息图象空间过滤

16、spatial isomerism ─── [医] 立体异构

17、spatial arrangement ─── 空间布局, ─── 空间排列

18、spatial relation ─── 空间关系

19、spatial distribution ─── [电] 空间分布

spatial 词性/词形变化,spatial变形

名词: spatiality |副词: spatially |

spatial 相似词语短语

1、spatially ─── adv.空间地;存在于空间地

2、spatfall ─── n.附苗

3、partial ─── adj.局部的;偏爱的;不公平的

4、spatiality ─── n.空间性

5、spaniel ─── n.西班牙猎犬;恭顺的人;vi.嬉戏;vt.向…摇尾乞怜

6、nonspatial ─── 非空间的

7、geospatial ─── adj.地理空间的

8、spathal ─── 斯帕塔尔

9、spacial ─── adj.空间的;存在于空间的;占地位的

spatial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It represents the spatial encoding of frequency, just like a piano. (example). ─── 就象一架钢琴,它代表了频率的空间编码(举例)。

2、A measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length. ─── 尺寸存在于空间范围的一种量变,特别是宽度、高度或长度

3、Because wormholes not only connect spatial locations they would also allow time travel. ─── 因为虫孔不只连接空间的区域他们也会允许时间旅行。

4、The purpose of map interpretation is to determine the temporal and spatial relationships among the different rocks. ─── 对地图判读目的在于确定不同岩石的时间空间关系。

5、Different spatial scales(scale and resolution) DEMs have great difference in the precision of terrain description. ─── 不同空间尺度(比例尺、分辨率)的DEM在地形描述精度上有很大差异。

6、One is also able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal and spatial context. ─── 人们也能看到具体的行为如何与时间和空间背景相关联。

7、Cognitive approach to spatial metaphors in English and Chinese II. ─── 从认知角度看汉语和英语的空间隐喻2。

8、ICTs plays an essential role in the new spatial organization. ─── 它被市区原址土地价格和新布局地雇员安置因素所驱动。

9、The procedure is quite unusual as compared with the spatial functions. ─── 与空间波函数相比,这个方法太异常了。

10、The spatial distribution of Cd, Hg, Zn is uneven, some exceed class tw... ─── 建议对不同污染程度土壤土地采取不同利用方式,需进行合理调整规划。

11、Spatial Heterogeneity of Agricultural eco-environment Sensitivity and Counter Measure. ─── 农业生态环境敏感性地域分布及整治对策。

12、Affordable housing also means sustainable housing as part of a sustainable spatial planning context. ─── 低价位房屋还应是作为可持续空间计划中的可持续住房。

13、The spatial distribution law of urban surface temperature was approximately contrary to that of vegetation index. ─── 城市地表温度与植被指数具有大致相反的空间分布规律。

14、She has very good spatial awareness, coordination, flexibility, poise and a sense of timing. ─── 她有很好的空中感觉、协调性、柔韧性、平衡感和时间感。

15、Their strengths in memory and spatial skills matched. ─── 他们的记忆力和空间技能一样。

16、Discussion on the Main Types of the Formation and Succession of Agricultural Ecosystems and Their Spatial Distribution. ─── 农业生态系统模式的形成演替及其空间分布格局探讨。

17、Chinese Spatial Strategies presents a study of social spaces of the capital of Ming Qing China (1420-1911). ─── 《中国的空间策略》一书呈现出对明清中国(1420~1911)首都之社会空间的研究。

18、A group of atoms bondedin a spatial configuration like links in a chain. ─── 原子序,原子构造限定在如链条上的连结环的空间构型里的一组原子。

19、The spatial distribution of element concentration values is expressed in the form of map. ─── 元素浓度值的空间分布应以图的形式表示。

20、They do not makes further intellectual and emotional effort needed to comprehend form in its full spatial existence. ─── 他们在智力上和感情上不再作进一步的努力了,而这种努力在理解空间实际存在的形体时是必要的。

21、Drop spatial index on tablename. ─── 可以删除一个空间索引。

22、Any linkage which contains a screw pair, for example, is a spatial mechanism, since the relative motion within a screw pair is helical. ─── 凡带有如螺旋副之类的连杆都是一个空间机构,因为螺旋副的相对运动是螺旋运动。

23、They do not make the further intellectual and emotional effort needed to comprehend form in its full spatial existence. ─── 但他们没有在智力和感情上进一步努力去理解存在于空间的整个形态。

24、The combination of GIS and RS technology is the trend of integration in spatial analyse. ─── 地理信息系统(GIS)与遥感(RS)的结合,是信息空间分析综合化、一体化的趋势。

25、The second is to compose spatial model of AWC of main soils and evaluate it in China. ─── 二是运用GIS技术,构建我国土壤AWC地理空间模型,并进行空间分异分析。

26、In this paper,the bar fixing problems of spatial four_bar mechanism are discussed applying projective geometry. ─── 应用画法几何探讨空间四杆机构各杆件的定位问题。

27、Considered from zone economics, county economy is the economy in county and canton or its economy spatial scale. ─── 从区域经济学看,县域经济是县域行政区间或其经济空间范围内的经济;

28、Proj-l-4: project spatial lines to assistant plane, then flat. ─── 4命令可以投影空间直线到辅助投影面,再展平.

29、In addition, the verb whose phrase referred to an act could prompt the influence of spatial dimension information. ─── 动作性较强的动词能够促进空间维度信息影响作用的发挥。

30、The Earth is round -- is two hemispheres constitutions. Designs the platform and spatial extending.... ─── 地球是圆的--是两个半球构成。设计平台与空间的延伸....

31、DLG, the vector data file, is widely used because vector data can be used for various spatial analysis. ─── DLG是矢量数据文件,满足GIS各种空间分析的要求,用途广泛。

32、Spatial mechanisms, on the other hand, include no restrictions on the relative motions of the particles. ─── 另一方面,质点的相对运动在空间机构中没有约束。

33、Spatial, temporal and muscle action patterns of Tai Chi gait. ─── 太极拳姿势和动作,比平常人体的动作姿势,

34、Spatial pattern of geological matter is one of core content of geo-science. ─── 地理事物的空间格局是地学研究的核心内容之一。

35、The use of Oracle Spatial has added a new and effective approach to the storage and management of ENC data. ─── 实现了用Oracle Spatial对电子海图空间数据的存储和管理,为电子海图数据的存储和管理开辟了新的途径。

36、Study on terrain radiant correction of high spatial resolution image of mountainous area. ─── 山区高分辨率遥感影像地形辐射校正方法研究。

37、A spatial mechanism may have particles with loci of double curvature. ─── 一个空间机构可以有双曲率轨迹的点。

38、North Atlantic Winter Climate Regimes: Spatial Asymmetry, Stationarity with Time, and Oceanic Forcing. ─── 北大西洋冬季气候机理:空间不对称、时间守恒和海洋驱动。

39、Spatial relation analysis and query are embedded in OTIN. ─── 在地形OTIN中增添了空间关系分析和查询功能,扩展了地形OTIN的应用。

40、The "Volcano" disco is a typical case of the spatial types of disco. ─── "火山"是迪斯科空间类型中的典型一例。

41、Engineering is both visual and spatial, and it's true that there are relatively few women engineers. ─── 干工程既涉及到视觉,又涉及空间能力,并且在实际上,女工程师相对稀少。

42、They also do equally well at programming a computer, which is neither visual nor spatial. ─── 妇女在计算机编程方面也无异于男性,这项工作既不涉及视觉能力也不涉及空间能力。

43、The existing network of automatic stations will be expanded to further improve spatial coverage. ─── 天文台亦会扩展现时的自动气象站网,以增大其覆盖范围。

44、The principle of spatial filtering of gridding is described. ─── 以网格状物体为例,介绍了空间滤波的原理;

45、This can be a challenge, given the spatial limitations of the automobile dashboard, center console, and steering wheel. ─── 在仪表盘、中心控制台和方向盘等空间相对有限的情况下,这是一个挑战。

46、IS the Spatial Arrangement and Combination of the Elements in Things Stipulation of Quantity? ─── 事物成分的空间排列组合是量的规定性吗?

47、He specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage. ─── 他指出了舞台上每件家具的空间关系。

48、Spatial distribution must also be regarded in the evaluation of competition. ─── 在评价竞争时,同样必须注意空间分布。

49、Spatial Structure of Allozyme Frequencies in Castanea mollissima Bl. ─── 中国板栗居群间等位酶基因频率的空间分布。

50、This part of brain judges the spatial relationship between objects. ─── 大脑的这部分判断物体间的空间关系。

51、The image of rooms was presented with a form of spatial structure in his early plays, and mixed with the time elements since the 1970s. ─── 在他最早的几部戏剧中,“房间”主要以空间结构的形态出现,七十年代起,品特的“房间”意象里已经注入了时间因素。

52、Meanwhile the spatial change of SBD is beneficial for WUE improvement. ─── 同时,土壤容重空间变化有利于提高水分利用效率。

53、An exploration on reasonable spatial ruler of practicing regional forest resources early-warning system. ─── 实践区域森林预警系统合理空间尺度的探讨。

54、Keywords : deep pit, spatial finite element analysis, failure model. ─── 关键词深基坑,三维有限元分析,破坏模式;

55、Nematic Liquid Crystal Binary Gratings with High Spatial Frquency[J]. ─── 引用该论文 史红军,苗?岑,史永基.

56、Durations and displacements were fully crossed, so there was no correlation between the spatial and temporal components of the stimuli. ─── 三个实验中,长度和持续时间充分的完全交叉(crossed),这样刺激的时间和空间特性之间就没有任何相关了。

57、Device used to alter the spatial distribution of radiation and depending essentially on the phenomenon of diffusion. ─── 依靠漫射现象改变辐射空间分布的器件。

58、It includes topics such as spatial frequency filtering, holography. ─── 它包括空间频率滤光、全息摄影。

59、Fenton, also of SUNY Downstate, who studies spatial memory in mice and rats. ─── Fenton)实验室的一段楼梯,该实验室也隶属纽约州立大学下州医学院,研究大、小鼠的空间记忆。

60、GIS(geographic information system)is an area that deals with all domains related to spatial property. ─── GIS(geographic information system)又名空间地理信息系统,与空间位置有关的领域都是GIS的重要领域。

61、The spatial models of AWC of soils presented the difference of soil AWC in China. ─── 土壤图的数字化,并结合收集整理的土壤类型理化数据,构建我国土壤AWC地理空间模型并进行分析。

62、Causes the entire spatial atmosphere unusual specialness. ─── 使得整个空间气氛异常的特别。

63、The ability to conceptualize and understand spatial relationships is needed. ─── 同时需要空间关系的构思和理解能力。

64、Intellectual and emotional effort are needed to comprehend form in its full spatial existence. ─── 在智力上和感情上的努力在理解空间实际存在的形体时是必要的。

65、This evolvement is the result of series of spatial interaction course just as social differentiation and spatial differentiation. ─── 这种演变趋势是社会分异与空间分异等一系列空间过程互动的结果。

66、The order of spatial distribution of CO2 concentration is the ground>the surface>the interior>the cres>the upper. ─── CO2空间分布为近地面层>畦面>植株内部>冠层>株顶上部。

67、The Earth is round -- is two hemispheres constitutions. Designs the platform and spatial extending. ─── 地球是圆的--是两个半球构成。设计平台与空间的延伸。

68、Temporal and spatial characteristics of XeF2 photodissociation wave[J]. ─── 引用该论文 于力,易爱平,刘晶儒,马连英,张永生.

69、Selection of Spatial Niche of Anopophora glabripennis Occurred in Salix spp. ─── 光肩星天牛寄主空间生态位选择性研究。

70、For a system, Hamiltonian is invariant under any translation of spatial coordinates. ─── 对于一体系,哈密算符在任何空间坐标变换下是不变的。

71、Polysemy of spatial prepositions in the cognitive framework . ─── Language Sciences上的文章: The iconicity of embodied meaning.

72、The second step is spatial correlation analysis of these reconstructed dada. ─── 在空间相关分析的基础上,进行单木竞争指标的研究。

73、Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator Based on BSO[J]. ─── 引用该论文 Shi Tao,Huang Ziqiang,Zhang Cuiyu.

74、The question of passage mismatch is analyzed, which shows each spatial spectrum estimate algorithm has good tolerance to passage mismatch. ─── 针对工程实现中的通道失配问题进行了分析,表明空间谱估计的各种算法都具有对通道失配的良好宽容性。

75、The tempo and spatial expression profiles of MuSKand Dvl are similar in muscle. ─── Dvl 是 Wnt 信号传递途径中的重要分子。 它在发育过程中的表达分布和MuSK 相似,富集于神经肌肉接头。

76、Spatial Patterns of Preinstrumental Moisture Variability in the Southern Canadian Cordillera. ─── 加拿大山脉南部仪器之前湿度变化的空间分布。

77、His manual dexterity and fine spatial skills were wasted on routine tasks. ─── 他的手巧和很好的感悟空间的技能被浪费在日常事务中了。

78、The author uses typology and various spatial analysis approaches in the thesis. ─── 作者在文章中采用类型学方法和多种空间分析方法。

79、Studies on the Spatial Agglomeration and Dispersion in China's Coastal City-and-Town Concentrated Areas II. ─── 中国沿海城镇密集地区空间集聚与扩散研究2。

80、One more issue specific to 3D applications is the number of spatial manipulation functions that can be performed. ─── 对于三维应用程序来说一个特定的问题是能实现多少空间操作功能。

81、Methods based on spatial frequencies evaluate the coefficients of the autocorrelation function of the texture. ─── 基于空间频率的方法估计纹理的自相关函数。

82、MDMA is not affect on spatial lear-ing and memory function of adult rats. ─── MDMA对成年大鼠的学习记忆功能无明显影响。

83、The study of the cultural, behavioral, and sociological aspects of spatial distances between individuals. ─── 人类空间统计学研究人与人之间空间距离的文化,行为,社会层面的学科

84、It used Markov modeler to model and forecast spatial series. ─── 使用马尔可夫模型对读请求的空间特征进行建模、预测。

85、Specified by or exhibiting four dimensions, especially the three spatial dimensions and single temporal dimension of the relativity theory. ─── 四维的,四度空间的由四维确定或表现的,尤指三个空间维度和相对理论中的时间维度

86、The spatial distribution of monthly precipitation in a year performance for the obvious periodical change characteristics. ─── 年内逐月降水量的空间分布格局表现为明显的周期性变化特征。


88、Fast Analysis of Gaussian Beam Propagation in Apertured Spatial Filter[J]. ─── 引用该论文 刘红婕,景峰,赵道木,朱启华,张小民,魏晓峰.

89、A group of atoms bonded in a spatial configuration like links in a chain. ─── 原子序,原子构造限定在如链条上的连结环的空间构型里的一组原子

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