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sepiolite 发音

英:[?sip???la?t]  美:[?si?p???la?t]

英:  美:

sepiolite 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 海泡石


sepiolite 相似词语短语

1、lepidolite ─── n.[矿物]锂云母

2、aerolite ─── n.[地质]陨石;石陨石

3、lepidolites ─── n.[矿物]锂云母

4、ripidolite ─── n.[矿物]铁绿泥石

5、saprolite ─── n.残余土;[地质]腐泥土

6、saprolites ─── n.残余土;[地质]腐泥土

7、spilite ─── n.[岩]细碧岩

8、sepiolites ─── n.[矿物]海泡石

9、sepialike ─── 分离

sepiolite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、sepiolite and bentonit ─── 海泡石和膨润土

2、activated sepiolite ─── 活化海泡石

3、Exploitation of sepiolite--the superior mineral in Hunan province to produce BB fertilizer ─── 开发湖南优势矿产资源海泡石用于BB肥生产

4、Fibrous sepiolite ─── 海泡石纤维

5、Sepiolite is a new catalytic material with a high specific surface area and unique porous structure. ─── 海泡石是一种新型的催化材料,具有大的比表面和独特的孔结构。

6、Keywords sepiolite;filter paper;strength;permeance property; ─── 海泡石;滤纸;强度;透过性能;

7、sepiolite suspension ─── 海泡石料浆


9、Keywords sepiolite;activation;hygroscopy;humidity releasing; ─── 海泡石;活化;吸湿;放湿;

10、The adsorption efficiency of oil fume between sepiolite and active charcoal was compared and results showed that sepiolit... ─── 实验结果表明:海泡石成本低,油烟去除率高,是一种理想的油烟净化剂。

11、A review on the chemical separation and determination of clay minerals such as kaolin, talc, sepiolite, montmorillonite etc. is presented with 21 references. ─── 对高岭石、滑石、海泡石、蒙脱石等粘土矿物的化学分离与测定进行了评述,引用文献21篇。

12、Sepiolite is a fibrous,natural,hydrated magnesium silicate.It is not only an adsorbent but also a catalyst. ─── 海泡石是一种纤维状含水的镁硅酸盐,具有吸附性、流变性和催化性三种特性。

13、There is no enough hydrogen bond for sepiolite so treatment is needed to improve the strength and permeance property of the filter paper. ─── 不过海泡石缺少形成氢键的基团,需要对其进行处理来提高滤纸的强度和透过性能。

14、Keywords sepiolite;bentonite;adsorbent-aid;adsorption;VC;KGA; ─── 海泡石;吸附助剂;膨润土;吸附;抗坏血酸;古龙酸;

15、The micro-view of sepiolite clay, produced in Yonghe, Liuyang, Hunan is existed as a fibrous-mesh-texture.It has higher porosity factor surface area, thus the clay has stronger absorbent capability. ─── 永和海泡石粘土的微观结构呈纤维网状,孔隙率较高,具有较大的比表面积,赋予它较强的吸附能力。

16、According to its character, sepiolite is used to make adsorption tissue with softwood pulp after heat activation, the paper can roll into stick as cigarette filter tip. ─── 本文实验就是利用海泡石的这一特性,先将海泡石进行高温活化,再将其与木浆混合配抄吸附型薄页纸,此纸可以卷制成滤嘴棒作卷烟滤嘴。

17、acidification sepiolite ─── 海泡石

18、The present invention relates to papermaking technology, and is thin sepiolite paper and its making process. ─── 一种海泡石薄页纸及其抄造方法。属于造纸技术。

19、Sepiolite Fibre Composites Used for Automotive Brake Lining ─── 汽车用海泡石纤维复合材料制动摩擦片的研制

20、Keywords sepiolite;organic dyes;adsorption;methylene blue;crystal violet;methyl green;infrared spectrum; ─── 海泡石;有机染料;吸附;亚甲基蓝;结晶紫;甲基绿;红外光谱;

21、Keywords immobilization;sepiolite;microorganism;dye;decolorization; ─── 固定化;海泡石;微生物;染料;脱色;

22、Keywords Insulation paint Silicate Sepiolite; ─── 保温涂料;硅酸盐;海泡石;

23、Experimental Research on Surface Modification of Sepiolite and Its Application ─── 海泡石表面改性及其应用试验研究

24、Keywords Sepiolite;Ag-ion;Abio-antimicrobial;Vitrification; ─── 海泡石;银离子;无机抗菌剂;玻璃相固化;

25、Keywords modified sepiolite;amorphous alloy;furfural;liquid phase hydrogenation;furfuralcohol;catalysis; ─── 改性海泡石;非晶态合金;糠醛;液相加氢;糠醇;催化;

26、Sepiolite is a new catalyst material with large surface area and unique structure.There is rich resource of sepiolite in the nature.So it has a very low cost. ─── 海泡石具有巨大的比表面和独特的孔结构,而且资源丰富,价格低廉,是一种新型的催化材料。

27、Keywords ConstructedWetland;Sepiolite;Vetiveria zizanioides;Urban Domesticsewage;Diminish ratio;Kinetic reaction; ─── 人工湿地;海泡石;香根草;城市生活污水;去除率;反应动力学;

28、Sepiolite is a natural magnesium hydrosilicate clay mineral.It has excellent adsorption properties to cigarette smoke. ─── 海泡石作为一种天然含水的镁硅酸盐粘土矿物,对卷烟烟气有优良的吸附性。

29、Present situation of sepiolite activated and modified and its application prospect ─── 海泡石活化改性的研究现状及应用前景

30、Abstract This paper introduces the general situation of exploitation and utilization tripoli,wollastonite , bentonite,kaolin,serpentine,sepiolite and perlite in Jiangxi Province. ─── 介绍了江西省天然粉石英、硅灰石、膨润土、高岭土、蛇纹石、海泡石、珍珠岩等非金属矿开发利用的概况及今后发展非金属矿开采应采取的措施。

31、Chemical compositions and application properties of sepiolite formed by weathering-leaching geological action and occurred in asbestos mine in Xinkang, Sichuan were studied in the paper. ─── 以四川新康石棉矿中风化林滤成因海泡石为研究对象,对其化学成分、应用性能进行了研究。

32、Keywords Sepiolite;Copper;Furfural;Furfuryl alcohol;Hydrogenation; ─── 海泡石;铜;糠醛;糠醇;加氢;

33、Catalytic reduction of NO with CO by sepiolite loaded with IB group metals ─── CO还原NO海泡石铜族金属催化剂的研究

34、Sepiolite is one of the mineral materials which have the most widely use in the world. ─── 海泡石是世界上用途最广泛的矿物原料之一。

35、Through a series of study,the authors set forth the comprehensive methodsto confirm sepiolite. ─── 作者通过研究,提出了综合鉴定海泡石的方法。

36、Fibrous sepiolite has cytotoxicity to human erythrocyte. ─── 纤维海泡石对红细胞有毒性。

37、Measures for improving the quality of filter paper are discussed in terms of beating degree, fines removal, mercerization treatment, sepiolite acid treatment, additives addition, drying and pressing. ─── 本文从控制打浆度、筛除细小纤维、丝光化处理、酸处理海泡石、加入助剂、干燥和压榨等方面讨论了提高海泡石配抄植物纤维生产滤纸质量的措施。

38、The optimum content of sepiolite in the coating is 2.88% (mass fraction) by colligating various factors. ─── 当海泡石用量为2.88%(质量分数)时,水性钢结构防火涂料的综合性能较好。

39、Modification of sepiolite and its application in supported catalysts ─── 海泡石的改性及其在负载型催化剂中的应用

40、Keywords TiO_(2);sepiolite;zeolite;carrier;photocatalytic; ─── 海泡石;沸石;载体;光催化;

41、Keywords Titanium dioxide;Sepiolite;Photo-catalytic degradation;Methylene blue Supported photo-catalysts; ─── 二氧化钛;海泡石;光催化降解;亚甲基蓝;负载光催化剂;

42、This paper deals mainly with the metallogenic and geologic characteristics of sepiolite and the typical sepiolite deposits at home and abroad,and also discusses its prospect in mineral search. ─── 本文主要介绍了海泡石的成矿地质特征及国内外典型海泡石矿床,并探讨了海泡石的找矿前景。

43、Sepiolite is a fibrous natural hydrated magnesium silicate with good absorptive property. ─── 海泡石是一种纤维状含水的镁硅酸盐矿石,具有良好的吸附性能。

44、Over the whole trial, the optimum conditions of absorptive power of sepiolite to feed grade. . . ─── 通过一系列的实验,找到了海泡石吸附锌离子的最佳条件,为生产工艺提供了理论依据。

45、Sepiolite could not be fully uti-lized because it is difficult to confirm sepiolite. ─── 但海泡石的鉴定比较困难,使人们难以充分利用海泡石。


47、Study on Changing Character of Sepiolite and Treatment of Printing and Dyeing Wastewater ─── 海泡石改性及处理印染废水的研究

48、The suggestion is presented that the soil and fertilizer sector is combined with the land and resource sector for the production and application of BB fertilizer with sepiolite clay r... ─── 建议湖南省土肥站体系和国土资源部门相结合,组织和指导肥料企业发展海泡石BB肥的施肥模式。

49、Mineralogical Characteristics of Sepiolite and Wollastonite Fibres and Its Application in Non-asbestos Brake-shoe ─── 海泡石及硅灰石纤维的矿物学特性及其在无石棉刹车片中的应用

50、Modified Sepiolite ─── 改性海泡石

51、Study on modification of fibered siliceous lime and sepiolite is carried out and the optimal modification process is obtained. ─── 纤维状的硅石灰和海泡石进行了改性研究,获得了硅石灰和海泡石的最佳改性工艺。

52、Keywords sepiolite;building paint;addition agent;Hunan;Liuyang; ─── 海泡石;建筑涂料;添加剂;湖南;浏阳;

53、Keywords Sepiolite fibers;Chemical fiberization;Technological process;Orthogonal experiment;Beating degree; ─── 海泡石纤维;化学松解;工艺流程;正交试验;叩解度;

54、With structure and capability of sepiolite,the current research development in disposing heavy metal wastewater is discussed,and its exploitation is analyzed. ─── 从海泡石的结构和性能上,探讨了它作为一种吸附剂在重金属废水处理方面的研究进展,并对其开发利用进行了分析。

55、Furthermore, viscosity and water resistance of the coating and hardness of the char layers increase with the increase of content of sepiolite, but intumescent ability is reduced. ─── 此外,随着海泡石用量的增加,水性钢结构防火涂料的粘度增大,耐水性和发泡层硬度显著增强,但涂层膨胀度有所降低。

56、The Effects of the Sepiolite to the Growth of Plants in A Roof Garden ─── 屋顶花园栽培基质中添加海泡石的效果研究初报

57、organic sepiolite clay ─── 有机海泡石粘土

58、Sepiolite is a fibrous silicate clay mineral with excellent absorbability, rheological behavior andcatalytic activity etc owing to its high specific surface and unique porous structure. ─── 海泡石是一种纤维状的硅酸盐粘土矿物,具有巨大的比表面和独特的孔结构及良好的吸附性、流变性、催化性等。

59、Keywords desiccant;sepiolite;zeolite;smectite;starch; ─── 干燥剂;海泡石;沸石;蒙脱石;淀粉;

60、There is no enough hydrogen bond for sepiolite so treatment is needed to improve the strength and permeance property of the filter paper. ─── 不过海泡石缺少形成氢键的基团,需要对其进行处理来提高滤纸的强度和透过性能。

61、Our MAIN PRODUCTS: Sepiolite, Vermiculite, Mica and Perlite ect. ─── 主营产品:海泡石、蛭石、云母、珍珠岩、硅灰石等。

62、Keywords sepiolite;nickel;boron;molybdenum;amorphous alloy;hydrogenation;furfural;furfuryl alcohol; ─── 海泡石;镍;硼;钼;非晶态合金;加氢;糠醛;糠醇;


64、Keywords cuprous oxide;magnesia;sepiolite;composite carriers;modification;catalytic dehydrogenation of cyclohexanol;cyclohexanone; ─── 氧化亚铜;氧化镁;海泡石;复合载体;改性;环己醇催化脱氢;环己酮;

65、The high adsorptivity of sepiolite and reticulation of plant fiber can be utilized to produce filter paper with high adsorptivity. ─── 造纸工业可以利用海泡石的强吸附性和植物纤维的网状结构,生产具有吸附性的滤纸。

66、Keywords palladous chloride;cupric chloride;sepiolite;supported catalyst;benzene;phenol;catalytic mechanism; ─── 氯化钯;氯化铜;海泡石;负载型催化剂;苯;苯酚;催化机理;

67、Studies on the Modification of Sepiolite for Amorphous NiB Alloy Catalyst ─── 海泡石对非晶态NiB合金催化剂的改性研究

68、Study of sepiolite applied to printing and dyeing wastewater treatment ─── 海泡石在废水处理中的应用研究

69、sepiolite modification ─── 活化

70、Keywords Sepiolite;wollastonite;plant fibre;papermaking; ─── 海泡石;硅灰石;植物纤维;造纸;

71、Sepiolite can be used as a sorption carrier of abio-antimicrobial. ─── 利用海泡石粘土为吸附载体,对载银抗菌能力进行前期的定性分析。

72、Keywords sepiolite;filter tip;exhaust device;mat latex;intumescent material;activation treatment; ─── 海泡石;过滤嘴纸;净化器;衬垫;粘合剂;膨胀材料;活化处理;

73、Character Activation of Sepiolite and Its Application in Papermaking ─── 海泡石的性质、活化及其在造纸中的应用

74、Keywords sepiolite;friction materials;friction;wear; ─── 海泡石;摩擦材料;摩擦磨损;

75、Keywords Sepiolite;Catalyst;Nickel;Reduction process;P-amino-benzoic acid;P-nitro-methylbenzene; ─── 海泡石;催化剂;镍;水热晶化;对氨基苯甲酸;对硝基甲苯;

76、Keywords sepiolite;immobilization;dye-house wastewater;decolorizing bacteria; ─── 海泡石;固定化;染色废水;脱色菌;

77、sepiolite pipes ─── 海泡石管

78、Study on sepiolite for thickening-rheological agent of architectural coating ─── 海泡石用作建筑涂料增稠流变剂的研究

79、The adsorption efficiency of oil fume between sepiolite and active charcoal was compared and results showed that sepiolite grain is a cost-effective adsorbent in treating oil fume. ─── 实验结果表明:海泡石成本低,油烟去除率高,是一种理想的油烟净化剂。

80、Electron ceramic grade basic magnesium carbonate was obtained by adding Na_2CO_3 to the acid dissolved liquid of sepiolite and followed by microwave -hydrothermal decomposition method. ─── 副产的酸浸取液精制后用纯碱法及微波加热水解法制得了电子陶瓷用碱式碳酸镁。该工艺不但可降低硅胶的生产成本,也提高了海泡石资源的应用价值。

81、Keywords sepiolite;antibacterial agent;antibacterial masterbatch;antibacterial film;antibacterial property;mechanical properties; ─── 海泡石;抗菌剂;抗菌母料;抗菌薄膜;抗菌性能;力学性能;

82、Sepiolite is a new catalytic material with a high specific surface area and a unique pore structure, which exists widely in the nature and whose cost is not high. ─── 海泡石具有巨大比表面和独特的孔结构,且资源丰富,价格低廉,是一种新型的催化材料。

83、The sepiolite purification process can be widely applied to the processing and purification of various low-grade sepiolites. ─── 它可广泛应用于各种低品位海泡石的加工提纯。

84、Compared to pure UP, the impact strength and the hardness of nanocomposites with about 5wt% fibrous sepiolite increases by 36.66% and 20%, respectively. ─── 测试结果表明,在有机海泡石纤维加入量为5wt%左右时,纳米复合材料的抗冲击性能提高了约36.66%; 当加入量为5wt%时,复合材料的肖氏硬度提高了将近20%。

85、Keywords sedimentary type;sepiolite;resource character; ─── 沉积型;海泡石;资源特征;

86、Methylene Blue Adsorbing on Sepiolite ─── 海泡石对亚甲基蓝的吸附性能

87、Two special diagenetic minerals , nodular celestite and sepiolite , are developed in the carbonate succession. ─── 概述前人对这些沉积特殊性的研究成果及存在问题。

88、The Research and Development of Automotive Nonmetal Brake Lining With Sepiolite Matrix ─── 以海泡石为基材的汽车制动摩擦片的研制

89、Sepiolite is a new catalytic material with high specific surface area and unique porous structure,which exists widely in the nature and the price is not high to burden. ─── 海泡石具有巨大比表面和独特孔结构,资源丰富,价格低廉,是一种新型的催化材料。

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