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10-04 投稿


engendering 发音


英:  美:

engendering 中文意思翻译



engendering 词性/词形变化,engendering变形

动词过去式: engendered |名词: engenderer |动词现在分词: engendering |动词第三人称单数: engenders |动词过去分词: engendered |

engendering 相似词语短语

1、degendering ─── 去除(语言等)中的性别所指

2、engenderment ─── 工程类

3、endangering ─── 危及

4、entendering ─── 解释

5、engender ─── vt.使产生;造成;vi.产生;引起

6、engendered ─── vt.使产生;造成;vi.产生;引起

7、engineering ─── n.工程,工程学;v.设计;管理(engineer的ing形式);建造

8、misgendering ─── 不匹配

9、calendering ─── n.[纺]轧光;混练橡胶

engendering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Apple juice concentrate Thermo-acidophilic bacteria Alicycobacillus Reasons of engendering Control; ─── 浓缩苹果汁;耐热菌;脂环芽孢杆菌;产生原因;控制;

2、But it has no influence to engendering blood vessel. ─── 而对血管形成无明显作用。

3、Jupiter and Neptune will be in perfect alignment on May 27.This is a classic aspect for engendering an outpouring of compassion for those in need. ─── 27日,木星和海王星会成一直线,你可以倾注你的热情,帮助那些有需要的人。

4、Part I is a general survey of network"s engendering and development in China. ─── 文章共分为四个部分:第一部分:阐述了网络的产生及其在中国的发展概况。

5、Objective: Optimizing the technological conditions for Extractions of Supplement Qi and Engendering Blood Oral liquid medicinal substances. ─── 目的:优选补气生血口服液方药的提取工艺和制剂工艺。

6、We give them the passion for truth: founded on precept or example, truth is the beginning of every good thing; the power and the faith engendering mutual trust. ─── 我们要给予他们追求真理的激情:真理建立在言传身教的基础上,是一切美好事物的开始,可以带来相互信任的力量和信念。

7、1.Responsible for maintaining the highest standard of room and public area cleanliness and appearance, guest service as well as engendering team spirit and motivation in all staff. ─── 负责维持房间和公共区域的最高标准的清洁、外观以及对客服务,同时提升团队精神和激励员工。

8、There is nothing like dogma for bringing forth dreams.And there is nothing like dreams for engendering the future. ─── 没有什么比信念更能产生梦想,也没有什么比梦想更能孕育未来。

9、Responsibilities:Responsible for maintaining the highest standard of room and public area cleanliness and appearance, guest service as well as engendering team spirit and motivation in all staff. ─── 管理每日客房部的日常运营,指导并协调整个客房部门包括维修职能。

10、The early Under-ordered Ci exhibited an evolutional track from the poetry to Ci, engendering special significance to the formal establishment of Ci genre. ─── 早期应制词表现出由诗向词演进的轨迹,对词体的正式确立有特殊意义。

11、Engendering and controlling of blemish in manufacturing in crucible furnace ─── 坩埚窑生产中缺陷的产生及控制

12、Talk on the Cause of Engendering Circumstance Accounting ─── 谈环境会计产生的原因

13、Certain soluble extracts of B pertussis may prove to be effective without engendering serious side effects. ─── 某些可溶性百日咳杆菌提取物,可证明用之有效,也不产生严重副作用。

14、Objective: To study clinical effects of pulse Engendering palpitation stabilizing decoction on patients with tacho arrhythmia cordis. ─── 摘要目的:观察生脉复律汤治疗快速型心律失常的临床疗效。

15、Keywords Supplement Qi and Engendering Blood oral liquid;Alcohol degree;Asafetida acid; ─── 补气生血口服液;醇沉浓度;阿魏酸;

16、engendering mechanism ─── 产生机理

17、engendering reasons of accounting policy ─── 会计政策产生的原因

18、The edifice will begin behind the top roofline of the main hall.Viewed from a distance, it will appear that the old building is engendering a structure of numerous extended lines. ─── 构筑物的起点在南博大殿梁脊的背面,远处看去,很象一个老建筑表面不断的生长出很多线条和结构。

19、And she must be delighted that the choice of film locale is so appealing, engendering as it did, her lovely day with Suri. ─── 凯蒂应该对这次丈夫新片所选的拍摄地感到高兴,正因如此,她才能和小女儿度过了如此快乐的一天。

20、On the Value of Economic Law from Its Engendering Foundation ─── 从经济法的产生基础看其价值取向

21、He involuntarily raised his hand to explain that yin and yang are mutually indispensable and engendering. ─── 他下意识地举起手来解释阴与阳之间的相互依存。

22、Based on the research on the characteristic of the dynatron component and parts of an apparatus, the concept of dynatron effect was educed, and the engendering mode and principle was discussed. ─── 在对负阻元器件特性进行研究和分析的基础上引出负阻效应的概念,对负阻效应产生方式和原理进行了论述。

23、The new moon of November 27 will be your best of the year for engendering love. ─── 11月27号新月的时刻,是这一年中最好的激发爱情的时光。

24、On the Curriculum Engendering Mechanism of "One with Some Supporting Elements" ─── 论"一主多元"的大学课程生成机制

25、The engendering and developing process of the elementary theory of Information Analysis is studied. ─── 信息分析基础理论的产生和发展随着科技的进步,社会的发展而不断创新、完善和发展。

26、Rather than engendering happiness, this loss of place in society for he individual has led to resentment, envy, suspicion and bitterness. ─── 这种个人在社会中的地位的丧失没有产生幸福,反而产生怨愤、羡慕、怀疑和痛苦。

27、Rut is one of main disease in asphalt pavement.This paper analyses the reason of engendering rut from external condition.Besides,some suggestions in anti-rutting were put forward for reference. ─── 车辙是沥青路面的主要病害之一。从沥青路面的外部使用条件分析了沥青路面产生车辙的外部原因,为沥青路面高温稳定性的设计提供参考,并对沥青路面车辙的预防提出了一些建议。

28、This article focused on the special territorial risk of real estate market.It discusscd the engendering and transmitting mechanism of real estate risk from the inner market structure. ─── 本文关注于房地产市场特有的区域风险,从房地产市场的内部结构来讨论房地产风险产生和传导的机制。

29、Results indicated that the existence of olefins in the reformate raffinate was the major factor engendering the deactivation of 5A molecular sieve. ─── 结果表明,重整抽余油中的烯烃是引起分子筛结焦失活的主要因素。

30、Keywords Chloro-percha paste;Zine oxide engend paste;Root canal sealers;Root filling; ─── 氯仿牙胶糊剂;丁香油氧化锌糊剂;根管封闭剂;根管充填;

31、Engendering no controversy. ─── 不会产生争议的

32、Contemporary infill terrace housing, engendering clear references and associations to its historic context. ─── 它注入了当代连排别墅的风韵,也突显了其历史的背景。

33、Establishes an experiment platform for suction-airflow affected by annular jet and designs a ventilation inlet with blades engendering rotating jet. ─── 建立了环形射流作用下的吸气流动实验台,设计了带有产生旋转射流叶片的风口。

34、The Treatment and Reason Analysis of Engendering Crack underneath Whole Room Pre-cast Concrete Panel after Fixing ─── 预制整间楼板安装后发生板底裂缝原因分析及解决方法

35、Transplantation should be done, she says, even if it risks engendering new diseases and pests or other unintended consequences. ─── 她说,即使可能造成致命的新疾病、新害虫,或其他意料之外的后果,我们仍然应该进行移植。

36、the person-to-person trade contract shows the change of property rights, namely the engendering of the market. ─── 最后,为使私人间的交易安全而有效率地进行,需要正义之法保障。

37、"Infidelity", "Submission", and "Subversion": Engendering the cross-border mistressing phenomenon in South China. ─── “不忠”、“顺从”、与“颠覆”:华南跨境包二奶现象的社会性别分析.

38、Engendering Causes and Controlling Measures of Internal Cracks in Slab ─── 板坯内部裂纹产生原因及控制

39、Demonstrated interpersonal and negotiation skills and techniques that accomplish activities through beingassertive, able to influence others and engendering trust. ─── 拥有较好与人沟通的能力和谈判技巧,个人有感染力,能与人建立信任;

40、Conditions for a war were engendering in that country. ─── 那个国家正在酿成战争的形势。

41、Engendering Change in the classroom. ─── 促成教室里的性别变化。

42、The parents, as big as hometown of memory as the old photos, yellow has no details have the sharpness of clarity and engendering! ─── 父母的故乡,月大如盘的记忆象发黄的老照片,已渐渐没了细节,没了物象的锐度和清晰度!

43、This part mainly introduce the process of network"s engendering; ─── 介绍了网络的产生过程;

44、Engendering the right culture is also important, to create an environment where it is less likely that fraud can take root. ─── 在42%的舞弊案例中,每一个舞弊者造成的经济损失在100万欧元以上,整个公司的损失则更是巨大。

45、We give them the passion for truth :founded on precept or example ,truth is the behinning of every good thing ,the power ang the faith engendering mutual trust . ─── 我们要给予他们追求真理的激情:真理建立在言传身教的基础上,是一切美好事物的开始,是带来相互信任的力量和信念。

46、We give them the passion for truth:founded on precept of example,truth is the begining of every good thing,the power and faith engendering mutual trust. ─── 我们要给与他们追求真理的激情:真理来源于实践,是美好事物的开始,是相互信任产生的能力和信念。

47、Genus-book was engendering and developing under the effects of literature collections, literature utilization, composition, emperor's influence, literature compilation and academic thoughts. ─── 在文献聚集、文献利用、文学创作、帝王影响、文献编纂、学术思想等因素的共同作用下,类书得以产生与发展。

48、The post-Bretton Woods system worked well, engendering the long period of low inflation and steady growth known as the Great Moderation. ─── 后布雷顿森林体系运行良好,造就了长时期的低通胀和高增长的“大缓和”时期。

49、Certain soluble extracts of B pertussis may prove to be effective without engendering serious side effects ─── 某些可溶性百日咳杆菌提取物,可证明用之有效,也不产生严重副作用。

50、The modern situation of oil pollution,the category and the way of its engendering in the process of oil production were analyzed. ─── 从分析石油工业生产过程石油污染的现状、石油污染物的种类及其产生途径入手。

51、Engendering Mechanism of Sport Fatigue and the Preventive Measures ─── 运动性疲劳发生机制及其防治对策

52、Objective:Study the effect of alcohol for asafetida acid of Supplement Qi and Engendering Blood oral liquid. ─── 目的:考察醇沉浓度对补气生血口服液中阿魏酸含量的影响。

53、Results:Different alcohol degree have different effects for asafetida acid of Supplement Qi and Engendering Blood oral liquid. ─── 结果:在6个浓度醇沉液中,以70%的醇沉液阿魏酸含量最高。

54、So thought is an extraordinary instrument of engendering thought. Right? ─── 所以思想是一个创造思想的非凡的工具。

55、Firstly, it introduces the theory of the fourth party logistics, including the concept of the fourth party logistics, the reasons of engendering and the characteristic and so on. ─── 本文首先论述了第四方物流的相关内容,主要介绍了第四方物流的概念、产生的原因、特点,第四方物流的运作模式及与其他物流运作方式的比较。

56、WBS is always used to substantiate the bound of project, by which engendering the plan before optimizing it.A method of random simulation by computer is presented to optimize the plan. ─── 航空型号研制项目范围管理采用的主要方法是WBS工作分解结构,进而依据WBS形成计划,再进行计划的优化,本文提出了一种随机模拟法优化计划的方法。

57、It was gradually engendering in Palestine, the unique geography where the ancient Hebrew lived, and the turbulent historical environment. ─── 《圣经》是在古希伯莱人的居住地巴勒斯坦这块独特的地理与动荡的历史环境中逐步形成的。

58、They hardly realize that there is no learning but is capable of engendering interest and that all depends on how to search for it. ─── 殊不知天下没有没有趣味的学问,端视吾人如何发掘其趣味,

59、Jingquan has closed relationship with Materials Science &Engendering Department to Qinghua University and cooperation with Super-Hard Tools Research Institute of Overseas Chinese University. ─── 晶泉公司与清华大学材料与科学工程系、华侨大学超硬工具研究所,始终保持着诚挚友好的合作关系。

60、Implementation of the service quality programme is part of the PoliceForce's on-going commitment to improving the quality of its service and engendering the confidence of the public. ─── 推行警队服务质素计划,是警队持续承诺的一部分,藉以改善警队的服务质素和加强市民对警队的信心。

61、The differentiation of mankind subject and environment object led to engendering the clear concept of environment. ─── 人类主体与环境客体的相分导致明确环境概念的产生。

62、Without senses, the mind mentally masturbates, engendering a mental blindness. ─── 缺少感官的心智,自渎并心理失明[3]。

63、Demonstrated interpersonal and negotiation skills and techniques that accomplish activities through being assertive, able to influence others and engendering trust ─── 有良好的人际沟通技巧和谈判技巧,自信、能影响他人并获得信任

64、Or take a week to be alone if you've always wanted to do so, despite the guilt-engendering protestations from other members of your family. ─── 或者你可以不管家里其他人的反对意见,独自去一个你早就想去的地方旅行。

65、Apart from engendering widespread ecological disorders, pesticides have contributed to the emergence of a new breed of chemical-resistant, highly lethal superbugs. ─── 除了造成广泛的生态失调外,农药还促成了一种新型的具有抗化学性的、高度致命的超级细菌的出现。

66、This paper surveyed two engendering mechanisms of borrowers' credit information. ─── 文章考察了有关借款人信用信息的两种产生机制。

67、Research on the Engendering Mechanism of Credit Information in Credit Markets ─── 信贷市场信用信息的产生机制研究

68、On the Engendering Mechanism of Technological Progress ─── 论技术进步的发生机制

69、The supernatural engendering of faith, prayer, hope, love, and all the many facets of Christ-like character. ─── 凭超自然的力量,产生出信心,祷告,盼望,爱和所有像基督的性情。

70、The engendering, classification, path and control of environmental pollution transference were discussed. ─── 对环境污染转嫁的产生、分类、途径及其控制与防范进行了分析。

71、Methods:To study asafetida acid as the index to study the effect of different alcohol degree(40%,50%,60%,70%,80%,90%)for Supplement Qi and Engendering Blood oral liquid. ─── 方法:以阿魏酸为指标对补气生血口服液不同醇沉浓度(40%,50%,60%,70%,80%,90%)进行研究。

72、In the past three years, 1,500 journalists from 750 news units have participated in these activities, engendering more than 10,000 news articles. Of these, television news items alone accounted for 1,600. ─── 3年来,全国共有750家新闻单位,1500多名记者参加了采访报道活动,编发各类稿件1万多篇,仅电视新闻就达1600多条。

73、A new algorithm stream function method (SFM), engendering vector currents from radial currents mapped by two HF Radar sites detection is provided. ─── 摘要提出了一种基于海洋流函数模型的双站高频地波雷达径向流生成矢量流算法。

74、The teaching process under "communication-discussion-finding" teachingtactichas such characters as main body, mutual communication, dynamic engendering, etc. ─── 该教学策略导引下的教学过程突出体现主体性、多向互动性和动态生成性等特征。

75、Objective:Optimizing the technological conditions for Extractions of Supplement Qi and Engendering Blood Oral liquid medicinal substances. ─── 目的:优选补气生血口服液方药的提取工艺和制剂工艺。

76、Melosh, Barbara. Engendering Culture: Manhood and Womanhood in New Deal Public Art and Theater. 1991. ─── 《发展型文化:成年男女在新政公共艺术和剧院》1991.

77、As one of the most basical and common social relationships family blood relationship lays the foundations in the engendering of human ethical morality. ─── 家庭血缘关系作为一种最基础最普遍的社会关系,是人类伦理道德产生的始基。

78、This paper analyses the reason of engendering rut from external condition.Besides,some suggestions in anti-rutting were put forward for reference. ─── 从沥青路面的外部使用条件分析了沥青路面产生车辙的外部原因,为沥青路面高温稳定性的设计提供参考,并对沥青路面车辙的预防提出了一些建议。

79、The modern situation of oil pollution, the category and the way of its engendering in the process of oil production were analyzed. ─── 摘要从分析石油工业生产过程石油污染的现状、石油污染物的种类及其产生途径入手。

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