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10-03 投稿


semolina 发音

英:[?sem??li?n?]  美:[?sem??li?n?]

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semolina 中文意思翻译



semolina 网络释义

n. 粗粒小麦粉,粗面粉

semolina 相似词语短语

1、semina ─── n.精液(semen的复数);n.(Semina)(俄、乌、白俄罗斯)塞米纳(人名)

2、Carolina ─── n.卡罗莱纳州(在美国东南部)

3、semifinal ─── n.半决赛;半决赛阶段;adj.半决赛的;参加半决赛的

4、semilunar ─── adj.半月形的

5、sembling ─── vi.看来好像

6、pemoline ─── 匹莫林

7、santolina ─── n.绵杉菊

8、de Molina ─── 德莫利纳

9、pemolines ─── 匹莫林

semolina 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Semolina pasta in a hearty Bolognese meat sauce flavored with red wine, onion, celery, and olive oil. ─── 肉酱意大利面,很经典。浓重的肉酱加入红酒、葱、芹和橄榄油。

2、until the semolina peels off the sides of the pot. ─── 直到粗粒小麦粉从盆(或锅,罐子,视上下文)边剥落。

3、Combine milk and margarine in a saucepan.Cook over the low heat until lightly boiled, then add in semolina and cook for about 5 minutes. ─── 馅料中的牛奶和植物牛油放到小锅里,低火烧开,加入粗麦煮上5分钟左右。

4、Molino flours and semolina are the result of three generations of mill experience and research processing the grain to the final packaging, reaching the highest standards of quality and safety. ─── 莫利诺面粉和粗粒小麦粉是工厂历经三代的产品结晶,对谷物的研制从开始处理到最后独立的包装都竭力确保了产品达到最高水准的质量和安全要求。

5、Make perfect pasta Substitute whole-grain pasta for semolina and you'll be satisfied with a smaller portion (1.5 ounces instead of 2). Saves 50 . Or use the same amount of oat-bran pasta. Saves 90 ─── 做更好的面条:用全麦粉来和面,每份做少一点(用1.5盎司来代替2盎司)减少50卡路里.或者用燕麦粉也行.减少90卡路里

6、This paper expounds the definition and application of semolina and farina; ─── 阐述了粗粒粉和麦心粉的定义及其用途;

7、"In making pasta, semolina dough is rolled out and sliced or compacted and forced through perforated plates (dies) that form it into the desired shape. ─── 在制作过程中,粗粒小麦粉被揉成面团,并通过模子挤压成带状、线状、管状和种种特殊形状。

8、This paper expounds the definition and application of semolina and farina; ─── 阐述了粗粒粉和麦心粉的定义及其用途;

9、I used semolina flour, which is a more primitive flour, and also more nourishing. ─── 可能还有浅色的核果。

10、finally, the quality of semolina, especially the effect of granularity distribution on pasta processing. ─── 最后阐述了粗粒粉产品的质量,特别是粒度分布对制作面条的影响。

11、A pasta of North African origin made of crushed and steamed semolina. ─── 蒸粗麦粉源于北非的用压碎并蒸出的粗面粉制成的面食

12、Shape each half into a baguette and place them on a baking paper sprinkled with the enough semolina, then with rye flour. ─── 烤盘铺上烤纸,先洒粗麦粉,然后再洒上一层黑麦粉。

13、6. Combine all-purpose flour, semolina, baking powder, ground hazelnut and cinnamon powder and sift into the egg mixture. Blend in milk and raisins. ─── 中筋粉,粗麦粉,烤粉,榛子粉和肉桂粉混合过筛到鸡蛋混合物里。倒入牛奶和提子拌匀。收藏指正

14、The menu includes quail roasted in Madiran wine, duck breast confit with capers, shredded chicken parmentier, apple fondant pieces, rice pudding with candied fruit, and semolina cake with dried apricots. ─── 玛莎为西莫尼和宇航人员准备了"太空佳酿",其中包括红酒烧鹌鹑、鸭胸肉配刺山果花蕾等.-此处翻译不完整。

15、Agglomeration of durum wheat semolina: Thermodynamic approaches for hydration properties measurements ─── 硬质小麦粗面粉的凝聚:热力学方法对于水合性能的测量

16、semolina pudding ─── 粗粒面粉布丁.

17、4. Semolina pasta in a hearty Bolognese meat sauce flavored with red wine, onion, celery, and olive oil. ─── 意大利肉酱面?它源于博洛尼亚,这种调味酱有很多口味,但一般都是把牛肉或猪肉用番茄酱腌制而成。收藏指正

18、Combine all-purpose flour, semolina, baking powder, ground hazelnut and cinnamon powder and sift into the egg mixture. ─── 中筋粉,粗麦粉,烤粉,榛子粉和肉桂粉混合过筛到鸡蛋混合物里。

19、Blend together flour, semolina, croquant, baking powder and baking soda and sift into the liquid mixture. ─── 将面粉,粗麦粉,糖果仁,小苏打和烤粉混合筛入湿性材料里。

20、breakage in the milling process, semolina milling system, sifting area, purification, stock return and yield; ─── 制粉过程中的破碎、粗粒系统,筛分面积,清粉和物料回流以及出品率;

21、a pasta of North African origin made of crushed and steamed semolina ─── 源于北非的用压碎并蒸出的粗面粉制成的面食

22、A pasta of North African origin made of crushed and steamed semolina . ─── 源于北非的用压碎并蒸出的粗面粉制成的面食。

23、Desserts do play very important role in Turkish life, such as this Chocolate Coated Semolina Cakes, one of the choices for the chocolate lovers. ─── 发现土耳其菜中甜品真的很重要,如这道巧克力蛋糕,喜欢巧克力的朋友应该会爱的。

24、The meat is tucked into semolina rolls from Parisi bakery on Elizabeth Street. ─── 的猪肉要塞到粗小麦粉面包里去,面包是从伊丽莎白街的Parisi面包房买的。

25、We want to buy Flour Mills, Flour Milling Spare Parts, Roller Mills, Compact Mills, Plansifters, Destoners, Semolina. ─── 我们要采购面粉米尔,面粉磨零件,滚筒米尔,小麦。

26、1&1/2 cups Durum semolina flour,1. ─── 5杯意大利硬小麦粉(像细沙粒一样的黄色面粉);

27、And it's very pleasant tasting: not too salty, lots of body, and lots of semolina flavor. ─── 味道怡人:不会过咸,料多,一股很强的semolina味道。

28、fine semolina ─── 精白粉

29、Couscous is a granular semolina that is soaked until soft. It is served like rice. ─── Couscous是颗粒粗面粉,它可以浸泡至软,且常像米饭一样被食用。

30、Standard for Durum Wheat Semolina and Durum Wheat Flour ─── 粗粒硬质小麦和硬质小麦粉标准

31、Keywords Semolina;Wheat Flour;Macaroni;Composite Additive ZG (CAZG); ─── 粗粒粉;小麦粉;通心面;复合添加剂ZG(CAZG);

32、Combine all-purpose flour, semolina, baking powder, ground hazelnut and cinnamon powder and sift into the egg mixture. Blend in milk and raisins. ─── 中筋粉,粗麦粉,烤粉,榛子粉和肉桂粉混合过筛到鸡蛋混合物里。倒入牛奶和提子拌匀。

33、The 25 and 50 kg packs supply the lines for bread, pasta, pizza and organic varieties, as well as flours and semolina of the finest quality, according to the demands of professional users. ─── 25公斤及50公斤的包提供的是根据专业使用者的要求用来制作面包,意大利面食,比萨的精制面粉,精制小麦粉这类有机品种。

34、"Semolina is coarsely ground grain, usually wheat, with particles mostly between 0.25 and 0.75 mm in diameter." ─── 不是普通小麦面粉,是磨得比较粗的小麦面粉。用普通小麦面粉应该也可以的。

35、"Pasta:Any of several starchy food pastes (pasta alimentaria) made from semolina, the purified middlings (endosperm) of a hard wheat called durum." ─── 意大利面: 用粗粒小麦粉,即经过净化的硬质小麦的胚乳,制成的淀粉类食品。

36、And it's very pleasant tasting: not too salty, lots of body, and lots of semolina flavor. ─── 味道怡人:不会过咸,料多,一股很强的semolina味道。

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