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10-03 投稿


nullifier 发音

英:[['n?l??fa??]]  美:[['n?l??fa??]]

英:  美:

nullifier 中文意思翻译



nullifier 短语词组

1、nullifier of civilization ─── 文明的毁灭者

2、nullifier dota ─── 消零器dota

3、nullifier tgoreau ─── 调零器tgoreau

nullifier 词性/词形变化,nullifier变形

动词第三人称单数: nullifies |动词现在分词: nullifying |动词过去分词: nullified |动词过去式: nullified |

nullifier 相似词语短语

1、nullities ─── n.无效;无价值的事物或人;[数]零度;退化阶数

2、uglifier ─── n.破坏美观者;丑化的人或物

3、mollifier ─── n.安慰者;缓和剂

4、emulsifier ─── n.乳化剂,黏合剂

5、nullified ─── 取消的;无效的

6、qualifiers ─── n.限定符,称限定词;后置修饰语(qualifier复数)

7、nullifies ─── vt.使无效,作废;取消

8、qualifier ─── n.[语]修饰语;n.资格赛,预选赛;取得资格的人

9、nullifying ─── v.使无效,作废;取消;使无价值(nullify的现在分词)

nullifier 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Does the nullifier's weapon still hit multiple units? How does it work? ─── 否决者的武器是否还能攻击多个目标?它怎么工作的?

2、Now that the Force Field ability has been moved to the Nullifier, what other abilities does the Templar have? ─── 幻象又回来了吗?

3、Nullifier currently has Force Field and Hallucination abilities. ─── 否决者现在的技能是力场和幻象。

4、Doppler Own Nullifier ─── 多普勒效应自消失器

5、Doctor Octopus later attempted to steal the Defense Department's Nullifier device, and set a trap for Spider-Man. ─── 医生八达后来试图窃取美国国防部Nullifier设备,并设置陷阱的蜘蛛侠。

6、Annulus : This is the ultimate psionic nullifier. ─── 灭灵之环:这是终极的灵能轰杀者。

7、Own Doppler Nullifier ─── 本舰多普勒消除器

8、An arcane nullifier wades mindlessly into combat, lashing out with its steel fists. If any magicusers are present, it targets them first unless ordered to do otherwise. ─── 奥术消除者毫无策略地加入战斗,用它的铁拳猛击。如果没有任何施法者存在,除非下令否则它将失去其目标。

9、The Nullifier makes an excellent combo with the Stalker, a ground-unit that fires a machinegun like attack at it’s opponents. ─── 由于女王周围的建筑和单位在战场上的存活时间可以更长,女王也有她自己的运输方式。

10、Does the nullifier's weapon still hit multiple units? ─── 否决者的武器是否还能攻击多个目标?

11、Rechannel Spell (Su): If an arcane nullifier's spell resistance protects it from a spell, the creature stores that spell within its body. ─── 法术反射(Su):如果一个奥术消除者成功抵抗了一个法术,那么该生物将在它身体里纪录下该法术。

12、Besides, can you add some whisp attacks similar to dragoon, arbiters and Photon Cannon, for too many beam attacks (Nullifier, Colossus, and Void Ray) have bored us a little through the repetitions. ─── 另外,你们能不能加入一些光球类的攻击,例如龙骑士、仲裁者以及光子炮那样,因为过多的光束性攻击(干扰者、巨像、虚空辉光舰)会使人因为雷同过多而觉得厌烦。

13、What happens if a Nullifier targets a Colossus with the Anti-Gravity ability? ─── 如果用一个巨像被废弃者放风筝,会发生什么情况?

14、Also, the Anti Gravity ability has been added to the Nullifier, as the ability has proven much more effective in the earlier parts of the game. ─── 而且,由于证明了该技能在战斗早期更有效,我们给Nullifier添加了反重力技能。

15、The nullifier obeys the voice commands of the creature that started it, attacking his enemies and doing anything else he asks. ─── 消除者服从第一个启动它的生物的语音命令,攻击他的敌人或做他要求的其他事。

16、Apart from simply killing them the Protoss Nullifier can lift them with his Anti-Gravity spell. ─── 那其他种族是否也有其他方法来清除或者穿越这些石头?

17、Nullifier has a new aesthetic appearance different from the Stasis Orb. ─── 抵消者拥有不同于停滞之球的新外观。

18、The Stalker’s attack can penetrate the Nullifier barrier.But the stalker can do more. ─── 这种坦克用长腿站立在战场,并装备了强度大的能量武器。

19、They also have access to early game casters, such as the Nullifier. ─── 它们同样拥有游戏早期像否决者这样的魔法单位。

20、Nullifier currently has Force Field and Hallucination abilities. ─── 否决者现在的技能是力场和幻象。

21、The Nullifier's weapon hits one target at a time, doing damage as long as the enemy is targeted. ─── 否决者的武器一次打一个目标,伤害会持续只要敌人是目标。

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