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nursemaid 发音

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nursemaid 中文意思翻译



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现在分词:nursemaiding 名词复数形式:nursemaids

nursemaid 相似词语短语

1、nursemaids ─── n.育婴女佣

2、housemaid ─── n.女佣,女仆

3、nurserymaids ─── n.保姆

4、nurses' aides ─── 护士助手

5、nurses aides ─── 护士助理

6、nurserymaid ─── n.保姆

7、nurse's aid ─── 护士的帮助

8、nursed ─── n.护士;保姆;奶妈;防护树;保育虫;沙锥齿鲨;v.照料,护理;当护士;调养;喂奶;吃奶;怀有;精心照料;喝;抱住;聚球;n.(Nurse)(美、爱)纳斯(人名)

9、nurse's aide ─── 护士助理

nursemaid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As the income of the family increases, some of young couples have their housework done by the nursemaid. ─── 随着家庭收入的增加,一些年轻夫妇请保姆为他们做家务劳动。

2、A king once fell gravely1 ill.His doctors and wise men tried cure after cure, but nothing worked.They were ready to give up hope when the king's old nursemaid spoke up. ─── 从前有位国王身患重病,御医和贤臣想尽办法救治也无济于事。

3、Like a nursemaid relieved of her duty. ─── 像保姆解除她的职责。

4、The next morning, an old nursemaid came to feed the dove on behalf of the Princess. ─── 次日早上,一个老女仆来帮公主喂鸽子。

5、14Trouble at GatesheadWhen I was a child at Gateshead, Bessie the nursemaid used to say that to dream of children was a sure sign of trouble to come. ─── 小时候我还在盖茨赫德时,女仆贝茜就曾对我说梦到孩子一定是祸事的预兆。

6、A little boy in aviator goggles rubbing his ears and saying, "He really hurt me." "No, he didn't," his nursemaid told him. ─── 一个小男孩戴的航空员护目镜正摩擦他的耳朵,他说:“他弄得我真痛。”他的保姆告诉他:“不,他没有。”

7、Reed, I was not disposed to care much for the nursemaid's transitory anger; and I WAS disposed to bask in her youthful lightness of heart. ─── 并占了上风之后,我并不太在乎保姆一时的火气,倒是希望分享她那充满活力、轻松愉快的心情。

8、In flight from her mother, Lessing left home when she was fifteen and took a job as a nursemaid. ─── 为了逃避母亲,莱辛在15岁的时候离家工作,成为一名女佣。

9、"Then," said Scarlett acidly, "if you intend to play nursemaid, you might try coming home nights and sober too, for a change." ─── "那么,"思嘉刻薄地说,"你要是打算当保姆,你就得想办法改变一下习惯,晚上早点回家,也不要再喝酒了。

10、Consequently, the black mother, normally working as a domestic or nursemaid, was the family provider by default ─── 结果,通常充当家庭佣人和保姆的黑人母亲们,就是不出场的家庭供养者。

11、Its woman must go to other country to be the nursemaid! ─── 它的女人要去别的国家做保姆!

12、Nursemaid ants look after eggs, larvae and pupae, moving them from place to place each day depending on the temperature. ─── 护蚁照看蚁卵、幼蚁和蚁蛹,依照温度的不同,每天把它们移来移去。

13、The nursemaid decided to plant it in the middle of the garden right under the window of the Princess's room. ─── 于是女仆决定把这颗果子种在靠近公主房间窗口右边的花园中间。

14、The nursemaid decided to plant it in the middle of the garden right under the window of the Princess's room. ─── 于是女仆决定把这颗果子种在靠近公主房间窗口右边的花园中间。

15、like a nursemaid relieved of her duty. ─── 像保姆解除她的职责。

16、It is not easy to explain a Psammead to an angry nursemaid, so the children didn't try. ─── 对一个发怒的保姆解释清楚赛米德是什么可不是件容易的事,所以孩子们没试着解释。

17、The next morning, an old nursemaid came to feed the dove on behalf of the Princess. ─── 次日早上,一个老女仆来帮公主喂鸽子。

18、Yes, sir, trapped into frittering his life away playing nursemaid to a lot of garlic-eaters. ─── 是的,被困在这儿虚度光阴,充当保姆侍候一大帮吃大蒜的人。

19、nursemaid method of teaching ─── 保姆式教学法

20、A little boy in aviator goggles rubbing his ears and saying, "He really hurt me. " "No, he didn't, " his nursemaid told him. ─── 一个小男孩戴的航空员护目镜正摩擦他的耳朵,他说:“他弄得我真痛。”他的保姆告诉他:“不,他没有。”

21、The nursemaid service, protects likely to the child. ─── 保姆般地服务,像对孩子般地呵护.

22、A Black nursemaid, especially one formerly in the southern United States. ─── 黑人保姆黑人保姆女佣,尤指历史上美国南方诸州中的黑人保姆

23、He heard the nursemaid shout "O dear!" from behind. ─── 他听到后面隐隐约约传来女仆的惊叫“啊,亲爱的”。

24、On entering the room, the nursemaid found the dove's body resting in peace beside the Princess. ─── 进入房间的女仆发现了鸽子安祥地躺在公主旁边。

25、Nursemaid duenna instructress nanny nurse tutoress ─── 家庭女教师,保姆

26、an offensive term for a Black nursemaid in the southern U.S. ─── 在美国南部对布莱克育婴女佣的蔑称

27、2.A woman employed to take care of a child;a nursemaid. ─── 保姆,养育者被雇佣来照看孩子的妇女;

28、A woman employed to take care of a child; a nursemaid. ─── 保姆,养育者被雇佣来照看孩子的妇女;保姆

29、an Indian nursemaid who looks after children. ─── 一个照料孩子的印第安育婴女仆。

30、I work as the nursemaid!!! ─── 我当保姆啦!!!

31、and for enterpriser to be a nursemaid anther hand professor Lang cannot find the third power except country institution and enterpriser. ─── 没有看到在国家机构与企业家之外国有资产维护的第三种力量。

32、for a black nursemaid in the southern u. s... ─── 在美国南部对布莱克育婴女佣的蔑称。

33、A Black nursemaid,especially is one formerly in the southern United States. ─── 黑人育婴女佣,尤指历史上美国南方诸州中的黑人保姆。

34、As a child, Ross was "hired out" by her master as a nursemaid for a small baby, much like the nursemaid in the picture. ─── 身为小孩时,萝丝即「受雇」成为照顾小婴儿的育婴女佣,就像是相片中的育婴女佣。

35、In flight from her mother, Lessing left home when she was fifteen and took a job as a nursemaid. ─── 15岁的时候,因为跟母亲不合,莱辛离家出走,找了份保姆的工作。

36、While Bud plays nursemaid to Fran, he falls in love with her . ─── 医生答应了,但也就此认定巴德是个品行不端的流氓。

37、9. an offensive term for a Black nursemaid in the southern U. ─── 在美国南部对布莱克育婴女佣的蔑称。

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