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cobalt 发音

英:[?ko?b??lt]  美:[?k??b??lt]

英:  美:

cobalt 中文意思翻译



cobalt 网络释义

n. [化学] 钴;钴类颜料;由钴制的深蓝色

cobalt 常用词组

cobalt oxide ─── 氧化钴

cobalt blue ─── n. 艳蓝色;钴蓝色

cobalt chloride ─── 氯化钴;二氯化钴

cobalt 词性/词形变化,cobalt变形

简写符号: Co |

cobalt 短语词组

1、cobalt black ─── [化] 钴黑; 一氧化钴

2、cobalt bomb ─── [医] 钴炮

3、cobalt bloom ─── [化] 钴华; 八水合砷酸钴

4、cobalt disulfide ─── [建] 二硫化钴

5、cobalt dryer ─── [化] 钴催干剂

6、cobalt acetat ─── [机] 醋酸钴

7、cobalt glass ─── [化] 钴玻璃

8、cobalt fisher-tropsch catalyst ─── [建] 费托水煤气合成钴催化剂

9、cobalt blue ─── [化] 钴蓝; 瓷蓝(硅酸钴锌)

10、cobalt dioxide ─── [化] 二氧化钴

11、cobalt 60 n. ─── 钴的放射性同位素, ─── 钴60

12、cobalt chloride ─── [医] 氯化钴

13、cobalt acetate ─── [医] 醋酸钴

14、cobalt aurate membranes ─── [医] 钴制膜

15、cobalt glance ─── [化] 辉钴矿

16、cobalt aluminate ─── [化] 钴蓝

17、cobalt crust ─── [化] 钴华; 八水合砷酸钴

18、cobalt carbonyl ─── [化] 羰基钴

19、cobalt dichloride ─── [化] 氯化钴; 二氯化钴

cobalt 相似词语短语

1、Hobart ─── n.霍巴特(澳大利亚地名)

2、cobaltite ─── n.辉钴矿

3、cobalt 60 ─── 钴60

4、cobble ─── v.修,拙劣地修补;草率地拼凑,粗制滥造;铺鹅卵石,用圆石铺面;n.鹅卵石,圆石;(英)小圆煤块;n.(Cobble)科布尔(人名)

5、cobaltous ─── adj.二价钴的,钴的;亚钴的

6、cobaea ─── n.电灯花属

7、coble ─── n.平底渔船

8、cobaltine ─── n.辉砷钴矿(等于cobaltite)

9、cobaltic ─── adj.钴的;含钴的

cobalt 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A method has been reported for the determination of As in cobalt oxalate by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS). ─── 摘要报道了采用氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱(HG-AFS)法测定草酸钴中痕量砷。

2、Through analyzing the data of specific heat of ZrO_2-Ni cermet, itreveals that adulterating cobalt can enhance the wetting quality of Niand ZrO_2. ─── 对ZrO_2和ZrO_2-Ni-Co金属陶瓷的比热数据分析表明,金属Co的掺入提高了金属/陶瓷的润湿性。

3、peak cobalt rodlet temperature doesn't exceed the cobalt melt temperature during these two cases. ─── 在这两种情况下,钴小棒的峰值温度不会超过钴的熔化温度。

4、For copper and cobalt, China looks to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia; for iron ore and platinum, South Africa. ─── 为了铜和钴,中国关注刚果民主主义共和国和赞比亚;为了铁矿和铂,关注南非。

5、And yet there was something ethereal about her, an alien ness that showed in her cobalt eyes. ─── 但她的气质轻灵飘渺,钴蓝色的眼睛里显现着异星的神采。

6、The steel used in the pipes, however, is usually alloyed with cobalt to make it stronger. ─── 但用来制造管道的钢中通常掺入了合金成分钴来增强材料的强度。

7、Refractive Index and Absorption of Cobalt Phthalocyanine Thin Film[J]. ─── 引用该论文 陈启婴,顾冬红,干福熹.

8、Recent discovery of the first cobalt oxide superconductor has received much attention. ─── 摘要最近发现的水合钴氧化物超导体引起了超导领域的强烈兴趣。

9、ZnCo2O4 has the best electrocatalytic properties for OER because of its highest content of cobalt ions on the surface. ─── ZnCo_2O_4由于具有最高的表面钴离子含量而显示出最佳的析氧电催化性能。

10、November, 1966, first diagnosed lymphosarcoma, followed by 30 treatments of cobalt radiation, was given a year to live. ─── 1966年11月,首次诊断为淋巴肉瘤,接受30次的钴放疗,维持了1年的生命。

11、It is concluded that higher pressure, cobalt and copper Catalysts are feeective on raising the yield greatly of fulvic acid. ─── 实验结果表明,通入空气和纯氧、增加压力、加入活化剂均可使黄腐酸产率有很大提高。

12、In a ferromagnet, such as iron or cobalt, the spins of certain electrons on neighboring atoms tend to line up. ─── 例如在铁和钴等铁磁物质里,相邻原子中的电子自旋倾向于排成同方向;

13、Abstract: Recoveral process of cobalt in smelting waste of zinc was reported and the technological conditions were discussed. ─── 文摘:介绍了锌冶炼厂废渣中钴的回收工艺,对各步工艺条件进行了探讨。

14、Decoration in colorful enamels within delicate cobalt blue outline. ─── 彩釉围着钴蓝的外廓。

15、Fixed a crash bug within Cobalt systems. ─── 修正了一个 cobalt 系统力的漏洞

16、The feasibility of estimating some index of cobalt powder by TDA is also discussed. ─── 探讨了用差热分析法量化钴粉某些性能指标的可能性。

17、The Cobalt RaQ has no support for additional devices but the Qube has one PCI slot. ─── Cobalt RaQ不支援额外的设备,但Qube有一个PCI插槽。

18、EXP: diamonds, copper, crude oil, coffee, cobalt. ─── 出口:钻石,铜,重油,咖啡,钴

19、He slid behind the wheel of his wife Deb's red Chevy Cobalt and started out for the Golden Nozzle Car Wash in Easthampton, Massachusetts. ─── 奥利里溜进他妻子的红色雪佛兰钴里,前往马萨诸塞州东汉普顿的金鼻子洗车店。

20、The leaching process of cobalt from waste hard-alloy by use of phosphoric acid and ozogen is introduced. ─── 介绍了利用磷酸和过氧化氢从废硬质合金中浸取钴的方法。

21、The preparation of cobalt nanopowders using ethylene glycol as the solvent is described via the hydrazine monohydrate reduction. ─── 介绍了电子浆料用超细银粉的研制,采用的是水合联氨化学还原工艺。

22、Although most fully porous-coated tapered stems are made of cobalt chrome no difference has been recorded in survivorship of stems made of titanium. ─── 尽管大部分全涂层多孔锥形柄由钴镍合金制成,但其与钛金属假体生存率基本一致。

23、By using easily obtainable cobalt and phosphates, the MIT work could make it a lot more viable to obtain hydrogen directly from solar cells. ─── 麻省理工的这项成果使用易得的钴和磷酸盐,从而使从太阳能电池中直接获得氢气方法更加可行。

24、Removal of the cobalt hexammine reverts the device back to its original structure. ─── 拿掉六胺化钴后,这个装置就又变回原来的构造。

25、A method for the determination of ferrum content in cobalt based alloy dust by Air-C 2 H 2 flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry was set up. ─── 建立了一种用空气-乙炔火焰原子吸收法测定钴基合金喷粉中铁含量的分析方法,探讨了硅对铁测定的干扰机理,对用氯化钙作为硅干扰铁测定的释放剂进行了试验。

26、This paper summarizes the relationship between cobalt ion and human health as well as microbacteria. ─── 本文就合金的腐蚀产物之一钴离子与人体健康和微生物之间的关系作一概述。

27、The carbonylation of benzyl chloride to phenylacetic acid catalyzed by carbonyl cobalt is discussed in great detail. ─── 在此基础上对羰基钴在催化羰化反应领域的应用作了展望。

28、Figures at the Congolese ministry of mines say that monthly export of copper and cobalt range from 5,500 to 9,000 tonnes. ─── 刚果矿业部的统计数字说每月出口的铜矿和钴矿为5500吨到9000吨。

29、From the Middle East the Chinese acquired a blue pigment—a purified form of cobalt oxide unobtainable at that time in China—that contained only a low level of manganese. ─── 中国人从中东获得了一种蓝色颜料,这是一种当时在中国很难得到的纯净的氧化钴,这种颜料只含有少量的锰。

30、It makes a small car, the Chevy Cobalt, which sips petrol in moderation and is therefore selling well. ─── 它制造小汽车,拥有适度耗油量的雪佛兰钴因此销售良好。

31、A series of contrastive experiments on the cobalt based composite coatings and the 45 hardened steel are fulfilled by a pin-on-disc abrasion machine. ─── 应用盘销式摩擦磨损试验机对复合涂层材料和淬火态 45钢进行了磨损对比试验。

32、All imported (Austria), cobalt high-speed steel. Co-Steel after titanium nitride coating materials, the best use of state properties. ─── 全部采用进口(奥地利)钴高速钢。钴高速钢材料经过氮化钛镀层,达到最佳使用性能状态。

33、Individual seamount topography appears various cobalt crust resource in the same region or different region. ─── 同一区域或不同区域内海山地形与资源分布各不相同。

34、The extraordinarily high grades of copper and cobalt ore in Katanga province have attracted scores of foreign mining companies. ─── 加丹加省铜矿石和钴矿石极高的品位引来了数十家外国矿业公司。

35、Recovery of cobalt and copper from nitric acid leaching solution of cemented carbide scrap was studied. ─── 对从硬质合金碎屑的硝酸浸出液中置换回收金属钴和铜进行了研究。

36、Effect 2: Contain in pumpkin those who abound is pectic with microelement cobalt. ─── 效二:南瓜中含有丰富的果胶和微量元素钴。

37、They dissolved cobalt and phosphate in water and then zapped it with electricity through an electrode. ─── 他们把钴和磷酸盐溶解到水溶液中,然后,通过电极对它们进行电解。

38、Radionuclides or isotopes for medical or industrial purposes, such as Cobalt 60, Caesium 131 and lodine 132. ─── 放射性核素或核素用于医疗或工业目的,例如:钴 60、铯 131 和碘 132 。

39、Some metals, such as iron, cobalt and nickel, are magnetic. At low temperatures, some metals and intermetallic compounds become superconductors. ─── 某些金属能被磁化,例如铁、钴和镍。在极低的温度下,某些金属和金属化合物能转变成超导体。

40、The cobalt deposit types in east part of East Kunlun mountain mainly include spout deposition type and skarn type etc. ─── 东昆仑东段的钴矿床类型主要有喷流沉积型、矽卡岩型等。

41、Our pure Cobalt plate has typical purity grade of 99.95% -99.999%, the PTF can reach 85% and above, Grain size is typically within 100 microns. ─── 我们生产的纯钴块纯度从99.95%到99.999%,透磁率可达85%以上,晶粒尺寸严格控制在100微米以内。

42、The rheological properties of benzene and heptane solutions of cobalt monooleate soap have been investigated. ─── 本文研究了一元油酸钴皂的苯与庚烷溶液的流变性质。

43、I long product containing vanadium plant, molybdenum, nickel, cobalt, platinum, Spent palladium catalyst. ─── 我厂长期求购含钒,钼,镍,钴,铂,钯废催化剂.

44、Trim numbers with H have cobalt alloy hardfaced seat ring facing. ─── 带有H的阀内件型号具有钴合金硬面阀座环表面。

45、Cyclohexanone peroxide and cobalt naphthenate were used as initiator.The kinetics of cure reaction was studied by using DSC. ─── 本文研究了上述反应体系的固化反应动力学,研究结果可作为控制固化反应速度的依据。

46、Katanga plans to accelerate development of its copper and cobalt assets in Congo by two years. ─── Katanga计划将其刚果铜和钴资产的开发时间缩短两年。

47、The company has built a feed additive cobalt sulfate and sodium selenite of a production line. ─── 公司目前已建成饲料添加剂一水硫酸钴和亚硒酸钠生产线各一条。

48、Cobalt ores found in China have a high manganese content, which produces a more muted blue-gray color. ─── 中国发现的钴矿含锰量高,因此呈现出较弱的蓝灰色。

49、Study Design. Cross-sectional study of 10 patients to measure the serum leels of cobalt and chromium after TDA. ─── 摘要:研究设计。对比研究10个全椎间盘置换术后患者血清的钴和铬离子水平。

50、Cobalt had also effect on content of phosphorus and potassium in corn seedling. ─── 施用钴对玉米幼苗中磷和钾含量也有一定影响;

51、This would seem to show that Mr. Cobalt is hardly right in saying that the first word that occurs is always the best. ─── 这样说来,考拜特先生所说的最先闪现于脑海的词总是最好的这种说法未必可靠。

52、Two casualties in the GM streamlining list are the Impala SS version for 2010 and the 2010 Cobalt sedan which the company will no longer be offering. ─── 两个伤亡通用精简名单是帕拉党卫军版本为2010年和2010年钴轿车,该公司将不再提供.

53、Its products, such as copper acetate, acetic acid nickel, cobalt acetate, nickel fluoride, nickel sulphate and other products marketing at home and abroad. ─── 其产品如醋酸铜、醋酸镍、醋酸钴、氟化镍、硫酸镍等产品行销国内外。

54、Extracting Co and Cu from cobalt white alloy in hydrochloric acid solution system with pollution-free oxidant are studied. ─── 在盐酸体系中,采用无污染氧化剂浸出难溶钴白合金的工艺条件进行了研究。

55、A process for recovering acetic acid,o phthalic acid,p phthalic acid (PTA),cobalt acetate and manganese acetate from PTA waste liquor is introduced. ─── 介绍了从精对苯二甲酸(PTA)废液中回收醋酸,邻、对苯二甲酸,醋酸钴锰盐的回收工艺。

56、We need cobalt ore. If you can offer please contact us. ─── 我们需要钴矿,如果您能提供请联系我们。

57、The effect of oxidation temperature of oxalic acidic cobalt on the oxidized product and properties of reduced Co powder are studied by X-Ray, SEM. ─── 利用X-衍射、扫描电镜研究了草酸钴氧化温度对氧化产物、及其相应还原钴粉性能的影响。

58、The human body needs iron to capture oxygen, copper and chromium to absorb energy, cobalt to sheathe our nerves and zinc to help our genes. ─── 人体需要铁来捕捉氧,需要铜与铬来吸收能量,需要钴来包覆我们的神经,又仰赖锌协助基因。

59、This method can also be used as a reference for the treating arsenic containing copper,nickle or cobalt waste materials. ─── 本方法还为含砷的铜、镍、钴废料的利用提供了参考途径。

60、Sixty-five percent of the special heat resistant metal in a jet engine is made of cobalt. ─── 喷气发动机中65%的特殊耐热金属材料是用钴制造的。

61、Keywords: lithium-ion secondary batteries, lithium cobalt oxide, lithium nickel oxide, lithium manganese oxide, and nanotechnology. ─── 关键词:锂离子二次电池、锂钴氧化物、锂镍氧化物、锂锰氧化物、奈米科技。

62、A method of determination cobalt and boron in boron-containing fine organic chemicals was described. ─── 建立了一种联合测定硼酰化钴中钴含量和硼含量的分析方法。

63、AMG cobalt based core can last for many 100 years without changing or reducing quality. ─── AMG之任何鈷鐵鎳材帶材成品,長期使用下性能不會降低。

64、Concentration of cobalt in running water of Guangzhou as well as Zhongshan Uni-versity were 2.0 PPb,in Pearl River water was 3.8 PPb. ─── 前两者含钴量均为2.0PPb,后者含钴量为3.8PPb。

65、Non-slip Synchronous Drive with Neodymium Iron Boron Outer Magnets and Samarium Cobalt Inner Magnets... ─── 工业 酸度计 美国procon高压泵 美国sandpiper气动隔膜泵...

66、An ultra fine cemented carbide with tungsten powder and binder cobalt. ─── 一种由碳化钨和粘结金属钴组成的超细颗粒硬质合金。

67、Abstract: Sea-floor cobalt crust is rich in such metals as Mn, Co and Ni, and has been one of recently-exploited and investigeted mineral resources. ─── 文摘:海底钴结壳富含锰、钴和镍等金属,是人类近期勘探和开采研究的热点之一。

68、The Katanga region of Congo has some of the world's best deposits of copper and cobalt. ─── 刚果的加丹加地区拥有一些全球储量最丰富的铜矿和钴矿。

69、Please contact me with no hesitate if you could supply us such cobalt material. ─── 如果您能供应我们这种钴原料,请不要犹豫联系我们。

70、He said it aimed to expand production of copper and cobalt, two industrial metals with rising demand being driven by Chinese consumption. ─── 他表示,金川意图扩大铜和钴(两种在中国面临越来越大需求的工业金属)的生产。

71、My investigation will focus on cobalt doped gallium nitride nanowires with their structure influencing and magnetic nature. ─── 一维奈米材料在过去的研究往往集中在其特殊的光学性质以及电学性质上,鲜少有关于磁性方面的深入研究。

72、Copper cobalt alloy Co., LTDorCopper-cobalt alloy Co. ─── [已解决问题] 英文“ 铜钴合金有限责任公司 ”怎么说?

73、All normal designs are made of high speed steel quality material no. 1.3343 and can be supplied in cobalt alloyed too. ─── 所有的普通设计都是选用高速钢材质,钢号:1.3343并可提供钴合金材料。

74、The technology of abstracting molybdenum,cobalt and nickel from catalyst by acid treatment,extraction and alkali treatment was studied in this article. ─── 主要研究废催化剂中钼、钴、镍的酸浸、萃取和碱浸提钼两种工艺。

75、When cells are vibrating in health in the crystalline form, they will have a cobalt blue shimmer surrounding them. ─── 当水晶形态里的细胞在疗愈中振动,它们周围将有深蓝微光。

76、Soil cobalt background values are high in middle and northwest part of Yunnan province. ─── 土壤钴背景值在澳中和澳西北局部地区较高。

77、Wanda shares on June 6, 1992 to set up, the main nickel cobalt chromium iron alloy, nickel powder and so on. ─── 旺达股份1992年6月6日成立,主营镍铬钴铁合金、镍矿粉等。

78、The cobalt-rich crusts on the seabed floor are abundant in cobalt, so its exploitation has become a one of important research domains in the world. ─── 摘要富钴结壳因富含丰富的战略金属钴,已成为国际上竞相研究的热点。

79、Methoxychlor consignment four major production companies, acetate cobalt, manganese acetate series of intermediate products. ─── 公司主要生产四氯苯醌、醋酸钴、醋酸锰等中间体系列产品。

80、Ocean cobalt-rich crusts contain strategic metal cobalt, and form on substrate rock face with some microtopographic variations. ─── 摘要富钴结壳富含战略金属钴等元素,其表面一般有微地形起伏。

81、Drier(Dryer): (1) Substances such as cobalt,manganese,etc.,which are added to the printing ink to increase the rate of drying by catalytic action. ─── (1)干燥剂,(2)干燥器:(1)加入印刷油墨内的物质如钴,锰等。它的催化作用加快干燥速度。

82、In the basis of the supply and demand of the market in the world,the market trend of the cobalt is forecasted. ─── 报告以国内外钴的供应与需求分析为核心,根据供需互动的变化预测未来钴的市场走势.

83、The aim of the study was to improve the electmehemical catalyzed hydrogen evolution of cobalt electrode. ─── 为提高电极的电催化析氢性能,在钻电沉积中加入钨粉,制得钻钨复合电极。

84、In sporty SS guise, the HHR (Heritage High Roof) is the closest thing to a Cobalt SS hot hatch you'll find from the Detroit automaker. ─── 在运动党卫军幌子,在和记港陆(文物高屋顶)是最接近真实的一个钴不锈钢热舱口你会发现从底特律的汽车制造商。

85、A method for the determination of cobalt in pure nickel by N2O-C2H2 flame atomic absorption spectrometry has been proposed. ─── 提出了运用N2O-C2H2火焰原子吸收光谱法测定纯镍中钴含量的方法。

86、How did my friends cross the cobalt river, with what did they pay the ferryman? ─── 我的朋友是如何渡过那钴蓝色的忘川?他们怎样酬谢那位摆渡人?

87、To strip it from sea-bed rock and transport it to seabank, it is necessary for us to understend the friability of cobalt crust. ─── 欲将结壳从海底基岩上剥离并采出海面,必要弄清钴结壳的破碎特性。

88、As this is accomplished, the region will have a cobalt blue shimmer surrounding it denoting cellular health. ─── 当这被完成,部位将有深蓝微光围绕着它,表示细胞疗愈。

89、The application of the cobalt isocaprylate as a drier in four different alkyd enamels and their properties were described. ─── 介绍了异辛酸钴催干剂在4种醇酸磁漆中的应用及其性能检测结果。

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