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08-21 投稿


foremilk 发音


英:  美:

foremilk 中文意思翻译



foremilk 短语词组

1、foremilk and hindmilk ─── 牛乳和后奶

2、foremilk definition Foremalk ─── 定义

3、foremilk latin ─── 前牛奶拉丁语

4、foremilk poop ─── 猪粪

5、foremilk spanish ─── 前牛奶西班牙语

6、foremilk imbalance ─── 前腿不平衡

7、foremilk means Foremalk ─── 是指

foremilk 相似词语短语

1、foredid ─── 预言的

2、forestick ─── 弗雷斯蒂克

3、foresails ─── n.前桅的大帆

4、forebitt ─── n.前系柱

5、soured milk ─── 酸乳;酸腐的牛奶

6、foredeck ─── n.前甲板

7、forethink ─── 先知先觉

8、forefelt ─── vt.预感到(forefeel的变形)

9、sour milk ─── 酸乳;酸腐的牛奶

foremilk 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Immune before sucking the foremilk ─── 乳前免疫

2、Study on removing bacteria from foremilk and condensing by membrane separate technology ─── 利用膜分离技术对牛初乳进行除菌浓缩的研究

3、Methods The content of K+ and Na+ inpostpartum foremilk was measured using ion selective electrodes (AVL-928-S); the content ofCl-, Ca2+, Mg+, P3+was measured by using biochemical auto-analyzer (RA-1000, U. S. A. ) ; ─── 方法 用AVL-928-S型离子选择电极测定 K+ 和Na+ 含量,用美国制造 RA-1000型生化全自动分析仪检测分娩后初乳中 Cl-、Ca2+、Mg2+、P3+的含量。

4、Ingredients: Liquorice, cat's-foot, hamamelis, hyaluronic acid, astringent, foremilk nutrient activating factors. ─── 成份:甘草、积雪草、金缕梅、透明质酸、收敛剂、初乳活性营养因子等。

5、Effect of some substances on sow foremilk and growth performances and serum biochemistry index in piglets ─── 几种添加物对猪乳成分、仔猪生长及部分血液生化指标的影响

6、Keywords Foremilk;Lead;Infants;Neurobehavioral development; ─── 初乳;铅;婴儿;神经行为发育;

7、Objective To effect health education in pregnant and parturient women by analyzing theelements and immune substances in postpartum foremilk. ─── 目的通过母乳中6种元素及免疫物质分析测定并得出其含量正常值,指导孕产妇母乳喂养健康教育。

8、Keywords foremilk;membrane technology;removing bacteria;condensing; ─── 牛初乳;膜技术;除菌;浓缩;

9、keyword(E): Bioengineering;Nature animal and plant resources;Foremilk;Placenta;Gland ─── 生物工程;天然动植物资源;初乳;胎盘;腺体

10、Foremilk, Hindmilk, and Lactose FAQ. ─── 前奶,后奶和乳糖的常见问题。

11、Results The mean values of the 6 elements measured weresignificantly different from WHO and UNCF values (P<0. 01 ); their content in the foremilk waslower than in the mature milk. ─── 结果(1)6种元素的均值与世界卫生组织和联合国儿童救援基金会提供正常值比较,各项数值的P值均<0.01,初乳中的含量均低以成熟乳中含量。

12、The somatic cell counts (SCC) of the foremilk from each quarter of dairy cows were measured at the day before and after of the field tests as the criterion to identify the healthiness of the udder. ─── 实地试验开始前及结束后采样待测泌乳牛分房前乳量测体细胞数以作为健康分房及乳房炎分房的依据。

13、Study on removing bacteria from foremilk and condensing by membrane separate technology ─── 利用膜分离技术对牛初乳进行除菌浓缩的研究

14、Effect of some substances on sow foremilk and growth performances and serum biochemistry index in piglets ─── 几种添加物对猪乳成分、仔猪生长及部分血液生化指标的影响

15、Opinion of breeding with foremilk, adding complementary in time should be prevailed to abandon bad fostering habits. ─── 结论广东部分农村地区婴幼儿营养不良、生长迟缓情况严重,应普及初乳喂养观念,适时添加辅食,转变不良养育行为。


四大名著厉害吧,看看歪果仁给翻译的,就西游记还行,红楼梦翻译成 the Story of Stone、一个石头的故事,再看水浒传翻译成Outlaws of the Marsh沼泽里的强盗,万幸没翻译成108个强盗。


我记得四岁的女儿记量词的时候说一头牛,两匹马,三条鲤鱼,四只鸭.......翻译成英语one cow,two horses......


cream 和 butter 汉语的翻译就不准。cream 翻成"奶油",是牛奶制作后奶脂含量较高的奶,用于制作冰淇淋 ice cream。butter是牛奶提炼出来的微黄色的油脂,可用于涂抹面包,也翻成"奶油"。这两种奶油不是汉人的传统食品,所以我们没有名称给它们,加上我们翻译时不讲究,就这么乱来了。

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