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08-20 投稿


chanticleer 发音


英:  美:

chanticleer 中文意思翻译



chanticleer 网络释义

n. 公鸡;雄鸡(等于chantecler)

chanticleer 短语词组

1、chanticleer cartoon ─── 尚蒂克勒漫画

2、chanticleer logo Chanticeler ─── 标志

3、chanticleer rooster ─── 雄鸡

4、chanticleer canister Chanticeler ─── 罐

5、chanticleer house ─── 尚蒂克勒之家

6、chanticleer menu ─── 雄鸡菜单

7、chanticleer definition Chanticler ─── 定义

8、pyrus calleryana chanticleer ─── 梨属calleryana Chanticeler

chanticleer 相似词语短语

1、canticle ─── n.颂歌;圣歌

2、chancer ─── n.笨拙的人;敢冒任何风险的人

3、chantecler ─── 勒索者

4、chanticleers ─── n.公鸡;雄鸡(等于chantecler)

5、canticles ─── n.颂歌;圣歌

6、chandelier ─── n.枝形吊灯;n.(Chandelier)人名;(法)尚德利耶

7、canceleer ─── 取消者

8、chancier ─── adj.不确实的;偶然发生的;不安的(chancy的变形)

9、chanteclers ─── 勒索者

chanticleer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One night Chanticleer was sleeping by his wife in the chicken coop. Suddenly he began to moan in his sleep. His wife woke up and looked at him. ─── 一天夜晚,强啼克利尔在鸡舍中与妻子共眠。突然他在睡梦中开始呻吟。他的妻子醒来注视着他。

2、All climates agree with brave Chanticleer. He is more indigenous even than the natives. ─── 任何气候都适宜于勇武金鸡的生长,他比本上的禽鸟更土。

3、Where are you going, Chanticleer? ─── 你去哪儿,夏蒂勒?

4、They kept looking for Chanticleer, but they couldn't find him. ─── 他们到处找强啼克利尔,但却找不到。

5、Donkey," said Chanticleer, "what do you see?" ─── 驴子,”公鸡说,“你看到了什么?”

6、One night Chanticleer was sleeping by his wife in the chicken coop. ─── 一天夜晚,强啼克利尔在鸡舍中与妻子共眠。

7、White clouds rised slowly from the lap.And several blurry cottages could be seen in veil in the distance.The chanticleer crowed,smashing all the serenity of the village. ─── 白云从山坳冉冉升起,几点朦胧的村舍,远远地笼罩在一片缥缈之中。几声鸡鸣,沿着小路袭来,击碎了所有的宁静。

8、Just then the hens saw the fox running with Chanticleer in his mouth. ─── 就在这时母鸡们看到狐狸叼着强啼克利尔在跑着。

9、" The fox was quite flattered by Chanticleer's praise, too. ─── 这次狐狸也被强啼克利尔捧得乐昏了头。

10、The next morning, Chanticleer got up and flew down from his perch. He walked up to the barnyard in a royal way. ─── 隔天早晨,强啼克利尔起床后,从栖息的地方飞下来,昂首阔步地走到谷仓空地那里。

11、Chanticleer was quite flattered by his sweet words. ─── 强啼克利尔被狐狸的甜言蜜语赞美得乐昏了头。

12、Chanticleer woke up and said, "Oh, my dear, I have had a terrible dream." ─── 强啼克利尔醒来后说:“噢!亲爱的,我作了一个恶梦。”

13、rooster gander male chanticleer gobbler drake cockerel chicken ─── 雄鸡,公鸡,雄禽

14、A possible reference to April Fools' Day can be seen in the Canterbury Tales in the Nun's Priest's tale, a tale of two fools: Chanticleer and the fox, which took place on March 32nd. ─── 一种可能的参考愚人节中可以看出坎特伯雷故事集在修女的牧师的故事,故事的两个傻子:雄鸡和福克斯,其中发生在3月32 。

15、Why has the Chanticleer been so seriously injured? ─── 雄鸡为何而身受重创?

16、Xiang Zhuan: 'Chanticleer (tries to) mount to heaven:' - but how can (such an effort) continue long? ─── 象传:翰音登于天,何可长也。

17、When the Chanticleer shaking, what were we doing? ─── 当雄鸡颤抖的时候,我们在做什么?

18、Upon that she fell upon Chanticleer most lustily. ─── 她一听这话,就用最大的力气扑向强夏蒂勒。

19、I do not propose to write an ode to dejection but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning,standing on his roost,if only to wake my neighbours up. ─── 网友解答: 我不求写诗以表悲哀,但愿清晨有如雄鸡般立于栖所之上长鸣,只为唤 醒街邻之香梦。

20、The Chanticleer is growing up, because of the unprecedented united feathers. ─── 雄鸡在崛起,因为每一根“羽毛”都空前团结。

21、"Before you eat me, please listen to my crowing once more, " said Chanticleer. ─── 强啼克利尔说:“在你吃掉我之前,请再听一次我的叫声吧。”

22、Of course, the fox jumped into the air and caught Chanticleer by the neck. ─── 当然,这时狐狸一跃而上,咬住了强啼克利尔的脖子。

23、Nobody knew, then, the Chanticleer had been hit seriously, his wound was bleeding.So, he kept shuddering! ─── 谁也没有想到,这时,雄鸡受到了重创,他的伤口不停地流血,因而,他也不停地战栗。

24、The next morning, Chanticleer got up and flew down from his perch. ─── 隔天早晨,强啼克利尔起床后,从栖息的地方飞下来,

25、The next morning, Chanticleer got up and flew down from his perch.He walked up to the barnyard in a royal way. ─── 隔天早晨,强啼克利尔起床后,从栖息的地方飞下来,昂首阔步地走到谷仓空地那里。

26、The Chanticleer was eventually sold to the Customs Office in 1833. ─── 雄鸡号最终在1833年被卖给海关。

27、The fox and Chanticleer were in the bushes. ─── 此刻狐狸正与强啼克利尔在矮树丛中。

28、"Yes, my dear, " answered Chanticleer. They slept peacefully again. ─── 强啼克利尔回答说:『好吧,亲爱的。』他们俩便又安然入眠。

29、The old woman and the farmers heard his voice, and rushed to help Chanticleer. ─── 老婆婆和农夫们听到了他的声音,便赶到那里救出了强啼克利尔。

30、As I have said, I do not propose to write an ode to dejection, but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to wake my neighbors up. ─── 如前所述,我无意为沮丧作赋,而要作清晨精力充沛的雄鸡,立于窝巢之上,只为唤醒沉睡的四邻。。

31、All the hens came down from their perches, and began to look for their food. Chanticleer walked up and down. ─── 于是所有的母鸡都从栖息处走出来觅食。强啼克利尔则走来走去。

32、Poor Chanticleer waited for a chance to escape. ─── 可怜的强啼克利尔正在伺机脱逃。

33、There was a very handsome rooster among them.His name was Chanticleer. ─── 其中有只雄纠纠的公鸡名叫强啼克利尔。

34、He ran into the woods with Chanticleer in his mouth. ─── 他口中叼着强啼克利尔跑向林中。

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