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08-20 投稿


cringes 发音

英:[?kr?nd??z]  美:[?kr?nd??z]

英:  美:

cringes 中文意思翻译



cringes 短语词组

1、cringes mean ─── 畏缩意味着

2、cringes list ─── 畏缩名单

3、cringes meaning ─── 畏缩的意思

4、cringes definition ─── 畏缩的定义

cringes 词性/词形变化,cringes变形

动词过去式: cringed |动词现在分词: cringing |动词过去分词: cringed |动词第三人称单数: cringes |

cringes 相似词语短语

1、cringles ─── n.索眼;索圈

2、accinges ─── 会计科目

3、cringer ─── n.奉承者;畏惧者

4、cringed ─── 畏缩(cringed是cringe的过去式);感到难堪(cringed是cringe的过去式);卑躬屈膝(cringed是cringe的过去式)

5、cringey ─── adj.非常尴尬的

6、fringes ─── n.条纹(fringe的复数);边缘;云图条纹

7、breinges ─── 宽的

8、cringe ─── vi.畏缩;奉承;阿谀;n.畏缩;奉承

9、crines ─── 哭声

cringes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Perhaps Mr Obama inwardly cringes at the personality cult that surrounds him. ─── 也许奥巴马在内心里对围绕他的个人崇拜是畏惧的。

2、He always cringes before the boss. ─── 他在老板面前总是卑躬屈膝。

3、They sense and mimic peers' behavior from early on, too, looking up at the ceiling if others around them do so or mirroring others' cringes of fear and anxiety. ─── 他们的这种模仿的意识和行为从很早就开始了(当周围的人都看着天花板是他也抬头仰望,或者在害怕和焦虑时像别人一样畏缩)。

4、I abated his cringes, told him I forgave him. ─── 我止住了他那种卑躬屈节的神气,告诉他,我饶恕了他。

5、Moutains standing solemnly,rivers cring sadly,our immense contry totally immerse in huge grif. ─── 群山肃立,江河挥泪,辽阔的祖国大地沉浸在巨大的悲痛之中。

6、They sense and mimic peers' behavior from early on, too, looking up at the ceiling if others around them do so or mirroring others' cringes of fear and anxiety. ─── 通过模仿(即便是看起来很微小的行为方式)人们可以迅速地建立即时合作关系对抗敌人。

7、he cringes Zhao low voice orison and flurried turns round to leave. ─── 他哆嗦著低声祈祷,慌忙转身离开。

8、My wife cringes every time someone calls me Sir Alex or calls her Lady Cathy. ─── 每次有人叫我爵爷或叫她凯西女士的时候我太太都会不高兴。

9、For instance, the shy pup who cringes and skitters away from you when you crouch down to pet her. ─── 例如,当你蹲下爱抚一条幼犬,它会因畏缩而飞快溜走。

10、Ever since you went away, I die a little more each day.Cause I'm cring my heart out over you. ─── 自你走后,我的心日渐凋零,因为我为你悲痛欲绝。

11、The concentration of the suspended particles at transporting dregs was determined with a light scat cring dust meter constructing tunnel. ─── 用光散射数字粉尘计对施工隧道装运碴时颗粒物浓度进行了测定。

12、Eyre was so sad that she shed bloody tears with curse on all the people in the village.She kept cring,"I trusted you so much.I was always trusting you.But now I hate you. ─── 爱留下了血泪,血红色的眼泪带着对全村的诅咒,她一直哭:我那么那么相信,相信你,我一直都相信的。

13、DSM: How many German Dobie kennels still breed for working ability? (interviewer cringes, expecting a low number...... ─── 有多少德国杜宾犬舍仍然把工作能力(的提高)做为自己的繁殖目标?

14、They sense and mimic peers’ behavior from early on, too, looking up at the ceiling if others around them do so or mirroring others’ cringes of fear and anxiety. ─── 他们的这种模仿的意识和行为从很早就开始了(当周围的人都看着天花板是他也抬头仰望,或者在害怕和焦虑时像别人一样畏缩)。

15、However ,I abated his cringes, told him I forgave him, and desired he might withdraw. ─── 可是我止住了他那种卑躬屈节的神气,告诉他我饶恕了他,请他可以走开。

16、You might also play against character type or expectation for your humor: a rough and tough dog that cringes at the sight of a bug. ─── 你也可以使用角色类型或期待的反面来获得幽默效果:一个强大迅猛的狗被一只毛毛虫吓到。

17、However, I abated his cringes, told him I forgave him, and desired he might withdraw. ─── 可是我止住了他那种卑躬屈节的神气,告诉他我饶恕了他,请他可以走开。

18、3.Public cringes at flu vaccine shot. ─── 大多数人出于安全和健康考虑不愿接种流感疫苗。

19、Perhaps Mr Obama inwardly cringes at the personality cult that surrounds him. But he has hardly discouraged it. ─── 或许奥巴马在内心深处并不喜欢包围着他的个人崇拜,但是他也几乎没有对此加以劝阻。

20、Public cringes at flu vaccine shot. ─── 重阳节呼吁关注受忽视的老人群体。

21、My one-year-old nephew, i made hime cring just as geting back home. ─── 我的侄子,一岁,我刚回家就把他弄哭了。

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