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08-20 投稿


governable 发音


英:  美:

governable 中文意思翻译



governable 短语词组

1、governable def ─── 可调节def

2、governable synonym ─── 可支配同义词

3、governable define ─── 可管理定义

4、governable meaning ─── 可支配意义

5、governable definition ─── 可支配的定义

governable 词性/词形变化,governable变形

动词过去分词: governed |动词第三人称单数: governs |动词现在分词: governing |形容词: governable |动词过去式: governed |

governable 反义词

misgovern |misrule

governable 同义词

conduct | inhibit | handle | boss | regularize | preside | influence | curb | manage | determine | regularise | direct | administer | control | dominate | preside over | reign | head |rule | order | restrain | run | over | oversee | regulate | minister | command | guide | administrate | prevail | supervise | lead

governable 相似词语短语

1、governall ─── 治理

2、governante ─── 调速器

3、ungovernably ─── 无法控制地

4、governalls ─── 标尺

5、governance ─── n.管理;统治;支配

6、ungovernable ─── adj.难管制的;放肆的;难压制的;难统治的

7、coverable ─── 可承保的;可投保的;可覆盖的

8、ovenable ─── 烤箱适用的;适宜炉烤的

9、over-able ─── 过分能干

governable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Information technologies are fundamentally transforming the world in which people live, work, govern and communicate. ─── 信息技术正在从根本上改变着世界,改变着人们的居住、工作,管理和交际方式。

2、And he could get Mr Karzai and Pakistan to show that they mean to make Afghanistan governable. ─── 并且他还会让卡尔扎伊和巴基斯坦表明他们打算让阿富汗变得可以治理。

3、The equations defining the zero-order perturbation simply govern the static solution. ─── 定义零级微扰的方程简单地决定了静态解。

4、Yet hard questions about how Mr Bayrou would govern, and with whom, seem to have stalled his ascent. ─── 但是更加棘手的问题也随之而来,贝鲁如果当选,如何组阁管理,和谁搭班,这似乎成为他优势地位的“拦路虎”。

5、Govern your thoughts when alone, and your tongue when incompany. ─── 一人独处慎于思,与人相处慎于言.

6、When operators of equal precedence appear in the same expression, a rule must govern which is evaluated first. ─── 当一个表达式中出现相同优先级的运算符的时候。

7、They are fighting for the right to govern their own lives. ─── 他们为拥有支配自己生活的权利而斗争。

8、Most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German. ─── 在德语中,许多及物动词左右着宾格。

9、If other laws make other provisions with respect to a contract, those provisions shall govern. ─── 其他法律对合同另有规定的,依照其规定。

10、He poses the question that most Americansprefer to gloss over: is California governable? ─── 他提出了一个大部分数美国人不愿重视的问题:加州能治理好吗?

11、The APA contains three standards of review that potentially can govern this inquiry. ─── 《行政程序法》载有三个有可能指导事实调查的审查标准。

12、A person should be a master of himself before he could govern others. ─── 一个人管好自己才能治理别人。

13、Managerially, the results suggest that clients should use more ex ante control to govern highly creative tasks. ─── 从管理的角度看,这些结果意味着客户应该更多地运用事前控制,从而更好的控制和管理高度创新性的任务。

14、Electra will govern the ability to coordinate with the plant kingdom. ─── 在提升直觉力上每天利用固定的时间去做锻鍊,而非把时间延长。

15、She govern the family and all decisions are made by her. ─── 她家完全由她做主,所有的决定都由她做出.

16、For him to concede that his ability to govern had been impaired would accelerate the assault on his Presidency. ─── 如果他承认他治理国家的能力已受到损害,必将招致对他作为总统的更多攻击。

17、Chinese nationalism is rampant, the poison by which the so-called Communist regime sustains its right to govern today. ─── 中国的民族主义肆虐,其毒害被所谓的共产主义政权用来支持它在如今的统治。

18、One can't completely govern one's thoughts at all times. ─── 人不能始终控制得住自己的思想。

19、To survive, the first emigrants had to learn to govern themselves. ─── 为了生存,最初的移民不得不学会自我管理。

20、Riches either serve or govern the possessor. ─── 不为财主,定为财奴。

21、The day when Iraqis govern themselves must come quickly. ─── 伊拉克人民自己管理自己的那一天必须尽快到来。

22、The law of supply and demand govern the price of goods. ─── 供求规律决定商品的价格。

23、Governable They can be managed and versioned through their life cycles from creation through upgrades and end of life. ─── 可治理可以在从创建到升级直至使用寿命结束的整个生命周期中对它们进行管理和版本控制。

24、They described him as unfit to govern. ─── 他们认为他这个人不适合做管治工作。

25、Several aspects may govern the choice of a reattachment technique. ─── 对再附着技术的选择利用取决于多个方面的因素。

26、After the analysis and improvement of na-tional mode, it is concluded that the most important factor that has influence on consump-tion behavior is per capita governable income. ─── 在对全国模型进行分析、改进的基础上得出结论:影响人们消费行为的主要因素为家庭人均可支配收入。

27、Only the president or a state govern or could call out the military or state militia. ─── 只有总统或州长才能紧急召集军队或州人民自卫队。

28、And he could get Mr Karzai and Pakistan to show that they mean to make Afghanistan governable. ─── 他还可以让卡尔扎伊和巴基斯坦表现出他们能让阿富汗地区变得可以管理。

29、And Jezebel his wife said unto him, Dost thou now govern the kingdom of Israel? ─── 7王后耶洗别对亚哈说,你现在是治理以色列国不是。

30、Easily managed or controlled; governable. ─── 容易管理或控制的;可治理的

31、Lists the rules and conventions that govern the names of message-handler functions. ─── 列出用于限制消息处理函数名称的规则和约定。

32、AC induction motor will govern speed stepless, no brush、 no spark and long life. ─── 交流感应电机无极调速,无电刷、火花、寿命。

33、Angela Merkel, who looks likely to be re-elected as chancellor, would prefer to govern with the liberal FDP. ─── 对于很有可能连任总理的默克尔来说,与自由派的自民党合作才是更好的选择。

34、In Great Britain the king reigns but does not govern. ─── 在大不列颠,君王君临而不统治。

35、Man is so weak and inadequate that he is unable to govern himself. ─── 人如此微弱与渺小,不能自治。

36、In america, the president reign for four year, and journalism govern forever and ever . ─── 在美国,总统治世四年,而新闻界则统治万世。

37、In case of a conflict between the rules and a contract the latter shall govern. ─── 如本规则与合同发生矛盾时,应以合同为准。

38、Husbands simply lie around and help to multiply the race, until they learn from their wiser wives and manage to govern. ─── 作丈夫的闲赋无事,只要帮忙繁延子孙就好,直到有一天他们才从聪慧的妻子那儿学习到了如何统治。

39、Relate all of the service description documents that will be governed as a unit to a governable entity. ─── 将所有要治理的服务描述文档作为一个单元与某个可治理的实体关联起来。

40、He accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern. ─── 他指责反对党无力治理国事。

41、Espinoza said.“You can’t govern if you can’t win. ─── “如果你不能获胜,你就不能统治国家”。

42、For all its sins, it did have enough cohesion and concentration of authority to govern. ─── 尽管做了那么多坏事,它还的确具有足够的进行治理的内聚力和集中的权力。

43、In Latin, several verbs govern the dative. ─── 在拉丁语中,有些动词要求与格的宾语。

44、He poses the question that most Americans prefer to gloss over: is California governable? ─── 他提出了一个大多数美国人不愿正视的问题:加州能治理好吗?

45、After a one-year term, a praetor typically went on to govern a province. ─── 在一年任期后,行政长官将前往管理一个省区。

46、Where the parties stipulate otherwise, such stipulations shall govern. ─── 当事人另有约定的,按照其约定。

47、Govern your thoughts when alone, and your tongue when in company. ─── 一人独处慎于思,与人相处。

48、Parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live. ─── 何一个正式的广告商敢于推销一种商品却不能兑现其在广告中的承诺。

49、You believe that human beings are not fit to govern themselves. ─── 你们认为人类不能自己管理自己。

50、Security impersonation levels govern the degree to which a server process can act on behalf of a client process. ─── 安全模拟级别控制服务器进程可以在何种程度上代表客户端进程执行操作。

51、In Britain the Queen is the formal head of the state, but it is the prime minister and cabinet who govern. ─── 在英国,女王是国家的正式元首,但治理国家的是首相及内阁。

52、The rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language are called sequential rules. ─── 在一种特定的语言中,语音的组合是受规则制约的,这些规则叫做系列规则。

53、Govern by supply and demand, price is the invisible hand in economics. ─── 在经济生活中,价格是看不见的手,取决於供给与需求关系。

54、The conqueror govern his new subject with an iron scepter. ─── 征服者以铁腕统治其新臣民。

55、Traditionally, dragons are considered to govern rainfall. ─── 人们通常认为龙是主管降雨的神。

56、And he could get Mr Karzai and Pakistan to show that they mean to make Afghanistan governable. ─── 并且他还会让卡尔扎伊和巴基斯坦表明他们打算让阿富汗变得可以治理。

57、In Britain the sovereign reigns but does not govern. ─── 在英国,君主称王,但不治理国家。

58、But they could neither absorb the mass of Romans into the gentile bodies nor govern them through these bodies. ─── 但是,它们既不能把大量的罗马人吸收到氏族团体里来,又不能通过氏族团体去统治他们。

59、You should govern your temper. ─── 你应该控制你的情绪。

60、I will make boys their officials; mere children will govern them. ─── 4主说,我必使孩童作他们的首领,使婴孩辖管他们。

61、In order to utilize heat to the best advantage, it is necessary to know the laws that govern heat transfer. ─── 为了最大限度地使用热,有必要弄懂支配热传输的几条定律。

62、He couldn't govern his temper. ─── 他无法控制自己的脾气。

63、Not being able to govern events, I govern myself, and apply myself to them, if they will not apply themselves to me. ─── 不能驾驭外界,我就驾驭自己,如果外界不适应我,那么我就去适应它们。

64、He poses the question that most Americans prefer to gloss over: is California governable? ─── 他提出了一个大多数美国人不愿正视的问题:加州能治理好吗?

65、They demanded the right to govern themselves. ─── 他们要求自治的权利。

66、Tool forces govern selection of the workholding device. ─── 刀具的压力决定了工件夹具的选择。

67、He devoted himself to writing out a long-term policy to govern the country. ─── 他费尽心血,写成了数十万字的治国长策。

68、Britain is considered governable, but that might change after Wednesday's strike of public-service workers shuts down the country. ─── 英国被认为管理能力较强,但等周三公务员大罢工令全国陷入瘫痪后,情况可能就不一样了。

69、The laws of retraction and reflection that govern the transmission of light also pertain to sound waves. ─── 光的传播所遵循的反射定律和折射定律同样适用于声波。

70、The resources, or services, that are delivered are governable to ensure things like high availability, security, and quality. ─── 可以管理所提供的资源或服务,以确保可用性、安全和质量等。

71、Rules that govern gymnastics scoring are made by FIG. ─── 体操比赛评分规则由国际体操联合会制订。

72、Further, all the laws of nature that govern the particle motion are not known. ─── 再者,支配粒子运动的一切自然规律也都是未知的。

73、Permission to be a contender, however, should not be confused with an opportunity to win, and still less to govern. ─── 尽管允许参加竞选,但也不该被一个获胜的机会冲昏头脑,毕竟还谈不上是大权在握。

74、Govern by supply and demand,price is the invisible hand in economics. ─── 在经济生活中,价格是看不见的手,取决于供给与需求关系。

75、Summary: Democracy is based on the property and condition of economy foundation; it decides the governable range of the upper building. ─── 民主从属于经济基础的性质和状况并决定上层建筑的政治范畴。

76、These distances, in turn, govern the size of the projected image. ─── 另外,焦距也会掌控投影的大小。

77、A blanket assault on our institutions and motives can paralyze the nation's capacity to govern itself. ─── 不分青红皂白攻击我们的制度和动机只能使国家丧失管理自己的能力。

78、An automatic device that uses feedback to govern the physical position of an element. ─── 一种使用反馈方法来调节一个机件的物理位置的自动装置。

79、As a result of patient experimenting he succeeded in fixing the laws which govern electromagnetic effects. ─── 他坚持不懈地进行实验,终于成功地确定了支配电磁效应的定律。

80、They demand the right to govern themselves. ─── 他们要求自治权。

81、The main motor adopts imported converter to govern in a stepples way . ─── 主动机采用进口变频无级调速。

82、Why by three Furies would you want me to govern Macedonia? ─── |以三个复仇女神的名义 为什么你要我管理马其顿?

83、People with Spinal cord injuries felt the cuts in a unique way: The govern ment stopped taking care of our chairs. ─── 但这种削减对脊柱伤残的人士更有特别的影响:政府已经不管我们的轮椅了。

84、The people are free to choose who will govern them. ─── 人民有自由选举领导他们的人。

85、Easily managed or controlled;governable. ─── 容易管理或控制的;可治理的

86、An applications program is designed to manipulate data rather than govern the operation of the computer. ─── 应用程序是为处理数据而不是控制计算机的运转而编写的程序。

87、In the last presidential election, the young, the intellectuals and the racial minorities were rooting for Mc Govern. ─── 在上届的总统选举中,年轻人、知识分子和少数民族都支持麦克柯文。

88、In Britain the queen reign, but elect representative of the people govern the country. ─── 在英国,女王是君主而治理国家的却是民选的代表。

89、In Britain elected representatives of the people govern the country. ─── 在英国治理国家的是民选的代表。

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