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08-20 投稿


calenders 发音


英:  美:

calenders 中文意思翻译



calenders 短语词组

1、calenders for kindle fire kindle fire ─── 日历

calenders 词性/词形变化,calenders变形

动词过去式: calendered |动词过去分词: calendered |动词第三人称单数: calenders |动词现在分词: calendering |名词: calenderer |

calenders 相似词语短语

1、chavenders ─── 卖

2、calendered ─── adj.压光机处理的;v.以砑光机压光(calender的过去分词)

3、calendars ─── n.日历;历法;日程表;记事本;事件表(尤指圣者名单);(一年之中的)重大事件一览表(calendar的复数)

4、calenderer ─── 压延机

5、calender ─── v.以砑光机砑光;n.砑光机;托钵游方僧

6、cullenders ─── n.漏锅;滤器

7、calendrers ─── 日历

8、calendarers ─── 日历

9、calenderers ─── 日历

calenders 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、All compounding mixers, sulphur addition mills and calenders in production on the day of the audit are checked. ─── 检查当天生产中所有的配合搅拌机,硫磺加入密炼机及压光机全部检查

2、We want to buy Gifts Articles, Stationery, Candles and Holders, Gift Calenders, Boxed Cards, Candles, Home Decor, Stationery Products. ─── 我们要采购礼品,文具,蜡烛和烛台,礼品砑光机,盒装的卡片,蜡烛,家装饰,文具产品。

3、Calenders of dogs wearing clothes. ─── 还有小狗穿着衣服图案的日历。

4、We are looking for a capable company that can handle printing of posters and calenders. Contact us with your contact. ─── 我们寻找一个有能力印刷海报和日历的公司。如果您愿意请带上您的详细信息联系我们。

5、Now I have two calenders! ─── 现在我有两个日历!

6、Gifts Articles, Stationery, Candles and Holders, Gift Calenders, Boxed Cards, Candles, Home Decor, Stationery Products. ─── 采购产品礼品,文具,蜡烛和烛台,礼品砑光机,盒装的卡片,蜡烛,家装饰,文具产品。

7、Information from e-mail systems, calenders, databases and other data sources is needed on mobile devices for review, update, and processing. ─── 移动设备需要查看、更新和处理来自电子邮件系统、日程表、数据库和其他数据源的信息。

8、Gifts Articles, Stationery, Candles and Holders, Gift Calenders , Boxed Cards, Candles, Home Decor, Stationery Products. ─── 采购产品礼品,文具,蜡烛和烛台,礼品砑光机,盒装的卡片,蜡烛,家装饰,文具产品。

9、WOW! these photos are just breathtakeingly beautiful,i love butterflies 'i have calenders of them and framed posters too,i just wish i had photos like these! GREAT SHOTS. ─── 您正在阅读嘻哈生活,世界第一大国际社区网站!点击这里注册现在就加入我们!

10、Our manufactured Four-Roller Plastic Calenders have rewarded the Golden Award of Shanghai Star Item for many times. ─── 生产的四辊、五辊塑料压延机组多次荣获上海市星火项目金奖。

11、Importer of Calenders & Diaries, China Stamps & Philatelic Items, Chinese Books, Chinese Paintings & Accessories, Bookmarks & Papercuts. ─── 中国图书、日历总汇、中国邮票、名家书画、文房四宝、书签剪纸。

12、There are some soft nip calenders from Germany KUSTER in kunshan banknote paper mill. ─── 昆山钞票纸厂安装有多台从德国KUSTER公司引进的机内软压光系统。

13、1.Most Americans live according to time segments laid out in gagements calenders。 ─── 多数美国人都是按对照日程安赶排生活的。

14、- Sync your contacts and calenders directly to your phone. ─── - 同步通讯录和压延直接向您的手机。

15、Rubber and plastics machines - Calenders - Safety requirements. ─── 橡胶和塑料机器.轮压机.安全要求

16、Sync your contacts and calenders directly to your phone. ─── 同步通讯录和压延直接向您的手机。

17、The range of application and effect of compacting calenders are described. ─── 描述了热压预缩机的应用范围和作用。

18、Calendering lines for steel cord or textile cord rubberizing or both combined, lines for rubber sheets production, provided with 3 or 4-roll calenders. ─── 提供3或4-辊压延机用于钢丝和纤维压延生产线或钢丝纤维两用复合压延生产线,胶片生产线等。

19、Now i have two calenders! For twice as much things to do! ─── 现在我有两个日历!为的两倍多,要做的事!

20、He discovered that He could run off Snoopy calenders, pictures of the Mona Lisa, and witty little computer accounts of The Creation. ─── 他发现他能迅速生成Snoopy日历,蒙娜丽莎的肖像画,甚至计算机本身对于创世纪的机智诙谐的阐释。

21、Organizer, Notebook, Bags, Wallet, Diary, Writing Pads, Wallscroll Calenders Diaries and Calendars ─── 采购产品笔记本电脑,箱包,钱包,日记,精美信纸

22、He discovered that He could run off Snoopy calenders, pictures of the Mona Lisa, and witty little computer accounts of The Creation. ─── 他发现他能迅速生成Snoopy日历,蒙娜丽莎的肖像画,甚至计算机本身对于创世纪的机智诙谐的阐释。

23、We want to buy Organizer, Notebook, Bags, Wallet, Diary, Writing Pads, Wallscroll Calenders Diaries and Calendars ─── 我们要采购笔记本电脑,箱包,钱包,日记,精美信纸

24、But people do not buy calenders just to know what day it is? ─── 但是,人们买日历不仅仅是为了知道今天是哪天。

25、The Calender plays an important role in the quality of thermal-bouded products. The high quality calenders and the advanced technology of IR Engraving, Inc. , U. S. A. were described. ─── 介绍了美国IR雕刻公司的优质轧辊和先进技术。轧辊对热轧粘合产品的质量起着关键的作用.

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