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08-20 投稿


chalking 发音

英:[?t???k??]  美:[?t???k??]

英:  美:

chalking 中文意思翻译



chalking 常用词组

chalk it up ─── v. 记帐;宣布

french chalk ─── n. 滑石粉

chalk up ─── 记下;取得;归咎于

chalking 词性/词形变化,chalking变形

现在分词:chalking 名词复数形式:chalkings 原型:chalk

chalking 短语词组

1、chalking furniture ─── 粉笔家具

2、chalking def ─── 粉笔def

3、chalking resistance ─── 抗粉化性

4、chalking id ─── 粉笔id

5、chalking it up meaning ─── 记下它的意思

6、chalking dad ─── 粉笔爸爸

7、pneumatic chalking hammer ─── 气动粉笔锤

8、chalking compound ─── 白垩化合物

chalking 相似词语短语

1、balking ─── n.[电]阻行;慢行;n.(Balking)人名;(瑞典)巴尔金

2、bechalking ─── bechalking公司

3、chalaning ─── 查拉宁

4、calking ─── n.填隙;塞缝;v.填…以防漏水(calk的ing形式)

5、charking ─── v.焦化;烧炭;n.木炭;n.(Chark)(美)乍(人名)

6、calkin ─── n.鞋底铁掌(防滑用的)

7、calkins ─── n.(Calkins)人名;(英)卡尔金斯

8、chacking ─── 查克

9、caking ─── n.结块,结团;粘结;v.结成块状;凝固(cake的过去分词形式)

chalking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I went into the tunnel with my chalk stroking the wall. ─── 我用粉笔抚摩着隧道的墙壁走进去。

2、Our teacher told me to get some chalk. ─── 我们老师叫我取去点粉笔。

3、Chalk up my score as I go on. ─── 我打球,你给我记分。

4、We're not beaten yet, by a long chalk. ─── 我们还没有输, 只是落后很多。

5、Describe a circle on the floor with a piece of chalk . ─── 在地板上用支粉笔画个圆。

6、We have been chalking up more victories on all fronts. ─── 我们在各条战线上正在取得更多的胜利。

7、We can chalk that win up to a lot of luck. ─── 我们可以把那次胜利归因于好运十足。

8、He took out a piece of chalk and wrote his problem on the blackboard. ─── 他拿出了一支粉笔并在黑板上写下他的问题。

9、He described a circle on the blackboard with a piece of chalk. ─── 他用粉笔在黑板上画出一个圈。

10、I can't bear the sound of chalk scraping on a blackboard. ─── 我受不了粉笔在黑板上摩擦时发出的刺耳声音。

11、Write a chalk message on their sidewalk. ─── 在他们的课桌旁用粉笔留言。

12、You and I are different as chalk and cheese. ─── 你我虽有相象之处但实际上很不一样。

13、His chalk scraped on the blackboard. ─── 他的粉笔在黑板上擦擦作声。

14、A girl came in with a textbook in one hand and chalk in the other. ─── 一位姑娘一只手里拿着一本书,另一只手里拿着粉笔,走了进来。

15、You may chalk it on the wall. ─── 你可以用粉笔把它记在墙上。

16、I paid fifty pounds in the market for a so-called bargain piece of porcelain which turned out to be worthless; I'll just have to chalk it up to experience. ─── 我花了50英镑在商场上买了一件所谓的便宜瓷器,结果却是一文不值。我只得把此事引以为训。

17、I hate the scrape of chalk on a blackboard. ─── 我讨厌粉笔在黑板上刮的声音。

18、We're not beaten yet, (not) by a long chalk. ─── 我们还没有败,远远没败。

19、The fielder threw the ball but missed the wicket by a long chalk. ─── 外场手掷球,但与三柱门相去甚远。

20、She drew a line on the wall with chalk. ─── 她用粉笔在墙上画了一条线。

21、However, I'd be careful before chalking it up to the data. ─── 但是,我想在这样的数据混杂不清之前我还是比较严谨的。

22、You can write on a blackboard with chalk. ─── 你可以用笔本在黑板上写字。

23、On the door the thief put a mark with a piece of chalk. ─── 强盗就在门上用粉笔做了一个记号。

24、We also did the experiment using a piece of chalk. ─── 我们还用一支粉笔做了这个实验。

25、Either she or I am going to fetch some chalk. ─── 不是她,就是我去拿些粉笔.

26、He does not seem to me to be justified in chalking up all these mistakes to ignorance or carelessness. ─── 他把这一切错误都归因于无知或粗心,我看是说不过去的。

27、You can't chalk his bad work up to lack of trying. ─── 你不能将他的工作差归因于努力不够。

28、Over centuries the landscape changedto open chalk downland. ─── 几百年后,这片土地变成了白垩丘陵地带。

29、Another of my faults. Chalk it up. ─── 我又犯规了。把它记下来。

30、Back to basics: blackboard, chalk and sponge in your pocket. ─── 回到基础:黑板,粉笔、海绵放在衣袋里。

31、He marked the floor with chalk. ─── 他用粉笔在地板上作记号。

32、Can I have some more chalk, Miss? ─── 我还可以要一些粉笔吗,小姐?

33、Reprinted inking oil can also be overcome chalking it affects metal sheen. ─── 加印调不朱油也可以降服粉冻,但这样会感化金属的光华。

34、His face was as white as chalk when he arrived home from work this evening. ─── 今天晚上他下班回家时,面色惨白。

35、He sopped up the ink with chalk. ─── 他用粉笔吸干了墨水。

36、Can you give me a piece of chalk? ─── 你能给我一支粉笔吗?

37、My brother and I are as different as chalk and cheese. ─── 我和我哥哥两个性格截然不同。

38、He stepped on the piece of chalk and crushed it to powder. ─── 他踏在那支粉笔上,把它踩成了粉末。

39、Miss Daisy:Cade,go and fetch me some chalk. ─── 凯德,替我去取些粉笔来。

40、The general began to chalk out his plan for defeating the enemy. ─── 将军开始制定击败敌人的方案。

41、You can rub out the chalk marks with the eraser. ─── 你可以用黑板擦把粉笔印擦掉。

42、Outside chalking of film may occur, but has no negative influence on the protective properties. ─── 漆膜暴露于室外会出现粉化现象,但不降低其保护性能。

43、Our school contracted with the nearest shop for50 boxes of chalk a month. ─── 我们学校同最近的一家商店每月订购50盒粉笔。

44、This helps in chalking out a strategy for prioritizing business domains for IT enablement. ─── 这将有助于制订用于确定需要IT支持的业务域的优先级策略。

45、Can I have some shoes and chalk, please? ─── 我要鞋子跟石灰粉,可以吗?

46、As a pitcher,Luther is better than James by a long chalk. ─── 作为一名棒球投手,卢瑟比詹姆斯高明得多。

47、"What, those little Reds who're always chalking up slogans everywhere? ─── “喔,就是那些专门写标语的小赤老么?

48、I'm wondering where to fetch chalk. ─── 我不知道到哪儿去取粉笔。

49、He does not know chalk from cheese. ─── 他不懂得好歹。

50、She drew a grand cross with white chalk on this. ─── 她就在这门上用白粉笔画了一个大十字。

51、I want a piece of red chalk. ─── 我想要一支红粉笔。

52、Some of that chalk has rubbed off on your coat. ─── 你的上衣沾上了些粉笔末。

53、He chalk out a simple plan of the new building. ─── 他用粉笔勾画了新大楼的简图。

54、Dust yourself down, you're covered in chalk. ─── 把你自己身上掸掸,上面都是粉笔末.

55、Lady: And I want a large box of chalk,too. ─── 女士:我还要一大盒粉笔。

56、Yet, O'Neil won't give up the chalk talk for anything else. ─── 但是奥尼尔不会放弃他的粉笔生涯,去改做任何其他事情。

57、Don't throw the ends of chalk on the ground. ─── 别把粉笔头扔在地上。

58、He crushed the chalk to powder under his feet. ─── 他用脚把粉笔踩成粉。

59、Have you seen the chalk and the blackboard eraser? ─── 你们知道粉笔和黑板擦放在哪里吗?

60、They look alike but they're as different as chalk and cheese. ─── 他们看起来很像,但本质上则是风马牛不相及。

61、Dust yourself down you're covered in chalk. ─── 把你自己身上掸掸--上面都是粉笔末。

62、Our coach usually gives us a chalk talk during halftime. ─── 我们的教练在中场休息时通常用粉笔画图给我们进行讲解。

63、Chalk up another victory for ABC industries. ─── 为ABC工业集团再赢得一次胜利!

64、Our team have chalk up a record score for the season. ─── 我们队已取得该季度最佳得分记录。

65、As future Chemistry teachers, students from teachers'colleges should master the way of chalking out a researching chemical experiment. ─── 探究性实验是培养具有创新人才的一种好方法,作为未来化学教师的师范生应该掌握探究性化学实验设计的方法。

66、He crushed a piece of chalk to powder. ─── 他将一支粉笔压成粉末。

67、Lady: And I want a large box of chalk, too. ─── 女士:我还要一大盒粉笔。

68、I've no money to pay for the beer, will you chalk it up(to me)? ─── 我没有付啤酒的钱,你能给我记上帐吗?

69、No, no, I'm just looking for a man to draw on me with chalk. ─── 不,不是,我只是想找一个人为我做一套衣服。

70、He filched a piece of chalk from the teacher's desk. ─── 他从老师的书桌上偷取一支粉笔。

71、If you don't walk the chalk, I'll put you out. ─── 如果你们不守规矩,我将把你们赶出去。

72、They will chalk up your good points. ─── 他们会记下你的优点。

73、He said bullying is, in fact, damaging, but too often grown-ups turn a blind eye to what is going on by chalking it up to kids being kids. ─── 他称事实上校园欺凌后果非常严重,可是大人们常常对此熟视无睹,将之列为常见的孩童之举。

74、I was able to hurry away with precious chalk marks on my baggage. ─── 我终于被放行,手是划着宝贵粉笔记号的行李,匆匆离去。

75、I need some chalk to write with. ─── 我需要一些用来书写的粉笔。

76、We shall chalk up his good points. ─── 我们将记下他的优点。

77、But they each need some paper and some black chalk as well. ─── 但是他们每个人需要一些纸,还需要些黑粉笔。

78、Such are common in the chalk areas of South of England. ─── 在英国南部白垩地区,这种情况是常见的。

79、This helps in chalking out a strategy for prioritizing business domains for it enablement. ─── 这将有助于制订用于确定需要IT支持的业务域的优先级策略。

80、Tut! I've got some chalk on my coat. ─── 啧!我外套上弄上一些粉笔灰了。

81、Ann measured a box of chalk. ─── 安测量了粉笔盒。

82、Optimists can chalk up one victory, at least. ─── 乐观主义者至少能记上一功。

83、He does not seem to me to be justified in chalking up all these mistakes to ignorance or carelessness. ─── 他把这一切错误都归因于无知或粗心,我看是说不过去的。

84、Reprinted inking oil can also be overcome chalking it affects metal sheen. ─── 加印调不朱油也可以降服粉冻,但这样会感化金属的光华。

85、I guess I'll have to chalk it up to experience. ─── 我想我必须记住这个教训。

86、My father said cement couldn't be made from chalk. ─── 我父亲说水泥不能用白垩来制作。

87、Plenty of people would have quit, chalking it up to a failed business venture. ─── 很多人都退出了,进入了另一个亏损的生意。

88、You shouldn't chalk that up to experience. ─── 你不应将此归咎为经验问题。

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