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09-11 投稿


capella 发音

英:[ k?'p?l?]  美:[k??pel?]

英:  美:

capella 中文意思翻译



capella 短语词组

1、a capella singing ─── [网络] 歌手唱歌

2、Capella (star) ─── 卡佩拉(明星)

3、capella university ─── 凯佩拉大学

4、capella university login ─── 卡佩拉大学登录

5、a capella ─── 美中不足(歌曲名)

6、genus Capella ─── [网络] 卡佩拉属

7、capella login capella ─── 登录

8、capella logo capella ─── 标志

capella 相似词语短语

1、capelin ─── n.毛鳞鱼;香鱼科的小海鱼;n.(Capelin)人名;(法)卡珀兰

2、capitella ─── 章

3、canella ─── n.白桂皮

4、Capello ─── n.卡佩罗(体育明星)

5、Capella ─── n.[天]五车二(御夫座之一等星)

6、capelet ─── n.毛皮披肩;小披肩

7、capellet ─── 头发

8、castella ─── n.(Castella)人名;(西)卡斯特利亚;(意、法)卡斯泰拉

9、a capella ─── 美中不足(歌曲名)

capella 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Arnold, D. R., L. M. Capella and G. D. Smith (1983),Strategic Retail Management,M.A.:Addison-Wesley. ─── 刘涤昭(民83),顾客满意度测量手法,台北:中国生产力中心,页13,译自富山芳雄。

2、I can sing in a Capella group, but I can't sing. ─── 我本可以去合唱团的但我不会唱歌

3、Capella is in the constellation Auriga the Charioteer, but since antiquity it has carried the name “Goat Star. ─── 五车二是御夫星座中的其中一颗星,但是从很早以前它便开始被称为山羊座。

4、Mazda Capella ─── 马自达-卡佩拉牌汽车

5、Methods 30 healthy youth (60 ears) were detected for DPOAE using OAE apparatus of CAPELLA type. L 1 =70 dB SPL,L 2 =60 dB SPL were selected as initial intensities. The level difference was 10dB SPL. ─── 方法对 30例 (6 0耳 )听力正常青年人 ,用CAPELLA机型耳声发射仪进行DPOAE测试 ,选择初始音强度L1 =70dBSPL ,L2 =6 0dBSPL ,水平差 10dBSPL。

6、Capella is sometimes called the Goat Star, and this little triangle is known as “the Kids. ─── 五车二有时被称作山羊星,而这个星星群就被喻作是它的孩子。

7、The trio also sang these new songs a capella on the spot. Their beautiful harmonizing completely mesmerized everyone. ─── 三人也在现场清唱了这几首新歌,优美的合声让所有人听得如痴如醉。

8、The reality is that every star in the sky undergoes the same process as Capella, to produce its colorful twinkling. ─── 实际上天空中的每颗星星在闪烁时都经历与五车二相同的过程。

9、AIM: To study the characteristics of newborn hearing screening by transient evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) echo screen model of Capella otoacoustic emission apparatus. ─── 目的 :观察Capella瞬态声诱发耳声发射 (transientevokedotoacousticemission ,TEOAE)仪回声检测模式 (echo screenmodel)下新生儿听力筛查的特征 .

10、TEOAE echo screen model of Capella otoacoustic emission apparatus is a simple, objective, time saving examination, which can be performed with the surrounding noise under 40 dB SPL, and we it for newborn hearing screening. ─── Capella瞬态声诱发耳声发射仪回声检测模式结果客观、简单、易操作、耗时短、环境要求低 ,是进行新生儿听力筛查较好的方法

11、They are being shown at the Reinventing Shoe exhibition at La Capella dels Angels. ─── 这场奇异鞋展的名字叫作“改头换面的鞋子”。

12、In the northeastern sky in the early evening is a bright star called Capella, the Little She Goat, in the constellation Auriga. ─── 在傍晚的东北方天空中有一颗明亮的星星,叫做五车二,它位于御夫座的小山羊位置。

13、Star System: Capella - Planet: Pershea ─── 恒星系统——Kaena星球

14、The trio also sang these new songs a capella on the spot.Their beautiful harmonizing completely mesmerized everyone. ─── 三人也在现场清唱了这几首新歌,优美的合声让所有人听得如痴如醉。

15、The Heavenly Chariot, brightly attired with its brilliant yellow star Capella, starts the journey in the northeast at dusk, rides overhead at midnight and finishes up in the northwest at dawn. ─── 天国的战车,由亮黄星五车二伴在左右,黄昏时刻从东北方升起,开始整个旅程,在午夜时分升到正上方,于黎明时分在西北部天空中结束此次旅程。

16、She sang, a capella, a beautiful pure song, and then led me to the door. ─── 她唱着歌,清唱,一首优美纯净的歌曲,然后让我出去。

17、Julie Albert, a junior at Brandeis University, is the director of her a capella group and head of orientation this year. ─── 几乎所有人都同意在不那么贵的学校里也能得到良好的教育。

18、Methods:The tests about the three key techniques:cryoprotective medium,freezing and thawing methods of Capella?s method were comparatively studied. ─── 方法 :对经典的 Capella四步冻贮法的冷冻保护液、降温冷冻速率和复温方法 3项关键技术做了全面简化和改进。

19、Methods TEOAE and ABR were recorded with amplaid MADSEN Capella? + and MADSEN EAR2260 in 171(342ears) high risk neonates,then compared the results. ─── 方法分别应用MADSENCapella+型全功能耳声发射分析仪和MADSENERA2260型听性脑干反应仪对171例(342耳)不同病因导致的高危新生儿同时进行TEOAE和ABR测试,将2种测试方法进行比较。

20、corner of the constellation Auriga. Capella marks the Charioteer's left shoulder. ─── 御夫座的一角,它代表着御夫的左肩。

21、This effect, which has nothing to do with the star itself but rather is caused by Earth's turbulent atmosphere, is particularly prominent with Capella because it is so bright. ─── 这个现象与星星本身无关,是由地球的湍流大气引起的,它在卡佩拉身上体现得更为明显,因为卡佩拉是如此的明亮。

22、There were no sigmificant differences in ESR between this group and Capella?s group(p>0 05). ─── 本组 ESR (92 .6% ,n=30 )与 Capella组 (93.4% ,n=30 )比较 ,差异无显著性 (P>0 .0 5 ) ,两组间内皮细胞形态相仿。

23、The boys choir capella vocalis ─── 德国科佩拉男童合唱团

24、By the way, why are these flashes of color so noticeable with Capella? ─── 顺便提下,为什么五车二的光芒如此引人注目呢?

25、Suddenly, the stars Alpha, Capella, and Orion come to the rescue with millions of bright stars, and there's a cosmic party. ─── 书中很多事例,由于涉及外交和他国声誉,故而不能具体点出这些国家的名字和涉及的国家的人员的具体姓名。

26、Some sharp colors for the Capella and Fulton models are also on tap. ─── 卡佩拉和弗尔顿模型的一些锐利颜色也可随时使用。

27、It looks as if this design by Juli Capella, for Lottusse, could cause a blister or two. ─── 这样的鞋恐怕会让穿鞋人的脚起水泡吧。

28、a constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Lynx and Perseus that contains the bright star Capella,which is42 light-years from Earth ─── 御夫星座,北天球一星座,位于天猫星座和英仙星座附近,五车二是其中最明亮的一颗星,距离地球四十二光年

29、Capella is a golden star when seen higher up in the sky. ─── 我们在较高的天空可以看到五车二是一颗金黄色的星星。

30、This method was first reported in detail by Capella and Kanfman (1972) for clinical use. ─── 长期保存此法由Caopella和Kaufman(1972年)首先详细报告其临床应用。

31、4、It looks as if this design by Juli Capella, for Lottusse, could cause a blister or two. ─── 这只以斗牛为设计主题的鞋子和前两双一样均出自同一名设计师之手。

32、Preliminary Data Sheet, “CMI8800 single/three phase spindle motor driver IC for DVD/CD-ROM,” Capella Microsystem Inc, 1999. ─── 许书宾,小型无刷直流马达无感测器之驱动控制研究,清华大学动力机械工程研究所硕士论文,民国84年。

33、Julie Albert, a junior at Brandeis University, is the director of her a capella group and head of orientation this year. ─── 这在美国文化中,是所谓“领袖素质”的基础。找工作时会被别人另眼相看。

34、Capella is located at one corner of the constellation Auriga.Capella marks the Charioteer's left shoulder.Menkalinan, the second-brightest star in Auriga, marks the right shoulder. ─── 五车二位于御夫座的一角,被称作是御者的左肩,而御夫座第二亮的星星五车三被称作是御者的右肩。

35、The 112-room Capella Singapore on Sentosa Island has lush lawns, peacocks and sculptures surrounding a heritage hotel. ─── 配有112个房间的新加坡Capella酒店位于圣淘沙岛,围绕其周的是茂盛的草坪、孔雀群和各种雕塑。

36、MethodsDPOAE and TEOAE were separately measured in three groups of neonates: normal neonates (NN), Cassarean section neonates (CSN) and neonatal intensive care unit neonates(NICUN) with Capella emission analyzer. ─── 方法 应用Capella耳声发射分析仪对正常新生儿组、剖腹产儿组、新生儿监护病房组三组新生儿进行DPOAE、TEOAE检测。

37、We study the hearing screening characteristics of normal newborns bytrasiently evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) echo-screen mode of Capella otoacoustic emission apparatus; ─── 本课题旨在探讨Capella瞬态声诱发耳声发射仪回声检测模式(echo-screen mode)下新生儿听力筛查的特征以及在听力筛查中的应用;

38、Some sharp colors for the Capella and Fulton models are also on tap. ─── 卡佩拉和弗尔顿模型的一些锐利颜色也可随时使用。

39、According to star lore, Capella represents Amalthea, the she-goat that fed the infant Zeus when he was hidden away in a cave on Mt Ida in Crete. ─── 根据星座传说,五车二代表的是母羊阿玛尔泰娅。

40、Characteristics of newborn hearing screening by TEOAE echo-screen model of Capella otoacoustic emission instrument ─── 足月新生儿Capella耳声发射仪回声检测模式听力筛查特征

41、All patients were females of 27 to 69 years old with an average of 59 6. Histologic types were divided into pure (20 cases) and mixed form (4 cases) according to the criteria of capella. ─── 患者平均年龄59岁。 组织学按Capela标准分为纯型20例及混合型4例。

42、Capella is located at one corner of the constellation Auriga.Capella marks the Charioteer’s left shoulder. ─── 五车二位于御夫座的一角,它代表着御夫的左肩。

43、Contrast Capella with Aldebaran, shining in the constellation Taurus to the right, and to the stars of the misty Pleiades cluster higher up. ─── 将五车二与位于右侧的金牛座中最耀眼的毕宿五星和高高挂在天顶的昴宿星团的作对比。星体的颜色里有很多的学问在里头。

44、A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Lynx and Perseus that contains the bright star Capella, which is42 light-years from Earth. ─── 御夫星座北天球一星座,位于天猫星座和英仙星座附近,五车二是其中最明亮的一颗星,距离地球四十二光年

45、"auriga:a constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Lynx and Perseus that contains the bright star Capella, which is 42 light-years from Earth." ─── 御夫星座:北天球一星座,位于天猫星座和英仙星座附近,五车二是其中最明亮的一颗星,距离地球四十二光年。

46、Vocalists can perform with instrumental accompaniment, or they may perform a capella. ─── 歌唱家可以伴着乐器演唱,也可以无乐器伴奏清唱。

47、Here's a close-up look at the constellation Auriga the Charioteer.Its brightest star is called Capella. ─── 上图为御夫座的近景图,其中最亮的一个星星被称作五车二。

48、Like brighter Sirius, which does not rise until several hours later in the southeast, Capella often flickers madly when low in the sky. ─── 就和那颗要在入夜后几小时才能出现在东南方天空中的天狼星一样,五车二常常在低空中闪耀。

49、- The Capella Project is an open source mobile GPU project. ─── + Capella 是一个完全开源(包括技术规范,开发文档,CModel,RTL 和驱动与 shader 编译器的源代码)的 Mobile Graphics IP Core 项目。

50、The yellowish color of Capella indicates a mid-range surface temperature, much like our sun. ─── 卡佩拉的淡黄色表明她的表面温度属于中等范围,就如我们的太阳。

51、Julie Albert, a junior at Brandeis University, is the director of her a capella grouphead of orientation this year. ─── 找工作时会被别人另眼相看。

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