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09-04 投稿


annotated 发音

英:[??n?te?t?d]  美:[??n?te?t?d]

英:  美:

annotated 中文意思翻译



annotated 词性/词形变化,annotated变形

形容词: annota-tive |动词过去分词: annotated |动词第三人称单数: annotates |动词现在分词: annotating |动词过去式: annotated |名词: annotator |

annotated 短语词组

1、annotated catalogue ─── 注释目录

2、annotated diagram ─── 带注释的图表

3、annotated code ─── [法] 注释法典

4、Annotated Reference Manual ─── 注释参考手册

5、annotated wizard of oz ─── 绿野仙踪

6、annotated list of items ─── [法] 附说明的项目表

7、annotated bibliography ─── [法] 附说明的资料目录

8、annotated bibliographies ─── 注释文献目录

9、annotated preliminary list ─── [法] 附说明的暂定项目表

10、Annotated Task List ─── 附加说明的任务列表

annotated 相似词语短语

1、innovated ─── v.改革(innovate的过去分词形式)

2、annotator ─── n.注解者

3、annotate ─── vi.注释;给…作注释或评注;vt.注释;作注解

4、denotated ─── 表示的

5、notated ─── v.以标记法谱写(音乐)(notate的过去式及过去分词)

6、connotated ─── v.暗示;容纳(等于connote)

7、unannotated ─── 未注明

8、annotates ─── vi.注释;给…作注释或评注;vt.注释;作注解

9、annulated ─── adj.环状的;有环纹的(等于annulate)

annotated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、human annotated ─── 人工标注

2、With exercises and annotated bibliography by Mary Michael Spangler. ─── 书名/作者 Principles of education, a Thomistic approach.

3、From Harvard Divinity and the Center for the Environment, very detailed. There is an annotated version of the bibliography in PDF format. Sources end at 1999. ─── 哈佛大学神学院及环境中心管理的书目,十分详细,另有含对个别材料作评论的此书目PDF档,资料至1999年。

4、In the book the spirit code of the Chinese people is annotated comprehensively and the mystery of evolution of traditional culture is revealed systematically. ─── 全面诠释中国人的心灵密码,系统揭示传统文化演进奥秘。

5、For training, development and testing, you will be provided with 6.001 lecture transcripts manually annotated with sentence boundaries. ─── 为了训练、开发和测试,提供了手工标注句子分隔的6.001讲稿转录文本。

6、Builds an auxiliary annotating tool and an inquiry system, which improves the efficiency of information annotating, normalizes the annotated results and provides a lot of inquiry functions. ─── 三是在计算机上建立了一个辅助标注平台和数据库查询系统,可以提高短语结构信息的标注效率,规范标注结果,提供各种查询功能。

7、In this spirit,I present a chronological,annotated bibliography of the financial theory of investments. ─── 依照这种精神,我介绍一个按年代顺序带有注解的有关金融投资理论的参考书目。

8、This is a typical JPA annotated class. ─── 这是典型的jpa注释类。

9、The class is annotated with an @Entity annotation to indicate to JPA that this class is a mapped entity. ─── 类带上了注释@Entity,以向JPA指示该类是一个被映射的实体。

10、Presents an annotated bibliography of picture books, novels, biographies, and folktales that feature heroines who appeal to girls. ─── 图书性质:全价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)

11、Each instance of a Pre attribute specifies a set of properties for the annotated parameter. ─── Pre属性(Attribute)的每个实例为批注参数指定一组属性(Property)。

12、Annotated bibliography of quaternary vertebrates of Northern North America ─── 北美北部第四纪脊椎动物释目

13、As the strength which deserves sings, Mengmeng has annotated the lonely internal monologue with the real sound. ─── 作为当之无愧的实力唱将,艾梦萌用真实声音诠释了孤独的内心独白。

14、Differences of address forms in Chinese and English annotated from individualism and collectivism ─── 从价值观角度诠释英汉称谓的差异

15、From the 1850s to the 1870s,some Chinese books on physics translated by Protestant missionaries were annotated and translated in Japan, or even used as teaching materials. ─── 19世纪50至70年代,来华新教传教士译述的一些物理学书籍在日本被注释翻译,甚至用作教材。

16、Includes annotated bibliography on English Teaching Methodologies and related websites. ─── 包含英语教学法的注解书目与相关网站。

17、An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Chinese Reference ─── 中国参考书选目解题

18、Annotated histology sections of developing mouse is a digital atlas of mouse development and a database resource for spatially mapped data such as in situ gene expression and cell lineage. ─── 发育中老鼠的加注组织切片”提供老鼠发育过程中的详细图解,并提供如原位基因表现与细胞谱系等空间结构资料。

19、Annotated:Because of the restrictions on the importation of a small number of words used to replace a homonym, such as understanding and wrong please! ─── 备注:由于输入法的限制,少数词汇用同音代替,如和错误请谅解!

20、Events might be screened, filtered, aggregated, annotated, or augmented as part of the system's simple event processing phase. ─── 在系统的简单事件处理阶段,可能需要对事件进行显示、筛选、聚合、标注或充实。

21、The fact referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be annotated in the column of other matters of the register before the registration of cancellation. ─── 前项事实于涂销登记前,应于土地登记簿其他登记事项栏注记。

22、You can also view annotations on the widgets by clicking on the note icons next to annotated widgets. ─── 单击带标注的部件旁边的注释图标可以在部件上看到标注。

23、annotated terminologies of ancient books ─── 古书注释术语

24、Contains symbols for meters, gauges, callouts, text boxes, and inserts. Use to create annotated diagrams for process flow, flow control, manufacturing processes, and distribution systems. ─── 包括仪表、标注、文本框和插入的符号。用于为工序流程、流程控制、制造流程和分配系统创建批注图。

25、The annotated bibliography supplements the course reading list. ─── 下列有注释的书目是用来补充课堂教材的。

26、annotated code ─── [法] 注释法典

27、The text of an annotated book ─── 书的正文部分

28、Information from the flight data recorder,cockpit voice recorder,radar records,and view of eyewitness at the same instant are collected and annotated on the accident process diagram to facilitate the investigation of accident cause. ─── 基于该模型,将同一事故中的飞行数据、驾驶舱话音数据、雷达数据、目击数据以及现场残骸分布等信息整合起来,并在AutoCAD Map平台基础上开发了事故调查辅助分析系统.

29、Owners of pre-sale contract, although a small one page, but the page annotated "This plan is a planning stage programme, and ultimately to Jingan Planning Agency document is approved. ─── 业主们的预售合同中,虽附有小区平面示意图,但示意图注明“本规划图属规划阶段方案图,最终以静安规划土地局批准文件为准”。

30、A dozen or so citizen snoops use images captured by Google Earth and clues from photos, news reports and eyewitness accounts to build an annotated map of the secretive country. ─── 十多民间调查者通过从谷歌地球抓取的卫星照片、新闻报道和图片线索,以及目击者的叙述来勾勒这个秘密国家的地图。

31、The inclusion of annotated keys and tapescripts for each test makes the book ideal for the purposes of students using the material partly or entirely on their own. ─── 书后所附的每套模拟试题的注释答案和听力录音文本使本书非常适合学生部分或全部地使用本书资料用于自学。

32、4]James E. Smith: West's Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treaury Regula Toins: Annotated Selected[M].2000 Edition ,South-Western College Publishing. ─── 叶青.德国财政税收制度研究[M].北京:中国劳动社会保障出版社,2000.

33、The only requirement the API placed on the digital data being annotated states that it must be possible to generate a data source identifier from the data sources contents. ─── API对于被注释的数字数据的惟一的要求规定,它必须可能从数据源的内容中生成数据源描述符。

34、Java with annotated concurrency (JAC) ─── JAC

35、As far as the political concept is concerned, Laoism annotated by HE Shang-gong proposes the principle of administering the country and cultivating people's moral character by non-interference. ─── 具体到政治观上,则主要体现在作品以君主为说教对象,提出明理身理国之道以及因循无为的主张等方面。

36、Links are searchable by subject or source type and annotated. ─── 可通过主题或者资源类型查找链接。

37、Animals can move from place to place,but plants annot. ─── 动物可以从一个地方到另一个地方移动,可是植物不能。

38、Secondly,even if don't modify it,also should this opinion be annotated in the textbook,letting scholars to commentate. ─── 其二,即使不修改,也应在教课书中注明这一观点,由学者自己去评判。

39、· E_languageError: (10060) Signifies that an error was detected while processing elements that were annotated with xml:lang qualifiers. ─── · E_languageError: (10060) 表示在处理由xml:lang 标记标注的元素的时候发生错误。

40、Gets a collection of zero or more AnnotationResource anchor elements that define the data selection(s) being annotated. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。

41、After he died, his son Gu Sili compiled more Wen Tingyun"s poems and annotated them, then denominated the book as Wen Feiqing Shi Ji Jian Zhu. ─── 一人之集,迭经两朝三人之手,成书可谓不易,而其中得失,亦多有可供后人研索以为镜鉴者。

42、The Annotated XML Specification ", Tim Bray provides very useful, in-line commentary and clarifications on the text of XML 1.0. ─── 中,Tim Bray对XML 1.0的文本以脚注的形式作了很好的解释和说明。

43、Annotated Bibliography Leadership and Management ─── 书目评注

44、Additionally, SAFE and EXTERNAL_ACCESS assemblies cannot be annotated with the following custom attributes ─── 另外,不能用以下自定义属性批注SAFE和EXTERNAL_ACCESS程序集

45、EUI Chinese Scientists Fully Annotated EUI Genes Which were Known as "the Fourth Genetic Element in Hybrid Rice Production" ─── 中国科学家破译被称为"杂交水稻第四遗传要素"的

46、Business and Technical Communication: An Annotated Guide to Sources, skills, and Samples ─── 商业与技术通讯:资料、技能与样品注解指南

47、In library science, a systematic and exhaustive search for published material on a specific subject, together with the preparation of annotated bibliographies or abstracts. Such searches are now commonly performed using on-line databases. ─── 在图书馆学中,就一个专门课题对出版物进行系统和详尽的检索,检索出相关文献的目录或文摘。这种检索目前常由联机数据库实现。

48、Causes a foreground smart tag check to occur automatically annotating data that was not annotated before. ─── 使前台智能标记检查发生,自动批注以前未批注的数据。

49、To promote bilingualism in public places, annotations of Chinese art exhibitions should be in both Chinese and English. We should not be too self-centered and insist that such exhibitions be annotated only in Chinese. ─── 作为在公共场所促进双语的应用的一种措施,中华艺术展览应提供中英文两种注解及介绍文字,我们不应太以自我为中心,而坚持这类展览只用中文。

50、Utterson was amazed to find it a copy of a pious work, for which Jekyll had several times expressed a great esteem, annotated, in his own hand, with startling blasphemies. ─── 厄塔森惊奇地发现那是一本杰基尔几次极其尊崇地赞誉过的神学著作,而现在其书页上却涂满了出自他手迹的边批,都是些不堪入目的亵渎神明的词句。

51、E_languageError: (10060) Signifies that an error was detected while processing elements that were annotated with xml:lang qualifiers. ─── E_languageError: (10060) 表示在处理由xml:lang 标记标注的元素的时候发生错误。

52、Any Microsoft.NET Framework API that is annotated with one of the disallowed HostProtectionAttributes cannot be called from SAFE and EXTERNAL_ACCESS assemblies. ─── 不能从SAFE和EXTERNAL_ACCESS程序集中调用由禁止的HostProtectionAttributes之一批注的任何Microsoft.NET Framework API。

53、Wide-field annotated and zoomable image versions are also available. ─── 在这里你还能看到带注解的广角影像和电子缩放影像。

54、According the conclusions as above, the original concepts of roman type design are annotated from the views of publishing markets, functions of books, and producing techniques. ─── 依据整理的结果,并从出版环境、书籍功能定位、技术问题等角度,诠释罗马活字最初的设计理念。

55、In this particular case, you declare that the annotated method belongs to the ─── 在这个具体的例子中,您声明:标注的方法属于

56、With the standard Java metadata facility, one annotation instance is declared for each program element being annotated. ─── 在标准的Java元数据功能中,要对每一个已注释的程序元素声明一个注释实例。

57、Ancient World Web: The Ultimate Index of All Things Ancient - annotated list of links. ─── 古代世界网:最新的古代史索引,注释目录连接。

58、If the annotated XML schema is deemed valid, mapping information is extracted and stored in catalog tables in a ready-to-use binary format. ─── 如果确认注释XML模式有效,则提取映射信息并把它以可用的二进制格式存储在编目表中。

59、an annotated text ─── 加有注释的文本


61、Wide-field annotated and zoomable versions of the larger image composite are also available. ─── 在这里还可以看到具有注释以及可缩放的巨大广域影像。

62、Thematic maps should always be annotated with the source and date of the topical information ─── 各类专题地图,均应注明专题资料来源和日期。

63、All these ESTs were analyzed, compared and annotated throughout constrcted BLC analytical platform. ─── 利用本研究构建的生物信息学平台对获得的对虾、文蛤 EST 进行了分析、比较和注释。

64、annot make any headway with your offer. ─── 你们的报盘未得任何进展。

65、Tests can be annotated with a timeout parameter. ─── 测试可以用一个超时参数来注释。

66、What are annotated method data access objects? ─── 什么是带注释的方法编程风格?

67、When he came upon a picture annotated by his wife, showing bricks engraved with donor names, he nodded and said, "I remember that. " ─── 当他看到一张经他妻子注解过、上面显示刻有捐助者名字的砖墙的照片时,他点了点头,说:“我记得这张。”

68、James E. Smith: West's Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treaury Regula Toins: Annotated Selected [M ]. 2000 Fditition , South - Western College Publishing. ─── 叶青,德国财政税收制度研究[M].北京:中国劳动社会保障出版社,2000.

69、the clamping annotated Shiji edition from The Six Dynasties ─── 六朝夹注本

70、agglutinative NP,semantic relations,semantic structure information database,annotated corpus,auxiliary annotating,Natural Language Processing. ─── 01粘合式名词短语;语义关系;语义结构信息数据库;标注语料库;辅助标注;中文信息处理

71、You can share the annotated pages easily with others via email or you can upload it directly to your blog. ─── 你可以轻易的通过电子邮件与他人分享有注释的网页,或者你也可以直接上传到你的博客中。

72、You see that each attribute is annotated with its path and a target column in a target table ( "rowset" ). ─── 可以看到,每个属性都带有注释,其中包含该属性的路径和它在目标表中的目标列(“rowset”)。

73、Each instance of a Post attribute specifies a set of properties for the annotated parameter or return value. ─── Post属性(Attribute)的每个实例为批注参数或返回值指定一组属性(Property)。

74、annotated edition of Othello ─── 《奥赛罗》的注释本

75、Twentieth Century China: An Annotated Bibliography of Reference Works in Chinese, Japanese, and Western Languages ─── 二十世纪中国:中、日、西文参考文献注释书目

76、On a bare stage with a couple of heavily annotated books, Mr Sands is like an eager pupil in a natty suit, charismatic yet nervous. ─── 光秃秃的舞台上只有两三本书,书上有大量的注解,詹德斯象一名热切的小学生,穿着整齐的西装、充满魅力,但也紧张不安。

77、With Austria Luo river husband this competition, Wang Hao has annotated the king return implication exactly. ─── 在与奥恰洛夫这场比赛里,王皓诠释了王者归来的涵义。

78、His contributions in previous roles have included designing and developing a Web-based system to synchronize live examples with annotated source code. ─── 他在以前所做出的贡献包括设计和开发基于Web的系统以使生动活泼的示例同注释过的源代码保持同步。

79、An Outline and an Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Philosophy ─── 中国哲学纲要与注释书目

80、Ben Wang has been authorized to use the works and should be authorized to use, and annotated "Source: Housing billion net. ─── 大多数人只是瘦身一段时间,体重降下来了,一旦停止努力,体重又回到原来的水平,甚至还可能超过以前。

81、Meta-annotation, you supply it at least one of these enumerated values and indicate which program elements the annotated annotation can target. ─── 元注释时,至少要提供这些枚举值中的一个并指出注释的注释可以应用的程序元素。

82、therefore, the user's guide is presented with abundant examples annotated and explained in step-wise manner. ─── 因此,这是一份有丰富的以步进式的方式来注释和解释的范例的用户指南。

83、Annotated Catalog of the only Existing Copies of Manchu Ancient Texts in Peking University Library ─── 北京大学图书馆馆藏满文古籍孤本提要

84、For backward compatibility with earlier versions of the.NET Framework, all code that is not annotated with transparency attributes is considered to be security-critical. ─── 为了与.NET Framework的早期版本实现向后兼容,会将未用透明度属性批注的所有代码都视为安全临界代码。

85、In library science, a systematic and exhaustive search for published material on a specific subject, together with the preparation of annotated bibliographies or abstracts. ─── 在图书馆学中,就一个专门课题对出版物进行系统和详尽的检索,检索出相关文献的目录或文摘。

86、The Three-Country Stories of the Annotated Books on the Buddhist Sutras in the Tang Dynasty ─── 唐代释家经疏中的三国故事

87、Annotated Bibliography of Literature on Islam in China ─── 中国伊斯兰教文献目录提要

88、"Tong" and "Tong" in annotated terminologies of ancient books ─── 古书注释术语"同"与"通"

89、The proposed approach was evaluated on the Mandarin Conversational Dialogue Corpus (MCDC), which was collected and annotated by Sinica. ─── 在实验部份,论文方法使用中研院所录制的现代汉语口语对话语料库做为评估语料。

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