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09-04 投稿


overfed 发音

英:[?o?v?r?fed]  美:[???v??fed]

英:  美:

overfed 中文意思翻译



overfed 网络释义

v. 过分供给(overfeed的过去分词)

overfed 词性/词形变化,overfed变形

原型:overf 过去式:overfed

overfed 短语词组

1、overfed toad ─── 过量进食蟾蜍

2、overfed dog ─── 喂饱的狗

3、overfed blog ─── 过量博客

4、overfed horse ─── 喂饱的马

5、overfed guppy ─── 过量进食的孔雀鱼

6、overfed baby ─── 过量喂养的婴儿

7、overfed cat ─── 喂饱猫

overfed 相似词语短语

1、overfeeds ─── vi.吃得太多;喂得太多;vt.给…喂得太多;adj.从上方进料的

2、overbred ─── 养育过于优裕的

3、overaged ─── adj.超龄的;过老的

4、overbed ─── 过度铺砌

5、overawed ─── v.使敬畏,使胆怯

6、overeyed ─── 概述

7、overdyed ─── v.把(织物、纺纱等)染得过深;用不同的颜色套染(第二次或第三次)(overdye的过去式及过去分词)

8、overred ─── 高估

9、overfeed ─── vi.吃得太多;喂得太多;vt.给…喂得太多;adj.从上方进料的

overfed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In fact,she added,far too many people are overfat(overfed). ─── 事实上,她补充到,许多人吃得实在是太多了。

2、She said the world produces enough food to feed everyone . -- I in fact, she added, far too many people are overfed . ─── 她说世界上的粮食生产足够喂饱所有的人——事实上,她补充道有太多人吃的过多了。

3、In fact, she added far too many people are over fade (overfed). ─── 但事实上,她补充道太多的人食用过多的粮食。

4、"'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. ─── 看哪,你妹妹所多玛的罪孽是这样,她和她的众女都心骄气傲,粮食饱足,大享安逸,并没有扶助困苦和穷乏人的手。

5、Historically, the Lord has dealt harshly with His people who became arrogant, overfed, and unconcerned (v.49). ─── 从历史上来看,主对于那些狂妄、过于饱足、事事漠不关心的百姓,向来有比较严厉的处置(49节)。

6、Breastfed babies just take what they need, bottle-fed babies tend to be overfed. ─── 母乳喂养的婴儿按需喂养,婴儿成长更加稳定,不会出现超重...而奶瓶喂养的婴儿容易过度喂养。”

7、In -- in fact, she added, far too many people are overfed. ─── 她同时也补充道,事实上,是太多的人吃得过多了。

8、4、She said the world produces enough food to feed everyone -- in fact, she added, far too many people are overfed. ─── 陈女士说:实际上,世界可以生产足够的粮食养活每一个人。

9、Beijing duck is overfed. ─── 北京鸭是过量喂食养大的。

10、Can be the way of holding baby or baby already overfed in those 2 feeds. ─── 你这个情况,可能是抱宝宝喂奶的方法影响,又或是宝宝吃两次奶已经饱。

11、In fact ", she added, "far too many people are overfed. ─── 事实是,她补充到,有太多的人都得到了过量的供给。

12、She said the world produces enough food to feed everyone -- in fact, she added, far too many people are overfed. ─── 她说,人类生产的食物足够供应每个人。事实上,她补充到,许多人吃得实在是太多了。

13、Fuck the Upper East Side wives with their Hermes scarves,and their $50 Balducci artichoke,Overfed faces getting pulled and lifted,and stretched all taut and shiny。 ─── 操那些高级住宅区戴着高级围巾的老妈子们,还有她们50美元的高级护肤品,把满脸的褶子都拉平,好显得平滑有光泽。

14、"At present, the cake served to overfed and cash-strapped consumers is too large to be digested, " Mr Muller says. ─── Muller先生认为:“现在,消费已经饱和,消费者缺乏资金,而塞给消费者的‘蛋糕’太大、难以消化。”

15、He drew my attention to one of the group at the press table, a plump, small man with huge black-rimmed glasses, who made me think of an overfed weasel. ─── 他接着指给我看他刚离开的那群人中的一个矮个子,那人像只肥胖的鼬,带着一副黑边大眼镜。

16、In fact,she added, far too many people are over-feed(overfed),yert now, food prices have risen shartly. ─── 然而她补充道,事实上,许多人吃的过多。目前,粮食价格急剧飙升。

17、Puppy feeding principle is fed several times each eat less, so that they prevent an overfed, and indigestion, diarrhea or health and other diseases. ─── 小獒的喂养原则是少食多餐,防止一次让它们吃得太多,以至消化不良,拉肚子或生别的病。

18、In fact, far too many people are overfed. ─── 事实上,有太多的人摄食过多。

19、But now on the market for most of the chocolate and sweet chocolate milk chocolate, sugar high, overfed, it is easy to obesity. ─── 但是现在市场上的巧克力多半为甜巧克力和牛奶巧克力,糖分较高,吃得太多,就很容易发胖。

20、Everyone looking at us like greedy animals, being overfed, passing out, and now waking up to nag for more and more food. ─── 怎么人们变得这么贪婪,却直到现在才被发现?”

21、But now on the market for most of the chocolate and sweet chocolate milk chocolate, sugar high, overfed , it is easy to obesity. ─── 但是现在市场上的巧克力多半为甜巧克力和牛奶巧克力,糖分较高,吃得太多,就很容易发胖。

22、She said the world produces enough food to feed everyone -- in fact, she added, far too many people are overfed. ─── 她说,世界提供了足够的食物来养活每一个人。她还说,实际上太多人吃得过度了。

23、Overfed faces getting pulled and lifted and stretched all taut and shiny.You're not fooling anybody,sweetheart. ─── 把满脸褶子都拉平好显得平滑有光泽。你骗不了任何人,小甜心。

24、In fact, she added far too many people are overfed, yet now food price have risen sharply. ─── 然而他补充道,事实上,许多人吃的过多。目前,粮食价格急剧飙升。

25、some cells starve and yet others are overfed. ─── 一些细胞结构挨饿而其它的则过饱。

26、In fact, she added, far too many people are overfeed (overfed). ─── 事实上,她补充说,有太多的人吃的过多。

27、"Iceburg lettuce, alfalfa , cabbage, and other high-calcium vegetables are potentially dangerous, especially if overfed or not supplemented with a variety of greens." ─── “圆形生菜,苜蓿草,卷心菜,和其他高含钙量的蔬菜属于潜在危险的蔬草,特别是当过量喂食或者没有配备多重绿色(草/菜)补充的情况下”

28、In fact, she added, far too many people are overfed. ─── 事实上,她补充,有太多的人吃的太多了。

29、"In fact", she added, "far too many people are overfed. ─── 事实是,她补充到,有太多的人都得到了过量的供给。

30、In fact, she added far too many people are overfed , yet now food price have risen sharply. ─── 然而他补充道,事实上,许多人吃的过多。目前,粮食价格急剧飙升。

31、We have countries that are overfed and obese while others teem with starvation and poverty. ─── 一些国家的人民因吃的太多而造成肥胖,相反的一些国家却在闹饥荒。


FED---Field Emission Display (or Field Effection Display) 是指电子从阴极逸出进入真空或其它气体媒质中的过程。所有物体都含有大量的电子,常态下不逸出物体,当电子获得足够的能量,足以克服阻碍其逸出物体表面的力时,便产生了电子发射。


feed 的过去式或过去分词。 另外一个较为常用的意思是,厌恶于。。。。。 例:i am fed up with this job. 这个工作,我已经很厌恶了。

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