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09-04 投稿



enraptured 发音

英:[?n?r?pt??d]  美:[?n?r?pt??rd]

英:  美:

enraptured 中文意思翻译



enraptured 词性/词形变化,enraptured变形

动词现在分词: enrapturing |动词过去分词: enraptured |动词过去式: enraptured |动词第三人称单数: enraptures |名词: enrapturement |

enraptured 相似词语短语

1、enrapturedly ─── 欣喜若狂

2、refractured ─── 再破裂

3、raptured ─── adj.欢天喜地的;销魂的;v.使狂喜(rapture的过去分词)

4、denatured ─── adj.变性的;v.变性(denature的过去分词)

5、enraptures ─── vt.使狂喜;使着迷

6、enrapture ─── vt.使狂喜;使着迷

7、enrapturing ─── v.使狂喜,使着迷(enrapture的现在分词)

8、captured ─── v.俘虏;用武力夺取;捕获(动物);引起兴趣(或注意)(capture的过去式及过去分词)

9、-natured ─── abbr.表示“本性...的、性...情的”之义

enraptured 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was enraptured that she had smiled at him. ─── 她对他的微笑使他心荡神驰。

2、Emerson was considered one of the great orators of the time, Emerson's enthusiasm and respect for his audience enraptured crowds. ─── 爱默生被誉为这历史上最伟大的演说家之一,他充满激情,尊重听众,使其为之着迷。

3、I was enraptured by her singing. ─── 我被她的歌唱迷住了。

4、I was enraptured with [over, at] the good fortune. ─── 好运气使我开心得不得了.

5、"Enraptured by this unexpected good fortune, Jia Rui looked ready to make more indecent advances. " ─── "贾瑞听了这话,再不想到今日得这个奇遇,那神情光景亦发不堪难看了"

6、audience listened, enraptured. ─── 观众听得入了迷。

7、Be silent, ignorant! ever enraptured soul! ─── 别出声,无知的人!永远欣喜若狂的灵魂!

8、One evening Ramonti stopped in Helen's room and told his love with the tenderness and ardor of the enraptured artist ─── 一天傍晚拉蒙迪来到爱伦的房间,表白了自己的爱意,流露出了一个陷入爱河的艺术家的温柔和炽热情感。

9、The girl listens enraptured, the hand that playing him closely is not put, say: "Of your sincerity profession and recount bluntly, true admire making a person. ─── 姑娘听得眉飞色舞,紧紧地拉着他的手不放,说:“你的真诚的表白和坦率的诉说,真令人敬佩。

10、In Greek mythology the song of the Sirens was so seductive that enraptured sailors let their ships run on to the rocks. ─── 希腊神话中,诱人的塞壬之歌能使水手癫狂,诱使他们驾船撞向岩礁。

11、Luis: I pity her. People like her are in enraptured by war and its illusion of glory. ─── 人们喜欢她是在使狂喜藉着战争中和它的光荣幻影。

12、I quietly surrounded by boys is a lively one, enraptured of; ─── 我悄悄地环绕四周,男生则一个个生龙活虎,眉飞色舞的;

13、To be dazzled or enraptured, as with romantic love. ─── 在(某人的)眼中有幸福感:被倾倒或被迷住的,如在浪漫爱情

14、Sometimes young people are now looking at, talking about the cause, ideal, enraptured , eyes reveal a sharp light. ─── 有时看着现在的年轻人,谈起事业、理想,眉飞色舞,眼里透漏着锋利的光芒。

15、Heidi stood enraptured, drawing in the perfumed air. ─── 海蒂欣喜若狂地站在那里,呼吸着芬芳的空气。

16、For two weeks every year Berlin is totally enraptured by the Berlinale. ─── 每年持续两周的柏林电影节让柏林狂欢起来。

17、I was enraptured with the stroke of good fortune. ─── 我因好运气的突然来到而狂喜。

18、We gazed enraptured at the city of Bath from the train as it drew in to the station. ─── 火车徐徐到站,我们在车上凝望着巴斯这座城市,心中一阵狂喜。

19、They were enraptured at the scene. ─── 他们对着那景色出神。

20、Enraptured, as by beauty; captivated. ─── 被迷住的着迷的,如被美貌迷住的;入迷了的

21、Both of them burst out laughing, and Harry enraptured and was at his ease. ─── 两人禁不住都笑了。这一笑,使哈里心花怒放,轻松多了。

22、Sometimes young people are now looking at, talking about the cause, ideal, enraptured, eyes reveal a sharp light. ─── 有时看着现在的年轻人,谈起事业、理想,眉飞色舞,眼里透漏着锋利的光芒。

23、quixotic, gushing, effusive, enraptured, fanatical, enthusiastic, excited ─── 醉心的。狂热的。热情的。

24、Filled with or transported by delight; enraptured. ─── 狂喜的,神魂颠倒的充满喜悦的或欣喜若狂的;着迷的

25、Meanwhile young Sir Zheng was in great form, holding forth to the White Nun and the enraptured Green Girl in a voice that could be heard all over the restaurant. ─── 那边桌上郑克塽兴高采烈,大声道:“师太,昨晚会中,众家英雄推举我做福建省的盟主。

26、Bentley was so enraptured by what he saw that he went on to devote his life to photographing thousands of snow crystals, and did much to persuade the world that they are all different. ─── 本特利对显微镜下看到的景象欣喜若狂,于是倾毕生的心血拍摄了成千上万种雪晶,并做了大量的工作说服世人雪花的形状都是不重样的。

27、Imogen was enraptured . ─── 伊摩根简直着了迷。

28、We were enraptured by the view of the mountains. ─── 我们看到山峦景色,心花怒放。

29、We had a profusely decorated volume of Moore's Irish Melodies: and often have I listened to the enraptured recitation of these by Akshay Babu. ─── 我们有一本装帧精美的穆尔的《爱尔兰诗歌》;我还常听到阿克塞先生心醉神迷地吟诵爱尔兰诗歌。

30、And we almost sunk the ship , but I became enraptured with mounting expeditions . ─── 我们差点把船弄沉,但我却为越来越多的探险而欣喜若狂。

31、They were enraptured to meet the great film star. ─── 他们和大名鼎鼎的电影明星见面,欣喜若狂。

32、We may like bouillotte, delight in whist, be enraptured with boston, and yet grow tired of them all; but we always come back to cart--it is not only a game, it is a hors-d'oeuvre! ─── 他们或许会喜欢打‘扑克’,要‘惠斯特’,沉湎于‘波士顿’,但那些时间长了要生厌的,最后他们还得回来玩‘爱卡代’,因为这个百玩不厌。

33、one longs for this primitive expression of the little being, and is consoled, enraptured, when the helpless creature breaks into loud wails, and says to us: I live, give me what I need! ─── 安静的时候,尤其是夜深人静,人们感到不安的时候,就会渴望听到小家伙这样原始的表达。当这无助的小家伙嚎啕大哭,用它的哭声告诉我们:我活着,给我我要的一切!

34、Being in a state of ecstasy; enraptured. ─── 陷于狂喜状态中的;心醉神迷的

35、The singer's beautiful voice enraptured the audience. ─── 歌唱家优美的歌声令听众如醉如痴。

36、Leaud at all ages seems at once more manic and concentrated than Truffaut. enraptured by his own insights and deeply, almost stubbornly alone. ─── 里奥德在任何年纪都显得比特如仿特更狂躁和强烈,被他自己的洞察力和深沉迷住。

37、8.They were enraptured to hear her song. ─── 人们从世界各地赶来听她唱歌。

38、I am enraptured with the stroke of good fortune. ─── 我由于这一次的幸运而狂喜。

39、You're allowing yourself to be enraptured by the song and the music, which allows you to be your most high self . . . ─── 你是主动地让你自己受到音乐和歌声的鼓动,由它们让你进入更高的自我……

40、Enraptured with feelings of joy love and peace he resists but is forced to return. ─── 一些往生的亲戚朋友的灵魂来接他,而且有一个布满爱和暖和的大光出现在他前面。

41、Sir Willoughby was enraptured with her. ─── 与她在一起,威洛比爵士欣喜若狂。

42、Being enraptured in the beauty of the voices, I find myself praying along, and on behalf of the Chinese people. ─── 在这极其美妙的声音中,我狂喜着,并不由自主地与他们一同祈祷,协同及代表着所有的中国人,我祈祷着。

43、sat completely still, enraptured by the music; listened with rapt admiration; rapt in reverie. ─── 安静地坐着,陶醉于音乐;带着着迷的敬意聆听;痴迷于幻想。

44、The place at once enraptured me. ─── 这个地方立刻把我迷住了。

45、At a kids' school near City Hall, students sat enraptured on a Saturday afternoon, watching our mascot Roddy explain a grammar point. ─── 周六下午,在市政厅附近的一所学校,孩子们兴高采烈地坐在那里,听我们的吉祥物罗迪(Roddy)讲解一个语法知识点。

46、Last night was without doubt a night for top drawer celebrations. The efforts were not wasted on our sofa-bound but enraptured Wednesday columnist. ─── 毫无疑问昨晚我们见证了许多一流的庆祝动作,足以使我们陷在自家沙发里的周三专栏作家狂喜一番。

47、Despite the seeming giddiness that has enraptured fans and media alike, major obstacles await any new-found postseason euphoria. ─── 即使最近湖人完美的表现已经征服了球迷和媒体,但是季后赛的道路上还是有很多难题等着湖人。

48、I've traveled all this way for your embrace Enraptured by the recognition on your face ─── 为了寻找你的拥抱我一路流浪也曾为你赞许的目光欣喜若狂

49、The title sums up the essence of this book, these are moments from my childhood, and they tell how much football enraptured me, from a young age. ─── 这本书的名字也体现了这本书所有的精华,其中有很多我儿时的回忆,这也让各位知道从很小开始,足球是多么的令我疯狂。

50、The audience was enraptured by her beautiful voice. ─── 听众为她的优美歌声所陶醉。

51、The stern religion with which he was enraptured, its insistence upon a higher law, was there, and he heard again the precepts which had helped to bind him to his own children. ─── 原来那时在他面前的,是使他入于出神状态的严肃的宗教,以及宗教所要求的一种更高的法律,因而他又重新听见对儿孙应尽义务的教义了。

52、"Muhammad was enthralled and enraptured because Allah had given him the gift of such a creation. ─── 从一个阶段到另一个阶段圣人(求主福安之)进入了真主的机密。在两个不同的阶段间是50万年。

53、They were enraptured to hear her song. ─── 他们听她的歌听得出神。

54、It is late at night, I sit in front of my computer and was really enraptured by one beautiful music sent by a special man never seen. ─── 深夜,我坐在电脑前面,正在为一位素未谋面的特殊人士发来的优美音乐称叹。

55、and out of that second-hand instrument, the music poured forth until the audience was enraptured with enthusiasm and the applause almost lifted the ceiling of the building. ─── 观众被那音乐深深地感动了,喝彩之声几乎轰穿了音乐大厅的屋顶。

56、Philip was enraptured. ─── 菲利浦却被弄得神魂颠倒。

57、"But when the topic back to the music, she also became enraptured. ─── 郝菲尔唱完5首歌,台下掌声也稀稀拉拉。

58、Emerson was considered one of the great orators of the time, Emerson’s enthusiasm and respect for his audience enraptured crowds. ─── 爱默生被誉为这历史上最伟大的演说家之一,他充满激情,尊重听众,使其为之着迷。

59、Then he bowed, coughed twice, and, letting himself go, with uplifted voice he sang, to the enraptured audience that his imagination so clearly saw. ─── 然后,他鞠了一躬,咳了两声,对着想象中的兴高采烈的观众,放开嗓子唱起来。

60、These views are packed into a relatively small country but change all the time, giving you the impression that you're a member of a theater audience enraptured by a fantastical play. ─── 很难想象,在如此一个幅员有限的国度内,竟能看到这么多风格迥异的美景。

61、They were enraptured to meet the great singer. ─── 他们和大名鼎鼎的歌手见面,欣喜若狂。

62、Enraptured with feelings of joy, love and peace, he resists, but is forced to return. ─── 由于陶醉在喜悦、爱与祥和的感觉中,他拒绝回来,可是却别无选择。

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