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09-04 投稿



defrauding 发音

英:[d??fr??d??]  美:[d??fr??d??]

英:  美:

defrauding 中文意思翻译




defrauding 词性/词形变化,defrauding变形

动词过去式: defrauded |动词过去分词: defrauded |动词现在分词: defrauding |名词: defraudation |动词第三人称单数: defrauds |

defrauding 相似词语短语

1、defeaturing ─── vt.损伤外貌,使不能辨认;vt.去多余还本真:通过去除某产品多余的功能使其恢复最原始或最基础的用途

2、defragging ─── 碎片整理

3、detruding ─── vt.推出;扔掉;逐出

4、defacing ─── v.污损……的表面;损伤外观,丑化(deface的现在分词)

5、belauding ─── vt.对…大加赞扬

6、defaming ─── v.(使)丢脸;破坏(某人)的名誉,诽谤;指控,控告(defame的现在分词)

7、defriending ─── 去取向

8、defraudment ─── 诈骗

9、defraying ─── vt.支出;支付

defrauding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、No one may sign and issue bills of exchange without consideration to defraud fund from a bank or other parties to the bills. ─── 不得签发无对价的汇票用以骗取银行或者其他票据当事人的资金。

2、The object of defrauding a contract is about the right of public and private property,sequence on law and market trading. ─── 合同诈骗的客体是公私财产权利和市场交易秩序及法治秩序;

3、Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer;and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. ─── 夫妻不可彼此亏负,除非两相情愿,暂时分房,为要专心祷告方可,以后仍要同房,免得撒但趁着你们情不自禁,引诱你们。

4、use of the mails to defraud someone. ─── 利用邮件进行欺诈活动。

5、As a general guideline, when there is no fraud or attempt to deceive or defraud duties/GST, certain offences could be compounded with the payment of a fine. ─── 作为一般准则,在没有欺诈或企图欺骗或诈骗关税/消费税的情况下,某些违抗行为将会处以一定金额的罚款。

6、Oh, do they have other defrauding schemes? ─── 女上班族:啊!他们还有那些诈骗花招啊?

7、Later modern people's waysto gain good impression :defraud good impression with humor, talk freely about their experience,grasp life macroscopically,touch main topic directly and withdraw immediately. ─── 后现代追求手段:幽默骗取好感,痛说革命家史,宏观把握人生,单刀直入主题,及时组织撤退。

8、The embattled administration is facing a blanket indictment from the media for defrauding the public. ─── 这个陷入窘境的政府部门将因欺骗公众而面临媒体铺天盖地的指控。

9、An unemployed man was sentenced to nine months imprisonment for conspiring to defraud a man by false representing that he could settle a police criminal case against him. ─── 一名无业男子,串谋行骗一名男子,讹称可替他解决一宗他所涉及的警方刑事案件,被判入狱九个月。

10、Five years ago: Former Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell pleaded guilty to defrauding his former law partners and clients of nearly $400,000. ─── 5年前,前任副司法部长韦伯斯物因斯骗他的前任律师搭当和委托人将近$400,4000而判有罪。

11、Nature of the Conduct of Defrauding Refund of Printing Invoice in the Name of Tax Organs ─── 以税务机关名义骗取发票监印费的行为定性

12、In delivering the sentence, Judge Poon pointed out that deliberate defrauding the Inland Revenue Department is a serious matter which affects the community as a whole. ─── 在宣读判刑时,法官指出蓄意欺诈税务局是一项会严重影响整体社会的事件,不宜宽容轻判。

13、Under a surety bond, even if the principal tried to defraud the obligee, the surety's liability to the obligee remains. ─── 在保证合同中,即使被保证人企图欺骗权利人,保证人对权力人所承担的责任仍然有效。

14、If any one use the Olympic Symbols to enact defraud and other illegal acts, if the offense constitutes a crime, they shall be invested for criminal responsibility according to the law. ─── 利用奥林匹克标志进行诈骗等活动,触犯刑律的,依照刑法关于诈骗罪或者其他罪的规定,依法追究刑事责任。

15、If a stranger phone to you for dining or dating, please do be careful to make an appointment. Beware of defrauding. ─── 若接到不明身份的人打电话约你外出吃饭喝茶等,请勿随便赴约,谨防上当受骗

16、She is defraud of her money by a dishonest accountant. ─── 她的钱被一个奸诈的会计骗去了。

17、A village representative was sentenced to six months imprisonment for conspiring to defraud in relation to the certification of village residents status for applications for frontier permit. ─── 一名村代表,虚报村民身分,以申请边境许可证,串谋诈骗,被判入狱六个月。

18、She was charged with intent to defraud. ─── 她被指控犯有蓄意诈骗钱财罪。

19、But you wrong and defraud, and this your brothers. Tetapi kamu sendiri melakukan ketidakadilan dan kamu sendiri mendatangkan kerugian, dan hal itu kamu buat terhadap saudara-saudaramu. ─── 你们倒是冤枉人,亏负人,况且这又是对弟兄。

20、Sir Allen Stanford, a Texan billionaire and cricket promoter, was arrested for allegedly defrauding investors out of $8 billion through his bank in Antigua. ─── SirAllenStanford是德克萨斯州的亿万富翁也是板球职业发球者,被控告通过在安提瓜岛的银行骗取投资者80亿美元而被拘捕。

21、Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob him: the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning. ─── 不可欺压你的邻舍,也不可抢夺他的物。雇工人的工价,不可在你那里过夜,留到早晨。

22、7.criminal falsification by making or altering an instrument with intent to defraud. ─── 为了欺骗而制造或者改变工具手段的犯罪行为。

23、To take in or defraud;swindle. ─── 使上当;欺骗

24、A Research into the Insurance Defraud ─── 保险诈骗犯罪探析

25、Alec: Was that the one where a bank manager was accused of defrauding his bank? ─── 亚历克:是不是银行经理被控诈骗银行那宗案件?

26、They covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them. They defraud a man of his home, a fellowman of his inheritance. ─── 他们贪图田地就占据。贪图房屋便夺取。他们欺压人,霸占房屋和产业。

27、They covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them.? They defraud a man of his home, a fellowman of his inheritance. ─── 他们贪图田地就占据,贪图房屋便夺取;他们欺压人,霸占房屋和产业。

28、Fourthly, it is about commixture of defrauding. ─── 四、诈骗罪的竞合问题。

29、The offices in charge of industry and commerce of different levels should try to prevent defrauding the consumers through trademark administration. ─── 各级工商行政管理部门应当通过商标管理,制止欺骗消费者的行为。

30、NIKKY: no, they got several different reports, but one thing for sure is that this company is defrauding investors. ─── 他们有几种财务报告,但是有一件事情可以确定:这个公司的确是在欺骗投资人。

31、Some of swindle or forged receipts to pick up copies of a falsified receipts to be secured registered mail receipt content, thus defrauding loans. ─── 一些造假者伪造收件收据或对收件收据的复印件进行变造,使收件收据看起来有抵押登记的内容,进而骗取贷款。

32、He passed himself off as the managing director to defraud the bank. ─── 他假冒总经理的名义诈骗银行。

33、The act of defrauding insurance proceeds by self-harming by the insurant can not be regarded as the crime of insurance fraud if the policy holder or the beneficiary is not the insurant. ─── 在投保人或受益人不是被保险人的情况下,被保险人用自损方式骗保的行为不能以保险诈骗罪处理。

34、Where defrauding of a client causes losses to the client, the wrongdoer shall be held liable for the losses pursuant to law. ─── 欺诈客户行为给客户造成损失的,行为人应当依法承担赔偿责任。

35、They were accused of defrauding the company of $14000. ─── 他们被控诈骗该公司 1.4 万元。

36、Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren. ─── 你们倒是欺压人,亏负人,况且所欺压,所亏负的就是弟兄。

37、A Chinese herbalist was sentenced to eight months imprisonment, suspended for three years, for conspiracy to defraud an insurance company of medical reimbursement payments. ─── 一名中医师,串谋向保险公司诈骗医疗赔偿费用,被判入狱八个月,缓刑三年。

38、Eight days hence I will give you your full shares in money, without defrauding you of a farthing, as you will see in the end. ─── 八天之内,我把你们每人分得的钱全部给你们,一分也不会少,你们到时候就知道了。

39、defraud the opposite party's property through other means ─── 以其他方法骗取对方当事人财物的

40、insurance defrauding belongs to the result crime, so it has accomplished and attempted forms. ─── 保险诈骗罪属结果犯,因此它存在既遂和未遂形态。

41、Deficiencies in India's corporate governance regime attracted international scrutiny last year when the head of Satyam Computer Services admitted to defrauding the company over a number of years. ─── 去年,萨蒂扬软件技术有限公司高层承认欺诈公司钱财长达数年一事引起了世界各地对印度企业管理制度缺陷的关注。

42、That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. ─── 不要一个人在这事上越分,欺负他的弟兄。因为这一类的事,主必报应,正如我豫先对你们说过,又切切嘱咐你们的。

43、Not defrauding, but in all things shewing good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things: ─── 不要窃取,惟要事事表示自己实在忠信,好使我们的救主天主的圣道,在一切事上获得光荣。

44、Therefore, DELL has the motive and economic purpose of intentionally defrauding the Chinese consumers. ─── 因此,戴尔公司存在故意欺诈中国消费者的动机和经济目的。

45、His purpose of disguising himself as a wizard is to defraud people of their money. ─── 他扮成神汉的目的就是为了骗取钱财。

46、The parties to the principal contract conspire to defraud the surety of a suretyship; and; ─── 主合同当事人双方串通,骗取保证人提供保证的;

47、On the Necessary of Adding Loan Defraud Crime by Unit ─── 增设贷款诈骗罪单位主体的必要性

48、To take in or defraud; swindle. ─── 使受骗或上当。

49、A stall operator was sentenced to three months imprisonment, suspended for two years, for conspiring to defraud the then Urban Services Department by illegally transferring her market stall operating right. ─── 一名摊档经营者非法转让其摊档经营权,被判入狱三个月,缓刑两年,及罚款五千元。

50、The paper trails themselves could be made part of a scheme for defrauding an election if a hacker tampers with the printing software. ─── 如果入侵者利用列印软体干扰,纸张记录本身可能也会变成一种做票方法。

51、Obtaining by fraudulent means exclusive value-added tax invoices or other invoices usable in defrauding export tax refunds or offsetting taxes shall be convicted and punished according to article 266 of this law. ─── 使用欺骗手段骗取增值税专用发票或者可以用于骗取出口退税、抵扣税款的其他发票的,依照本法第二百六十六条的规定定罪处罚。

52、New Trends of Defrauding by Letter of Credit and Countermeasures ─── 信用证诈骗犯罪的新动向及其打防对策

53、The third part: The appearance of notes defrauding. ─── 第三部分:票据诈骗罪的犯罪形态。

54、criminal falsification by making or altering an instrument with intent to defraud ─── 为了欺骗而制造或者改变工具手段的犯罪行为

55、On the Object of Insurance Defraud ─── 保险诈骗犯罪客体的探讨

56、Bernie Madoff received a 150-year jail sentence for defrauding clients of $65 billion in his Ponzi scheme. ─── Bernie Madoff通过Ponzi方案欺骗了顾客650万美元,为此受到了150年的监狱审判。

57、05 Three men involved in pyramid scheme related fraud were imprisoned for the offence of conspiracy to defraud. ─── 三名男子涉及层压式骗术,因串谋行骗的罪名,被判入狱。

58、Land speculators tried to defraud him of his savings. ─── 土地投机商们企图骗取他的存款。

59、All three men were charged with conspiracy to defraud. ─── 三人均被控密谋诈骗。

60、A stationery supplier was jailed for three months, suspended for one year, for falsifying invoices to defraud a fashion company. ─── 一名文具供应商,伪造发票欺诈一间服装公司,被判入狱三个月,缓刑一年。

61、Four jailed for conspiracy to defraud ─── 四男子串谋诈骗被判监

62、On the criminal liability issue, the Government proposes that an offence is committed if a solicitor has an intention to defraud when verifying an application for registration. ─── 在刑事法律责任方面,政府建议如一名律师在核实注册申请时意图欺诈,才属犯罪。

63、Defrauding loans by any other means. ─── 以其他方法诈骗贷款的。

64、NIKKY: no, they got several different reports, but one thing for sure is that this company is defrauding investors. ─── (他们有几种财务报告,但是有一件事情可以确定:这个公司的确是在欺骗投资人。

65、4 boast a network of defrauding investors confidence. ─── 4夸耀人脉骗取投资商信任。

66、The using of the mail system to defraud the public. ─── 利用邮政系统诈骗公众的行为。

67、They were accused of defrauding the company of $14 000. ─── 他们被控诈骗该公司14 000元。

68、The Paul International Beauty Salon, registered in 2004 in Zhengzhou city, was fined on Saturday for defrauding consumers by failing to publish price lists of its products and services. ─── 2004年注册于郑州市的保罗国际美容院欺诈消费者,没有向其出示产品及服务单价表于周六被处罚。

69、entrap and defraud sb. of his money and belongings ─── 坑绷拐骗

70、They contrived a plan to defraud the company. ─── 他们精心策划要欺诈那家公司。

71、All of this came to light in court last week when the 46-year-old Ms Corley pleaded guilty to defrauding the Pentagon. ─── 在上周的法庭上,Corley女士承认曾诈骗五角大楼,并披露了以上所有的事情。

72、The merchant uses dishonest scales; he loves to defraud. ─── 7以法莲是商人,手里有诡诈的天平,爱行欺骗。

73、They go though Internet chat to gain the trust of a user or else use a trojan horse to steal a QQ number, and they use that QQ number to defraud the friends of that original user. ─── 六、通过网路聊天,骗取好友信任或是利用木马程式盗取好友QQ号码,冒充原号码使用者,对其好友再进行诈骗;

74、Former Vice Premier Chiou I-jen has been detained on Friday on corruption charges. He is suspected of defrauding half a million US dollars in the name of promoting diplomacy in 2004. ─── 前行政院副院长邱义仁在周五因贪污指控被羁押。他涉嫌于2004年以促进外交为名诈骗50万美元。

75、You shall not defraud or rob your neighbor. You shall not withhold overnight the wages of your day laborer. ─── 你不要欺压剥削你的近人,佣人的工钱不可在你处过夜,留到第二天早晨。

76、The object of insurance defraud is simple object other than complex one. ─── 保险诈骗罪的客体是简单客体 ,不是复杂客体。

77、Madoff, 71, is serving 150 years in prison for defrauding investors. ─── 71岁的麦道夫因为诈骗投资人,目前正在狱中服150年有期徒刑。

78、The land title transfer was made with the intent to defeat or defraud the plaintiffs' ability to satisfy the judgement sought by the claim, the plaintiffs allege. ─── 原告称,被告转移土地所有权,是为了使原告无法通过该诉讼寻求满意的法庭判决。

79、Defrauding by means of contract represents one of the special characteristics of economic crimes at present. ─── 利用合同诈骗是现阶段经济犯罪活动一个特点,但由于我国现行法规对这类犯罪尚无明确规定,因而对之打击不力。

80、The former BMFL alternate director, extradited to Hong Kong from France, is charged with two counts of conspiracy to defraud. ─── 从法国引渡回港的裕民财务前代理董事则被控两项串谋诈骗罪。

81、to evade taxes; to defraud the revenue ─── 偷漏税

82、defrauding insurance proceeds through impersonation ─── 冒名骗赔

83、He came with intent to defraud. ─── 他怀着诈取钱财的目的而来。

84、Edna Fiedler pleaded guilty in March to attempting to defraud U.S. citizens in a scheme known as a Nigerian check scam. ─── 埃德娜菲德勒因以大家熟知的"尼日利亚支票骗局"诈骗美国民众而被判有罪.

85、Two locks holding the door of the affiliated defraud loan ─── 两把锁看好关联骗贷门

86、Defrauding loans by any other means. ─── 以其他方法诈骗贷款的。

87、TOKYO (Reuters) - A fairy story ended behind bars for a Japanese couple Monday, when they were jailed for staging an elaborate fake royal wedding to defraud guests. ─── 周一,一对日本夫妇的皇族童话在监狱里终结,这对夫妻用精心炮制的皇室后裔婚礼来欺骗宾客,最终落得身陷囹圄的下场。

88、General Electric was guilty of defrauding the federal government and paid $9.5 million in criminal fines. ─── “通用电气”因欺骗联邦政府而被判有罪,罚款950万美元。

89、The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeals by four former employees of a freight forwarding company against their convictions of conspiracy to defraud agency fees from their employer. ─── 四名货运公司前雇员,串谋向其雇主骗取代理费,较早时被裁定罪名成立,其后提出上诉,但被上诉法庭驳回。

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