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09-04 投稿


donator 发音

英:[do??ne?t?r]  美:[d???ne?t?(r)]

英:  美:

donator 中文意思翻译



donator 短语词组

1、donator define ─── 捐赠者定义

2、donator doo ─── 捐赠者杜

3、donator logo ─── 捐赠者标志

4、oxygen donator ─── [医] 供氧体

5、donator donor ─── 捐赠者 ─── 捐赠者

6、hydrogen donator ─── [化] 授氢体; 供氢体 ─── [医] 供氢体

7、donator list ─── 捐赠者名单

8、donator bot ─── 捐赠机器人

9、donator app ─── 捐赠者应用程序

donator 相似词语短语

1、dominator ─── n.统治者;支配者;支配力

2、delator ─── n.[法]控告者;告密者

3、detonator ─── n.雷管;炸药;导火索

4、dilator ─── n.扩张器;[解剖]扩张肌;使扩张的人

5、donatory ─── n.受赠人;捐赠领收人

6、idolator ─── 偶像崇拜者

7、donatary ─── 多纳塔里。

8、pronator ─── n.[解剖]旋前肌

9、donation ─── n.捐款,捐赠物;捐赠

donator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Where the donator does not inform of the defects intentionally or insures that there is no defect, thus causing losses to the donee, the donator shall be liable for damages. ─── 赠与人故意不告知瑕疵或者保证无瑕疵,造成受赠人损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任。

2、The medicines and biochemical products donated by a donator shall meet the relevant provisions of the drug administrative department and health administrative department of the state. ─── 捐赠人捐赠的药品、生物化学制品应当符合国家医药监督管理和卫生行政部门的有关规定。

3、Blood donator ─── 献血者

4、Meanwhile, it could be provided the theory evidence that RongChang and Neijiang porcine might be Immunization transplantation donator. ─── 同时随着研究的不断深入,为荣昌猪及内江猪作为免疫移植供体的可能提供理论依据。

5、hydrogen donator ─── 授氢体

6、Doctors are looking for a blood donator who can tranfuse blood to a patient with a rarely seen blood type. ─── 医生正在寻找能给一个血型罕见的病人输血的献血者。

7、donator of cadaver ─── 遗体捐献者

8、"The project is unique in its scope, " said Donat Agosti, a Swiss scientist and Cairo-based research associate at the American Museum of Natural History. ─── 驻开罗的美国自然史博物馆副研究员、瑞士科学家多那特·阿哥斯蒂说:"该项目的规模无与伦比。

9、A donation contract refers to a contract whereby the donator donates gratis its property to the donee, and the donee expresses the acception of the donation. ─── 赠与合同是赠与人将自己的财产无偿给予受赠人,受赠人表示接受则与的合同。

10、Article 4 The wishes of the donator shall be respected for the use of charitable donations, and no charitable donation can be used for any other purpose. ─── 第四条慈善捐赠财产的使用应当尊重捐赠人的意愿,不得将慈善捐赠财产挪作他用。

11、Abstract: Communal solicit contribution refers to a special donation conducted for the interest of a specific natural person and realized through the contract between collector and donator. ─── 文章摘要: 社会募捐是特殊形式的捐助。社会募捐指为特定的自然人的利益而发起,并通过募集人与捐赠人之间的募捐合同实现的捐助行为。

12、During this week, I'll update each donator's account with referrals according to how much they've donated. ─── 在这一周中,我会更新每个捐赠者的帐户与推介按照多少他们已经捐赠。

13、The Secondary School is named after a donator who made a contribution of 50 million RMB yuan. ─── 这所中学是以一名出资五千万元人民币的捐赠人的名字命名的。

14、The donator may enjoy preferences in accordance with the relevant provisions of the tax laws. ─── 捐赠人可以按照税法的有关规定享受优惠。

15、Little said that even thought it was hard for her to talk about this subject, it would be worth it if after hearing it, a single person choose to become an organ donator. ─── 里道女士说尽管她谈起这个话题时感到很艰难,但如果那怕只有一个人在听了这篇文章后决定成为一个器官捐赠者,那么它就是值得的。

16、Article 185 A donation contract refers to a contract whereby the donator presents gratis its property to the donee, and the donee expresses the acception of the donation. ─── 第一百八十五条赠与合同是赠与人将自己的财产无偿给予受赠人,受赠人表示接受赠与的合同。

17、The right of revocation relates to the consensual characteristic of donation contract closely, and it is the remedy to relieve the burden of the donator after the conclusion of contract. ─── 赠与人的任意撤回权与赠与合同的诺成性故关,是旨在弥补赠与被立法确认为诺成合同后对赠与人要求过苛的弊端而设计的救济性手段。

18、Objective To study the relationship between blood screening unqualified in unpaid blood donator and hepatitis virus infecting in Xi an city. ─── 目的探讨绵阳市无偿献血人群中血液检测不合格数与肝炎病毒感染的关系。

19、There are disputations about donator's right of revocation theoretically. ─── 摘要理论上对赠与人撤销权制度的认识存在着极大的分歧。

20、Nursing cooperation on getting pancreas and kidney from donator by combined excision ─── 供体胰肾联合切取的护理配合

21、But I say that the chance for non donator to have fun in that game reached a low level. ─── 但我可以说非会员想玩的乐趣意愿很低,那不是你所说的游戏有这么好玩吗。

22、Lan Chen President of Valley Graphics Inc, The one has been Chinese education long tern supporter for several years. This time is our first generosities donator of $10,000. ─── 陈岚女士(大中华印务公司总裁;中文教育界长期热心赞助者。本次热心赞助汉桥一万美金。

23、Investigation of Behavior and Psychology Characteristics on Population in Gratuitous Blood Donator ─── 无偿献血人员心理行为调查

24、of pressing need, the mother complies but the donator disappeared without forking up. ─── 所需的母亲照办了,但是捐赠者却食言消失了。

25、When the donation exceeds NT$500,000 dollars, the donator will receive No. 1 of the addition and will be named on one of the department's public apparatus, classrooms, or conference rooms. ─── 二、凡捐赠伍佰万元以上者,除第一款外,本研究大楼之共同仪器室、教室或研讨室,得请捐款者择一命名,并展示于明显适当之位置。

26、unpaid blood donator ─── 无偿献血

27、Donat Robert ─── 罗伯特·多纳特

28、Effect of donator of nitrogen monoxide at different concentration on survival rate of cultured hippocampal neurons ─── 不同浓度一氧化氮供体对培养海马神经元存活率影响的相关研究

29、Iacobius mihi librum de geometre donat 。 ─── - 詹姆斯给我(属于) 几何学家书。

30、The short supply of organ donator has been an international tough problem puzzled organ transplantation class. ─── 器官供体缺乏一直是困扰器官移植界的世界性难题。

31、Phelex's donator, the representative of The Raybin Q. Wong Educational Foundation is with the students received aid on the project base ─── 捐赠者黄汝斌基金会代表和受助学生在项目基地

32、Donations for special projects can be employed in accordance with the donator's wish and request. ─── 第六条 特定项目捐赠,可以按照捐赠者的愿望和意见定向使用。

33、Before honoring a donator in public, it is necessary to ask for the donator's opinion. ─── 对捐赠人进行公开表彰,应当事先征求捐赠人的意见。

34、Any donated exhibits will sign the name of the donator and the donator will also gain our memory medal and will be forever imprinted in the annals of renewable energy development. ─── 捐赠的展品在展览时将注明捐赠者,捐赠者还将获得我们颁发的纪念奖章并与所提供的展品永远铭刻在可再生能源发展的史册上。

35、We advocate that donator countries double their financial contributions to the World Food Program in 5 years. ─── 倡议各捐助国在未来五年内将其向世界粮食计划署捐款增加一倍。

36、In case of a donation subject to collateral obligations, if the donated property has defects, the donator shall bear the same liability as a seller within the limit of the collateral obligations. ─── 附义务的赠与,赠与的财产有瑕疵的,赠与人在附义务的限度内承担与出卖人相同的责任。

37、All donations to the “Helping Hands Fund” are voluntary and unfixed in accordance with any donator’s financial ability and we will of course appreciate your generous contribution at any time. ─── 各会员对爱心基金的捐赠完全是自愿行为。

38、Interrelation among Met, Choline and Lycine in Methyl Donator ─── 蛋氨酸、胆碱和甜菜碱在甲基供体中的相互关系

39、If the donator fails to perform the donation form, the donee can require it/him to make performance. ─── 认捐书应当载明捐赠款物的名称、种类、规格、数额、质量和兑现时间以及违约责任等内容,到期不履行的,受赠人可以依法要求履约。

40、Where the donator does not inform of the defects intentionlly or insures that there is no defect, thus causing losses to the donee, the donator shall be liable for damages. ─── 赠与人故意不告知瑕疵或者保证无瑕疵,造成受赠人损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任。

41、Donat's diagram ─── 多纳特列线图

42、Such feat is made without donator of which a huge sum of money before this. ─── 此前没有哪位巨款捐赠人做出这样的壮举。

43、The right to rescission of the heir or statutory agent of the donator shall be exercised within six months as of the date when he knows or ought to know the rescission reasons. ─── 赠与人的继承人或者法定代理人的撤销权,自知道或者应当知道撤销原因之日起六个月内行使。

44、As an exception of the system of right of revocation, the right of revocation of the donator should be named by "right to recall the declaration of will at-will" and means that the donator enjoys the right to regret. ─── 赠与人的撤销权为民法撤销权体系中的特例之一,它实际上应被称为“撤回权”,并具有后悔权的意义,在性质上更类似于解除权。

45、In case a donator explicitly expresses to donates its property to a minor himself, the property shall be regarded as the personal property of the minor. ─── 赠与人明确表示将赠与物赠给未成年人个人的,应当认定该赠与物为未成年人的个人财产。

46、To appoint the use of donation(as for details please refer to the form of "Basic Information of the Donator") ─── 指定捐赠资金用途。(具体请见“绿石捐赠联系表”。

47、Discussion on Recruitment Theory of Blood Donator with Psychological Analysis ─── 运用心理分析招募献血者的理论探索

48、Article 186 The donator may rescind the donation before transferring of the rights of the donated property. ─── 第一百八十六条赠与人在赠与财产的权利转移之前可以撤销赠与。

49、Article 191 Where the donated property has defects, the donator shall not bear any liability. ─── 第一百九十一条赠与的财产有瑕疵的,赠与人不承担责任。

50、Article 189 Where, due to the deliberate intention or gross fault of the donator, destruction or losses are caused to the donated property, the donator shall be liable for damages. ─── 第一百八十九条因赠与人故意或者重大过失致使赠与的财产毁损、灭失的,赠与人应当承担损害赔偿责任。

51、In the case of donating intellectual property or any other intangible property, the donator shall provide a corresponding certificate of ownership. ─── 捐赠人捐赠知识产权等无形资产,应提供相应的权属证明。

52、"Donat," I said, "won't you come in? ─── “德纳特,”我说,“你不进来吗?

53、Robert Donat ─── 罗伯特·多纳特,英国电影演员,凭借《万世师表》一片荣获1939-1940年度第12届奥斯卡最佳男主角奖

54、oxygen donator ─── [医] 供氧体

55、After a project is established, donator should divide the fund into an account managed by three parties. ─── 在有可靠的基金会介入前,行动不接受直接捐款,项目立项后、捐款人将资金划入三方 共管账户。

56、Keywords blood donator;syphilis;interference strategy; ─── 献血者;梅毒;干预对策;

57、The ball, which is tooth- and claw-proof, was given by a donator to mark World Animal Day on Oct. 5, 2008. ─── 这颗耐咬耐抓的球是本月五日一位民众为纪念世界动物日而捐给动物园。

58、Out of pressing need, the mother complies but the donator disappeared without forking up. ─── 迫于所需的母亲照办了,但是捐赠者却食言消失了。

59、NO donator ─── 一氧化氮供体

60、In September, 2002, he was named a Global Business Leader and the Outstanding Donator by the United Way International (UWI), the only entrepreneur in China that has received the same honor. ─── 2002年9月,张瑞敏荣获国际联合劝募协会设立的“全球杰出企业领袖奖”和“最佳捐赠者奖”,是海内唯一获此殊荣的企业家。

61、Not long ago there was a discussion about becoming a donator or not.Different arguments have been post and I read them all. ─── 不久前,对于应否成为会员的事所引起的争论,我一一拜读了。

62、Firstly, as the opposite sample, the new feminie took great pain of life and youth to act as the next generation’s sturdy alien of love and holy donator of the love dream. ─── 最初,作为反证,新女性作为子一代的坚定爱情同盟者和爱情理想的虔诚献祭者,付出了青春和生命的惨痛代价;

63、"A short stint of communication may change the life of a child, but you have to let her feel equal to talk to you, you should be his/her friend instead of a donator in a position of power. ─── 现在,已经有越来越多的人加入到这个队伍当中,他们用自己的爱心种下了一颗颗希望的种子。

64、Expression of P-selectin on routinely stored or cryopreserved platelets obtained by single donator apheresis ─── 机采血小板P-选择素在常规和冰冻保存条件下的表达研究

65、Sichuan Earthquake! Please Donat... ─── 请为四川大地震灾民捐款!

66、Citi Foundation is the donator for this project, International Network for Bamboo and Rattan is the whole administer, Sichuan Forest Department is the local administer. ─── 该项目是由花旗基金捐助的,国际竹藤组织是整个项目的执行机构,四川省林业厅是该项目的地方执行机构。

67、The right of the donator to rescission shall be exercised within one year as of the date when he knows or ought to know the rescission reasons. ─── 赠与人的撤销权,自知道或者应当知道撤销原因之日起一年内行使。

68、Medical science has proved that donating blood is good for the donator both physically and spiritually. ─── 医疗科学证实:献血有益于献血者的身心健康。

69、Among Dunhuang frescoes, donator's images are portraits of the real characters in that time. ─── 在敦煌壁画中,供养人像是对社会现实人物的真实描写。

70、To fill out the form of "Basic Information of the Donator" and follow the procedures of donation under the guidance of donation manager. ─── 填写“绿石捐赠表”并按照程序配合绿石资金捐赠管理人的工作。

71、The donator should compensate the loss of reliance interest arising from the execution of the right of revocation for his breach of contract. ─── 任意撤回权的行使虽为法定,但赠与人亦应赔偿受赠人因此所遭受的信赖利益损失,且其责任基础不是一般所认为的缔约过失责任而应是违约责任。

72、We are interested in establishing and providing financial assistances to public welfares in line with our principle and the donator's will; ─── 动员社会力量,按照本会宗旨和捐赠者意愿,兴办和资助各项社会慈善公益事业;

73、The donator and donee ar well as the relatives enjoy the right of knowing about organ transplant in the process. ─── 在进行器官移植的过程中,器官移植的供体、受体及其家属享有知情权。

74、It's hard to recognize whether a blood donator is an MSM or not, which may cause a problem on the long-term, Fu said. ─── 傅强表示,献血者是不是有性行为的男同性恋,真的很难从表面来判断,所以,从长远来看,这也是一个问题。

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