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09-04 投稿


crusting 发音

英:[?kr?st??]  美:[?kr?st??]

英:  美:

crusting 中文意思翻译



crusting 常用词组

earth's crust ─── 地壳

continental crust ─── 大陆地壳

weathering crust ─── 风化壳

crusting 词性/词形变化,crusting变形


crusting 短语词组

1、crusting on eyelashes ─── 睫毛结痂

2、crusting video ─── 结壳视频

3、crusting eye ─── 结痂眼

4、flaking basement concrete block crusting ─── 剥落地下室混凝土块结皮

5、crusting buttercream recipe ─── 奶油冻配方

6、crusting buttercream ─── 酥油

7、crusting lips ─── 嘴唇结痂

8、crusting of stoma ─── 气孔结皮

crusting 相似词语短语

1、crushing ─── adj.(强调糟糕或严重的程度)惨重的,毁坏性的;(评论,回答等)强烈批评的;v.压坏,压伤;把……挤入;压碎,捣碎;变皱,起皱;破坏,毁坏(某人的信心或幸福)(crush的现在分词)

2、becrusting ─── 生锈

3、thrusting ─── v.(用力)推;(用刀剑)刺,戳;(人)挤过;伸展;(男人性交时)强行插入;挺出(thrust的现在分词);adj.积极进取的;(身体部位)伸出的;n.猛推;上冲

4、encrusting ─── n.包馅机;v.形成硬壳;在…上包壳(encrust的ing形式)

5、rusting ─── n.生锈,锈蚀;v.(使)生锈;(比喻)变迟钝,荒废(rust的现在分词形式)

6、trusting ─── adj.信任的;轻信的;v.信赖(trust的ing形式)

7、cresting ─── n.(屋脊或墙顶上的)脊饰;(家具)顶饰;v.在…上加顶饰;位于……的顶上;到达(山或波浪等)的顶点(或顶峰);(河流、洪水等)涨到最高点(crest的现在分词)

8、crusading ─── v.长期坚定不移地奋斗;领导(或参加)运动;加入十字军东征(crusade的现在分词);adj.改革运动的

9、incrusting ─── v.包硬外壳于;生外皮;镶饰(同encrust)

crusting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You may slip and burst your crust by doing so. ─── 你这样做会滑倒弄破皮的。

2、Of or relating to a crust, especially that of the earth or the moon. ─── 外壳的外壳的或与之有关的,尤指地球或月球外壳的

3、She dipped a crust of bread in the cabbage soup she'd made. ─── 她把一块面包皮蘸进她做的卷心菜汤里。

4、Stratigraphy studies the sequence of the rocks in the earth's crust. ─── 地层学研究地壳中岩石的层序。

5、Physical examination findings are typically depending on the underlying systemic process, but erythema and crusting are common findings. ─── 查体的发现通常取决于潜在的全身性疾病过程,但是红斑和脱屑是常见的体征。

6、Many of the common materials of the earth's crust may alternate between the living and the nonliving states. ─── 地球表面上有许多普通的状之都可能在有生命和无生命中交替。

7、Mosaic structures and wave movements of the crust of China II. ─── 中国地壳的镶嵌构造与波浪运动2。

8、A remnant or trace of an organism of a past geologic age, such as a skeleton or leaf imprint, embedded and preserved in the earth's crust. ─── 化石埋置并保存于地层中的古生物遗体、遗物和其生活遗址,如骨骸、叶子的印痕等

9、Strains in the Earth's crust seem to pile up. ─── 地壳的应力似乎一直在积聚着。

10、Reasons are that the amount of sulfur in high sulfur coal is very high, and more likely to cause crusting and blocking problems. ─── 原因就在于其中硫的含量较高,容易引起预热系统的结皮堵塞。

11、The earth's crust is layered . ─── 地球的外壳是分层的。

12、Under the crust are many layers of hard rock. ─── 在地壳的下面是许许多多坚硬的岩石层。

13、The lesions may last four to five days prior to crusting . ─── 这些成串的小水泡在出现四五天后开始结跏。

14、Chiggers, also known as harvest mites, can cause itching, redness and crusting in dogs. ─── 恙螨,又称沙蚤,能引起患犬瘙痒、红斑、皮屑。

15、I thought she had a lot of crust bandying my name about that way. ─── 她就敢满世界嚷嚷,败坏我的名声。

16、Crust on the snow was thick enough for us to walk on it. ─── 外层的雪已经冻硬,可以在上面行走。

17、A simple method for making a pie crust; mediation as a method of solving disputes. ─── 做馅饼皮的简单方法;以和解作为解决争端的方法

18、The crust of the earth is comparatively thin. ─── 地壳比较薄。

19、The crust on the snow was thick enough for us to walk on it. ─── 外层的雪已经冻硬,可以在上面行走。

20、Its crust and mantle yield when unusual weight is placed on them. ─── 在不寻常的负荷之下地壳和地幔会发生位移。

21、Dynamic model for Pb isotope evolution in the continental crust of China. ─── 中国大陆地壳铅同位素演化的动力学模型。

22、The chef's speciality is shrimps with crispy fried rice crust. ─── 厨师的拿手菜是仁锅巴。

23、Numerical values of the temperatures below the crust can still be given only within broad limits. ─── 地壳以下温度的具体数值只能给出粗略的估计。

24、He had the crust to order me around. ─── 他厚着脸皮对我发号施令。

25、On a floured surface, roll the crust mixture into a round shape. ─── 在盘表面放上面粉,然后把混合物做成圆形。

26、The shape has square、oblong, its crust adopts high-intensity materials. ─── 外形分长形、方形两种,采用高强度塑料外壳。

27、Ok, what kind of crust do you want? Thin? Thick? Or stuffed? ─── 好的,您想要哪种披萨皮?薄的?厚的?还是芝心的?

28、For making snacks such as monthcake, rice crust biscuit, etc. ─── 制作小食品如月饼、锅巴、饼干等。

29、The spectrum of life on Earth from the crust into the lower atmosphere. ─── 地球上从地壳到大气内层之间有生命的范围。

30、The sinking of oceanic crust at subduction zones carries water and carbon dioxide back into the mantle. ─── 在俯冲区洋壳下沉,又把水和二氧化碳带回地下。

31、Throughout the ages,earth has received a lot of rainfall and now most of the earth's crust is covered with water. ─── 古往今来,地球接收了大量雨水,现在大部分地壳被水覆盖。

32、Her behaviour today really takes the crust! ─── 今天她的行为真的有些无礼。

33、The crust in western China is in the state of isostasy. ─── 中国西部地壳处于地壳均衡状态。

34、Electronic probes into the crust of the earth. ─── 勘察地壳的电子装置

35、Later it separated due to the movement of the earth crust. ─── 后来因为地壳运动才分开了。

36、Hot, melted material from deep inside the Earth moves up to create new crust. ─── 地球内部炽热和熔化的物质浮到上面形成了新的地壳,

37、The Earth crust activity of different geotectonic elements could be estimated with the fracture fractal dimension. ─── 利用断裂尺度分布的分形维数值的大小,可以定性判断不同大地构造单元的地壳稳定性。

38、The continuous movements of the earth's crust may lead to earthquakes. ─── 地壳的不断运动引发了地震。

39、Iron presents in abundance as variety of Fe(III) oxides in crust. ─── Fe 在地壳中含量丰富,通常以各种Fe(III)氧化物的形式存在。

40、Folds in the earth's crust can be gigantic. ─── 地壳中的褶曲有时会非常巨大。

41、And there were only a very few aftershocks in the conductive lower crust. ─── 因此,无论从竖向分层还是从横向非均匀性上看,唐山主震及其大多数余震都与高阻上地壳密切相关.

42、The crust can be divided into two types, oceanic and continental. ─── 地壳可以被分成两类:海洋性的和大陆性的。

43、They cut straight downwards through the hard, brush covered crust. ─── 他们穿透长着灌木的坚实的硬土一直向下掘。

44、But far, far be4b8neath the crust whose rock is so hot, that it is soft. ─── 但是在地壳最最深处的地方,岩石是相当的热的,所以也相当的柔软。

45、A large upward fold of the earth's crust. ─── 大背斜层一种巨大的地壳上弯钩

46、Repeat this with another clean wet cloth or cotton ball, if there is a lot of discharge or crusting around the eye. ─── 重复此与另一个干净的湿布或棉花球,如果有一个地段或卸货眼睛周围的结痂。

47、Under heat and pressure, rocks of the earth's crust move slowly and gradually. ─── 在热和压力的作用下,地壳的岩石缓慢而逐渐运动着。

48、He had the crust to ask me for a loan. ─── 他厚着脸皮向我借钱。

49、The most important exothermal reactions in the crust can be expected from the chemical transformations of sulfides. ─── 地壳中能够料想到的最重要的放热化学反应是硫化物的化学转变。

50、Bare soil is protected from the impact of rainfall which can cause surface soil crusting, compaction, and erosion. ─── 塑料薄膜覆盖使裸土免受降雨引起的表土结壳、压实和侵蚀。

51、Pizza makers mix flour, yeast, salt and water for the crust. ─── 做比萨饼的人先将面粉、酵母、盐和水混合在一起作为面包皮的原料,

52、In general, the composition of lower crust is close to basalt and the composition of upper crust is similar to granite. ─── 一般来说,下地壳的成分接近于玄武岩,而上地壳的物质成分与花岗岩相似。

53、In some people, nasal steroids cause irritation, crusting, and bleeding of the nasal septum, especially during the winter. ─── 在一些人,鼻类固醇会导致红肿,结痂,鼻中隔出血,尤其是在冬季。

54、He added a few mushrooms to the meat before baking under a pastry crust. ─── 在放进烤箱前,他往肉里加了些蘑菇,然后又盖上一层油酥面包皮。

55、If it is present, it could seep into the crust and escape through the ocean floor. ─── 如果真的存在的话,那么,甲烷就可能渗出地壳,通过海底逸出。

56、Earthquakes leave scars in the earth's crust. ─── 地震会在地球外壳上留下一些伤疤。

57、You need a can of cherries and a pie crust from the store. ─── 你需要一罐樱桃罐头和一张从店里买的馅饼皮。

58、The earth's crust is between 5 and 25 miles thick. ─── 地壳有五至二十五英里厚。

59、It is very dangerous to walk on the thin crust of ice. ─── 在这样一层薄冰上行走是很危险的。

60、Earth quake can result from stress in the earth's crust. ─── 地壳内的应力可能引起地震。

61、Today the outer layer or crust is cool and hard, while the core is probably hot and molten. ─── 今天,地球的外层,即地壳又冷又硬,地心则可能炎热且呈熔融状态。

62、Eton is a school that only the children of the upper crust can afford. ─── 伊顿公学是一所只有上流社会的子弟才上得起的学校。

63、Adverse effects of laser treatment included mild skin crusting in a few patients, which healed completely. ─── 激光治疗的不良反应包括在少数病人中出现的轻微的皮肤结痂,这可以完全愈合。

64、The opening of a volcano in the earth's crust. ─── 地壳中的火山的开口。

65、The surface, or crust, of the Earth is shaped by a process called plate tectonics. ─── 地球的表面,或者说地壳,由板块地壳构成。

66、She had the crust to ask me for an excuse. ─── 她竟有脸请求我的原谅。

67、It is doubtful whether he was able to pierce the outer crust of the Soviet organism. ─── 他是否能通过苏联机构的外围也很成问题。

68、A coating or crust left on a surface, as by evaporation or electrolysis. ─── 外壳覆盖在表面上的外壳,如通过蒸发或电解而形成的

69、Like the earth, the moon is in layers, with a crust on the outside and a deep mantle below. ─── 如同地球一样,月球上有地层,表面是一层地壳,其下是很深的地幔。

70、Deep beneath the Earth's crust there are pockets of partially liquid rock called magma. ─── 在地壳的深处有很多异体囊,囊中有半液态的岩叫作岩浆。

71、Transfer of heat by conduction governs the thermal conditions within almost the entire crust of the earth. ─── 传导传热控制着几乎整个地壳的热状态。

72、He had the crust to ask to borrow my new car! ─── 他竟有脸借我的新车!

73、Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, including parchment-dressed leather, of swine, without hair on. ─── 加工的猪皮革(经鞣制或半硝后进一步加工,不带毛,羊皮纸化处理)

74、"My flesh is clothed with worms and a crust of dirt, My skin hardens and runs. ─── 伯7:5我的肉体以虫子和尘土为衣.我的皮肤才收了口、又重新破裂。

75、A mass of the earth's crust that lies between two faults and is higher than the surrounding land. ─── 地垒位于两个断层之间的地壳部分,其地势高于周围的土地

76、The chef 's specialty is shrimp with crispy fried rice crust . ─── 厨师的拿手菜是虾仁锅巴。

77、To enclose with or as if with a paste or crust. ─── 以浆糊封或涂用或好象用浆糊或面包皮封。

78、A sudden movement of the earth's crust caused by the release of stress accumulated along geologic faults or by volcanic activity. ─── 地震由于地质断层积聚的压力被释放或由于火山活动引起的地壳的突然变动

79、A deep-dish fruit pie with a thick top crust. ─── 厚皮水果馅饼一大盘上部皮厚的水果馅饼

80、The structure of a specific region of the earth's crust. ─── 地况,地质情况某一地区地壳的结构

81、A lake appeared when the crust of the earth sank in. ─── 地壳下陷,开成了湖泊。

82、A fault in which one section of crust has ridden up over another. ─── 一种断层,其中地壳的一断面已拱到另一断面之上。

83、In these models, the crust is, on average, far from rupture. ─── 在这样的模型中,地壳,在平均情况下,离破裂状态差很远。

84、On the very outside of the earth is a bumpy crust of rock and soil. ─── 地球的最外层是由岩石和土壤构成的凹凸不平的硬壳,

85、He earns a crust by writing detective stories. ─── 他以写侦探故事谋生。

86、Underground pounding and crusting , which in turn leads to liquid breaking through to the surface of the. ─── 导致地下重击和生成渣壳,结果废水将会冲破地表面流到地面上。

87、Cut the bread into slices and remove the crust. ─── 切面包成切片并且去除外壳。

88、The layer of the earth between the crust and the core. ─── 地幔位于地壳和地核之间的地层


crush粉碎,man-crushing足以将人粉碎的→攻击性极强的所以man-crushing phthon就是攻击性极强的巨蟒


注意安全Warning danger

当心火灾Warning fire

当心爆炸Warning explosion

当心腐蚀Warning corrosion

当心中毒Warning poisoning

当心感染Warning infection

当心触电Warning electric shock

当心电缆Warning cable

当心自动启动Warning automatic start-up

当心机械伤人Warning mechanical injury

当心塌方Warning collapse

当心冒顶Warning roof fall

当心坑洞Warning hole

当心落物Warning falling objects

当心吊物Warning overhead load

当心碰头Warning overhead obstacles

当心挤压Warning crushing

当心烫伤Warning scald

当心伤手Warning injure hand

当心夹手Warning hands pinching

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