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09-04 投稿


attainments 发音

英:[??te?nm?nts]  美:[??te?nm?nts]

英:  美:

attainments 中文意思翻译



attainments 反义词


attainments 词性/词形变化,attainments变形

动词过去分词: attained |动词现在分词: attaining |动词第三人称单数: attains |形容词: attainable |名词: attainability |动词过去式: attained |

attainments 常用词组

academic attainment ─── 学力

attainments 短语词组

1、attainments meaning ─── 成就意义

2、attainments define ─── 成就定义

3、beneath sb in attainments ─── 造诣不如某人

4、attainments syn ─── 成就syn

5、scientific attainments ─── 学术造诣

6、attainments mean ─── 成就意味着

7、attainments synonym ─── 造诣

8、attainments hub ─── 成就中心

9、attainments math ─── 数学造诣

10、attainments def ─── 成就定义

attainments 同义词

accession | realization | acquisition | talent | ingenuity | acquirement | success | fulfilment | achievement |accomplishment | execution | skill | completion | ability | fulfillment | culture

attainments 相似词语短语

1、attainers ─── 造诣者

2、attaintment ─── n.被剥夺财产和公民权

3、attaintments ─── n.被剥夺财产和公民权

4、attachment ─── n.附件;依恋;连接物;扣押财产

5、attainders ─── n.被剥夺财产和公民权;剥夺公权

6、attainment ─── n.达到;成就;学识

7、arraignments ─── n.传讯;提讯;提问;责难

8、edutainments ─── n.寓教于乐型产品(尤指电子游戏)

9、attachments ─── n.[机]附件;附着物;附属装置(attachment的复数形式)

attainments 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He has many delightful attainments. ─── 他多才多艺

2、He is a scholar of great attainments. ─── 他是一位造诣很高的学者。

3、He attain the summit of his ambition. ─── 他达到了追求的最高目标。

4、How are we to attain this role? ─── 优势从何而得?

5、"Lest I fail to attain Salvation". ─── “我担心得不到救赎(拯救).”

6、Because of its natural artistic attainments, popular with the modern people like. ─── 由于其天然艺术造诣,颇受现代人的喜欢。

7、He is a scholar of the highest attainments. ─── 他是位造诣很深的学者。

8、They know, as I do, that for all the hard work that has gone into their learning of the language, their attainments still fall short of their hopes. ─── 他们也和我一样明白,尽管为了学好英语,下过功夫苦读,但成效依然不能令人满意。

9、So, professor Gong yajie has highly attainments in refractive surgery. ─── 在屈光手术方面有很高造诣。

10、Forgiveness alone is enough to attain Godhood. ─── 只有宽恕足以达到神灵之境界。

11、To attain full growth, one mustn't be squeamish . ─── 一个人要充分成长,绝不能太拘小节。

12、Under above conditions, biomass of AbM attain to 15.6 g/L. ─── 在此培养条件下,姬松茸液体培养的生物量可达15.6g/L.

13、Rest no longer satisfied with thy dwarfish attainments, but press forward to things more sublime and heavenly. ─── 不要再满足于属世的成就,要努力奔向属天的事物。

14、To seek to win or attain something; strive. ─── 力求企图得到或赢得某物;力求

15、This makes it easy to understand how so many farmer-musicians can have such comparatively high artistic attainments. ─── 因此不准理解,为什么民间的许多半农半艺的艺人身上,具有较高的文化素养。

16、Useful attainments in your minority will procure riches in maturity, of which writing and accounts are not the meanest. ─── 不要轻视写作和计算,你在年少时所获得的这些有用的技能,将会造就你日后的成功。

17、They ought to attain this aim. ─── 他们应该能够达到这一目标。

18、In about 3 months, you may attain CFA the blood relationship certificate. ─── 在大约3个月后,您就可以拿到CFA的血统证书。

19、She has made up her mind to attain her goal in life. ─── 她下定决心要达到生活中的目标。

20、Mr Smith attain the position of minister. ─── 史密斯先生获得了部长的地位。

21、To attain his object, he will do anything. ─── 为了达到目的,他什么事都做的出来。

22、He applies himself to thought, and will be a person of great attainments one day. ─── 他是个勤于思考的学生,将来定会有所作为。

23、Your mother joins with ME in congratulating you on your wonderful scholastic attainMEnts. ─── 你母亲和我一道祝贺你学业上的巨大成就。

24、I know how talented you are and how hard you've worded to attain this goal. ─── 你很有才干并为获得这个职位作了巨大努力。

25、The use of any means, however ruthless, to attain an objective. ─── 任何不管多么无情只要能达到目的手段的运用

26、Artistic Qing regression of their poetry, language洗炼Naturally, there is a unique artistic attainments. ─── 其诗意境清迥,语言洗炼自然,艺术上有独特造诣。

27、Emulsions are continuously attempting to attain thermodynamic equlibrium. ─── 乳液总是不断地试图达到热平衡。

28、Rest no longer satisfied with they dwarfish attainments. ─── 不要满意你目前所有的。

29、They are seeking to attain the most advanced technological in the world. ─── 他们正努力达到世界上最先进的技术水平。

30、The day is not far off when China will attain prosperity. ─── 中国的兴盛是可以计日程功的。

31、Do not attempt to modify this fork to attain ignition timing. ─── 决不要试图变更阀叉以获得点火正时。

32、His painstaking to attain his goal in life is praiseworthy. ─── 他为实现人生目标所下的苦功是值得称赞的。

33、Useful attainments in your minonity will procure riches in maturity,of which writing and accountns are not the meanest. ─── 不要轻视写作和?

34、We have to make sustaining efforts to attain our goal. ─── 为了达到目标,我们必须做出不懈的努力。

35、A gentleman is always ready to help others attain their aims. ─── 君子成人之美。

36、Two types of training to be successful in helping you attain the benefits of. ─── 下面两种方式。这两种方式可以帮助你成功地达到健康。

37、Do you really want to attain higher marks? ─── 你确实想要得到更高的分数么?

38、But Gerald could never attain elegance. ─── 但杰拉尔德永远也不能做到优雅。

39、Win through To overcome difficulties and attain a desired goal or end. ─── 克服困难并达到既定目标或结果。

40、To fail to attain an intended goal, as a plan or project. ─── 失败未能达到预期的目标,如一个计划或一个项目

41、They used the most practical methods to attain this end. ─── 他们用最实际的办来达到这一目的。

42、He has achieved heights that I can never hope to attain to. ─── 他已经达到了我不敢企及的高度。

43、And China will attain true happiness only when she enters the socialist era. ─── 中国也只有进到社会主义时代才是真正幸福的时代。

44、He vowed to attain the goal at any price. ─── 他誓言要不惜任何代价达到这个目标。

45、Yet, often ordinary persons do attain what they desire. ─── 但、平凡的人经常达到他们的欲望。

46、He is a scholar of the highest attainments in this field. ─── 他在这一领域是一位颇有造就的学者。

47、She would stick at nothing to attain her ends. ─── 她为了达到目的,什么都干得出。

48、His attainments are far below his brother's. ─── 他的成就远不如他的兄弟。

49、He will soon attain to manhood. ─── 他很快就要到达成年期了。

50、It could avoid overcharging. The cycle life of 100%DOD could attain 447 cycles. ─── 同时避免过充,电池的100%DOD循环达到了447次。

51、Appreciation of your high talents and literary attainments. ─── 对你的出众才华和文学造诣的赏识。

52、His calligraphy attainments are extremely deep and he is adept at the Cao script. ─── 其作品《品茶图》,《陆羽论茶》,《清品图》,在国内外美展中多次获大奖。

53、Your mother joins with me in congratulating you on your wonderful scholastic attainments. ─── 你母亲和我一道祝贺你学业上的巨大成就。

54、The social life gives the unconscious unity and the background of all his efforts and of all his attainments. ─── 社会生活为他的全部努力和成就提供了那个无意识的集体和背景。

55、He has exerted all his strength to attain his goal. ─── 他已尽了全力以达到自己的目标。

56、The use of any means,however ruthless,to attain an objective. ─── 任何不管多么无情只要能达到目的手段的运用。

57、He would attain Buddhahood for the benefits of all sentient beings. ─── 為一切有情(眾生)利益而成佛故

58、They're sure to attain emancipation in the end. ─── 他们最后一定能获得解放。

59、They are not likely to attain their object. ─── 他们的目标未必能够达到。

60、However, we could attain to it by virtuous conducts. ─── 不过,我们可以通过德行等把握它。

61、This interpretation of the score is a profound skill, measuring a performer's musical attainments. ─── 古琴的读谱演奏需要很深的技巧,这是一项显示琴家功夫的造诣颇深的技术。

62、He tried in vain to attain to fame. ─── 他想出名但没有成功。

63、To attain his object,he did some surprising decision. ─── 为了达到目的,他做了一些令人惊讶的决定。

64、His attainments are far below his brother's. ─── 他的成就远不如他的兄弟。

65、Suppose we could attain our most extravagant hopes. ─── 假设我们能指望最好的情况。

66、Personal growth should be a goal we all try to attain. ─── 个人成长应该是我们要达到的目标。

67、People have different ideas/views about how to attain the goal. ─── 人们对于如何达到这个目标有不一样的看法。

68、Last year, we manage to attain a favorable trade balance in our foreign trade. ─── 去年,我们成功地实现了外贸贸易顺差。

69、There was no question about his artistic attainments, but the music he played just can not hold the audience. ─── 他艺术上的造诣何尝不高,然而他的演奏就是吸引不了听众。

70、There is already evidence that Americans with relatively modest educational attainments are simply tuning out of the news altogether. ─── 已经有证据表明,教育水平相对较低的美国人正变得完全不关注新闻。

71、He endeavoured to attain his aim. ─── 他努力去达到他的目的。

72、Can you attain the goal you have set yourselves? ─── 你们是否能够达到你们的目的?

73、At the ceremony, the prize athletes attain ultra big “the new home key”. ─── 在仪式上,获奖运动员都拿到一把超大的“新房钥匙”。

74、But how are they going to attain this aim? ─── 但这一目标他们怎么去达到呢?

75、These festivals also implied the moral attainments and codes of conduct required of women in ancient China. ─── 在这类节日中,亦包涵了古代中国对女性的道德修养和行为修养的要求。

76、Unsaintly people do so to attain a state of misery. ─── 不那么圣洁的人呢只能达到一种悲惨的状况。

77、To overcome difficulties and attain a desired goal or end. ─── 克服困难并达到既定目标或结果

78、They may attain considerable accuracy in the perception of flat form. ─── 他们对平面形体的视觉能达到很精确的程度。

79、None who go to her return or attain the paths of life. ─── 凡到他那里去的不得转回,也得不着生命的路。

80、After more than 10 years of development efforts, and Fuding in the cleaning industry has been very high attainments and a good reputation. ─── 经过十几年的发展努力,福鼎公司在清洗行业已有很高的造诣和良好的口碑。

81、To reach the highest point; attain maximum intensity, activity. ─── 一月份生产率达到最高点。

82、EDFA RD manager 1. List any required educational attainments (degrees, certificates, licenses, etc.). BS in EE or ...... ... ─── 公司名称:深圳市飞通宽带技术有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-4-23

83、They are not likely to attain this aim. ─── 他们未必能够达到这一目标。

84、He's a man of great attainments in several fields. ─── 他是在几个领域中都有很高造诣的人。

85、They are seeking to attain the most advanced technological levels in the world. ─── 他们正设法达到世界最先进的技术水平。

86、Song Lyrics all have very high attainments in the body form of the poem , style , temperament and interest. ─── 宋词在诗体形式、风格、情趣都有很高造诣。

87、His supervisor took pride in him for his academic attainments . ─── 他的导师为他在学术上的造诣而为他感到骄傲。

88、People have different ideas/views about how to attain the goal. ─── 人们对于如何达到这个目标有不同的看法.

89、Useful attainments in your minority will procure riches in maturity, of which writing and accounts are not the meanest. ─── 不要轻视写作和计算,你在年少时所获得的这些有用的技能,将会造就你日后的成功。

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