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09-04 投稿



supple 发音

英:[?s?p(?)l]  美:[?s?p(?)l]

英:  美:

supple 中文意思翻译






supple 网络释义

adj. 柔软的;灵活的;顺从的;易弯曲的;逢迎的vt. 使柔软;使顺从vi. 变柔顺;变柔软n. (Supple)人名;(意、西)苏普莱

supple 词性/词形变化,supple变形


supple 反义词


supple 同义词

sylphlike | graceful | lissome | lithesome | formative | malleable | yielding | svelte | limber | pliable | bendable | agile | slender |plastic | pliant | sinuous | double-jointed | coordinated | mobile | obedient | elastic | soft | lissom | lithe | flexible | bending

supple 短语词组

1、supple meter ─── [电] 供电用电表

2、supple line ─── [电] 供电线

3、supple network ─── [电] 供电网络

4、supple reel ─── [电] 抽出卷轴

5、supple point ─── [电] 供电点

supple 相似词语短语

1、sipple ─── 啜饮

2、supply ─── n.供给,补给;供应品;vt.供给,提供;补充;vi.供给;替代

3、suppl ─── abbr.增刊(supplement);增补;附加的(supplementary)

4、supplely ─── adv.柔软地,柔顺地;易弯地

5、sapple ─── 蓝宝石

6、suppled ─── adj.柔软的;灵活的;顺从的;易弯曲的;逢迎的;vt.使柔软;使顺从;vi.变柔顺;变柔软;n.(Supple)人名;(意、西)苏普莱

7、supples ─── adj.柔软的;灵活的;顺从的;易弯曲的;逢迎的;vt.使柔软;使顺从;vi.变柔顺;变柔软;n.(Supple)人名;(意、西)苏普莱

8、suppler ─── 柔软的(supple的比较级)

9、supplest ─── adj.最柔软的,最灵活的;最易弯曲的;最逢迎的,最适应环境的

supple 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Use of this product leaves the skin soothed, silky, supple and resilient, with a fair and ruddy complexion. ─── 使用本品后 皮肤舒适,光滑红润,皮肤弹性好, 白皙,细腻。

2、Palate: Lafleur Chevalier is a wine with a lively taste, a harmonious and supple body. The red is easily enjoyed young. ─── 口感:花骑士是一种活泼的体验,和谐柔顺的酒体。这种红酒即使在年轻时也能喝。

3、Taste: The palate is dry and supple with hints of red currant and blueberry overtones. ─── 口感:口感干而丰满,有一抹红加仑和蓝莓的香味。

4、Her skin had stayed soft and supple. ─── 她的皮肤一直柔滑而有弹性。

5、A smooth, supple fleece produced entirely from recycled beverage bottles. ─── 光滑、柔软毛衣,彻底由再循环饮料瓶子生产。

6、Ettinger DS. Overview of paclitaxel (Taxol) in advanced lung cancer. Semin Oncol,1993,20(4 Suppl 3):46-49. ─── [张红梅,王晓平.紫素联合化疗方案治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌症16例临床观察.

7、She gets along well with people Because of her supple nature. ─── 她与大家相处很好,因为她的天性柔和。

8、Palate: Lafleur Chevalier is a wine with a lively taste, an harmonious and supple body. ─── 口感: 花骑士是一种活泼的体验,和谐柔顺的酒体。

9、Youth is not a time;it is a state of mind;it is not a matter of rosy,red lips and supple kness;... ─── 出国不为什么,人生就短短几十年,想给自己年老的时候增加一些值得回忆的东西,增加一些人生的阅历。

10、With a supple and healthy body the practitioner can readily practice meditation without the distraction of aches and pains. ─── 具备轻快和健康身体的练习者可以准备练习冥想,没有被疼痛分心的问题。

11、The attack is supple leading into a fresh,acidulous impression with notes of redcurrant and grenadine. ─── 口感:入口轻滑,在口腔里有强烈的充实感,柔软,平滑的丹宁味形成很好的气味结构。

12、Taste notes : Wine with a vivid and fresh start, and a round and supple taste. ─── 品尝记录:口感富有生气,新鲜,柔和,讨人喜欢。

13、She is singing a supple tune. ─── 她正唱着一个轻快的曲调。

14、Palate: Ripe red berry fruit flavours dominate. The palate is soft and supple with lingering sweet fruit and fine, velvety tannins. ─── 口感:主要是成熟的红浆果香味,口感轻柔,像天鹅绒般柔滑的单宁,带有香甜的余韵。

15、See also: "limber", "lax", "supple". ─── 也见到: " 使柔软 "," 松的 "," 柔软的 ".

16、Occasionally enriched air or supple mental oxygen is available and a greater ratio of secondary reforming to primary reforming is possible. ─── 偶尔有富氧空气或补充氧的,因而二段转化对一段转化的大比例是可能的。

17、At the lateral movements the pace should remain free and regular, maintaining a constant impulsion, yet it must be supple, cadenced and balanced. ─── 在侧方运动时,仍然要保持步伐自由与规律,始终保持前进气势,而且要柔韧灵活、富有节奏、平衡良好。

18、Occasionally enriched air or supple mental oxygen is available and a greater ratio of secondary reforming to primary reforming is possible. ─── 偶尔有富氧空气或补充氧的,因而二段转化对一段转化的大比例是可能的。

19、Palate: Lafleur Chevalier is a wine with a lively taste, a harmonious and supple body. ─── 口感:花骑士是一种活泼的体验,和谐柔顺的酒体。

20、Contain SE compound, promote cuticle function and activate cells, protect skin from droopy and make skin supple and rich. ─── 含有SE复合物,能促使真皮机能和细胞活力,防止肌肤松驰,令肌肤柔滑而丰润。

21、The majority of procedures they were willing to per form were oxygen supple (87%), CPR(84%), fixation(79%), and the Heimlich maneuver(70%). ─── 其中大多数愿意做的急救技术为:给氧气(87%)、CPR(84%)、受伤之固定(79%)及哈姆立克急救法(70%);

22、Taste: Well balanced wine with supple and ripe fruits. Elegant tannic structure. ─── 口感:单宁雅致,结构平衡,果味清新浓郁。

23、They are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supple are rationed among buyers. ─── 价格也是有限的产品与服务在买方中的配给手段。

24、Two soldiers were holding him, while two others were brandishing supple twigs and bringing them down at regular intervals on the man's bare back. ─── 两名士兵捉住他,另外两名挥动着柔软的树条,有节奏地抽挞着他的裸露的背脊,受惩罚的人异乎寻常地吼叫。

25、Even at 57, Zoe was an attractive woman, tall and supple. ─── 即使到了57岁了,佐伊仍然是一个身材颀长、体态柔美、风韵妩媚的女人。

26、Youth is not a time of life , It is a state of mind , it is nota matter of rosy cheeks , red lips , and supple knees. ─── 青春不是年华,它是一种心境,它不是粉颊,红唇,柔膝。是意气恢弘,情感勃发,是人生暮年的一种心旷神怡。

27、Applying the mask on whole body helps to fully absorb milk essence, eliminate dryness and itching of the skin, and restore supple and soft skin. ─── 全身覆盖此膜可使肌肤全面吸收牛乳中的养分,全身干燥和搔痒一扫而净,同时更能令肌肤回复娇嫩幼滑。

28、Ultra-powerful treatment formulated from pure collagen is especially designed to fully replenish your skin leaving it moisturized and supple . ─── 功效:含天然浓缩骨胶原,有效改善脆弱及缺乏生气活力的皮肤。

29、In his hand he held a switch which was as supple as a vine-shoot and as heavy as iron. ─── 他手里拿着一条鞭子,象葡萄藤那样软,又象铁那么重。

30、There was a gazellelike quality about him, though she could tell he was strong in a supple way. ─── 他有一种羚羊般的素质,尽管她看得出他柔韧而坚强。

31、Palate: The palate echoes these flavours with more defined fruit character and fine supple tannins. The finish is outstandingly fine and elegant. ─── 口感:入口散发出明显的水果芳香,单宁细致柔和,余味及其精致又优雅。

32、Laing HE, Rew DA, Wilson GD. Cell kinetics of human solid tumors.Br J Radiol, 24 Suppl: 163-157. ─── 乔学英,周道安,乔田奎,等.中晚期食管癌放射治疗配合卡铂的远期疗效.中华放射肿瘤学杂志,1997,6:118-119.

33、Designer and manufacturer of watertight seals cut from all types of supple materials. Machined,... ─── 分类标题:橡胶纸和橡胶板|机床用风箱...

34、She ran up to him and with a swift, supple, youthful movement dropped on her knees. ─── 她用轻快的柔韧的年轻的步子走到他身旁跪了下来。

35、He held Julia's supple waist easily encircled by his arm. ─── 他把裘莉亚的柔软的细腰很轻易地搂在胳膊里。

36、Miwa K,Hattori T,Miyazaki 1.Duodenogastuic reflux and foregut concinogenesis[J].Cancer,1995;75(suppl):1426. ─── 吴心愿,张祥福,殷凤峙,等.残胃癌外科手术治疗经验及消化道重建新方法[J].中国肿瘤临床,1998;25(7):508-510.

37、Monzo M, Rosell R, Taron M. Drug resistance in non small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer,2001,34 Suppl 2 : S91-S94. ─── [韩宝惠,廖美琳,苏建中,等.非小细胞肺癌肿瘤药敏与耐药

38、People's mind should be like water, soft and supple in appearance, yet containing great, limitless, fundamental powers that cannot be stopped. ─── 人心要像水一样,看似绵软柔弱,却涵力源源,不能切断。

39、These exercises will help to keep you supple. ─── 这些锻炼项目有助于你保持身体的柔韧性。

40、The palate is dry and supple with hints of red currant and blueberry overtones. ─── 口感干而丰满,有一抹红加仑和蓝莓的香味。

41、Supple do it, a good straight iron ions. Submissive, then will match the natural point. ─── 做柔顺吧,离子烫好直。柔顺的话会比拟自然一点。

42、Tasting notes: Bouquet of red fruits and blackcurrant, lightly spiced.Round and supple on the palate. ─── 品尝特征:红色莓果和黑加仑的香气占主体,有些许的香料味儿夹杂其间。

43、Moisturizer is the key to soft, supple skin in winter. ─── 在冬季,润肤霜是保持皮肤柔软细滑的密钥。

44、Praga M.Therapeutic measures in proteinuric nephropathy[J].Kidney Int Suppl,2005(99):s137-s141. ─── 刘必成,李敏侠.肾素血管紧张素系统阻断的肾保护作用[J].中华肾脏病杂志,2007,23(2):129-132.

45、Palate: Ripe red berry fruit flavours dominate.The palate is soft and supple with lingering sweet fruit and fine, velvety tannins. ─── 口感: 主要是成熟的红浆果香味,口感轻柔,像天鹅绒般柔滑的单宁,带有香甜的余韵。

46、Drenches lips with natural moisturizers and conditioners for soft, supple lips. ─── 可用于上口红前做为打底;

47、Palate : Dry, crisp acidity, soft yet structured tannins, full bodied and brimming with rich supple fruit. ─── 口感干,清脆的酸度,柔顺的单宁结构,重酒体和丰富的果香。

48、Moisturizing cream helps to keep your skin soft and supple. ─── 保湿霜有助于保持皮肤柔软有弹性。

49、The doctor told her to spend a few minutes crooking and uncrooking her fingers, several times a day, in order to keep the arthritic joints as supple as possible. ─── 医生要她每天数次用几分钟时间弯曲和舒展手指,以尽量使发炎的关节保持柔软。

50、She gets along with people because of her supple nature. ─── 她性格随和,所以与人们相处得很好。

51、She was too supple in her movements to seem fat. ─── 她动作非常轻盈,显得一点也不胖。

52、"Where shall we camp?" She sat on an extended rock. Her slim body was supple and salty. ─── “我们到哪里去宿营?”她坐在一块突出的岩石上。她的苗条的身材丰满,咸咸的。

53、SHAHAIR henna flowers medicine to make your hair more supple elegant. ─── SHAHAIR散沫花草药令您的秀发更显飘逸柔顺。

54、Lafleur Chevalier is a wine with a lively taste, a harmonious and supple body. ─── 口感 Palate: 花骑士是一种活泼的体验,和谐柔顺的酒体。

55、Fine tannins and supple oak complement the fruit giving further texture, and the palate is generous and lingering. ─── 上好的单宁和柔软的橡木味补充了果味,得到更加复杂的结构,使口感柔和并回味无穷。

56、You can have a body alive with vitality, a skin smooth and fine of texture, muscles supple and virile. ─── 你能够拥有一副充满活力的好身板、一身光滑可人的好皮肤和一堆很man的肌肉。

57、In 1823, he patented what was the first truly waterproof fabric, supple enough to be used in clothing. ─── 1823年,他获得了第一个真正的防水织物专利,这种布料相当柔软,可用来做服装。

58、She was sitting on an outcrop, her slim body supple and salt-caked. ─── 她坐在一块突出的岩石上。她的苗条的身材丰满,咸咸的。

59、Gansu Qiangxin Ferroalloy Co., Ltd is a productive enterprise. It can suppl. ─── 企业名称:甘肃强鑫铁合金有限责任公司。

60、she ran up to him and with a swift , supple , youthful movement dropped on her knees. ─── 她用轻快的柔韧的年轻的步子走到他身旁跪了下来。

61、Their precise and supple use of English makes their books models of English expository prose at its best. ─── 他们对英语的精妙运用使他们的著作成为英语说明性散文的最好典范。

62、He admired the graceful, supple movements of the dancers. ─── 他赞扬了舞蹈演员优雅灵巧的舞姿。

63、He has nothing of the supple form or slippery manner of the modern Greek about him. ─── 他没有一点当今希腊人那种柔软的身段和圆滑世故的神态。

64、Be a satiny supple doll. With the most chaste smile. ─── 作一个。柔软的娃娃。有着。最单纯的笑。

65、She did a shallow military curtsy, supple in her dress-uniform skirt, and laid her hand on his forearm. ─── 她身着制服裙,回应了一个浅浅的军人屈膝礼,然后把手搭在他伸出的胳膊上。

66、Unlined foreheads, bagless eyes, supple skin: today's celebrities have stopped ageing. ─── 光滑无痕的额头,没有眼袋的双眸,细腻柔软的肌肤。

67、Palate: Lafleur Chevalier is a wine with a lively taste, a harmonious and supple body. The red is easily enjoyed when it is young. ─── 口感:花骑士口感活跃,和谐柔顺的酒体。这种红酒即使在年轻时也能饮用。

68、This mask leaves your complexion feeling soft and supple. ─── 这种面膜使你的皮肤变得柔软娇嫩。

69、Fagard RH.Int J Sports Med,Nov1996, 17 Suppl 3p S 140-144. ─── 吕新颖.优秀投掷运动员超声心动图特点的研究.中国运动医学杂志.1998,17(2):162

70、In the lateral movements, the pace should remain free and regular, maintaining a constant impulsion, yet it must be supple, cadenced and balanced. ─── 在侧方运动时,仍然要保持步伐自由与规律,始终保持前进气势,而且要柔韧灵活、富有弹力、平衡良好。

71、She has a supple mind, ie is quick to respond to ideas. ─── 她头脑灵活.

72、Paul was incredibly supple and strong. ─── 保罗非常灵活、强壮。

73、Functions: The quality is slim and graceful, supple and tender as the silk, gently cleans oil and dirt on the skin, and dredges the pore. ─── 主要功能:质地轻盈,丝滑柔润,温和的清洁皮肤上的油脂及污垢,疏通毛孔;

74、Info:Men's short supple Lambskin Jacket,with collar and full front zipper. ─── 主要材质:真皮次要材质:真皮尺码:全码适用人群:男人

75、Canada Journal Cardiol,13 (Suppl B) 304B, 1997. ─── 中华预防医学杂志,34(2):78-80,2000。

76、Commonweal and commercial geologic works are two parts of geologic tasks which supple to each other and none is dispensable in our country. ─── 公益性地质工作和商业性地质工作是我国地质工作相辅相成、缺一不可的两个组成部分。

77、The well toned midsection, in combination with supple hips, connected elbows and supple wrists also ensures a steady, yet live rein contact. ─── 协调的上腹部,结合柔软的髋,联系肘,柔软的手腕都能保证稳定,生动的缰绳联系。

78、She was sitting on an outcrop,her slim body supple. ─── 她坐在一块突出的岩石上。她苗条的身材柔软。

79、She has a supple, graceful carriage. ─── 她体态婀娜。

80、Compare to the traditional network, IN has some unique features, it can supple services more quickly, more flexibly and more economic. ─── 与传统的网络相比较,智能网具有一些独特的特点,它能更快捷、更灵活、更经济地提供各种业务。

81、He was gradually getting more supple. ─── 他的身体逐渐可以活动自如。

82、Dierickx CC.Hair removal by a pulsed,infrared laser system.Lasers Surg Med 1998;10(suppl):42. ─── 刘春利.激光脱毛的临床效果观察.中华医学美容杂志1999;5:132-134.

83、The following exercises, performed at the trot, will help you supple the stiff side in your horse. ─── 下列练习,可以在快步中帮助你的马,使其僵硬的一侧柔软。

84、She exercises everyday to keep herself supple. ─── 她每天运动以保持体态轻盈。

85、Round. The taste impression given by a supple, mellow wine which is not hard and which is full of finesse. ─── 圆润:柔顺圆熟的葡萄酒所带来的品尝感受,这类葡萄酒不生硬,精妙灵巧。

86、I was melting under the skillful touch of his cold and supple fingers. ─── 他冰冷而柔软的手指技巧性的抚触使我融化。

87、Soft and supple, with rounded tannins and integrated oak characters. ─── 口感柔和,完整的单宁酸和橡木桶的特性。

88、Too little blood can give the skin a pale, dull appearance and make skin less supple. ─── 太少的血液可能使得皮肤苍白,脸色灰暗并使皮肤柔韧性降低。

89、She has a supple mind. ─── 她头脑灵活。

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