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09-04 投稿



toweling 发音

英:[?ta??l??]  美:[?ta??l??]

英:  美:

toweling 中文意思翻译




toweling 常用词组

bath towel ─── 浴巾

paper towel ─── 纸巾

sanitary towel ─── 月经垫;卫生巾(等于sanitary napkin)

toweling 短语词组

1、paper toweling ─── [网络] 纸中

toweling 相似词语短语

1、townling ─── 城镇化

2、towelling ─── n.毛巾布;擦拭;v.用毛巾擦;鞭打(towel的ing形式)

3、troweling ─── v.[建]抹灰,[建]抹光;铁抹赶光(trowel的现在分词)

4、towel ring ─── 毛巾环;毛巾挂环

5、doweling ─── n.销合;销钉接合;埋插筋;v.用暗销接合(dowel的ing形式)

6、roweling ─── n.(马刺上的)小齿轮;v.用小齿轮刺马;n.(Rowel)(美国、沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯)罗韦尔(人名)

7、boweling ─── n.肠;内部;同情;vt.将……的肚肠取出

8、trowelling ─── n.镘平;[建]抹平;v.用小泥铲挖;用抹子涂抹(trowel的ing形式)

9、towering ─── adj.高耸的;卓越的;激烈的;v.高翔(tower的ing形式)

toweling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don' t forget your swimming things, ie swim-suit, towel, etc. ─── 别忘了带游泳用品.

2、They threw in the towel without a fight. ─── 他们不战而弃。

3、Return to bedroom wearing long dressing gown and towel on head. ─── 头上包着毛巾,身上裹着长睡袍回到卧室。

4、The maid forgot to put clean towel in the bathroom . ─── 女服务员忘记将干净的毛巾放进浴室里了。

5、He was toweling off lustily on the side of the pool. ─── 他在游泳池边使劲擦乾身体。

6、After a brave fight, he finally had to chuck in the towel. ─── 一场勇敢的打斗之后,他最终不得不承认失败。

7、Sift the anthers onto unglazed, permeable paper, such as newspaper or paper toweling, for drying. ─── 花药筛到无光的、具渗透性的纸上,如报纸或卫生纸,以便花药干燥。

8、When toweling dry don't rub. ─── 当毛巾料干不擦的时候。

9、He placed the towel on the bed under his bare feet. ─── 他把毛巾铺在床上,垫在他的赤脚下。

10、He came out in swimming trunks, with a towel slung around his neck. ─── 他穿着泳裤,脖子上披挂着毛巾走出来。

11、From the rail in the corner of the toilet hangs a check towel. ─── 在浴室一角的架子上挂着一条格子毛巾。

12、He dried his hair with a towel. ─── 他用毛巾把头发擦干。

13、Finally, sanitary paper has been developed for use in tissue paper, paper toweling, and paper napkins. ─── 最后,清洁纸张被发展成卫生纸、纸毛巾和餐巾纸。

14、Any excess glue I wicked away with paper toweling. ─── 任何多余的胶水我邪恶的纸以外toweling。

15、He takes a towel from the towel rack. ─── 他从毛巾架上取下毛巾。

16、We are looking for wet paper towel. ─── 土耳其公司求购纸制湿巾。

17、The towel he bought was made in Shanghai. ─── 他买的毛巾上海的。

18、There be a paper towel dispenser in the bathroom . ─── 卫生间里有自动出纸巾的装置。

19、He had a towel wrapped around his waist. ─── 他腰间缠着一条毛巾。

20、He wiped his face on the towel. ─── 他用毛巾擦脸。

21、You can dab at the stain on your coat with a wet towel. ─── 你可以用湿毛巾在衣服的污迹处轻轻地擦几下。

22、She twisted a wet towel and dried her face. ─── 她拧干一块温毛巾擦脸。

23、He decided he's had enough, and flung in the towel. ─── 他决定放弃,他承认失败。

24、He patted his face dry (with a towel). ─── 他(用手巾)轻轻把脸拍乾.

25、She wrapped a bath towel about the baby. ─── 她把婴儿裹在浴巾里。

26、He worked on the problem for hours,then finally flung in the towel. ─── 他就这个问题研究了好几个小时,最后承认解决不了。

27、Rubbed himself with a towel after a cold shower. ─── 冷水淋浴后,他用毛巾擦身。

28、They were covered with the vines of towel gourd. ─── 丝瓜那绿油油的蔓条攀满了瓜架。

29、Cover food with a paper towel instead. ─── 代用法是用纸巾覆盖食物。

30、She will finally throw in the towel and give up. ─── 她最终会丢毛巾认输的。

31、The scissors are on the shelf next to the towel rack. ─── 剪刀放在毛巾架旁边的架子上。

32、He wiped his hands on a clean towel. ─── 他用一块干净的手巾擦了擦双手。

33、He dried his hands with a towel. ─── 他用毛巾擦干手。

34、It is on the wall hang dishcloth, towel hang lever. ─── 墙上是挂抹布、毛巾的挂杆。

35、He gave the cut a quick dab with the corner of a towel. ─── 他用毛巾角轻轻按了按伤口。

36、Shana: clear poster, imported towel. ─── 夏娜篇:透明海报,进口浴巾.

37、You might as well throw in the towel. ─── 你不如认输吧。

38、Wipe the sweat away, here's a towel. ─── 你擦擦汗吧,这儿有毛巾。

39、He rubbed himself with a towel after the cold shower. ─── 他冷水淋浴后用毛巾擦身。

40、He patted his face dry with a towel. ─── 他用手巾轻轻地把脸拍干。

41、He wiped up the spilled milk with a paper towel. ─── 他用纸巾擦掉了溅出来的牛奶。

42、He flicked a wet towel at me. ─── 他用湿毛巾轻打我。

43、You can use this towel to dry your hands. ─── 你可用这条毛巾擦手。

44、Kara: Frank is going to be so mad at me for toweling his car. ─── 卡拉:我弄坏了弗兰基的车,他会大发脾气的。

45、She dried herself off with a thick towel. ─── 她用厚毛巾擦干了身子。

46、He dried himself on a towel. ─── 他用毛巾擦干身子。

47、A soft cotton towel with good absorption capacity. ─── 一种柔软的纯棉毛巾,具有良好的吸水性。

48、She wrung the wet towel out. ─── 她把湿毛巾拧乾。

49、Mite-Proofing and Antimicrobial Finishing of Toweling Fabric ─── 毛巾织物防螨抗菌整理工艺

50、When toweling dry, do not rub the skin. ─── 当毛巾料干,不擦皮肤的时候。

51、What you need: Use at supine towel or cushion. ─── 你所需要的:用于仰卧的毛巾或垫子。

52、The utility model discloses a steam bathing room which is used in families and is equipped with a direct drive damp toweling mechanism. ─── 本实用新型公开了一种用于家庭的带有直动式搓澡机构的蒸汽浴房;

53、The servant sopped up the water with a towel. ─── 佣人用毛巾揩去水。

54、She hung her towel on the towel rail. ─── 她把毛巾挂在毛巾架上。

55、He knotted a towel about Sharon's neck. ─── 他在沙伦的颈上扎了一条毛巾。

56、Grabbing a towel you rush upstairs. ─── 你拿起毛巾便上楼去。

57、Room Service? Can you send up a towel? ─── “客房服务部吗?能送一条毛巾来吗?”

58、He lay with face upward, having kicked toweling coverlet to one side. ─── 他仰躺着,将毛巾被踢在一旁。

59、Well, where's my towel? That's what I want to know. ─── 喂,我的手巾在哪儿?这个我得要知道哇。

60、She embroidered a flower on a towel. ─── 她在毛巾上绣花。

61、He knotted a towel about his neck. ─── 他把毛巾系在脖子上。

62、Implement the New National Standard of Toweling Paper, Adapt the Demand of Market ─── 贯彻纸巾纸新国标,适应市场要求

63、Wrap hot towel over shower cap. Leave on for 10mins. ─── 再用热毛巾将淋浴帽一起包裹10分钟。

64、NHL fines Senator for waving towel? ─── NHL的参议员挥舞着毛巾罚金?

65、You're gonna be walking around in a towel. ─── 你就只好裹着毛巾上街了。

66、Do towel the children down very thoroughly, they're wet to the skin and might catch cold! ─── 一定要用毛巾把孩子们彻底擦干,他们浑身湿透了,说不定会着凉的。

67、He is toweling off lustily on the side of the pool. ─── 他在游泳池边使劲擦干身体。

68、The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs. ─── 太太粉快的包个浴巾就跑下楼去应门。

69、Each towel included has a different design. ─── 内含的每条毛巾设计都不一样。

70、He was toweling off lustily on the side of the pool. ─── 他在游泳池边使劲擦干身体。

71、He had a towel over his shoulder. ─── 他肩膀上搭着一块毛巾。

72、She bound up her hair in a towel. ─── 她用毛巾把头发包了起来。

73、He gave his face a quick rub with a towel and went off to work. ─── 他用手巾胡噜了一把脸就上工了。

74、He dries himself off with a towel. ─── 他用一条毛巾擦干身子。

75、Seek warmth with towel posture. ─── 使用毛巾找温暖阵。

76、"Here, Carlisle," Alice said, handing him a towel. ─── “给,卡莱尔。”艾丽丝说,给他递了条毛巾。

77、After his swim he dried himself with a towel. ─── 他在游泳以后,用毛巾擦干身子。

78、He vowed he would never throw in the towel. ─── 他发誓决不认输。

79、She wrapped her hair up in a towel. ─── 她用毛巾把头发包起来。

80、Don't forget your swimming things,ie swim suit,towel,etc. ─── 别忘了带游泳用品,象游泳衣,毛巾,等等。

81、He mopped her forehead with a towel. ─── 他用毛巾擦她的前额。

82、He opened the bag, which contained a razor, soap and a towel. ─── 他打开袋子,里面有一把剃须刀,一块香皂和一条毛巾。

83、Why should female menstruation take sanitary towel? ─── 为什么女的月经要带卫生巾?

84、He had a towel wound round his head. ─── 他头上箍着条毛巾。

85、I'm sorry to disturbed you. May I come in to add a bath towel? ─── 不好意思,打搅你了。我可以进来补一条浴巾吗?

86、He sawed the towel across his back. ─── 他拉锯般用毛巾擦背。

87、It needs a little more patience. Don't throw in the towel. ─── 别放弃,这需要多一点耐心。

88、She damped a towel and wrapped it round his leg. ─── 她弄湿毛巾,把它裹在他的腿上。

89、He went on talking, occasionally wiping at his face with a towel. ─── 他继续说着, 偶尔用毛巾擦一下脸。

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