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09-04 投稿



ennobling 发音

英:[??n??bl??]  美:[??no?bl??]

英:  美:

ennobling 中文意思翻译



ennobling 词性/词形变化,ennobling变形

名词: ennoblement |动词现在分词: ennobling |动词过去式: ennobled |动词第三人称单数: ennobles |动词过去分词: ennobled |

ennobling 短语词组

1、ennobling definition ─── 崇高的定义

2、ennobling meaning ─── 崇高的意义

3、ennobling synonym ─── 崇高的同义词

4、ennobling means ─── 高尚的手段

5、ennobling passion ─── 高尚的激情

6、ennobling define ─── 崇高的定义

ennobling 相似词语短语

1、enabling ─── v.(使)能够;(使)成为可能;启动,激活;允许……的(enable的现在分词);adj.授权的;有条件完成的

2、undoubling ─── vt.使松开;使伸直;使不再成倍;vi.展开;伸直;不再成倍

3、eco-bling ─── 环保布林

4、snobling ─── n.势利的年轻人

5、kennelling ─── 犬舍

6、enfeebling ─── v.使衰弱;使无力(enfeeble的现在分词);adj.导致衰弱的

7、ennoble ─── vt.使…成为贵族;使…高贵;授予爵位

8、unnobling ─── 未命名

9、disennobling ─── 解除意识

ennobling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the dignifying effect of his presence; the ennobling influence of cultural surroundings. ─── 他的出现的显赫效果;文化背景的显赫影响。

2、that your work, in whatever capacity it may be, is useful work, honestly conducted, and as such ennobling to your life. ─── 只有这样才能使你的生活变得熠熠生辉。

3、They had been poor themselves, and I have since been poor, and I quite agree with them that it is not an 15)ennobling experience. ─── 他们自己曾经历过穷日子,我也曾贫穷过,所以对于他们认为贫穷并不受景仰的观点,我十分认同。

4、They had been poor themselves, and I have since been poor, and I quite agree with them that it is not an 15) ennobling experience. ─── 他们自己曾经历过穷日子,我也曾贫穷过,所以对于他们认为贫穷并不受景仰的观点,我十分认同。

5、It is precisely herein that the role of art in ennobling and refining human nature finds its place in a meaningful social system. ─── 在这里很明确指出艺术在提升和精炼人类本性的职责在有意义的社会体系中找到了它的位置。

6、the dignifying effect of his presence; the ennobling influence of cultural surroundings ─── 他的出现的显赫效果;文化背景的显赫影响

7、They had been poor themselves, and I have since been poor, and I quite agree with them that it is not an ennobling experience. ─── 他们经历了贫穷的生活,我也曾经一直跟着他们受穷,我非常赞同他们的意见:贫穷绝不是一种高贵的生活体验。

8、To those honoured with your friendship this will by itself suffice to recall all the ennobling associations connected with your sex. ─── 对于那些以您的友谊为荣的人而言,这本身就足够使和女性相关联的那些协会变得高尚起来。

9、Robes, it is a mark of being civilized to put ennobling customs ahead of creature comfort. ─── 这是文明的标志:将高贵的习俗置于人身的舒适之上。

10、It is precisely herein that the role of art in ennobling and refining human nature finds its place in a meaningful social system. ─── 在这里很明确指出艺术在提升和精炼人类本性的职责在有意义的社会体系中找到了它的位置。

11、To rise up and fight against these and other forms of inequity is not only proper, but ennobling. ─── 对各种各样的不平表示不满并与之抗争,不但应该,而且值得激赏。

12、Robes, it is a mark of being civilized to put ennobling customs ahead of creature comfort. ─── 这是文明的标志:将高贵的习俗置于人身的舒适之上。

13、Life had knocked them around, but for a brief moment they were being refreshed by an ennobling experience. ─── 生活让他们不得不辛苦劳作,但是在这一刻他们的生命被重新注入了力量。

14、They had been poor themselves, and I have since been poor, and I quite agree with them that it is not an ennobling experience. ─── 他们自己饱受贫困之苦,我也曾生活在贫困之中,因此,我和他们都一致认为这并非一个高尚的经历。

15、All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom. ─── 它们的作用是使人生变得高尚,使人生超越唯物存在的藩笼、以到达自由(大自在)。

16、One who, with the ennobling influences in Jupiter, brings much of this world's goods to the use of self and of others in whom there may come the influence as is seen in the mental forces. ─── 由于源自木星的高贵力量,此个体将在这个世界获得的许多财物都用于可能影响自我和他人的精神力量上。(?)

17、Without the ennobling power, he princes and dukes would stumble. ─── 侯王无以(高贵)贞将恐蹶。

18、War, while sometimes necessary, is rarely ennobling. ─── 但是黑斯廷拒绝相信道德平等论。

19、But there is also something ennobling about the enterprise when it is done properly. ─── 但也有一些关于它的时候是做得好的企业崇高。

20、If God be with us, we are in ennobling company, even though we are poor and despised. ─── 若上帝与我们同在,即使我们贫穷,又受人藐视,也算不得什麽。

21、History, sociology, anthropology, music, and art relate to the uplifting of the person, the ennobling of individuals. ─── 历史、社会学、人类学、音乐、美术与提升人的崇高个人。

22、"It' s more than that, I'm afraid. By convention, tragedy requires an ennobling of the victim besides an unhappy ending. It also requires events of significance and dignity that transcend everyday life." ─── 不只如此吧。照传统的说法,除了悲惨的结尾之外,悲剧要求殉难者都是崇高的。还要求事件重大、神圣,超越寻常的生活。

23、They had be poor themselves, and I HAs since be poor, and I quite agree with them those it is not an ennobling experience. ─── 她们本人很穷,我后来一度也很穷,所以我很理解她们,贫穷是一种悲惨的历练。

24、Then, we find one with those high ennobling influences as come from both Jupiter and Mercury's influence. ─── 此个体所获得的高尚杰出的情操来源于木星和水星。

25、Poverty "is not an ennobling experience," said Rowling, whose parents grew up poor. "Poverty entails fear, and stress, and sometimes depression; it means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships." ─── 贫困“不是一个有多值得荣耀的经历,”她说,她父母就是在贫穷中长大。“贫穷使人承担恐惧和压力,有时候甚至是绝望;它意味着很多很小的屈辱和艰难。”

26、In some ways it was an ennobling influence. ─── 在某些方面,这起到了圣洁的作用。

27、The parks can be simultaneously humbling and ennobling. ─── 置身园里,你会同时感到渺小又伟大。

28、Outside the regenerative and ennobling pale of matrimony , he used her body. ─── 他在有传宗接代意义的庄严的婚姻关系以外,蹂躏了她。

29、an exalting eulogy; ennobling thoughts. ─── 鼓舞人的赞歌;激励人的想法。

30、Used two pillows to keep his head elevated), but it more often suggests exalting, ennobling, or raising morally or intellectually ─── 用两个枕头来抬高他的脑袋),但它更经常地含有使崇高、使高贵或在道德上或智力上提高的意思

31、The dignifying effect of his presence; the ennobling influence of cultural surroundings. ─── 他的出现的显赫效果;文化背景的显赫影响。

32、If our hearts go out in love to all with whom we come in contact, we inspire love, and the same ennobling and warming influences of love always return to us from those in whom we inspire them. ─── 而从珍博士身上,最值得我敬重和学习的,是老人家追求理想时所表现出的那份执着和坚定。

33、Then one of high ennobling life and manner of manifesting same in the earth's plane. ─── (受此影响),一种高尚的生活和落实的态度被此个体同样带入了地球的平面中。

34、the dignifying effect of his presence; the ennobling influence of cultural surroundings. ─── 他的出现的显赫效果;文化背景的显赫影响。

35、So much talent; so many men of genius; such ennobling idealism. ─── 如此多的天才,如此多富有天才特征的人们,那么多崇高的理想主义者。

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