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09-04 投稿



dozy 发音

英:['d??z?]  美:['dozi]

英:  美:

dozy 中文意思翻译



dozy 网络释义

adj. 想睡的,困倦的;愚蠢的

dozy 词性/词形变化,dozy变形

副词: dozily |形容词比较级: dozier |名词: doziness |形容词最高级: doziest |

dozy 短语词组

1、cozy dozy ─── 尾剂量

dozy 相似词语短语

1、cozy ─── adj.舒适的,温暖的;友好的,亲密无间的;密切的,互相勾结的;轻易得到的(但不一定是恰当的);不提出(或不接受)挑战的;n.(茶壶的)保温罩;(角落里的)带蓬双人座;v.(非正式)使感到舒适,使得意

2、dogy ─── n.失去母牛的牛犊(等于dogie)

3、doozy ─── n.极好的东西;adj.非常显眼的;非常出色的人的

4、doty ─── adj.腐朽的

5、domy ─── 圆屋顶的;有穹顶的

6、doby ─── n.土坯;土坯房(等于adobe);adj.用土坯制成的

7、dopy ─── adj.迟钝的;愚蠢的;被麻醉的;n.药瘾

8、dowy ─── 道指

9、dory ─── n.海鲂;平底小渔船;n.(Dory)人名;(法)多里

dozy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Maybe I eat too much and that's what makes me dozy. ─── 可能是我吃得太多了,所以有昏昏欲睡的感觉。

2、You're sleepy and dozy, ─── 你感觉有些困了,

3、Come on,you dozy lot use your heads! ─── 快点,你们这群笨蛋--开动脑筋嘛!

4、Later, that dozy embrace solidified in his memory as the single moment of artless, charmed happiness in their separate and difficult lives. ─── 这个慵懒的拥抱凝固为他们分离岁月中的甜蜜回忆,定格为他们艰难生活中的永恒一刻,朴实无华,由衷喜悦。

5、Bloggs shook him roughly ."Wake up, you dozy bastard, wake up!" ─── 布洛格斯用力摇着他说:“醒醒,快醒醒,你这瞌睡虫

6、Everyone is so dozy. ─── 每头狮子都混混欲睡。

7、That immediate caffeine buzz wakes me up, and makes me think “Hey, I’m fine, I was just a bit dozy first thing. ─── 咖啡让我立即清醒,让我觉得“我很好,我只是有一点小困。”

8、Dozy Britons accidentially drop 885,000 mobile phones down the toilet each year. ─── 昏昏欲睡的大不列颠人每年不小心掉进厕所里的手机数为88.5万只。

9、2.I'm feeling a bit dozy this afternoon. ─── 今天下午我觉得有点困.

10、I'm feeling a bit dozy this afternoon. ─── 今天下午我觉得有点困。

11、Bloggs shook him roughly, "Wake up, you dozy bastard, wake up!" ─── 布洛格斯用力摇着他说:“醒醒,快醒醒,你这瞌睡虫!”

12、Later, that dozy embrace solidified in his memory as the single moment of artless, charmed happiness in their separate and difficult lives. ─── 说着摇了摇杰克的身子,推了推他,然后在黑暗中离开。

13、Is he still dozy when he has his cuddle in the morning? ─── 问:早上拥抱的时候它还是睡眼惺松的吧?

14、Dozy Britons accidentally drop 885, 000 mobile phones down the toilet each year. ─── 昏昏欲睡的大不列颠人每年不小心掉进厕所里的手机数为88.5万只。

15、I'm feeling a bit dozy this afternoon. ─── 今天下午我觉得有点困。

16、Soft sofa lets a person cannot help dozy above. ─── 柔软的沙发让人忍不住就想睡在上面。

17、These time, I always am insomnia. It is very dozy originally, but brain should consider an issue namely. How to also sleep to be not worn. ─── 这些时间,我总是失眠。本来是好想睡的,可大脑就是要去想事情。怎么也睡不着。

18、Come on, you dozy lot use your heads!. ─── 快点,你们这群笨蛋--开动脑筋嘛!.

19、9 see joke: A day, I finish evening shift very dozy shut-eye. ─── 9看笑话: 一天,我下夜班非常想睡一觉。

20、Why late at night have a headache afflictive but not dozy still? ─── 为什么夜深了头痛难受但还不想睡?

21、Made from hypoallergenic, eco-friendly bamboo fabric, Dozy Dolphin is the perfect bedtime companion for children of all ages. ─── 是由低变应原,不破坏生态环境的竹纤维制成,催眠海豚是所有年龄的小朋友睡觉时最佳的伙伴。

22、"I am experienced personally, " John says, "When I am not dozy, mom slants want my go to bed; ─── “我是亲身体会到的,”约翰说,“我不想睡的时候,妈妈偏要我上床;

23、Dozy, Reinhart Pieter (Anne) ─── 多济

24、Why late at night have a headache afflictive but not dozy still? ─── 为什么夜深了头痛难受但还不想睡?

25、He always is very loath ground was held in the arms, had crossed a body, grumbling: "Wife, I am too tired, very dozy. ─── 他总是很勉强地抱了一下,便翻过身去,咕哝着:“老婆,我太累了,好想睡。”

26、That immediate caffeine buzz wakes me up, and makes me think "Hey, I'm fine, I was just a bit dozy first thing. " ─── 咖啡让我立即清醒,让我觉得“我很好,我只是有一点小困。”

27、Dozy Dolphin is an interactive plush toy that plays fun sounds when your children want to play, and plays soothing sounds when they are ready to sleep. ─── 催眠海豚是一款互动的毛绒玩具,发出有趣的声音,在小朋友准备入睡时,都会想要去听听舒缓的声音。

28、a tired dozy child; ─── 疲倦的、想要睡觉的孩子;

29、FIRE insurance was not given much thought until the Great Fire of London alerted people to the danger of combining dozy bakers and wooden houses. ─── 在伦敦大火警示人们注意打盹的面包师傅与木结构房屋这一致命组合的危险之前,火灾保险从未受到多少重视。

30、At this moment, male host hit a yawn intentionally, put on a pair of dozy appearance to say to the wife: "Go, we sleep go. ─── 这时,男主人故意打了一个哈欠,装出一副想睡的样子对妻子说:“走,咱们睡觉去吧。

31、Come on, you dozy lot use your heads! ─── 快点,你们这群笨蛋--开动脑筋嘛!

32、4 it is brief unconsciousness or be addicted to sleep: Judgement ability drops, unusual forgetful, abrupt disposition changes, befuddled and dozy, this is local the symptom that is short of blood. ─── 四是短暂的意识不清或嗜睡:判断能力减退,异常的健忘,突然的性格变化,昏昏沉沉想睡,这都是局部缺血的症状。

33、Mr Kingman's performance was described by committee members as "dozy" and "discourteous" . ─── 委员会成员将Kingman的工作表现描述为“昏昏欲睡”“失礼鲁莽”。

34、Corrupt sleep: Sleep particularly sweet, had slept enough time is dozy still, or often yawn reaching the sky, eliminating too fatigue circumstance to fall, it is the evidence of fat arrival. ─── 贪睡:睡觉非凡香,已经睡了足够的时间还想睡,或者经常哈欠连天,在排除过于疲惫的情况下,是肥胖到来的迹象。

35、* Come on, you dozy lot use your heads! ─── 快点, 你们这群笨蛋--开动脑筋嘛!

36、The affected students felt dozy and vomiting, he added. ─── 他还表示,受影响的学生感到困倦,有呕吐的感觉。

37、Mrs Patmore: Daisy , What's wrong with you? You're always dozy, but tonight you'd make Sleeping Beauty look alert. ─── 帕特莫太太:你这是怎么啦?你一向迷迷糊糊,不过今晚就连睡美人看上去都比你警觉。

38、A Preliminary Investigation into the Brain Wave Characters of Car Drivers at Dozy State ─── 汽车驾驶员瞌睡状态脑电波特征的初步探索

39、made drowsy by the long ride; it seemed a pity to disturb the drowsing (or dozing) professor; a tired dozy child; the nodding (or napping) grandmother in her rocking chair. ─── 被长时间的乘车弄得昏昏欲睡;去打搅那个打瞌睡的教授好像不太好;疲倦的、想要睡觉的孩子;躺在摇椅上打瞌睡的奶奶。

40、These time, I always am insomnia. It is very dozy originally, but brain should consider an issue namely. How to also sleep to be not worn. ─── 这些时间,我总是失眠.本来是好想睡的,可大脑就是要去想事情.怎么也睡不着.

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