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09-04 投稿


tint 发音

英:[t?nt]  美:[t?nt]

英:  美:

tint 中文意思翻译





tint 网络释义

n. 色彩;浅色vt. 染(发);给…着色n. (Tint)人名;(缅)丁

tint 短语词组

1、hypsometric tint ─── 分层设色

2、secondary tint ─── 二次着色

3、show a tint of jealousy ─── 微露妒意

4、automatic tint control ─── [电] 自动色调控制

5、bathymetric tint ─── 等深线色调

6、carbon black tint strength ─── 炭黑着色强度

7、oxidation tint ─── 氧化色

8、altitude tint legend ─── 高度着色图例

9、may myat bhone tint may myat bhone ─── 色调

10、tint B ─── [医] 色调B度(测定X线量的纸碟的色调)

11、diffuse tint ─── 漫反射色调

12、neutral tint ─── 中性色调

13、have no tint of fear ─── 一点也不怕

14、talk that tint ─── 谈那个色调

15、air tint ─── 空气色调

16、aqueous tint ─── 水性着色剂

17、flat tint n. ─── 制服

18、best cool tint ─── 最佳冷色调

19、tint adjusting ─── 色调调整

tint 词性/词形变化,tint变形


tint 相似词语短语

1、tints ─── abbr.炮塔综合夜间热成像瞄准镜(TurretIntegratedNightThermalSight)

2、bint ─── n.女性;少女;n.(Bint)人名;(阿拉伯)宾特

3、hint ─── n.暗示;线索;vt.暗示;示意;vi.示意;n.(Hint)人名;(英)欣特;(法)安特

4、tinct ─── n.色彩;颜色;adj.染色的,着色的;vt.着色于;使有风味

5、int ─── abbr.整数,中断;国际组织(Internationalorganizations)

6、tinty ─── adj.多色彩的;色彩不调和的

7、dint ─── n.凹痕;vt.击出凹痕

8、lint ─── n.软麻布;线头;棉绒;vi.飞散出棉线

9、stint ─── n.节约;定额,定量;从事某项工作的时间;有限供给,有限的努力;滨鹬;一段时间;v.节省;限制;节约,吝啬;限量给;紧缩,节省

tint 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If does not have the money to buy that kind which Dupont may Li bear as far as possible to use the white or the tint, even if like this has the scratch is not that obvious! ─── 如果没钱买杜邦可丽耐的那种就尽量用白色或者浅色的,这样即使有划痕也不是那么明显!

2、the act of giving a light tint to the hair. ─── 一种让头发有轻一点的颜色。

3、Return value TInt The maximum length of data that the descriptor can represent. ─── TInt型常量描述符可表现数据的最大长度。

4、Light that hits this layer and then comes back out of the skin tends to contain a reddish tint . ─── 鉴于这层,然后回来点击出的皮肤色彩倾向带有红色。

5、Parameters TChar aChar The fill character. TInt aLength The number of fill characters to be appended. This value must be non-negative otherwise the function raises a USER 23 panic. ─── 填充字符将要填充的个数。这个值不可以是负值否则函数将抛出USER23异常。

6、ABuf A pointer to data to be copied TInt aLength The length of data to be copied. This value must be non-negative otherwise the function raises a USER 29 panic. ─── 将要被拷贝的数据长度。这个值不可以是符值,否则函数将抛出USER 29异常。

7、Flat tint: Any solid light colour produced by adding white to the colour.. ─── 实地淡色:加入白色所造成的任何实地颜色。

8、Rambo employed to liberate the survivors from the clutches of Major Tint in what may be one of his deadliest missions ever. ─── 兰博受命解救在坝提人控制下的幸存者,而这一任务可能是他的一个致命任务。

9、How large a body of Walden water would be required to reflect a green tint I have never proved. ─── 我从未找到证据证明要让瓦尔登的湖水略显绿色需要多大的一块面积。

10、You'll need the dark tint in the south. ─── 你们需要在黑暗的掩护下向南走。

11、Tests at the roadside showed the tint was illegal, police said. ─── 在路边的检查表明车窗颜色不合法,警察说。

12、The sea nettle,, for example, often has an orange or light brown coloring, octopus jellyfish have a blue or gray tint,, and the lion's mane jellyfish has a golden tint to it is like its namesake. ─── 例如,海荨麻常常具有橙色或浅褐色色彩,章鱼海蜇具有蓝灰色色彩,狮于鬃海蜇就像它的名字一样具有金黄色的色彩。

13、a liquid preparation used on wet hair to it a tint ─── 一种液体配制品,用于湿发染色

14、In late summer and autumn is seen the tint, which is the crowning beauty of the plain. ─── 在夏末及秋天看见的色彩,是平原无尽的美丽。

15、Previous attempts at switchable glass faced commercialization problems such as being too expensive, or having a yellowish tint that was unsuitable for cars or clear viewing). ─── 之前的各种可变换玻璃制品都在商业化上遇到了问题,例如过于昂贵,或者有一种微黄的颜色,不适于用作汽车及需要清晰视野的领域。

16、You can tint fondant red yourself or take the easy way and buy it already colored. ─── 您可以色彩翻糖红自己或采取简单的方式,购买它已经色。

17、A portion of the villagers and missionaries are tortured and viciously murdered, while Tint and his men hold the remainder captive. ─── 兰博这才得知援助人员并没能回返,他们被残暴的缅甸军人俘获,而大使馆却不愿出面寻找他们的下落。

18、Unlike most of his fellow cadres, he refuses to tint his graying hair with gobs of black dye. ─── 他也不像自己的同事一样把半白的头发全部染黑。

19、Wedding show a tint of local convention in rural . ─── 丹麦人的婚礼带有当地传统的色彩。

20、She tint each flower in her painting a different color. ─── 她将画里每一枝花都画成不同的颜色。

21、The landscape looks dull, with hills, sky and forest forming a single gray color, like the light tint an artist paints on a canvas before the masterwork. ─── 四周气象萧疏,丘陵、天空和森林灰蒙蒙一片,仿佛水彩画家完成其杰作之前涂在画布上的一层淡淡的色彩。

22、The pattern so used is also called Benday tint which is now better known as Screen tint. ─── 他所用的图案亦称为本戴淡色调,但现在则称为平网色调。

23、Based on the fuzzy segmentation of an image into shadowed and unshadowed regions,shadows are compensated and remov ed using the fuzzy retinex while the natural tint of original image is retained. ─── 基于影像阴影区域、非阴影区域的模糊划分 ,该算法在保持原影像自然色彩的前提下补偿和消除了阴影的不良影响 .

24、For a sheer coral cheek tint, squeeze a small amount onto your finger tips, smile and dab onto the apple of your cheeks. ─── 想要散发淡淡珊瑚红韵的两颊,只需要挤少珊瑚啫喱腮红量于指尖,对着镜子微笑,轻轻点拍到最适合上腮红的位置。

25、She was dressed to play golf, and I remember thinking she looked like a good illustration, her chin raised a little jauntily, her hair the color of an autumn leaf, her face the same brown tint as the fingerless glove on her knee. ─── 她穿的是打高尔夫球的衣服,我还记得我当时想过她活像一幅很好的插图,她的下巴根神气地微微翘起,她头发像秋叶的颜色,她的脸和她放在膝盖上的浅棕色无指手套一个颜色。

26、The concentric stone circles that make up Stonehenge, 130 km southwest of London, consist of giant sandstone blocks and smaller bluestones-volcanic rock of a bluish tint with white fleck s. ─── 同心圆式的巨石摆成的圈构成了壮观的巨石阵,它位于伦敦西南130公里的地方,由巨大的沙石块和较小的蓝砂岩构成,蓝砂岩即带有白斑的蓝色火山岩。

27、It comes in three shades, including a green tint that looks alarming at first, but which is surprisingly effective at toning down redness. ─── 它有三个颜色层次,包括淡绿色咋看很吓人,但是在红色调下却是惊人的有用。

28、a liquid preparation used on wet hair to it a tint. ─── 一种液体配制品,用于湿发染色。

29、I don't like blue with yellowish tint. ─── 我不喜欢蓝色带有黄色。

30、By tint of a kind of computer language MATLAB,the binary parameters is correlated,stability of original liquid is checked, liquid-phase splitting calculation and simulation of heterogeneous azeotropic distillation are performed. ─── 利用MATLAB语言强大的数值计算功能,对文中参数的拟合、液相稳定性测试、液液相平衡分离、模拟计算的程序进行了编写。

31、In manufacture process of tint phenolic paint, cooling in linseed oil prevents retrogradation. ─── 介绍溶剂法制浅色酚醛漆料工艺中,采用亚麻油内冷却防止漆料胶化的方法。

32、This is the most restful tint for the eyes. ─── 只有这种颜色才能使眼睛得到最大程度的休息。

33、But many conservatives in Japan are pushing for that light to be switched to a different tint. ─── 但是,日本的一些保守派正在使这束光有些不一样的色彩。

34、Do you want a moisturizer with just a tint of color? ─── 您是否想要一个有颜色色彩的润肤霜?

35、Instead of real-time lighting use VertexPaint to lighten, darken or tint faces to suggest lighting situations. ─── 使用节点着色来代替实时的灯光照明。

36、Example: if you have a scene in a forest, every color should have a slight green tint or the painting is not going to look believable and unified enough. ─── 例如:如果在深林里有一个场景,它的每种颜色都会略带绿色,否则你的画就会变得不可信。

37、Bleach or tint (parts of the hair) so that it reflects the light. ─── 将(部分头发)染成浅色使之有光泽。

38、Vessel of divine wood king rose to hold the action of the poisonous insect namely, still pass a point additionally sweet attract a poisonous insect, but took some of knight-errant tint (use experienced poisonous meritorious service) . ─── 丁春秋的神木王鼎就是起了装毒虫的作用,另外还通过点香吸引毒虫,但带了些武侠色彩(用来练毒功)。

39、Chinese's young people like putting on the tint, the bright clothes to come and the age coordination, likes in the holiday putting on the red clothes specially, represents the good fortune overhead. ─── 中国人的年轻人喜欢穿浅色、明亮的衣服来和年龄配合,特别喜欢在节日里穿红色的衣服,代表红运当头。

40、I apply this to my lips and it gives them a slight pink tint. ─── 我把它涂在我的嘴唇上,会使嘴唇稍微有点儿粉。

41、Red comes in a variety of shades, with warmer shades laced with a yellow tint (such as vermillion) and cooler reds with a bluish tone (such as crimson). ─── 从暖色调偏黄的朱红到冷色调偏蓝的深红,这一系列渐进色都属于红色。

42、Indeed, ingesting excess silver can cause stomach distress, seizures, kidney damage and can turn skin a bluish-gray tint, a condition called argyria that is irreversible. ─── 事实上,吸入过量银有可能引起胃痛、痉挛、肾损伤,并且有可能造成银中毒,症状为皮肤变为不可恢复的蓝灰色。

43、Available in six sheer tints.Each tint works on multiple skin tones for simpler shade selection. ─── 我喜欢它可以显得气色好很多,还不会觉得有化妆哦。

44、Lattices prepared by emulsion polymerization generally are opaque and appear to be white with varying degrees of bluish or reddish tint, depending on the size of the polymer emulsion droplet. ─── 乳液聚合形成的晶格一般是不透明的,呈白色,从不同角度看去会有浅蓝色或浅红色,依赖于聚合物乳液滴的大小。

45、Is the colour the same to that of the tint plate provided by the customer? ─── 同客人提供的色板颜色是否相同

46、The suggestion with the tint and deep color matching, like the black, the bottle green, the dark blue is quite easy to feel dirty, must therefore certainly coordinate the white use. ─── 建议用浅色和深色搭配,如黑色、深绿色、深蓝色比较容易感到脏,所以一定要配合白色使用。

47、Multiple color printing inks, with tint effects, maximize potentials for customers to make exceptionally exquisite printed works. ─── 多种可供选择的彩色油墨,配备淡彩效果,最大限度的为客户提供创作空间,制作独具特色的精美印件。

48、She gave me instructions on how to apply the tint. ─── 她告诉我如何使用染发剂。

49、brass with enough copper to give it a reddish tint; used for plumbing pipe and other brass hardware and in cheap jewelry. ─── 因含足量铜而呈微红色的黄铜,用于管道作业及其他黄铜器具和廉价珠宝。

50、He appealed boldly for women's liberation,and showed deep concern over women's status,destiny and rights,bearing conspicuous tint of feminism. ─── 他并对妇女的地位、命运和权利表现出强烈的关切之情 ,思想具有鲜明的女性主义色彩。

51、You can't get up that naturalness and artless rosy tint in after days. ─── 你今后不再会有这种自然和朴实无华的红润脸色。

52、When you turn out the light to go to bed,everything in your bedroom will still be clearly vsible,only with a slightly bluish tint. ─── 当你关灯上床的时候,还是能够清楚地看见卧室里的一切,只不过所有的东西都是淡淡的暗蓝色的。

53、At the last, Samy blushed, a tint that was visible despite his very dark skin. ─── 听到最后一个问题,萨米脸红了,虽然他的肤色深,但脸上的红晕还是清晰可见。

54、Also seen with a yellowish tint but not quite as bright as Mars, the giant star Aldebaran anchors the V-shaped Hyades star cluster left of center, above the trees. ─── 影像中还能看到一颗泛着黄光,但不及火星亮的星星,那就是巨星毕宿五,它是影像中央左侧,树林上方V型毕宿星团的支点。

55、And their country weddings also show a tint of local convention. ─── 丹麦的乡村婚礼也带有当地传统的色彩。

56、She had a tint. ─── 她染头发了。

57、In geography this holistic tint is achieved in three ways: man-environment relationship, spatial and process studies, and regional geography. ─── 在地理学中,整体性是通过三种研究传统和兴趣达到的:人-境关系的传统;空间与过程的研究;区域地理学的传统。

58、She showed no tint of fear. ─── 她没有露出一点害怕。

59、An imparted color; a tint. ─── 带上的颜色;色泽

60、While this year's famous Tokyo Motor Show will feature cars of all sizes - many, whatever their paint color, will have a tint of green figuratively. ─── 今年东京车展中展示大小不同的车子,但不管他们汽车的外观是什麽颜色,都有著象徵绿色环保的色彩。

61、BPA-Free: This bottle is made from Polyether Sulphone (PES) - a BPA-Free material with a natural honey-colored tint. ─── 不含BPA,这个奶瓶用PES塑料制成,不含BPA,奶瓶是一种天然的蜂蜜色。

62、When you turn out the light to go bed, everything in your bedroom will still be clearly visible, only with a slightly bluish tint. ─── 当你关灯上床的时候,还是能够清楚地看见卧室的一切,只不过所有的东西都是淡淡的暗蓝色的。

63、How to take affection tint and objectively look upon problem? ─── 如何不带情感色彩而客观地看待问题?

64、In the case of jump tint, reprinted leucogranites deep dark to blot out the. ─── 如不后印浅色,再印浅色以浅盖住浅色。

65、Among them, the neutral color always is the mainstream color, but if it matches appropriately, the deep color, the tint all may achieve the ideal effect. ─── 其中,中性的颜色一直是主流颜色,但如果搭配得当,深色、浅色都可达到理想效果。

66、It is well known that a large plate of glass will have a green tint, owing, as the makers say, to its "body," but a small piece of the same will be colorless. ─── 大家都知道,大块的玻璃会略显绿色,据玻璃工讲是由于玻璃面积大;如果是一小块,就没有颜色了。

67、Often times successful tint shops also open car tinting branches in neighboring cities. ─── 不过,可以肯定的是分公司签订一项成功调色业务.

68、Its upper parts are olive-green and the underparts are yellow with an ochre tint to the breast. ─── 它身体的上部是橄榄绿色的而下部是黄色的,胸部有一点淡赭色。

69、Lip treatment to moisturize and protect from dryness.Adds a tint of fruity color to your lips.Fresh fruity floral fragrance. ─── 使唇纹及暗沉不明显,防止唇部干荒的护唇膏,散发水果般轻柔色彩,添加洋溢幸福氛围的甜美香味。

70、The time of tint on copper surface is decreased without changing the color, lustre and wearability of the film.The tint on the surface with more complicated shape was also studied primarily. ─── 在保证色泽,耐磨性不变的情况下,缩短了在纯铜表面着古铜色的时间,并对形状较为复杂的构件初步研究了其着色方法。

71、My days of old have vanished, tone and tint. ─── 我昔日的风采和荣誉已经消失。

72、But don't get obsessed -- overbleached teeth assume a gray tint. ─── 但是不要迷上使用--过度漂白的牙齿会蒙上一层灰色。

73、Tint icing with food coloring as desired; cover surface with plastic wrap until ready to use. ─── 根据需要,用食用色素为糖霜酥皮着色,此外,在使用糖霜酥皮之前,请用保鲜膜盖住。

74、The picture of human life in the market-place, though its general tint was the sad gray, brown, or black of the English emigrants, was yet enlivened by some diversity of hue. ─── 市场上的这幅人生图画,虽说基调是英国移民的忧伤的灰色、褐色和黑色,也还固间有一些其它色彩而显得活跃。

75、As you see this portrait has two main problems, the slight yellow tint of the teeth and the gaps between some of them. ─── 正如你所看到的,这幅肖像图主要有两个问题,牙齿上的淡黄色和某些牙齿间的缝隙。

76、At the same time,duty decision ways of often fault as warp streak,chicken paw prints,color difference,tint mark,bore,color bar,streakiness. ─── 同时对常见疵病如经柳、鸡爪印、色差、色点、破洞、色档、条花等的责任判定方法以实例进行了说明。

77、Its large leaves often show a delicate purple tint. ─── 它的大叶子常现出一种柔和的淡紫色。

78、It was impossible to miss, so bright Tom's faceplate automatically polarized to maximum tint, and it was still hard to look at. ─── 不可能错过,太亮了,汤姆的面罩自动偏振尽可能使颜色变暗,但仍然很难注视。

79、In the rubber compounds filled with carbon blacks of negative tint residual, the free rubber has a narrower molecular weight distribution. ─── 对负着色残差的炭黑(聚集体尺寸分布较宽),可溶胶分子量分布较窄;

80、His face, which carried the entire tale of his years, was of the brown tint of Dublin Streets. ─── 他那饱经风霜的脸像都柏林街道那样黝黑。

81、When due allowance was made for habitat differences, they found that species which relied on a class of chemicals called carotenoids to tint their feathers fared worse when there was more radioactivity around. ─── 他们发现:当栖息地间的辐射量不同,且周边辐射严重时,依赖于一种叫类胡萝卜素的化学品来给它们羽毛上色的鸟的情况比较糟糕。

82、Today salt-loving bacteria thrive in brine pools on the dry lake bed, lending a blood-red tint in this aerial view. ─── 如今,喜爱盐分的宅细菌在干涸湖床上的咸水池里繁茂生长,使得这幅空拍画面带着血红的色彩。

83、Our country current criminal procedure law on the procedure law on the prosecuted's right to learn the truth is tint good perfect, it needs strengthening and improving. ─── 我国现行的刑事诉讼法关于被追诉人知情权的规定尚存不足,需要强化并改进。

84、Says from the color, puts on the tint or the white is most ideal. ─── 从颜色上来讲,穿浅色或白色最为理想。

85、Flat tint Any solid light colour produced by adding white to the colour.See Tint. ─── 实地淡色加入白色所造成的任何实地颜色。参阅淡色。

86、When you turn out the light to go to bed, everything in your bedroom will still be clearly visible, only with a slightly bluish tint. ─── 当你关灯上床的时候,还是能够清楚地看见卧室里的一切,只不过所有的东西都是淡淡的暗蓝色的。

87、The silver tint in the clouds of doubt. ─── 成功是疑云中透出一线银光。

88、We rose-tint our memories and put ourselves into self-affirming situations. ─── 我们美化了自己的记忆,把自己置于自我肯定的情境中。

89、How many skills went into the making of the tint and the kilns, into supplying the heat, the light and power, the belts, motors, and all the other things a mill requires? ─── 制造颜料,烘干需要的热量,照明,电力,传动带,电动机,一家工厂所需要的一切设备,等等,所有这一切需要多少技能?工厂里的清洁工也算我的前身吗?

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