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09-04 投稿



fez 发音

英:[fez]  美:[f?z]

英:  美:

fez 中文意思翻译



fez 网络释义

n. 土耳其毡帽n. (Fez)人名;(法)费;(西)费斯

fez 词性/词形变化,fez变形

名词复数: fezzes |

fez 短语词组

1、fez game download ─── 制作游戏下载

2、fez euphoria ─── 兴高采烈

3、fez video game ─── 制作视频游戏

4、ed sheeran fez game of thrones ed sheeran ─── 制作了《权力的游戏》

5、fez gomez ─── 制造戈麦斯

6、fez wow ─── 哇哦

7、fez game ─── 他玩游戏。

8、fez hat ─── 人造帽子

9、fez berlin ─── 柏林制造

10、fez z ─── 制造z

11、fez video game platforms ─── 制作视频游戏平台

12、fez the game ─── 赢得比赛

13、Fez (hat) ─── 费兹(帽子)

14、fez download ─── 已经下载了。

15、fez game engine ─── 制作游戏引擎

fez 相似词语短语

1、fe. ─── abbr.成人教育(furthereducation);远东(FarEast);灭火器(FireExtinguisher);外汇(foreignexchange)

2、-ez ─── abbr.电零点(electricalzero);东区(easternzone);n.(Ez)人名;(俄)叶兹

3、feh ─── int.(犹太人用语)(表示不赞成、不高兴或厌恶)呸

4、fem ─── abbr.阴性(feminine);女性(female);n.(Fem)(美、荷)费姆(人名)

5、fed ─── 联邦调查局人员

6、fee ─── n.费用;酬金;小费;vt.付费给……;n.(Fee)人名;(英、柬)菲

7、feg ─── 联邦政府

8、Fez ─── n.土耳其毡帽;n.(Fez)人名;(法)费;(西)费斯

9、bez ─── n.鹿角的第二叉;n.(Bez)人名;(德)贝茨;(法)贝;(意、捷)贝兹

fez 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、O que ela fez? Ela arrancou seus dentes. ─── 她 做 什 么 了? 她 拔 掉 了 他 的 牙 齿。

2、"He gave much money so that I could buy books in Fez, " wrote Ould T'wayr Al-Janna. ─── “他给了我很多钱让我在非斯买书,”乌尔德·瓦尔·艾尔亚娜写到。

3、Fez Summit Conference ─── 非斯首脑会议

4、After walking through the Sheesha Courtyard and past a classic Moroccan tiled fountain, you're ready for a trip to Fez or Marrakech. ─── 穿过水烟筒院落,经过一个摩洛哥式喷泉,你就好比到了非斯或马拉喀什。

5、Mind you this is a man who got lost in the Marrakech Medina. . . now if it had been Fez, we might have understood. ─── 值得一提,这男人曾经在梅迪纳的马拉喀什迷过路。如果这是菲斯的话,我们大概可以理解。

6、Fez is a city in Morocco. ─── 非斯是摩洛哥的一座城市。

7、Fez Bar is a versatile venue ideal for pre-dinner signature cocktails, after-dinner nightcap and late night lounging with friends or business associates. ─── Fez吧功能多样,既是享用餐前鸡尾酒的理想选择,亦可供餐后小酌,或在入夜后与三五好友相聚,与业务伙伴密谈。

8、O que ela fez? Ela fez sua mala. ─── 她 做 什 么 了? 她 整 理 手 提 箱 了。

9、O que ela fez? Ela terminou sua li??o de casa. ─── 她 做 什 么 了? 她 完 成 作 业 了。

10、O que ela fez? Ela abriu a porta. ─── 她 做 什 么 了? 她 打 开 门 了。

11、For centuries, trade bustled between their former capital, Fez, and cities on the western side of present-day Algeria, such as Oran. ─── 几个世纪来,前首都非斯和当今阿尔及利亚西部城市(如奥兰)贸易往来非常频繁。

12、The other replied with some hesitation, and shivering beneath his fez:-- "That's a real thing. ─── 那一个伸手到希腊帽子下面去搔头皮,迟疑不决地回答:“是呀,这东西一点不假。

13、After walking through the Sheesha Courtyard and past a classic Moroccan tiled fountain, you're ready for a trip to Fez or Marrakech. ─── 穿过水烟筒院落,经过一个摩洛哥式喷泉,你就好比到了非斯或马拉喀什。

14、Fez Bar opens for al-fresco lounging at 6pm until late, 7 days from April through the summer. ─── Fez吧自3月中旬起,每日6点开始向客人提供露天休闲服务,直至深夜。

15、Ela fez a mala. ─── 她 整 理 过 手 提 箱 了。

16、Lord Layard's latest book has a much jauntier image on its cover: a “happy eccentric” with a fez on his head, a monocle in his eye and a bunch of flowers in his hand. ─── 莱亚德勋爵的新书的封面上有一个更加神气活现的形象:一个幸福的怪人头戴小圆红帽,戴着单片眼镜,手上拿着一束鲜花。

17、A fez is a brimless felt hat, usually red, with a black tassel hanging from crown. ─── 土耳其毡帽就是一种无边的毡帽,通常是红色的,帽顶垂下一根黑色的穗子。

18、O que ele fez? Ele trabalhou no carro. ─── 他 做 什 么 了? 他 修 过 车 了。

19、Turkish fez ─── 土耳其帽

20、Q1: Tell us about the Fez Bar? ─── 请给我们介绍一下这个酒吧?

21、O que ela fez? Ela limpou o quarto. ─── 她 做 什 么 了? 她 打 扫 房 间 了。

22、Quem fez sua li??o de casa? ─── 谁 做 作 业 了?

23、This is the case with Casa Fez, a new house in Porto, Portugal, designed by architect ?lvaro Leite Siza Vieira. ─── 这是与卡萨非斯,在波尔图,葡萄牙,新房子由建筑师阿尔瓦罗西扎维埃拉莱特设计的情况。

24、O que ela fez? Ela carregou a mala. ─── 她 做 什 么 了? 她 取 手 提 箱 了。

25、is a city in Morocco. ─── 是摩洛哥的一座城市。

26、O que ela fez? Ela pegou algum dinheiro emprestado. ─── 她 做 什 么 了? 她 借 了 点 钱。

27、Though Fez's city council endorsed the mayor's proposed ban, it is unlikely to go into effect. Tolerance, for the time being, prevails. ─── 尽管非斯的市议会批准了市长的禁酒令,但不大可能会真正地得到实施。就目前而言,所有行为都要以宽容为重。

28、Titled the Handschar Division, the new unit was formed in France and had specially designed uniforms, including fez headwear. ─── ,“弯刀”师在法国组建完毕,这个师有着特殊的制服:包括回教徒的土耳其头巾。

29、O que ele fez? Ele ligou para seu amigo. ─── 他 做 什 么 了? 他 给 朋 友 打 电 话 了。

30、This is too bad, because her ditzy character really was Fez’s only chance at getting a dumb girl drunk enough to get laid. ─── 这样很不好,因为她傻乎乎的性格才是菲斯将一个笨女孩灌醉到足以上床的唯一机会。

31、Try stepping on dead animal hides in a tannery in Fez, Morocco, while standing waist-high in pigeon droppings. ─── 不然,到摩洛哥费兹的皮革工厂踩著兽尸的毛皮,顺便站在深度及腰的鸽粪堆里试试。

32、O que ela fez? Ela encomendou algo pelo telefone. ─── 她 做 什 么 了? 她 打 电 话 订 购 东 西 了。

33、O que ele fez? Ele fechou a porta. ─── 他 做 什 么 了? 他 关 上 门 了。

34、Now, the country's shifting mores are reflected in a proposed new look : long dresses, skirts below the knee and Ottoman-style fez caps. ─── 现在,土耳其不断变化的风俗体现在一种拟议中的新形象上:长连衣裙、过膝短裙,以及奥斯曼帝国风格的毡帽。

35、The bearded man had on a fez, the other's head was bare, and the snow had lodged in his hair. ─── 生络腮胡子的那个戴一顶希腊式的圆统帽,另一个光着头,雪花落在他的头发里。

36、O que ela fez? Ela explicou a li??o de casa. ─── 她 做 什 么 了? 她 布 置 作 业 了。

37、Quem fez sua mala? ─── 谁 整 理 过 手 提 箱 了?

38、fez gene ─── fez基因

39、O que ele fez? Ele dirigiu para o trabalho. ─── 他 做 什 么 了? 他 开 车 去 上 班 了。

40、O que ele fez? Ele dormiu. ─── 他 做 什 么 了? 他 睡 觉 了。

41、Try stepping on dead animal hides in a tannery in Fez, Morocco, while standing waist -high in pigeon droppings. ─── 不然,到摩洛哥费兹的皮革工厂踩著兽尸的毛皮,顺便站在深度及腰的鸽粪堆里试试。

42、Arab Peace Plan adopted at the Fez Summit Conference ─── 非斯首脑会议通过的《阿拉伯和平计划》

43、O que ela fez? Ela assistiu televis?o. ─── 她 做 什 么 了? 她 看 电 视 了。

44、They first started testing out songs together while on a trip to Fez, Morocco. ─── 舍莉-格林弗斯给你们做更多的介绍。

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