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09-04 投稿



liquefy 发音

英:[?l?kw?fa?]  美:[?l?kw?fa?]

英:  美:

liquefy 中文意思翻译



liquefy 短语词组

1、liquefy hemp ─── 液化大麻

2、liquefy semen ─── 液化精 ─── 液

3、liquefy means ─── 液化指

4、liquefy terps ─── 液化水

5、liquefy money ─── 流动资金

liquefy 词性/词形变化,liquefy变形


liquefy 相似词语短语

1、liquefying ─── n.液化;v.液化(liquefy的ing形式)

2、reliquefy ─── 重新液化

3、to liquefy ─── 液化

4、liqueur ─── n.利口酒;白酒;烧酒;香酒

5、liquefier ─── n.液化器;液化器操作工

6、cliquey ─── adj.小集团的

7、liquefied ─── v.(使)液化(liquefy的过去式及过去分词);adj.液化的

8、liquify ─── vt.液化;溶解(等于liquefy);vi.液化;溶解(等于liquefy)

9、liquefies ─── vt.液化;溶解

liquefy 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、In this paper, the authors researched the calculation method of one typical mixed refrigerant cycle to liquefy the natural gas. ─── 针对混合制冷循环液化天然气流程的热力学研究进行流程的系统模拟。

3、In three-phase scanning, no enhancement was seen in areas of liquefy and necrosis in vomica. ─── 三期扫描中脓肿腔内的液化坏死区均未强化。

4、a process that is used to liquefy nitrogen. ─── 用来使氮液化的过程。

5、an electrically powered mixer with whirling blades that mix or chop or liquefy foods. ─── 以电为动力的有旋转刃片的用来混合、劈切或融合食物的搅拌器。

6、If your refrigerator is too cold, some of the natural fats may harden.To liquefy, simply run warm (not hot) water over the bottle. ─── 如果你的冰箱太冻,可能会令瓶内的天然脂肪变硬。

7、You can liquefy the carbon dioxide to separate it from the other constituents. ─── 你可液化二氧化碳以使它与其他成分分离。

8、The minimum pressure required to liquefy a gas at its critical temperature is its critical pressure. ─── 使气体临界温度时液化所需要的最小压力就是该气体的临界压力。

9、Neapolitans still entrust their well-being to San Gennaro, whose blood is said to liquefy three times a year in a ceremony performed at the cathedral, and whose special task is to ward off volcanic eruptions from Mt Vesuvius. ─── 那不勒斯人仍旧把他们的健康幸福托付给圣吉纳罗,据说他的血在大教堂举行的仪式中每年要液化三次,而他的特别任务是防止维苏威火山的爆发。

10、Every one of the stolen electro-thermal stakes could produce highly functional heat in an instant at temperatures sufficiently high to liquefy the Earth's surface into flowing lava. ─── 所有失窃的电热桩,都能在瞬间产生高功能热量,高到可以把地表液化成熔浆。

11、Keywords Liquefy oil gas ball tank;Inspection;Safety assessment; ─── 液化石油气球罐;检验;安全评定;

12、Keywords pectiase;apple juice;crushing juice rate;liquefy; ─── 果胶酶;苹果汁;出汁率;液化;

13、Attempting to transfer liquid helium in non-vacuum jacketed piping can cause air surrounding the outside of the transfer pipe to condense and liquefy. ─── 试图把液氦转移到非真空夹层的管道会导致转移管道外部附近的空气浓缩和液化。

14、Then the clump would liquefy and start to drip and run off our hands. ─── 然后,这团混合物会液化,并开始从手中滴落出来。

15、a device that uses evaporative and condensing cycles to achieve extremely low temperatures,and is often used to liquefy gases ─── 利用汽化和凝结循环以获得极低温度的一种设备,常常用来使气体液化

16、The alternative is to liquefy the hydrogen at great expense and transport it in road tankers refrigerated with liquid nitrogen. ─── 一个替代的办法是以巨大的代价把氢气液化,并用带液氮冷却的罐车运输。

17、Using gas pipeline pressure to liquefy natural gas or ganerate electricity. ─── 利用气体管线压力液化天然气或发电。

18、Victims die of shock or liver failure within days; often their insides liquefy. ─── 感染该病毒的受害者将在数日内死于休克或肝功能衰竭,而通常情况下他们的内脏会液化。

19、A device that uses evaporative and condensing cycles to achieve extremely low temperatures,and is often used to liquefy gases. ─── 利用汽化和凝结循环以获得极低温度的一种设备,常常用来使气体液化。

20、The model gives rational expression to the phenomenen that some parts of coal are easy to liquefy but the others are not. ─── 这一模型能较好地描述同一煤中各组分液化难易程度的不同,也合理地解释了煤液化中表现反应活化能随转化率增加而上升的现象。

21、liquefy v. ─── (使)溶解;

22、Keywords medicinal fungi;liquefy;Momordica charantia residue;dietary fiber; ─── 药用真菌;液化;苦瓜渣;膳食纤维;

23、Keywords natural gas;purify;liquefy;refrigeration circle; ─── 天然气;净化;液化;制冷循环;

24、To liquefy, simply run warm (not hot) water over the bottle. ─── 只要把瓶放在温温的水里(不要太热)一会即可。

25、There were be reduced and liquefy and vanish on CT scan of the remaining tumors after thermochemotherapy. ─── CT扫描可观察到残留肿瘤减小、囊变及消融。

26、8.an enzyme produced by some strains of streptococcus that can liquefy blood clots by converting plasminogen to plasmin;used medicinally in some cases of myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism. ─── 由链球菌产生的一种酶,通过将血浆酶原转化为血浆酶来溶解血凝块,医学上有时用于心肌梗塞和肺栓塞。

27、Conclusion Internal negative pressure drainage in abdominal incision can prevent the incision from fat liquefy. . . ─── 结论切口内置负压引流可有效预防切口脂肪液化、裂开。

28、National energy firms rarely pay for the vast infrastructure needed to liquefy gas, ship it in freeze tanks and regasify it close to consumers. ─── 国有能源公司很少支付建造液化气体所需的庞大设备,通常是将液化石油气装在冷冻箱中海运并在靠近买方的地方再气化。

29、By using these enzymes, and their gnashing fangs, the spiders liquefy their prey's bodies and suck up the resulting fluid. ─── 它们用消化酶和螯枝把猎物的身体液化并吸干液化后产生的液体。

30、Such projects super-cool natural gas to liquefy it so it can be transported by ship to far-flung markets. ─── 该项目对天然气进行超低冷冻处理,使其能够依靠船只销售到更远的市场。

31、it would liquefy in the pan with a little oil. ─── 放在锅里,加上一点油就化了

32、It has been shown in much medical research that red wine is extremely good for your heart because it helps liquefy the blood preventing cholesterol build up. ─── 许多医学研究都证明红酒对心脏有好处,能增强血液循环,防止胆固醇生成。

33、Helium is _____all gases to liquefy and is impossible to solidify at normal air pressur... ─── 资料提示:当前阅读的是第 4 页 STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION l.

34、As the feed stream flows through the choke, the resulting J-T expansion and cooling causes some gas and most of the water vapor to liquefy. ─── 当原料气流过节流件时,产生焦耳-汤姆逊膨胀及降温,使部分气体和大部分水蒸汽液化。

35、They are gases, they cannot be seen, and they liquefy at very low temperature. ─── 三是影响企业文化,员工的频繁流失使精益文化和改善氛围难以建立及延续。

36、A device that uses evaporative and condensing cycles to achieve extremely low temperatures, and is often used to liquefy gases ─── 利用汽化和凝结循环以获得极低温度的一种设备,常常用来使气体液化。

37、Its purpose is to liquefy the semen to release sperm, freeing them to fertilize an egg. ─── 它的作用是溶解精液释放精子,使其易于和卵子受精。

38、Provide to try an article solid mutually disappear all liquefy of the temperatures are a whole Rong temperature. ─── 供试品固相消失全部液化时的温度作为全熔温度。

39、To liquefy or reduce to a plastic state by heating; melt. ─── 熔化通过加热变成液体或可塑状态;熔化。

40、The threshold values of each parameter affected to liquefy could be determined to evaluate the soil liquefaction. ─── 影响液化的每个参数的临界值能决定评估土壤液化。

41、The tremors liquefy the soggy layer like a blender, and the levee or wall can surf laterally for tens of yards, tearing the structure apart. ─── 震动会产生液化作用,像果汁机一样将湿润的土层液化,让海堤或防洪堤向侧面移动数十公尺之远,使得其结构瓦解。

42、All either heat up water to make steam, which drives a generator, or heat and liquefy a salt with a low melting point such as sodium nitrate that is used to make steam. ─── 而菲涅耳系统则利用比较便宜的平镜模仿抛物槽式系统。所有设计要么是给水加温制造蒸汽来驱动发电机,要么就是给低熔点的盐类(如硝酸钾)加温使之液化,用来制造蒸汽。

43、Unfortunately, an earthquake might liquefy the core of the dam. ─── 不幸地是,一次地震就可能将水坝的关键之处毁于一旦。

44、Liquefy dysfunction ─── 液化异常

45、a very light colorless element that is one of the six inert gasses; the most difficult gas to liquefy; occurs in economically extractable amounts in certain natural gases (as those found in Texas and Kansas) ─── 一种极轻的无色元素,六种惰性气体之一,最难液化,在天然气中有较为经济的可提取量

46、, using innovative biotechnology, utilizes naturally occurring bacteria and grease-cutting surfactant to liquefy wastes and keep drains free flowing. ─── 采用创新生物科技,利用天然产生的细菌和除脂表面活性剂溶解废物,保持管道畅通。

47、annul; chance; dislocate; disorder; liquefy; retain; rise; ─── 保留;溶解;取消;使混乱;偶然发生;上升

48、The threshold values of each parameter affected to liquefy could be determined to evaluate the soil liquefaction. ─── 影响液化的每个参数的临界值能决定评估土壤液化。

49、a very light colorless element that is one of the six inert gasses; the most difficult gas to liquefy; occurs in economically extractable amounts in certain natural gases (as those found in Texas and Kansas). ─── 一种极轻的无色元素,六种惰性气体之一,最难液化,在天然气中有较为经济的可提取量。

50、So isn't it a good investment to figure out ways to burn and liquefy coal that consume less energy and cause less pollution? ─── 比如,中国正在建造数百座新的火力发电站,因此,这种途径不也是一种研究煤燃烧和液化中怎样消耗更少能源并产生更少污染的一个好投资吗?

51、C (73 K), which is sufficient to liquefy air (oxygen, nitrogen and argon). ─── C(73金),这是足够的液化空气(氧气,氮气和氩气)。

52、Keywords cargoes which may liquefy;special danger factor;control measures; ─── 易流态化货物;特定危险因素;控制措施;

53、In a food processor, liquefy the tomato, tomato paste and cucumber. ─── 食物搅拌器中,加入西红柿,西红柿酱膏和黄瓜,搅拌,直到成液体.

54、To liquefy or reduce to a plastic state by heating;melt. ─── 熔化通过加热变成液体或可塑状态;熔化

55、to liquefy or reduce to a plastic state by heating; melt ─── 熔化;通过加热变成液体或可塑状态;熔化

56、1.(of vapor or steam) to condense; to liquefy; 2.(of liquid) to solidify; to congeal3.to concentrated attention ─── 凝

57、cargoes which may liquefy ─── 易流态化货物

58、I take my gas phase composition out and I re-liquefy it. ─── 把气相部分拿出来再液化。

59、Mr Buzek pins his hopes on techniques to liquefy or gasify coal, but they are not yet developed. ─── Buzek先生既希望于煤炭的液化和气化技术,但至今尚未突破。

60、used to liquefy air or oxygen etc.. ─── 用于液化空气或氧气等的。

61、Optimization of the Mixed Refrigerant Cycle to Liquefy the Natural Gas Based on Improved Simulated Annealing Algorithms ─── 基于改进模拟退火算法的混合制冷循环天然气流程优化

62、The Design and Research of an Experimetal Device about Intelligent Brake Which Can Make Electric Current Liquefy ─── 电流变液智能制动器实验装置的设计与研究

63、The results showed that the supercool limits of gases depended on pressure, the lower the pressure, the lower the supercool limit of gas, and the efficient way to liquefy gas was to increase pressure. ─── 结果表明,气体的过冷极限与气体的压力密切相关,压力愈低,气体的液化所需要的温度愈低;液化气体的有效方法是在对气体加压的同时降温。

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