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09-04 投稿



fuze 发音

英:[fju?z]  美:[fju?z]

英:  美:

fuze 中文意思翻译



fuze 词性/词形变化,fuze变形


fuze 短语词组

1、fuze well ─── 引信很好

2、Insensitive Munition Fuze Technology ─── 不敏感的弹药引信技术

3、Grenade Safety Fuze ─── 手榴弹安全引信

4、Improved Mine Fuze ─── 改进了矿井引信

5、Fuze Head Assembly ─── 福泽头大会

6、Fuze Management Board ─── 引信管理委员会

7、Fuze Test Vehicle ─── 引信试验车

8、Fuze Time Difference ─── 引信时差

9、Fuze Interface System ─── 引信接口系统

10、Insensitive Munition Fuze Technolog ─── 不敏感的弹药引信技术

11、Fuze Assembly Spares ─── 引信总成火花

12、Fuze Factor Correction ─── 引信因数校正

13、Fuze Desensitizing Cap ─── 引信脱敏帽

14、Fuze Delay Element ─── 引信延迟元件

15、Millimeter Wave Radar Fuze ─── 毫米波雷达引信

16、Fuze Automatic Test Equipment ─── 引信自动测试设备

17、fuze range ─── 引信范围

18、Fuze Cavity Liner ─── 引信空洞衬垫

19、capacitance fuze ─── 电容引信

fuze 相似词语短语

1、fuzes ─── n.引信;保险丝;导火管

2、faze ─── vt.打扰;使狼狈;折磨

3、fuse ─── v.融合,熔接;熔化;(使保险丝熔断而)停止工作;在(电路或电器)中安装保险丝;(使特质、思想等)结合,融合;n.保险丝,熔线;导火线,雷管;n.(Fuse)(美)富塞(人名)

4、furze ─── n.荆豆(等于whin);n.(Furze)人名;(英)弗兹

5、fuzz ─── n.绒毛;模糊;细毛;警员;vi.作绒毛状飞散;变成绒毛状;变得模糊;vt.使模糊;起毛

6、Druze ─── n.德鲁士教派穆斯林,德鲁士族;(修饰语)德鲁士族的

7、fuzee ─── n.火管信号;耐风火柴;引信线(等于fusee)

8、fume ─── v.对……十分恼火;冒烟,冒气;熏(尤指木材);n.刺鼻的烟;刺激性气味;水汽,薄雾;n.(Fume)(美)不免(人名)

9、fuzed ─── adj.装有保险丝的(同fused);v.(使)融合,熔接,结合;(使)熔化;(使)保险丝熔断而停止工作;给电器装保险丝(fuze的过去式和过去分词,fuze同fuse)

fuze 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、pseudo - random code phase - modulation fuze ─── 伪码调相引信

2、The analysis results obtained have shown that the performance of the intelligent air burst fuze system is very good. ─── 分析计算结果表明智能空炸引信提高了引爆概率。

3、Shanghai Fuze Environment Technology Co., Ltd. ─── 上海复泽环境科技有限公司。

4、A Lift Device for the Pole Test of a Radio Fuze ─── 一种无线电引信杆试验升降装置

5、Design of Remote Setting for Fuze Data ─── 引信信息遥控装定设计

6、The time calculation method can make time setting of the fuze in penetrating warhead reasonable. ─── 侵彻时间的计算可为合理地装定侵彻战斗部引信的延期时间提供定量的参考。

7、Attributes to the function for the case of fuze tolerance grades have been taken as examples. ─── 以引信公差等级指标为例构建了隶属函数。

8、This paper establishes a relatively considerate dynamic model and the equations of the fuze mechanism in view of the whole system including cannon, projectile, propellant and fuze. ─── 从弹、炮、药、引信全系统的角度 ,建立了引信机构的较为精细的动力学模型和动力学方程 ;

9、Fuze is the eye and brain of ammunition.The anticipative function of a new conceptweapon needs a certain kind of suited fuze technology for it. ─── 引信是弹药的“眼睛”和“大脑”,新概念武器的使用需要拥有与之相适应的引信技术。

10、Fuze automatically includes all related files to help prevent broken assemblies or missing parts. ─── Fuze将自动带上所有文件关联以防装配破坏或零件遗失。

11、Box has added the Fuze Meeting support as part of its OpenBox system, which allows users to share their files with a plethora of services. ─── Box已经添加了对FuzeMeeting的支持,并将其作为OpenBox系统的一部分,这个系统可以让用户在众多的服务上分享他们的文件。

12、Studies on Fractal Features of Sea Clutter of Fuze ─── 引信海洋回波信号的分形特性研究

13、The System Recognization and Runaway Model for Fuze ─── 引信的系统辨识及其失控模型

14、Working principle of pseudorandom code phase modulation CW fuze is introduced. ─── 分析了此体制下引信的抗侦察性能。

15、Self-destruction Technology for Bomblet Fuze ─── 子母弹子弹引信自毁技术

16、The fuze componental models are validated with a standard sphere.At the end, the development of the virtual prototype is described. ─── 并以标准球为目标信号验证了引信部件模型,最后简述了虚拟样机技术的发展趋势。

17、The Nonlinear Design of Fuze Video Amplifier ─── 引信视频放大器的非线性设计

18、Design of Inductive Fuze Setter with CPLD ─── 基于CPLD的引信感应装定器设计

19、Optical Active Surface Approach Fuze ─── 光学活性表面触发引信

20、Based on beam control technology of one-dimension phased-array fuze, the paper deduced the optimal burst angle and burst delay algorithm and researched an improved Kalman algorithm. ─── 基于一维相控阵引信的波束控制技术,推导了最佳起爆角和起爆延时算法,并研究了一种改进卡尔曼滤波方法在此算法中的应用。

21、The implementation of the material index of DFP for the fuze is analysed. The importance and measures in reducing materials cost and increasing the profit ispointed out. ─── 从引信可生产性设计(DFP)的角度出发,分析了引信DFP材料指标的实现,指出了材料在降低成本、提高利润决策中的重要地位及降低材料成本的措施;

22、MEMS will provide a technology support that other technologies could not do for development of fuze. ─── 微机电系统 (MEMS)将对引信的发展提供其它技术不可比拟的技术支撑。

23、In this paper,the characteristics of function,performance of planar microspring in MEMS fuze safety system are analyzed. ─── 分析了在MEMS引信安全系统中平面微弹簧的作用、性能等特点。

24、Portable Radio Fuze Telemetry Receivering System ─── 便携式无线电引信遥测接收系统

25、So it is important to research LEMP fields in theory and its effect on radio fuze which includes high integrate circuit. ─── 对其进行理论研究并对电子化程度较高的某型无线电引信展开电磁辐照效应实验具有重要的军事意义。

26、The cluttering area wherein the fuze antenna illuminates is distributed into small clutter cells and the clutter modeling is built up as the method of fuze target echo modeling. ─── 对天线照射区域内的杂波进行了分割,采用近似目标回波的处理方法对杂波进行了建模,并将该方法应用到引信目标模拟器中。

27、In the paper,digital radio frequency memory(DRFM) is applied to airborne radio fuze jammer to jam pulse distance-detecting fuze and pulse Doppler fuze. ─── 将数字射频存储器(DRFM)应用到机载无线电引信干扰机中用来对脉冲测距引信和脉冲多普勒引信进行干扰。

28、Pseudo-random code phase modulation fuze ─── 包络滤波

29、The principle of test equipment with the background of being used for laser fuze testing in the infield and outfield is introduced in this paper. ─── 以某激光引信内外场测试设备为背景,介绍了激光引信测试设备的工作原理和实现技术。

30、Time fuzes are the only fuze used for Base-Ejecting projectiles (e. g. , Illumination, ICM, SADARM) and smoke. ─── 只用于基地发射的弹种(比如,照明弹、改进型常规弹药、传感与破甲弹)和烟雾弹。

31、If the fuze is exposed or deposited in plastic box, the high frequency electrocircuit and normal function can be destroyed by strong lightning current. ─── 但是,如果使用塑料包装或拆除包装后,则附近的大电流雷电回击有可能造成其高频电路损坏并破坏其近炸功能。

32、Secondly, Fuze Yuji appeals that the government respect public feelings, meanwhile, public opinion supervise the government. ─── (2)福泽要求政府不要压制舆论,而应给舆论以自由之权,同时舆论还应有权监督政府;

33、Pseudo-random code phase-modulation fuze ─── 伪码引信

34、There was the little coil of pale hair which had been used as the fuze to this great explosion. ─── 里面有一小绺淡淡的毛发,它就是这场大爆炸的引信。

35、Different igniting delay could be used to solve the problem, if the fuze could automatically identify the conditions of missile-target meeting. ─── 如果引信能自行识别交会的状态,就可以采用不同的起爆延时,使问题得到解决。

36、For the fuze setback arming of a projectile, there are two main force environments, one is a projectile launched in the bore, and another is the force environment of the 1.5 m drop test of ammunition from the standard. ─── 对于弹药引信的后坐保险来说,主要的受力环境有两种,一种是弹丸在膛内的发射环境,另一种是标准规定的1.5m跌落试验环境。

37、Adding protection component to executive-circuit and replacing impressionable component can greatly improve the anti-interference ability of radio fuze without changing its working characteristics. ─── 在不影响引信工作特性前提下,采取增加防护器件和替换敏感器件的加固方法,可以提高引信抗干扰能力。

38、Fuze Function Naming and Function Chart ─── 引信功能命名与功能谱建立

39、The safety of the missile fuze is always one of the key performances during fuze design, production and operation. ─── 导弹引信安全性一直是引信设计、生产与使用过程中的关键性能之一。

40、According to the operations of antiarmed helicopter, attacking surface targets and antitank light armored vehicle, the superiority of electronic fuze is analyzed. ─── 介绍了在防空反武装直升机、对地目标和反坦克轻型装甲作战中,电子引信的优越性。

41、By using the initial data set to the fuze and the geomagnetism information detected by the magnetic sensor,the rotation angle is calculated through the rotation angle identification algorithm. ─── 建立了航用弹道修正弹滚转角辨识系统数学模型,利用向弹上引信装定的初始信息及磁阻传感器探测到的地磁信息,使用滚转角解算算法求出滚转角。

42、In the end, taking Changkong drone target and Drone 5 as examples, the EM scattering features of them are calculated out, which supplies a reference for radio fuze design. ─── 以长空靶机和靶5目标为例,计算了其近场散射特性,为无线电引信设计提供参考依据。

43、Design of Active Pulse Doppler Radar Fuze Test Set ─── 主动式脉冲多普勒雷达引信测试设备设计

44、has partnered with Fuze meeting to add real-time online meetings and screen sharing. ─── 已经与Fuze Meeting达成合作关系,为其网站添加实时在线会议和屏幕分享功能。

45、Principle Analysis of Base-band Fuze Detection ─── 基带雷达引信探测目标的原理分析

46、two-dimension canard trajectory correction fuze ─── 二维鸭舵弹道修正引信

47、A fuze delay functions 0.05 seconds after impact. A fuze delay allows penetration of dense woods and light earthworks. ─── 延时引信在炮弹着地后0.05秒引爆。用于炮弹穿透浓密的林木和轻型土木工事。

48、fuze electronic safety and arming system ─── 引信全电子安全系统

49、Another project recently released by Dassault / SolidWorks is n!Fuze. ─── 另一款产品是达索的SolidWorks最近发布的n!

50、NOS PowerShot is the latest version of NOS Energy Drink, a joint venture of FUZE Beverage and Holley Performance Products. ─── NOS的佳能是最新版本的NOS的能量饮料,一个合资企业的引信,饮料和华立性能的产品。

51、The principle of detecting metallic targets of MMW fuze is analyzed. ─── 分析了毫米波引信探测金属目标的机理;

52、integration of guidance system and fuze ─── 引制一体化

53、The computer also provides data to electronically set the shell's time fuze as it is fired so that it detonates after travelling the correct distance. ─── 弹道计算机同样在弹药发射时以电子方式提供数据设置弹药的引信时间以保证它在飞行正确的距离之后引爆。

54、Fuze is regarded as the detonating control system ofthe ammunition warhead,its safety and reliability play an essen-tial role in exerting the efficiency of the warhead and man- ma-chine safety. ─── 引信作为弹药战斗部的起爆控制系统,它的安全性和可靠性对战斗部效能的发挥和人机安全性起着至关重要的作用。

55、On the basis of analyzing the generality of an clectric fuze ,the safety time for destroying a fuze dud is calculated and given according to practical expevience. ─── 分析了目前装备三军电引信结构的共性,从引信电原理入手,根据实践经验,推算出处理瞎火弹的安全时间。

56、When the fuze is in working state, the effect from LEMP is dependent on working frequency and electrocircuit structure of the fuze and the geometry parameter of the pill. ─── LEMP场对工作状态的引信辐照实验结果表明:该型引信自差机的振荡功能和引信的近炸功能会受到影响,但LEMP场不会引起处于工作状态的该型引信早炸;

57、Programmable Intelligent Multi-Purpose Fuze ─── 可编程智能多用途引信

58、The laser Proximity fuze based on the AGC ─── 基于自动增益控制的激光近炸引信技术

59、Study on MEMS Sensor and Applications of Fuze ─── MEMS传感器及在引信中的应用研究

60、Virtual Test Techniques of Fuze Arming Distance ─── 引信解除保险距离的虚拟试验技术

61、The Testing Method Study of Fuze VSWR ─── 引信电压驻波比测试方法研究

62、Such property parameters contain small volume, short activation time and high energy density.Once the design is finalized, pyrotechnical battery is a perfect power source of shell fuze. ─── 实验结果表明:该电池具有体积小、激活时间短、能量密度高等优点,适于作为制导炮弹、炮弹弹道修正系统的弹上电源。

63、Analyzes the over-safety caused by zig-zag devices, putting forth the principle of zero-torque in designing fuze zig-zag devices and the specific measures for the implementation of the principle. ─── 分析了引信曲折槽保险机构过保险的原因,提出了引信曲折槽机构设计的零扭矩原则及实现该原则的具体措施。

64、Technology of Externally RF Power for Fuze ─── 引信体外射频电源技术研究

65、The corresponding cushioning measures were adviced for the circuit boards of hard target fuze, which were proved to be effective and reasonable by penetration tests. ─── 对硬目标侵彻引信电路体的缓冲提出了相应的措施,实验证明这些措施是合理有效的。

66、Study on the SNR of the receiver for laser fuze ─── 引信用激光接收机噪声分析研究

67、Starting from the fentures of a multi beam fragmentation focus warhead,this paper proposes researching a basic method for fuze warhead coordination characteristics. ─── 从多束破片聚焦式杀伤战斗部的特点出发,提出研究引战配合特性的基本方法,并以某双束聚焦式杀伤战斗部为例进行了应用计算。

68、The problem of fuze detonating height measurement is solved in theory and the executable method of the measurement is provided. ─── 从理论上解决了在假设条件下引信炸高测量问题,并给出了高度测量的具体运算方法。

69、Know your round types, fuze types, gun/battery types, sheaf options, and fire options, and take advantage of them. ─── 了解你方的炮弹种类,引信种类,火炮/炮兵连的种类,炮火射面和炮击方案,并好好利用之。

70、Non-Destructive Testing Method for Doppler Fuze ─── 多普勒引信无损实验方法研究

71、The design of Broadband Antenna for Fuze ─── 宽频带引信天线的设计

72、He shows me how to change fuze. ─── 他给我示范怎样换保险丝。

73、ESD damage and hardening of an electronic time fuze unit are studied by experiment. ─── 利用静电放电模拟器对某电子时间引信的电子部件的损伤及其防护加固进行了实验研究。

74、A Frequency Study on Raindrops Impacting on PD Fuze ─── 弹头引信碰雨频率研究

75、The scheme and data of the timing cut end stepstress ALT of a certain type of domestic radio fuze is introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍了国产某型号无线电引信定时截尾步进应力ALT方案与数据;

76、The subsystems correspond with fuze"s function status and related to the fuze"s function are ammunition emission flat,fire control subsystem,target control subsystem and warhead subsystem and so on . ─── 与其功能地位相当、且与引信功能相关的子系统包括弹药发射平台、火控子系统、命中控制子系统及战斗部子系统。

77、Intelligent Test for Delayed Time of Fuze ─── 引信延期时间的智能化测试

78、A Very Low Power Dissipation Electronic Time Fuze ─── 微功耗电子时间引信的研究

79、Applied Study of GPS Antenna Used in Fuze ─── 二维弹道修正引信用全球定位系统接收天线模式研究

80、The signal processor is a core circuit of a frequencyhopping fuze. ─── 信号处理器是跳频引信的一个核心电路。

81、The RGD-5 consists of a two-piece sheet-steel body joined by a circumferential crimp with a hermetically sealed fuze well. ─── 该RGD序列-5,分别由一个具有密封环卷曲引信以及加入了一两件板钢体。

82、Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards Test for Fuze ─── 引信电磁辐射危害试验方法

83、two -dimension trajectory correction fuze ─── 二维弹道修正引信

84、The Design of Magnetic Fuze System Based on MCU ─── 基于单片机的磁引信系统设计

85、Insensitive Munition Fuze Technology ─── 不敏感弹药引信技术

86、Fuze quick is effective against standing and prone personnel, armored and soft-skinned vehicles. ─── 可用于调整炮火和打击山脊上的目标。


88、Intelligent Test System for the Delay Time of Fuze ─── 引信延期时间智能测试系统

89、Capacitance fuze builds up a static electric field around the detecting electrode through the action of an oscillator . ─── 电容近炸引信是利用振荡器在探测电极周围建立一个静电场进行工作的。







防守方:毒气。WIFI 。

















波兰干员:进攻:苏菲,佐菲亚。防守:Ella 。




FUZE 咚咚咚、人质救援专家

ASH 五速无头怪


TWITCH 电车、尼姑


SLEDGE 大锤、王大锤



IQ IQ阿姨、IQ姐姐


CAPITAO 巴西队长、烤肉队长


JACKAL 脚气、豺豹

DOKKAEBI 手机妹、韩国妹



SOMKE 毒气、臭屁、骚话王


CASTLE 龙鳞板、黑叔叔


DOC 左轮庸医、兽医、医生

ROOK 送盒饭的(DOC和ROOK并称为法国双雄或者法国双怂)

KAPKAN 诡雷、绊雷

TACHANKA 机枪哥、吉祥物

JAGER 耶格、耶大头

BANDIT 皮卡丘(耶格和皮卡丘并称为德国双雄)



ECHO 死肥宅、肥宅





IQ寻子,心跳找妈 因为IQ的技能可以扫描到防守方的电子设备,现版本是15米,至少是20米,而心跳用仪器的时候会被IQ扫描到,并且他的距离只有10米,心跳扫描时不能用枪,而IQ则可以用手枪,谁是儿子谁是妈一目了然。另外你说的男鬼也是IQ的儿子。






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