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09-04 投稿



leniently 发音

英:[?li?ni?ntli]  美:[?li?ni?ntli]

英:  美:

leniently 中文意思翻译



leniently 词性/词形变化,leniently变形

副词: leniently |

leniently 反义词

severe |strict

leniently 同义词

gentle | pacific | relaxed | moderate | light | loose | unrestrained | humane | benevolent |merciful | easy | tolerant | lax | compassionate | forbearing | forgiving | soft | kind | mild | understanding | temperate | indulgent

leniently 相似词语短语

1、reticently ─── adv.沉默地,沉默寡言地

2、anciently ─── adv.以往,古代

3、leniency ─── n.宽大,仁慈;温和

4、obediently ─── adv.顺从地;服从地;忠顺地

5、plangently ─── 轻轻地刨

6、pendently ─── 悬而未决

7、sentiently ─── 有知觉的

8、lenient ─── adj.宽大的;仁慈的;n.(Lenient)人名;(法)勒尼安

9、penitently ─── 忏悔地;悔悟地

leniently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If you are too lenient, you will be bullied by others. ─── 你过于宽让了, 别人就会欺负你!

2、Soaring above the petty distinctions of faction, his voice was raised, whether in office or opposition, for those measures which were at once just and lenient. ─── 他不论在朝在野,一向超过于派别纠纷之上,主张公正和宽仁的措施。

3、The accused made a clean breast of the case and was punished leniently. ─── 被告人坦白交代了案情,从轻处罚。

4、She was very lenient towards him. ─── 她对他很宽厚。

5、But Australian Premier John Howard said that the punishment was lenient, and demanded Muslim leaders to act quickly and drop Sheikh Hilali, who once described Howard, U. ─── 但是澳总理约翰.霍化德说处罚太宽大了,要求穆斯林领导迅速采取措施来贬降筛海.黑拉力。

6、Will his judges be so inclined to be lenient? ─── 他的判断那么容易流于宽大吗?

7、He decided to be reasonably lenient. ─── 他决定应该宽大为怀。

8、Christine Varney, President Obama's chief trustbuster, gave a speech on May 11th in which she repudiated the “overly lenient” course favoured by the previous administration. ─── 奥巴马总统的首席反垄断负责人ChristineVarney于5月11日发表讲话,其中她否定了上任政府偏爱的“过分温和的”道路。

9、They felt that others warranted a lenient 6.0 on the morality scale when stealing a bike but assigned a highly immoral 3.9 if they took it themselves. ─── 他们认为他人将自行车归己所有的道德表现应得到一个宽恕性地6.0分,却对自己同样行为给了相当低的3.9道德分。

10、The Chinese government is not lenient with piracy. Instead, it cracks down severely on such activities. ─── 中国政府对盗版行为不予姑息。相反地,它对盗版进行了严厉的打击。

11、There are many factors for perils of sea, so it is necessary to have a comprehensive consideration of all the factors, but it抯 not approvable to adopt lenient standard. 4. ─── 3、海难认定上要考虑的因素很多,归结为一点,最重要的还是要就每一个具体的事实情况进行综合的讨论,但是,对海难认定持较为宽松标准的做法并不可取。

12、Today when holding court, two people said that they do not have the culture, has offended the law, hoped that the court can decide leniently. ─── 今天开庭时,两人称自己没有文化,触犯了法律,希望法庭能从轻判决。

13、I'm lenient enough, Lord knows, but I don't propose to be imposed upon all the time. ─── 天知道,我待人多么宽大,可是我不想老是给人钻空子呀。

14、It couldn't be more different now: Only about 3 percent polled are opposed to couples living together with a vast majority taking a very lenient attitude. ─── 但如今可大不一样了。调查显示,仅有约3%的人反对同居,绝大多数人对此持十分宽容的态度。

15、He receives the gift also to receive leniently, including the precious camera, the handbag, advertising agent's He Gao, the wristwatch, Pi Lvhe dresses up the liquor and so on. ─── 他收礼物也收到手软,包括名贵相机、手提袋、广告商的贺稿、手表、皮褛和靓酒等。

16、If this ruling will become a new example, then again this kind of "temporary that is intended to crime", does have to be "lenient punishment" mean? ─── 如果这个判决能成为一个新的榜样,那以后再出现这样的“临时性的即意犯罪”,是否也要得到“从轻处罚”呢?

17、They dealt with him leniently. ─── 他们把他从轻发落。

18、Yes, officer. I am a peasant and ignorant of the law. I ask to be dealt with leniently. ─── 好的,警官,我是个农民,不懂法律,我请求宽大处理。

19、You should be lenient with them. ─── 你应从宽对待他们。

20、Obviously, the judiciary here was too lenient toward those in power.It could be expected that they would abuse power even more brazenly in the future. ─── 司法对掌权者显然宽待,日后执政者的滥权必将更为明目张胆。

21、The law on libel is considered too lenient. ─── 反诽谤法被认为太宽大了。

22、Other accused people, some call themselves innocently, but also indicated that if the court recognizes oneself guilty, the hope may leniently or the mitigated punishment. ─── 其他被告人,有的称自己无罪,但同时表示,如果法院认定自己有罪的话,希望可以从轻或减轻处罚。

23、The company may be lenient on Valentines Day but it is not worth the risk. ─── 在情人节,公司也许会网开一面,但是这不值得我们去冒险。

24、They dealt with him leniently. ─── 他们把他从轻发落。

25、You are lenient one boss open and clear 3, I am glad to be able to become your buddy really very much. ─── 3、您是一位开朗宽容的老板,我真的很高兴能成为您的伙伴。

26、Some people believe that a tough approach is better. Others prefer a more lenient approach. ─── 一些人认为严格的政策比较好,而另一些人认为宽松点好。

27、At daycare Brian has to toe the mark, but at home his mother is quite lenient. ─── 在日间托儿所,布莱恩得乖乖听话;但是在家里,他妈妈管他很宽松。把外语站加入收藏

28、A merciful, kind, or lenient act. ─── 善行慈悲的、温和的或宽大的行为

29、Xiufen knife arrested when pregnant can be punished more leniently. ─── 刀秀芬抓获时已怀孕,可予以从轻处罚。

30、For four days, Beijing’s gray, stifling skies failed to meet China’s national air quality standards, which are more lenient than those in the United States. ─── 四天中,北京的灰色而沉闷的天空没能满足中国国家空气质量标准,而这种标准在美国来说就显太过宽容。

31、He is too lenient to his students. ─── 他对学生非常温和。

32、Clinton courteously conveyed to Kim Jong Il an earnest request of the U.S. government to leniently pardon them and send them back home from a humanitarian point of view. ─── 克林顿有礼貌地转达了美国政府以人道观点宽大特赦她们并让她们回家的诚挚要求。

33、Inclined to be lenient or merciful. ─── 仁慈的倾向于宽厚或仁慈的

34、Mr. Tang, do you feel that this scene we shot can illustrate the fact that the social environment in our country is very lenient towards smoking? ─── 唐先生,你觉得我们拍的画画能说明我们国家吸烟环境很宽松吗?

35、At daycare Brian has to toe the mark, but at home his mother is quiet lenient. ─── 在日间托儿所,布莱恩得乖乖听话;但是在家里,他妈妈管他很宽松。

36、For my dismissal today, I blame no leaders;The Huangshi Municipal Public Security Bureau has already been very lenient on me. ─── 到今天才辞退我,我不责怪任何领导,黄石市公安局对我已经很宽容了。

37、Uighurs with disciplinary problems or criminal offenses are treated leniently, they say. ─── 他们说,政府对违法犯罪的维吾尔族人进行宽大处理。

38、The author's viewpoint is that literary critical theory should receive other theories and kinds of scholarly resources in open insights and lenient breadth of mind . ─── 作者的观点是:文学批评理论应以开放的眼光和宽容的胸襟接纳其它理论方法和多样化的学术资源。

39、His attitude toward acknowledgement of his guilt was good and he was dealt with leniently. ─── 他认罪态度很好,被从轻发落。

40、Even by these lenient standards, the proportion of kids who are overweight jumped from 5 percent in 1964 to nearly 13 percent in 1994, the most recent year on record. ─── 即使用这些相当宽松的标准来衡量,超重儿童所占的比例,也从1964年的5%猛增到1994年(有记录可查的最近年份)的近 13%。

41、He, too, received a sentence more lenient than the guidelines suggested. ─── 他也收到了超过量刑指南规定的宽大判决。

42、But it is undeniable that the Shanghai market is not the beginning of the intermediary is developed, it is very lenient policy. ─── 但不可否认的是,上海的市场上也不是一开始中介就很发达、政策就十分宽松的。

43、The lenient belt correspondence analysis domain looked that, An Jielunfirst, it directly should use in the oscilloscope platform itswireless test department's software. ─── 从宽带通信分析领域来看,安捷伦第一,它将其无线测试部门的软件直接应用于示波器平台。

44、The judge delivered himself of the view that the defendant should not be treated too leniently . ─── 法官发表意见说,被告不应当受到过于宽大的处理。

45、From that story came the idiom "Open the net on three sides". Later, people changed it into "Give the wrong-doer a way out.", indicating to be lenient to the wrong-doers. ─── “网开三面”这个成语就是由此而来的。后来,人们把它改为“网开一面”,表示宽容地对待做错事的人。

46、She was very towardly and lenient. ─── 她极温顺。

47、Do you know our lenient policy towards POWs? ─── 你知道我们宽待俘虏的政策吗?

48、You're too lenient with him. ─── 你对他太温情了。

49、In many respects, this is just the old rule of avoiding coupling by minimizing dependencies and being lenient with values you accept and strict with values you provide. ─── 在许多方面,这只是通过使依赖性最小化、宽容对待您所接受的值并严格对待您所提供的值来避免耦合的旧规则。

50、This KMT policy was very lenient with a clear purpose of pulling Japan to its side. ─── 国民党政权的对日“以德报怨”政策是非常宽大的,其希望拉拢日本的想法是明显的。

51、In some respects the IMF has been remarkably lenient in the conditions it has attached to the loan. ─── 从某种程度来说,国际货币基金组织发放的此笔贷款的附加条件可谓格外宽松。

52、Time and again the emperor stressed that relief policies must be as lenient as possible. ─── 乾隆一再强调灾害救济要恪守“宁宽勿刻”、“宁滥无遗”的原则。

53、But if meets the condition which punishes leniently, the fine most agent may reduce to 2000 Yuan. ─── 但若符合从轻处罚的条件,罚款的最底线可降为2000元。

54、He marked the paper leniently. ─── 他评分很宽。

55、The farmer heard to run as soon as looked was a wolf, not in the least leniently gave has beaten severely, straight hit the wolf to call out, lamely ran to fox there goes. ─── 农夫听到了跑出来一看是只狼,毫不手软地给了一顿痛打,直打得狼嚎叫着,一瘸一拐地跑到狐狸那里去了。

56、But what is interesting, Li Ning in second trial period separate invitation's trial lawyer actually thought that Li Ning is guilty, but must condemn leniently. ─── 但有意思的是,李宁在二审期间另行聘请的辩护律师却认为李宁是有罪的,但应当从轻判处。

57、Create a lenient living environment for the PLWA, popularize the knowledge of treatment, improve and keep decent living quality. ─── 为艾滋病毒感染者创造宽松的生活环境,普及治疗,提高和保持生活质量。

58、We should encourage as many landlords and rich peasants as possible to return to their homes, but we must adopt a serious stand and attitude, letting them know that the government and the people are lenient towards them. ─── 争取地富回家的工作,应当广泛进行,但应采取严肃的立场和态度,表明这是政府和人民对他们的宽大。

59、You shouldn't be lenient towards him. it would only do him harm. ─── 你不能对他从宽要求, 那样只会害了他。

60、One must treat budding programmes leniently : programmes may take decades before they get off the ground and become empirically progressive. ─── 必须宽厚地对待年轻地纲领:研究纲领可能需要几十年的时间才开始发展并成为经验上进步的纲领。

61、Many people believe reckless drivers are treated too leniently. ─── 很多人认为对鲁莽的司机处理得太宽大了。

62、Secondly, the Chinese consumer is also quite "lenient". ─── 其次,中国的消费者也显得颇为“宽容”。

63、Should not treat ourselves too lenient. ─── 不应太宽待自己。

64、Lenient parents; lenient rules. ─── 仁慈的父母; 宽松的规章制度

65、Even the most lenient standard, China has entered a period of all-round inflation from labor, food to energy prices, inflationary pressures everywhere. ─── 即使按照最宽容的标准,中国也已经进入了一个全面通胀时期,从劳动力、食品到能源价格,通胀压力无处不在。

66、The response of the King may have been excessive, but rulers do not ordinarily deal leniently with those who violently rebel. ─── 英王的反应也许过于激烈,但是统治者通常并不会宽大地处理用暴力反抗的人。

67、At daycare Brian has to toe the mark, but at home his mother's quite lenient. ─── 在日间托儿所,布莱恩得乖乖听话;但是在家里,他妈妈管他很宽松。

68、They told us to pray at home, because in this way, Mother Earth might be more lenient with us. ─── 他们告诉我们在家里祈祷,因为以这种方式,大地母亲也许会对我们宽宏大量一点。

69、You must consider her age; The judge considered the offender's youth and was lenient. ─── 你必须考虑到她的年龄;裁判考虑到罪犯的年轻于是慈。

70、In other points, as well as this, I was growing very lenient to my master. ─── 在其他各点上,如同在这一点上一样,我越来越对我的主人宽容了。

71、Why don't you treat this little child more leniently? ─── 你为什么不能较宽容地对待这个可怜的孩子呢?

72、Three accused people give back the partial ill-gotten moneies, the stolen goods separately, may use judgment to punish leniently. ─── 三被告人分别退赔部分赃款、赃物,均可酌情从轻处罚。

73、And have an insight into the things about people and world, and keep lenient. ─── 从男人身上能学到女人身上没有的特性和优点,也是一件有趣而快乐的事情。

74、But the Serving Bureau which in 5:6 backwardness, can not but guarantee, Zheng appears somewhat lenient cleanly. ─── 但在5比6落后、自己不得不保的发球局,郑洁显得有些手软。

75、He surrendered at the police station hoping to receive lenient treatment from the government. ─── 他去公安局出首,以求得政府的宽大处理。

76、To be severe with oneself and lenient with other. ─── 严于律己,宽以待人。

77、When Mr. Roach heard his name he smiled quite leniently. ─── 罗奇先生听到他的名字时,宽慰地笑了。

78、If it is found that Lee is the real AIDS, will be punished more leniently, the original punishment 5000-20000 yuan, can be a fine or less fine relief of their education. ─── 如果发现李某是真正的艾滋病患者,将对其进行从轻处罚,原本处罚5000-20000元,可以减免罚款或者少罚款,对其进行教育。如果不是患者的话,将对其进行从严从重处罚。

79、But we should deal leniently with those followers of the Gang and participants in its factional activities who are willing to make amends and thoroughly expose the crimes of the Gang and its faction -- once what they say proves to be true. ─── “四人帮”的死党和他们帮派体系里的人,有的愿意改悔,而又彻底揭发“四人帮”及其帮派体系的罪行,并且证明说的是真话,对这种人应该实行从宽处理的政策。

80、Clement:Inclined to be lenient or merciful. ─── 仁慈的:倾向于宽厚或仁慈的.

81、He is lenient to the children. ─── 他对孩子们宽大。

82、Vacillating elements and reluctant followers among the reactionaries should be dealt with leniently. ─── 对于反动派中的动摇分子和胁从分子,应有宽大的处理。

83、The king was very lenient towards his error, and decided to give him the lightest punishment. ─── 国王对他的错误网开三面,决定从宽发落。

84、For the accused to defend guilty, should focus on qualitative and from the case of the accused, leniently, waive or reduce the punishment aspects. ─── 为被告人做有罪辩护,应着重从案件定性和对被告人从轻、减轻或者免除处罚等方面进行。

85、For the long term interest of Britain, he urges the alliance countries to conclude the Paris Treaty that is mild and lenient to France and actively support Bourbon Restoration. ─── 卡斯尔雷又从英国的长远利益出发 ,力促反法同盟与法国签订温和宽大的《巴黎和约》 ,并大力支持波旁王朝复辟。

86、We cannot be so lenient as to allow them to remain in the Party or the army, much less be promoted. ─── 再宽,也不能宽到连党籍、军籍也保留,甚至于还升一级吧。

87、To be severe with oneself and lenient with others. ─── 严以责己宽以待人。

88、Drink or drug driving must not be tolerated. There is no reason why repeat offenders should be treated leniently. ─── 对于醉驾和药驾绝对不能姑息,特别是对于再犯者,更不应有宽待的理由。

89、You learn to be lenient from other's harshness, to be genuine from other's deceit. ─── 从别人的苛刻学习宽容;从别人的狡作学习真诚。

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