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09-04 投稿


furtively 发音

英:[?f??rt?vli]  美:[?f??t?vli]

英:  美:

furtively 中文意思翻译



furtively 网络释义

adv. 偷偷地;暗中地

furtively 词性/词形变化,furtively变形

副词: furtively |名词: furtiveness |

furtively 短语词组

1、disrupt furtively ─── 暗中破坏

2、furtively mean ─── 偷 ─── 偷摸摸的

3、furtively defined ─── 隐秘的定义

4、furtively define ─── 偷 ─── 偷摸摸地定义

5、furtively carry ─── 偷 ─── 偷携带

6、furtively image ─── 鬼影

7、furtively crossword ─── 暗中填字游戏

8、furtively clue ─── 偷 ─── 偷摸摸的线索

furtively 相似词语短语

1、fictively ─── 虚构的

2、festively ─── 节日地;欢庆地

3、spurtively ─── 活泼的

4、lucratively ─── 获利地;有利可图地

5、furtive ─── adj.鬼鬼祟祟的,秘密的

6、fugitively ─── 逃逸的

7、figuratively ─── adv.比喻地;象征性地

8、curatively ─── 治疗地;有疗效地

9、formatively ─── 形成地;造型地;影响发展地

furtively 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A slouchy figure crossed the opposite corner and glanced furtively in his direction. ─── 一个无精打采的人走过对面的拐角,偷偷地朝他这个方向看着。

2、1.to steal; to pilfer; 2.secretly; surreptitiously; furtively ─── 窃

3、Mcteague came and went furtively, dizzied and made uneasy by all this bustle ─── 麦克梯格偷偷摸摸地走进走出,给这一阵忙乱弄得头昏眼花。

4、You could only get hold of them, if at all, by scrounging more or less furtively on the 'free' market ─── 要搞到这些东西,只好偷偷跑到“自由”市场淘来点。

5、The old gardener looked furtively around ─── 老园丁诡秘地向四周扫了一眼。

6、We deal with all the things fairly, never furtively. ─── 做任何事,我们都是光明正大的,从不偷偷摸摸。

7、The latter, however, betrayed no sign of emotion, but moved closer and went on furtively ─── 但是何慎庵神色不变,靠前一步,又悄悄地说

8、In the hall they passed my lady's pale-faced maid, who looked furtively under her white eyelashes at the two young men. ─── 在大厅里,他们在爵士夫人的脸色苍白的侍女身边经过,她从白色眼睫毛下面鬼鬼祟祟地打量着这两个年轻人。

9、Psst! Come over here!" one youth hissed furtively. ─── Psst!过来!”一个年轻人鬼鬼祟祟地发出嘶嘶声。

10、We met furtively in a forest on the edge of Moscow. ─── 我们是在莫斯科郊外的一个森林中秘密见面的。"

11、Li Chuang-fei smiled, looked round furtively, and said in a low voice ─── 李壮飞接着也是一笑,又鬼鬼祟祟向四下里张望一下,这才低声说

12、No one approached him, but he glanced furtively to and fro as he made for the street entrance. ─── 没有人朝他走来,但当他向临街的出口处走过去时,还是偷偷地四处张望。

13、To move furtively;sneak. ─── 秘密地活动;悄悄地行动

14、Discussing Several Issues in the Crime of Furtively Distributing State Owned Assets ─── 论私分国有资产罪的几个问题

15、Wang pounded the table again and demanded, "You-speak up!" furtively rubbing his injured palm against his thigh ─── 汪处厚重拍桌子道:“你--你快说!”偷偷地把拍痛的手掌擦着大腿。

16、We're all recalling something,furtively seeking something(Virginia Woolf) ─── 我们都在回忆某些东西,暗中追寻某些东西(弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫)

17、Dixon look furtively at Welch, whose face, he saw with passion, held an expression of calm assurance, like an old quartermaster's in rough weather ─── 狄克逊因而偷偷地瞧了瞧威尔奇,只见他神色自若,如同饱经风霜的舵手遇上了坏天气,毫不在乎。狄克逊看到这副模样简直火冒三丈。

18、Presently she gave over sky-larking, and moved irresolutely about, sighing once or twice and glancing furtively and wistfully toward Tom. Then she observed that now Tom was talking more particularly to Amy Lawrence than to any one else. ─── 她不再嬉戏了,只是犹犹豫豫地走来走去。 她叹了一口气,闷闷不乐地看着汤姆,见他只和艾美 - 劳伦斯一人讲话,不理睬别的人。

19、Then furtively the percussion-cap box came out. He released the tick and put him on the long flat desk. ─── 于是他悄悄地拿出那个雷管筒子,把扁虱放出来,放在那条平平的长条书桌上。

20、the soldiers were furtively crawling through the night. ─── 战士们夜晚偷偷地、慢慢地行进。

21、He liked to mutter furtively under his breath as though every remark he made were a military secret. ─── 他讲话时喜欢窃窃私语,仿佛句句是军事机密。

22、No one approached him, but he glanced furtively to and fro as he made for the street entrance. ─── 没有人朝他走来,但当他向临街的出口处走过去时,还是偷偷地四处张望。

23、Sidlebis to move furtively,especially if nervous about one's purpose ─── 指悄悄地移动,尤含惴惴不安之意

24、We're all recalling something,furtively seeking something(bVirginia Woolf) ─── 我们都在回忆某些东西,暗中追寻某些东西(b弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫)

25、disrupt furtively ─── 暗中破坏

26、To search furtively for something; prowl. ─── 偷偷搜寻偷偷摸摸地搜寻东西;暗中来回寻觅

27、moore listened at first with his eyes cast down, but soon he furtively raised them ─── 穆尔起先是低挂着眼睛谛听着,可是,过了一会儿,他悄悄地抬起眼来。

28、After some time, the mouse peeped out, crept furtively up to the bull's flank, again bit him, and retreated to his hole. ─── 在不少时刻以后,老鼠偷看了,偷偷摸摸地爬行由bull’s侧面决定,再咬住了他,并且撤退了对他的孔。

29、The cat goes furtively downstairs, winding her lithe tail and licking her lips ─── 那只猫蜷着它那弯弯的尾巴,用舌头舔着嘴角,贼头贼脑地溜下楼去。

30、then he hesitatingly rose, and glanced furtively at his hat, then at his wife--a sort of mute inquiry ─── 后来他迟迟疑疑地站起身。偷偷地膜了一眼帽子,又瞟了一眼自己的妻子--这是无声的请示。

31、then he hesitatingly rose, and glanced furtively at his hat, then at his wife--a sort of mute inquiry. ─── 后来他迟迟疑疑地站起身。 偷偷地膜了一眼帽子,又瞟了一眼自己的妻子--这是无声的请示。

32、With guards right outside the room, we furtively destroyed evidence in our possession by swallowing notes and damaging videotapes. ─── 在屋子外面有警卫,我们通过偷偷的吞咽便纸和破坏录像带来毁坏我们所掌握的证据。

33、yet his eye kept wandering furtively, and he kept the tail of it on his unruly followers. ─── 然而两只眼睛却滴溜溜地乱转,眼梢始终监视着那帮不顺从的家伙。

34、"We're all recalling something, furtively seeking something" (Virginia Woolf) ─── “我们都在回忆某些东西,暗中追寻某些东西”(弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫)

35、Sidle is to move furtively,especially if nervous about one's purpose ─── sidle指悄悄地移动,尤含惴惴不安之意

36、She remembered when Hsi-erh returned after her marriage, her long single braid done up in a bun in the back of her head. Ming-feng often saw her alone in the garden, furtively weeping. ─── 她记得自从喜儿嫁后回来辫子改成了发髻以后,她常看见喜儿一个人躲在花园里面垂泪。

37、Some men, tried out with listening and applauding, furtively leaped over the walls. ─── 有的男听众实在受不了了,拍手也拍厌了,偷偷翻墙跑了。

38、To move silently and furtively. ─── 悄悄的走轻快无声的移动

39、20. leave furtively and stealthily. ─── 偷偷地,悄悄地离开。

40、Furtively riding New York City subway cars, Evans hid all but the lens of his camera and snapped his pictures without raising the camera to his eyes. ─── 潜行于纽约地铁车厢,伊文思隐藏着相机,仅露出镜头,以便不必举起相机就可以捕捉到他想要的图像。

41、Tess, her cheeks on fire, moved away furtively, as if hardly moving at all. ─── 苔丝像被火烤了一样满脸通红,好像根本无法移动一步,就悄悄躲在一边。

42、We did everyting aboveboard never furtively. ─── 做任何事,我们都是光明正大的,从不偷偷*。

43、I mean they're fine over there, too, but they have this urge to, like, to know more, and do it furtively. ─── 我是说他们那里(台湾)也很好,但是他们急切的想知道更多,而且偷偷摸摸的做。

44、At first,there was a kind of calm treading on my heart furtively. ─── 起初,有一种平静的感觉悄然爬上我的心头。

45、We're all recalling something, furtively seeking something&b{Virginia Woolf) ─── 我们都在回忆某些东西,暗中追寻某些东西(弗吉尼亚 沃尔夫)

46、Since then, the old man furtively fetched the gold sand once every half a month or so, so he became rich soon. ─── 从此,老汉过个十天半月就偷偷来取一次金砂,日子很快富裕起来。

47、All the while, four-year-old Matthew was bouncing on the couch, furtively strumming the guitar he wasn’t supposed to touch and talking incessantly. ─── 那当儿,四岁的马修一直在沙发上蹦跳,偷偷乱拨他不该碰的吉他,口里还絮絮叨叨个没完。

48、Future is a gloomy mirror. Anyone who tries to peek furtively,only can see the vague outine of an aged and anxious face. ─── 未来是面晦暗的镜子,任何试图向里面窥视的人只能看到一张苍老而焦虑的脸的模糊轮廓。

49、to leave furtively ─── 偷偷地离开

50、The black, long-shaped, honey-smeared workers fly timidly and furtively in and out of the hive: they do not sting, but crawl away at the sight of danger. ─── 在出入孔胆怯而且狡猾地飞进飞出的,是黑色椭圆、粘满蜜糖的强盗蜂,它们不整人,遇危险便溜走。

51、We're all recalling something, furtively seeking something ─── 我们都在回忆某些东西,暗中追寻某些东西

52、tess, her cheeks on fire, moved away furtively, as if hardly moving at all. (chapter xix ─── 苔丝像被火烤一样满脸通红,好像根本无法移动一步,就悄悄躲在一边。

53、The sun has feet, look, he is treading on, lightly and furtively;and I am caught, blankly, in his revolution. ─── 太阳在轻盈而偷偷地行走,我茫然地追赶着他的步履。

54、Jack was staring at the two young goth girls, talking with each other, one of them also talking on a cell phone, giggling, trying to look oblivious to the men furtively sneaking glances at them. ─── 杰克正盯着那两个哥特式的女孩,她们正和对方闲聊,其中有一个还在用手机打电话,咯咯笑着,想要在周围丛偷偷瞄着她们的男人当中显得更显眼。

55、To move furtively; sneak. ─── 秘密地活动;悄悄地行动

56、She looked furtively around her, as the treacherous, blasphemous thoughts rushed through her mind, fearful that someone might find them written clearly upon her face. ─── 当这种叛逆性的亵渎思想在她心中出现时,她偷偷地向周围观察,生怕有人从她脸上清楚地看出来。

57、I felt horribly guilty about the present situation, guessing that Rosalie and Emmett's prolonged absence was my fault, even as I furtively enjoyed not having to see her. ─── 我的罪恶感很深,罗莎莉和埃米特延长本地居住的时日都是因为我的缘故。

58、On the contrary, some quants have furtively revelled in the power that their apparently elite knowledge gave them. ─── 相反,一些宽客暗自沉醉于他们明显处于尖端水平的知识赋予自己的力量。

59、Some men, tried out with listening and applauding, furtively leaped over the walls. ─── 有的男听众实在受不了了,拍手也拍厌了,偷偷翻墙跑了。

60、He glanced furtively at the stolid faces of the two detectives. ─── 他偷偷地瞄了一下两名侦探面无表情的脸。

61、We're all recalling something, furtively seeking something. ─── 我们都在回忆某些东西,暗中追寻某些东西。

62、2) To depart, especially quickly or furtively; abscond. ─── 溜走,悄悄离开:离开,尤指快速地或鬼鬼祟祟地;潜逃

63、At this some of the others furtively exchanged significant glances. ─── 听他这样说,有几个人心照不宣地彼此对望了一眼。

64、To pick up furtively. ─── 偷偷地拾起

65、Furtively the percussion-cap box came out. ─── 那个雷管筒子偷偷出现了。

66、” The good mother, who was all but overcome by his astonishing presence, wiped her hands furtively upon her much-mended apron, and, seeing that he waited for a reply, said: “Oh yes. ─── 葛婆子见他突如其来,吓得呆了,慌忙把双手在千补百衲的围裙上偷偷地擦,又见他等着回话,就说:“哦,是的。

67、His eyes, too, were different from usual: at one moment they stared with a sort of insolent jocoseness, at the next they looked round furtively. ─── 他的眼神也一反常态,时而放肆无礼地、滑稽可笑地望人,时而惊惶失措地环顾四周。

68、Second, the social changes are already visible: parents on beaches waving at their children while typing furtively on their BlackBerrys; ─── 第二,社会的变化已十分显著:海滩上的家长,一边向孩子们挥着手,一边暗中按着他们的黑霉手机;

69、Dashing here and there like a bedbug, gathering butts now and then, sometimes furtively, sometimes brazenly; ─── 于是我像臭虫一样东跑西颠,时不时地捡几个香烟屁股,有时偷偷地捡,有时又腆着脸公开捡。

70、cause to move furtively and hurriedly. ─── 偷偷地并且仓促地移动。

71、The sun has feet, look, he is treading on, lightly and furtively; and I am caught, blankly, in his revolution. ─── 太阳他有脚啊,轻轻悄悄地挪移了;我也茫茫然跟着旋转。

72、Certain candidates hunch over, glance furtively around the room or wring their sweaty palms. ─── 某些求职者会蜷缩身体,茫然地瞟着房间四周,或是扭动出汗的手掌。

73、In the process of coping with these situations, the judicial departments behaved furtively and deceived the world in the broad daylight. ─── 所有这些过程,司法部门都是在全世界人民的众目睽睽之下,表现出遮遮掩掩、躲躲闪闪、偷梁换柱、改头换面,让人看了无所不用其极。

74、Mcteague came and went furtively, dizzied and made uneasy by all this bustle. ─── 麦克梯格偷偷摸摸地走进走出,给这一阵忙乱弄得头昏眼花。

75、This house was something that the matrons of Atlanta whispered about furtively and ministers preached against in guarded terms as a cesspool of iniquity, a hissing and a reproach. ─── 这家妓院已成为亚特兰大的已婚妇女们暗地里、窍窍私语的话题,说教的牧师们用谨慎的措词称之为邪恶的污秽场所,一个为人们所蔑视和谴责的地方。

76、China continues to lay claim to more Indian territories, even as it holds on to Himalayan areas it seized furtively or by conquest in the 1950s and early 1960s. ─── 即使在五十年代和六十年代初,中国就不断暗中攫取或征服喜马拉雅地区,它继续主张更多印度的领土。

77、My friend's cat furtively went into the kitchen and stole a piece of my sandwich. ─── 我朋友的猫悄悄走进厨房,偷了我的一块三明治。

78、10. Inveterate smokers purchase tobacco furtively because they are fearful of their fractious wives. ─── 吸烟成性的人偷偷摸摸得购买烟草,因为他们害怕他们难说话的老婆。

79、(You can usually identify them by the way they whisper with other workers while looking furtively around. ─── (看别人说话的方式就能分辨出来什么是飞短流长。

80、We're all recalling something,furtively seeking something. ─── 我们都在回忆某些东西, 暗中追寻某些东西。

81、Dashing ITe and tITe like a bedbug, gatITing butts now and then, at whiles furtively, at whiles brazenly; ─── 于是我像臭虫相同东跑西颠,时不时地捡几个香烟屁股,有时偷偷地捡,有时又腆着脸公开捡。

82、Remembering my presence, he furtively dropped it under his chair. ─── 后来想起我在,他便偷偷地把书丢在椅子下。

83、Fang was about to go on deck to look for Miss Pao when Ah Liu furtively called him ─── 鸿渐正要上甲板找鲍小姐,阿刘鬼鬼祟祟地叫“方先生”。

84、crime of furtively distributing state owned assets ─── 私分国有资产罪

85、Furtively glancing then jauntily prancing ─── 鬼祟地张望,得意地雀跃

86、Wang pounded the table again and demanded, "You-speak up!" furtively rubbing his injured palm against his thigh. ─── 汪处厚重拍桌子道:“你--你快说

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