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09-04 投稿



fosterage 发音

英:[?fɑ?st?r?d?]  美:[?f?st?r?d?]

英:  美:

fosterage 中文意思翻译



fosterage 短语词组

1、fosterage law ─── 寄养法

2、fosterage def ─── 寄养定义

3、fosterage in a sentence ─── 一句话中的寄养

4、fosterage defined ─── 寄养定义

5、fosterage meaning ─── 寄养意义

6、fosterage definition ─── 寄养定义

7、fosterage practice of the navajo ─── 纳瓦霍人的寄养实践

fosterage 词性/词形变化,fosterage变形

动词过去分词: fostered |动词第三人称单数: fosters |动词现在分词: fostering |动词过去式: fostered |

fosterage 相似词语短语

1、factorage ─── n.代理厂商;手续费

2、coverage ─── n.覆盖,覆盖范围;新闻报道;保险范围

3、flowerage ─── n.开花;花的总称

4、food storage ─── 食物贮藏

5、cooperage ─── n.桶;制桶工场;制桶业

6、forage ─── n.饲料;草料;搜索;vi.觅食;搜寻

7、foster care ─── 看护;照顾

8、esterase ─── n.[生化]酯酶;甘油松香酯

9、porterage ─── n.搬运;搬运业;搬运费

fosterage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On Linkage between the Fosterage of Core Competitive Power and Enterprise's Culture ─── 试析企业文化对核心竞争力的培育

2、(1) Formulating the family fosterage plan of its own administrative region and organizing to implement it; ─── (一)制定本行政区域内家庭寄养工作计划并组织实施。

3、The Principal Part, Object and Its Relationship in the Management of the Family Fosterage Model ─── 家庭寄养模式管理中的主体、对象及其关系

4、So, whatever they treat us well or not, we are their children and we should be grateful for their fosterage. ─── 所以,无论父母对我们如何,我们都是他们的子女,我们应该感谢他们的养育之恩。

5、Article 10 Parents or other guardians shall create a good and harmonious family environment, as well as fulfill their guardianship duties and fosterage obligations to minors according to law. ─── 第十条父母或者其他监护人应当创造良好、和睦的家庭环境,依法履行对未成年人的监护职责和抚养义务。

6、On Fosterage of Students'Ability of Initiative and Creativity in Physical Education ─── 体育教学中培养主动性和创造性学习能力的探索

7、The application of the membranes in separation,preservation,fosterage,medicament release and artificial organ etc is also reviewed. ─── 概述了塑料微孔膜在分离、保鲜、助长、药物释放、人造器官等领域的应用。

8、Fosterage has improved children's social skills in a certain way, but the improvement is not remarkable when compare to normal children. ─── 寄养在一定程度上提高了儿童的社会交往能力,但是提高的程度与正常儿童相比并不显著。

9、The Fosterage of Communicative English-reading Ability ─── 交际性英语阅读能力的培养

10、We will organize pet grooming, match communication, maintaining advisory, fosterage and so on at regular intervals. ─── 同时,公司推出高品位的售后服务,组织宠物美容、比赛交流、养护咨询、远足旅游、寄养培训等活动。

11、And therefore the fosterage of the law spirit may bear great metal value in the setting - up of the law association and accomplishing the great goals of governing the country by law. ─── 因此,法律信仰的培育对于法律共同体的构建,对于依法治国伟大目标的实现具有极其重要的精神价值。

12、Article 1 The present measures are formulated with a view to regulating family fosterage affairs. ─── 第一条为了规范家庭寄养工作,制定本办法。

13、(8) Reporting the family fosterage goings to the civil affairs administration on the higher levels and bringing forth the corresponding suggestions. ─── (八)向上级民政部门反映家庭寄养工作情况并提出建议。

14、disputes arising from marriage, adoption, guardianship, fosterage and inheritance, and administrative disputes that should be handled by administrative organs may not be submitted for arbitration. ─── 婚姻、收养、监护、扶养、继承纠纷和应当由行政机关处理的行政争议不能仲裁。

15、Men’s body structure seems to have aggression inherently and their status and capability in the traditional society fosterage their aggression and possession of women. ─── 男性的身体结构好象天生就具有某种进攻性,而在一个男性传统社会中男性的地位和能力更助长了他们对女性的进攻和占有。

16、Family fosterage shall not be arranged for the seriously handicapped children who need long-term technical attendance. ─── 需要长期依靠技术性照料的重度残疾儿童,不宜安排家庭寄养。

17、guarantee the successful going of explorative study and help teacher teaching and student quality fosterage forward. ─── 保障研究性学习的顺利实施,以促进教师教学和学生能力培养的双赢。

18、Interim Measures for the Management of Family Fosterage [Effective] ─── 家庭寄养管理暂行办法[现行有效]


20、In recent years, fostering orphans and disabled children in rural areas is an quick-development mode of fosterage in variety of fosterages. ─── 近几年来,在农村开展孤残儿童家庭寄养已成为一项发展速度快且社会效果好的儿童福利工作。

21、The application of the membranes in separation, preservation, fosterage, medicament release and artificial organ etc is also reviewed. ─── 概述了塑料微孔膜在分离、保鲜、助长、药物释放、人造器官等领域的应用。

22、(6) Supervising and evaluating the fosterage work of the fostering families; ─── (六)监督、评估寄养家庭的养育工作。

23、Interim Measures on Administration of Family Fosterage ─── 家庭寄养管理暂行办法

24、(6) Reporting regularly to the family fosterage service organizations of the growth of the fostered children; ─── (六)定期向家庭寄养服务机构反映被寄养儿童的成长情况。

25、First, I’d like to thank my parents for their fosterage and cultivation which brings me to the place now I posses. ─── 还是慢慢告诉自己习惯这样下班回家,无所事事的日子。偶尔会在没有完全入睡的时候听见叶子絮絮叨叨的说起一些琐事。

26、So you are fosterage that? ─── 你不是助长人家的那个吗?

27、9 see joke: I have a small tortoise to be put in classmate home fosterage, as a result that fellow basks in my pet dead. ─── 9看笑话: 我有一只小乌龟放在同学家寄养,结果那厮把我宠物晒死了。

28、How to use the footprints left after the case to solve the case depends on the correct recognition and the fosterage of flexible thinking ability of technical personnel. ─── 如何运用案后足迹侦破案件,则依赖于技术人员对现场足迹的正确认识和灵活超常的扩展思维能力的培养。

29、The boy's fosterage to America came at an early age. ─── 那男孩被认养到美国发生在早先的时期。

30、On the function and fosterage of non- intelligent factor in Chinese education ─── 语文教育中非智力因素的作用与培养

31、This organization faces the 5 arrives 18 years old girls that basically come from low income family, these children live in front courtyard of odd relatives by marriage or fosterage family mostly. ─── 该组织面向主要来自低收入家庭的5到18岁的女孩子,这些孩子大多生活在单亲家庭或寄养家庭。

32、Article 5 The fosterage family for the handicapped children shall be chosen from the communities where the medical treatment, special education and healing training conditions are available. ─── 第五条残疾的被寄养儿童,应当在具备医疗、特殊教育、康复训练条件的社区中为其选择寄养家庭。

33、Independent Innovation: Long for The fosterage of Innovation Culture ─── 自主创新:渴望创新文化的滋养

34、(2) Establishing a family fosterage network within its own administrative region and supervising its operation; ─── (二)建立本地区家庭寄养工作网络并指导其运行。

35、family fosterage ─── 家庭寄养

36、In the new period, the self-forging of the minority women and social recognition and fosterage are the important problem for nation development and prosperity. ─── 四、新时期少数民族妇女的自身锻造和社会的重视与培养是一个民族发展繁荣的重要问题。

37、Therefore, the students must pay much attention to the fosterage of their awareness of being self- employed and the entrepreneurship. ─── 要解决大学生就业难,自主创业是一条重要途径。为此,青年学生要注意培养自我创业的意识和企业家精神。

38、The child that parental parents dies, fosterage also is than putting in home of relatives and friends in orphanage is good. ─── 父母双亲死亡的孩子,寄养在亲友家也比放在孤儿院里好。

39、The child that parental parents dies, fosterage also is than putting in home of relatives and friends in orphanage is good. ─── 父母双亲死亡的孩子,寄养在亲友家也比放在孤儿院里好。

40、About the fosterage of the students'ability for biology course ─── 谈生物学学科能力的培养

41、guarantee the successful going of explorative study and help teacher teaching and student quality fosterage forward. ─── 保障研究性学习的顺利实施,以促进教师教学和学生能力培养的双赢。

42、Fosterage has improved children's social skills in a certain way, but the improvement is not remarkable when compare to normal children. ─── 寄养在一定程度上提高了儿童的社会交往能力,但是提高的程度与正常儿童相比并不显著。

43、The proportion between the staff members of the family fosterage service organizations and the fostered children shall not exceed 1:25. ─── 家庭寄养服务机构工作人员与被寄养儿童的比例不得高于1:25。

44、(3) Arranging for trainings to the major fosterers of the fostering families and organizing fosterage experience exchange activities; ─── (三)培训寄养家庭中的主要照料人,组织寄养工作经验交流活动。

45、Article 3 Family fosterage shall be beneficial to the upbringing and growing of the fostered children, so as to protect their lawful rights and interests from being infringed. ─── 第三条家庭寄养应当有利于被寄养儿童的抚育、成长,保障被寄养儿童的合法权益不受侵犯。

46、Article 1 The present measures are formulated with a view to regulating family fosterage affairs. ─── 第一条为了规范家庭寄养工作,制定本办法。

47、Evaluation of students fosterage profiles ─── 人才培养水平评估

48、Pay postage 20 yuan, namely fosterage scorpion is special technical data. ─── 付邮资20元,即寄养蝎专用技术资料。

49、The fosterage after closing gives farmer. ─── 收后寄养给农户。

50、On the Fosterage Policies Concerning Orphans and Handicapped Children ─── 孤残儿童家庭寄养政策研究

51、bring up under fosterage; of children. ─── 以养子的身份被抚养;用于指孩子。

52、The boy's fosterage to America came at an early age. ─── 那男孩被认养到美国发生在早先的时期。

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