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epidemiological 发音

英:[??p?di?m???l?d??k(?)l]  美:[??p?dimi??lɑd??k?l]

英:  美:

epidemiological 中文意思翻译



epidemiological 词性/词形变化,epidemiological变形

形容词: epidemiologic |副词: epidemiologically |名词: epidemiologist |

epidemiological 反义词

ecdemic | endemic

epidemiological 同义词

prevalent | craze | scourge | plague | rife | contagion | outbreak | spate | wave | rash | pestilence | wide-ranging |widespread | infectious | endemic | contagious | sweeping | catching | rampant

epidemiological 短语词组

1、epidemiological characteristics ─── 流行特征

2、epidemiological model ─── 流行病学模型

3、epidemiological investigation ─── [医] 流行病学调查

4、epidemiological study ─── 流行病学研究

5、epidemiological data ─── 流行病学资料

epidemiological 相似词语短语

1、ideological ─── adj.思想的;意识形态的

2、epidemiologic ─── adj.流行病学的;传染病学的

3、epistemological ─── adj.认识论的

4、epidemiology ─── n.流行病学;传染病学

5、ecclesiological ─── 教会的

6、epidemiologically ─── 从流行病学的角度看

7、prebiological ─── adj.生命起源以前的

8、epidemiologists ─── n.流行病学家(epidemiologist的复数)

9、epidemiologist ─── n.流行病学家

epidemiological 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Please see links below for access to the recent press release and report of the French epidemiological study relating to MMF. ─── 如欲获得更多与在法国进行的MMF流行病学研究相关的信息和简报,请点击以下链接

2、An epidemiological investigation of the case was unable to uncover a history of exposure to dead or diseased birds. ─── 对病例的流行病学调查未发现死禽或病禽接触史。

3、METHODS Epidemiological analysis was conducted among 783 who had accepted VCT from 2002 to 2006 in Zhongshan City. ─── 方法对中山市2002年至2006年接受VCT人员的情况进行动态流行病学描述性分析。

4、The aim of the research was to provide basis for the epidemiological investigation of Shigella and the correlative of the correlative diseases. ─── 摘要[目的]为志贺氏菌流行病学的调查和相关疾病的防治提供依据。

5、This study has studied the epidemiological characters, clinic symptoms, differential diagnosis, control measures, etc. of eperythrozoonosis in swine. ─── [方法]对该病的流行病学特点、临床症状、鉴别诊断及防治对策等方面进行了探讨。

6、We sought to describe the epidemiological, irological, and histopathological findings associated with a large outbreak of hMP infection in a long-term care facility. ─── 我们试图对长期使用护理设备病人偏肺病毒爆发的流行病学、病毒学组织病理学发现进行描述。

7、Conclusions PFGE was useful in epidemiological monitoring etiology of infectious disease. ─── PFGE对肺炎克雷伯菌感染流行病学监测是一个有效的方法。

8、A epidemiological investigation of mental disorders of the people aged 18 years and above in Shandong province. ─── 山东省18岁及以上人群精神疾病流行病学调查。

9、No nationwide epidemiological study of GERD has been conducted in China up to now and the population distribution of GERD remains unknown. ─── 国内目前尚无全国范围内胃食管反流病的流行病学调查,对于该病的人群分布还不是很清楚。

10、The data of animal experiments and epidemiological investigations show that DMF has harmful effect on reproductive function of human and animals. ─── 动物研究和流行病学调查显示,DMF对人和动物的生殖功能均有一定程度的损害作用。

11、But epidemiological studies, which find statistical associations between sets of data, do not prove causeeffect. ─── 可是流行病学的研究发现,几组资料在数据方面有所关联,却没有证实其因果关系。

12、Methods: Epidemiological investigation of carcinogenic and mutagenic effects of endemic arsenism was carried out after 15 yeas of intervention. ─── 方法:以皮肤癌变、内脏癌变、染色体畸变和微核率作为评价指标,对奎屯砷中毒地区改水防病干预15年后进行致癌、致突变流行病学调查研究。

13、Worldwide epidemiological studies indicate that Campylobacteriosis is largely foodborne and that poultry-meat is a major source. ─── 世界流行疾病研究指出空肠弯曲杆菌主要由食品传染,家禽肉是主要传染源。

14、Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characters of the original mass in the parapharyngeal space. ─── 摘要目的:对咽旁间隙原发性肿块进行流行病学分析。

15、Epidemiological Survey of Asthma in Children in Chengdu Urban District. ─── 成都市城区儿童哮喘流行病学调查

16、Objective To sum up the epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of tuberculosis. ─── 摘要目的总结一起结核病基发流行的特点。

17、There is no epidemiological evidence on hostility alone. ─── 单独对于敌意来说,并没有流行病学方面的证据。

18、Epidemiological study of depression in aged population in Shanghai area. ─── 上海地区老年抑郁症的流行病学调查

19、But epidemiological studies, which find statistical associations between sets of data, do not prove cause and effect. ─── 可是流行病学的研究发现,几组资料在数据方面有所关联,却没有证实其因果关系。

20、Objective To describe the epidemiological characteristics and relative factors of adults with hypertension in Shunyi District of Beijing. ─── 摘要目的了解成人高血压患病率及相关危险因素在顺义区的现况,分析相关危险因素对高血压的影响。

21、Method Epidemiological analysis was carried out in 107 reported sterile abscess cases upon DPT(whole cell) vaccination in 2005 in Beijing. ─── 方法对北京市2005年接种DPT后107例无菌化脓进行描述流行病学分析。

22、Interpretation of the significance of this finding for human health will depend on clinical and epidemiological data now being gathered in Turkey. ─── 关于这一结果对人类健康重要意义的解释将取决于目前正在土耳其收集的临床和流行病学资料。

23、The authors say it is still too early to know and that additional epidemiological and pathophysiological studies are needed to clarify this question. ─── 作者表示,目前言之过早,且需要其他的流行病学与病理生理学研究来厘清这个问题。

24、Clinical epidemiological study showed different opinions on whether sulfonylureas can increase the mortality of patients with cardiovascular diseases. ─── 临床流行病学研究显示关于磺脲类药物是否增加心血管疾病死亡率的争论仍在分歧。

25、Epidemiological Study on Risk Factors of Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection in STD. ─── 数字化期刊。门诊性病患者沙眼衣原体感染危险因素研究。

26、Objective: To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of pediatric burn. ─── 摘要目的:探讨小儿烧伤的临床特点。

27、Ford DE, Kamerow DB. Epidemiological study of sleep disturbance and psychiatric disorders: an opportunity for prevention. J Am Med Assoc Sep,1989; 262( 11 ) :1479. ─── 刘贤臣,唐茂芹,胡蕾,等.匹兹堡睡眠质量指数的信度和效度研究.中华精神科杂志,1996,29(2):103.

28、We will never have the whole picture, and it will take many, many years to collect epidemiological evidence, so we should take some preventive measures now. ─── 我们不需要全局的图景,这需要很多很多年来收集前面提到的证据,所以,我们应该采取一些预防性的措施。”

29、These questions can be resolved only by epidemiological studies comparing individuals with and without the lesion. ─── 只有通过流行病学研究,比较有损害和没有损害的病人,才可以回答这些问题。

30、Abstract : AbstractObjectiveTo study clinical and epidemiological features of astrovirus infection in baby patients suffering from diarrhea in Tianjin. ─── 摘要 : 目的了解天津地区腹泻患儿星状病毒感染的临床与流行病学特点。

31、In the environmental epidemiological study, the “lost for follow-up” group was much more predominant due to the custom of patrilocal residence. ─── 在环境流行病学研究中,女性居民因为随夫居的习俗,样本流失的比例较高;

32、Objective To investigate fields of application of the Spoligotyping in epidemiological study of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. ─── 摘要目的探讨间隔寡核苷酸分型方法在结核分支杆菌分子流行病学研究中的应用范围。

33、To those who have been following the arcane of epidemiological literature, the results of this latest study may not come as news. ─── 对于那些关注流行病学秘方的人来说,这项最新的研究成果可能并不能算作新闻。

34、The key flaw in the plaintiffs' case was that government epidemiological studies showed no statistical link between Agent Orange exposure and significant health effects. ─── 原告方证据的缺陷是,政府流行病学研究显示,在药剂橙暴露和产生严重健康后果之间,统计数据没有显示出联系。

35、There is no epidemiological evidence for higher risk of cardiac arythmia. ─── 无流行病学证据表明心律失常的风险更高。

36、Epidemiological survey on hookworm disease in Xichang City. ─── 四川省西昌市钩虫病流行病学调查。

37、A remarkable epidemiological characteristic for GCA is its very similar geographic distribution with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). ─── GCA的显著流行病学特征是其与食管癌(Esophageal squamous cellcarcinoma,ESCC)地域性分布的一致性。

38、Some epidemiological and animal studies hae suggested that folic acid supplementation may preent colorectal tumours. ─── 一些流行病学和动物研究曾显示叶酸可预防结肠直肠肿瘤。

39、Title: Epidemiological Evaluation on the Effect of Measles Vaccine Mass Immunization Campaign in Shandong Province. ─── 关键词:麻疹疫苗;免疫接种,加强;评价研究/流行病学

40、Methods Epidemiological surveys were made among immunization vaccinators and acceptors from August,1997 to October,1999. ─── 方法对1997年8月至1999年10月在临沂市兰山区、罗庄区和河东区进行了针对预防接种服务提供者和接受者的流行病学调查。

41、A study on the epidemiological feature of these drowning was conducted. ─── 对调查对象进行描述性的流行病学分析。

42、Epidemiological Evaluation on the Effect of Measles Vaccine Mass Immunization Campaign in Shandong Province. ─── 山东省麻疹疫苗强化免疫效果的流行病学评价。

43、WHO will be tracking the pandemic at the epidemiological, clinical, and virological levels. ─── 世卫组织将在流行病学、临床和病毒学领域监测大流行疫情。

44、The models of risk assessments have been established on the basis of epidemiological studies on the LSS cohort of A-bomb survivors and miners. ─── 在对日本原爆幸存者、有关矿工等受照人群的癌症发生率和死亡率的流行病学研究的基础上,建立了癌症危险估算模型。

45、To investigate the epidemiological and clinical features about colorectal cancer of Yichang city. [Methods] All colonoscopy cases were observed. ─── 摘要目的探讨该市大肠癌流行病学和临床特点。

46、Methods Epidemiological investigation of postcataract patients and their surroundings in one hospital was conducted.452 samples of bacterium culture were collected. ─── 方法对我院白内障术后患者及周围环境进行流行病学调查,采集细菌培养样本452份。

47、WHO has sent six international experts to reinforce the national team in providing support for coordination, water and sanitation, logistics and epidemiological surveillance. ─── 世卫组织已派遣6名国际专家加强国家小组以便对协调、水和卫生设施、后勤以及流行病学监测提供支持。

48、abstract: Aim To understand certain epidemiological of astrovirus infection in children under 5 years of age for acute diarrhea in Shenzhen. ─── 目的分析深圳地区5岁以下急性腹泻患儿星状病毒感染的流行病学特点。

49、This epidemiological study shows an association but we need further study to be conclusive, " he said. " ─── 这一流行病学调查提供了相关性,但我们需要进一步研究以做出结论。

50、An epidemiological study of urolithiasis was carried out by means of a postal questionnaire to 10567 southern Taiwan inhabitants. ─── 摘要本研究藉由邮寄问卷调查方式,从事台湾南部地区10567居民之尿路结石流行病学之调查。

51、According to the epidemiological study,incidence of cerebrovascular disease is about 140-200/100000 population,average death rate is 100/100000 population. ─── 据流行病学调查得知,全世界范围内脑血管疾病的发病率为140-200/ 10万人口,其平均死亡率为100/10万人口。

52、Methods Available epidemiological data of SARS cases and close contacts were reviewed and analyzed by SPSS. ─── 方法 采用回顾性流行病学方法,分析已有的SARS疫情及密切接触者的流行病学资料,利用SPSS统计软件对现有资料进行统计学分析。

53、Objectives: To understand the concept of epidemiological surveillance(ES). ─── 目的:明确流行病学监测的概念;

54、Objective To study the epidemiological characteristics of the acute toxicosis cases in a general hospital of a metropolis. ─── 摘要目的研究大型综合性医院急性中毒患者的流行病学特点。

55、Strain subtyping is used to survey infection sources and route of transmission during epidemiological surveys of cholera. ─── 在霍乱流行和暴发调查中,追溯传染源和调查传播途径往往需要对霍乱弧菌进行分型分析。

56、In order to investigate the prevalence and distribution of trisomy 21 syndrome Down's syndron in China, an epidemiological study was conducted. ─── 21三体综合征的现况研究旨在通过流行病学研究方法,了解中国21三体综合征的现患率及其分布特征。

57、In fact, the available evidence satisfies most standard epidemiological criteria for establishing a causal relation. ─── 事实上,现有的证据可以满足流行病学上成立因果关系的大多数标准。

58、Epidemiological data do not show a higher incidence of multiple sclerosis in vaccinated persons when compared to the general population. ─── 流行病学数据并不表明在接种疫苗的多发性硬化的发生率比一般人群。

59、Method:The nosogenesis was studied by epidemiological survey and isolation and culturing of sampling water. ─── 方法: 采用流行病学调查及实验室分离培养确认致病原。

60、Demographic and epidemiological transitions now combine with nutritional and behavioural transitions to create ominous new trends. ─── 人口和流行病学方面的转变现与营养和行为方面的转变结合起来,产生不祥的新趋势。

61、Donald Max Parkin, a research fellow at the University of Oxford's Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit. ─── 帕金是牛津大学临床实验中心和流行病研究中心的研究员。

62、Molecular epidemiological study of HuCV among children with acute diarrhea in China[D].Beijing: National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC. ─── (中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制研究所)。

63、Objective: To study the epidemiological characteristics and its developing trend of hepatitis B from 2000 to 2005 in Shuozhou. ─── 摘要目的:研究朔州市2000年至2005年乙型肝炎流行病学特征及发病趋势。

64、The EPD devoted a great many resources to conducting the epidemiological studies that would establish a sound scientific basis for the Programme. ─── 所述,环保署进行了流行病学研究,建立可靠的科学结论作为基础,以推行泳滩水质监测计划。

65、Unlike many epidemiological models, our realistic simulation also ensures that the chronology of contacts will be considered. ─── 与许多流行病模拟系统不同的是,我们的模拟系统也会把接触时间的先后顺序考虑进去。

66、Abstract : Purpose: To study the epidemiological characteristics and make the preventive strategy of HFRS. ─── 摘要 :为探索肾综合征出血热 (HFRS)流行特征 ,以制定有针对性的防治措施。

67、CONCLUSION The establishment of the DIGFA to detect anti-CagA antibody in serum will contribute to the epidemiological study of cagA+ Hp infection. ─── 主题词螺杆菌感染;螺杆菌,幽门;细胞毒素相关蛋白基因A;基因表达;聚合酶链反应

68、Objective: To take the ways of epidemiological investigation and cluster analysis to classify syndrome of gastritis (Weiwantong). ─── 摘要目的:采用流行病学的调研方法和聚类的统计方法,对胃炎(胃脘痛)的临床证候进行中医分型。

69、Some data are now available from studies that have utilized an epidemiological approach. ─── 利用流行病学方法的研究工作已经提供了一些资料。

70、Such approach calls for integrated topic teaching rather than the isolated presentation of the findings of epidemiological studies. ─── 像这样的一个思路,就不是孤立地展示流行病研究所见,而要求我们提出课题的整体指导。

71、Objective The paper was to study measles epidemiological in 2005 in Pinggu district and to monitor the running status surveillance system. ─── 摘要目的为掌握平谷区2005年麻疹流行病学特点,对2005年麻疹监测系统病例报告及运转情况进行分析。

72、Secondly, the main epidemiological data indicated that the level of glycemia is closely related to CVD outcome. ─── 其次,流行病学数据显示,血糖水平与CVD结局密切相关。

73、We will test it a couple of days before all the lab result and all the epidemiological data will help us to track down the culprit. ─── 我们还需要几天的时间进行检测,实验室结果和所有流行病学数据会帮助我们追查元凶。

74、SM explains the kind of epidemiological pattern seen in cancer, and might have a comparable role in many other diseases. ─── 钐解释什么样的流行病学模式看待癌症,并可能有类似的作用,许多其他疾病。

75、Method: The epidemiological investigation method used in 1982 and 1993 in China was introduced, which was provided by WHO. ─── 方法 :采用世界卫生组织 (WHO)提供 ,1982年和 1993年 2次全国精神疾病流行病学调查使用的方法。

76、In this paper, epidemiological studies and animal studies in vivo were reviewed in order to evaluate the health impacts of exposure to ELF electromagnetic fields. ─── 从流行病学研究和整体动物研究两个方面,对极低频电磁场暴露的健康危害进行了评价。

77、Epidemiological studies on DHE abuse suggested that DHE produced heroin-like euphorigenic effect with a high abuse potential. ─── 二氢埃托啡的滥用特点是量小、效强、耐受形成快、作用时间短以及鼻吸、烫吸、注射等多途径滥用。

78、Methods 356 female workers exposed to gasoline and 373 controls were studied on reproductive effects by epidemiological survey. ─── 方法对接触汽油女工356名和对照女工373名进行生殖危害流行病学调查。

79、Molecular epidemiological studies on foot-and-mouth disease type O Taiwan viruses from the 1997 epidemic.Vet Microbiol 74(3):207-216. ─── 2000.基因重组腺病毒于猪平滑肌细胞中传送与表达效率之探讨。

80、Diffuse brain injury (DBI) is the most common TBI. Epidemiological investigation shows DBI comprises 73% of the total serious brain injuries in road accidents. ─── 弥漫性脑损伤(Diffuse brain injury,DBI)在TBI中占有重要地位,流行病学调查显示DBI占交通伤后重型脑创伤的73%。

81、Objective To analyse the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of measles, and provide evidence for the control of spread of measles. ─── 摘要目的分析麻疹病例的流行病学和临床特征,为进一步控制麻疹流行提供依据。

82、Methods: Hereditary epidemiological case-control method was used to analyze genetic factors in 284 cases of SLE. ─── 方法:采用遗传流行病学病例对照研究方法对284例住院SLE患者进行统计学分析。

83、Clinical diagnosis should be made only after combining the patients symptoms with epidemiological data and laboratory examinations. ─── 临床诊断时应详细询问患者的临床症状,结合流行病学资料及实验室检查确诊。

84、Epidemiological studies have found that children with PDD have no higher prevalence of gastrointestinal tract than normal children. ─── 流行病学研究发现,广泛性发育障碍(Pervasive Developmental Disorder)孩子和正常孩子相比较并没有更高的胃肠道患病率。

85、Methods The epidemiological analysis and mycological culture were performed in 785 cases of onychomycosis diagnosed by direct microscopic examination. ─── 方法:2004年11月-2007年6月对直接镜检阳性的785例甲真菌病患者进行了真菌分离培养及流行病学调查。

86、If the virus mutation that causes an illness aggravated or mitigated, or large-scale changes, it then has epidemiological value. ─── 如果病毒变异导致疾病加重或减轻,或发生大规模的变化,那才具有流行病学价值。

87、The Carlsson-Dent GERD questionnaire could be used in epidemiological studies to assess GERD in elder and in interventional studies of GERD. ─── Carlsson-Dent问卷可用于筛选老年GERD,结合PPI试验可提高诊断的敏感性。

88、Ancel Keys performed an epidemiological analysis of diets around the world. ─── 塞尔·基斯对世界各地的饮食进行了流行病学分析。

89、Methods The prevalence of GBS came from the acute flaccid paralysis during 2001-2005 was analyzed by using the method of epidemiological description. ─── 方法对2001-2005年急性弛缓性麻痹病例中GBS的发病情况进行描述性流行病学分析。

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