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09-04 投稿


craw 发音

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英:  美:

craw 中文意思翻译




craw 网络释义

n. 嗉囊;嗉子;胃n. (Craw)人名;(英)克劳

craw 短语词组

1、craw kan smarthub craw can ─── 智能集线器

2、craw racing craw ─── 赛车

3、stick in sb.'s craw ─── 使某人不高兴, ─── 使某人生气

4、craw migaw ─── 峭壁

5、craw in a sentence ─── 破口大骂

6、craw fly ─── 岩蝇

7、craw paw seafood ─── 蟹爪海鲜

8、stick in sb's craw ─── 使某人难以消化, ─── 使某人难以接受

9、craw space craw ─── 空间

10、Craw unit ─── [医] 克劳氏单位(使大型水蚤Daphnia magna心搏停止所需的绿藜芦量)

11、craw-craw ─── [医] 科罗病, 盘尾丝虫病

12、craw meaning craw ─── 含义

craw 词性/词形变化,craw变形

动词现在分词: craving |动词过去式: craved |名词: craver |动词第三人称单数: craves |副词: cravingly |动词过去分词: craved |

craw 习惯用语

1、stick in sb.'s craw ─── 使某人难以消化[接受]; 使某人讨厌[生气]

craw 相似词语短语

1、claw ─── n.爪;螯,钳;爪形器具;vi.用爪抓(或挖);vt.用爪抓(或挖)

2、craws ─── n.嗉囊;嗉子;胃;n.(Craw)人名;(英)克劳

3、crawl ─── vi.爬行;匍匐行进;vt.爬行;缓慢地行进;n.爬行;养鱼池;匍匐而行

4、chaw ─── v.咀嚼(烟草);n.咀嚼物(尤指烟草);咀嚼

5、crab ─── n.螃蟹;蟹肉;脾气乖戾的人;起重机;(Crab)巨蟹座;(Crab)巨蟹座的标志;vt.抱怨;破坏;使偏航;vi.捕蟹;发牢骚;抱怨

6、caw ─── n.鸦叫声,呱呱叫;v.发出鸦叫声,呱呱地叫,聒噪;n.(Caw)(美、英、澳)考(人名)

7、crag ─── n.峭壁;岩石碎块;颈;嗉囊

8、scraw ─── n.草皮

9、braw ─── adj.华饰的;美好的;衣饰华美的;n.华美的衣服;n.(Braw)(瑞、美、英、以、巴)布拉夫(人名)

craw 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some of these undertakings stick in the craw of an army with an understandable instinct for control freakery. ─── 有些担保让军队非常难以接受,因为他们本能的觉得那些是控制狂行为。

2、Jack changed back into a man, opened the eagle's craw, and removed the black egg.He returned to the castle and gave it to the king's daughter, who was overjoyed. ─── 朱瓦宁变回人形,打开黑鹰的肚子,从里面掏出一只黑蛋,然后来到城堡,把它交给了满心欢喜的国王的女儿。

3、A report of species characteristics of white craw duck in the eastern Liaoning ─── 辽东白嗉鸭种质性能研究报告

4、If you keep that in your craw, then you're going to be affected by it in the next game," Utah coach Jerry Sloan said. ─── 如果你一直就此喋喋不休,你就会在下场比赛中受此影响。”

5、But if by chance that eagle were slain, a black egg would have to be taken out of its craw and cracked over my brow for my soul to fly away and leave me dead. ─── 不过即使这只黑鹰被杀了,还需要从它肚子里取出一只黑蛋,在我的额头上打破这只黑蛋,我的灵魂就会飞走,我就会死去。

6、The craw and gizzard could be defined. ─── 嗉囊与砂囊可明显区分。

7、You have to learn to craw ─── 你需要学会消化

8、8. Her failure to get a better grade than her brother stuck in her craw . ─── 她的成绩不比她哥哥的好,这真使她难以忍受。

9、Now Hedda Nussbaum is free, and the beneficiary of hundreds of thousands of dollars in free paychiatric treatment. She is suing Joel Steinberg for millions. All that appears to have been what stuck in some jurors' craw. ─── 现在赫达 拉斯鲍姆已经自由了,并且是数十万元免费精神治疗受益人,她控告斯坦伯格数百万元赔偿。这一切都令有些陪审员难以接受。

10、But Thomas Jefferson is the founder who sticks in the craw of the sanctimonious American right . ─── 但是,托马斯?杰弗逊是令美国右翼不爽的开国先贤。

11、When I got to camp I warn't feeling very brash, there warn't much sand in my craw; ─── 回到宿营地,我不再是那么急躁了,我原来的那股勇气所剩不多了。

12、Keywords 矫oil collecting device Separating craw Centralized lubrication; ─── 集卷筒;分离爪集;中润滑;

13、stick in sb's craw ─── 使某人难以消化, 使某人难以接受

14、10. His slight still sticks in my craw . ─── 他的侮辱仍然使我无法忍受。

15、4. We Should offer methods and take measures to protect our ship against pirates' attacts so as to secure the safety of craw and property. ─── 提出船舶预防海盗的方法和措施,以保护船舶和人员、财产安全。

16、craw thumper ─── [美]马里兰州人的绰号

17、Jack changed back into a man, opened the eagle's craw, and removed the black egg. He returned to the castle and gave it to the king's daughter, who was overjoyed. ─── 朱瓦宁变回人形,打开黑鹰的肚子,从里面掏出一只黑蛋,然后来到城堡,把它交给了满心欢喜的国王的女儿。

18、"Mr. Craw, I buy a farm." ─── “克劳先生,我买了一个农场。”

19、All that appears to have been what stuck in some jurors' craw. ─── 这一切都令有些陪审员难以接受。

20、white craw duck ─── 白嗉鸭

21、Craw Wurm must assign its 6 damage to the Minotaur. ─── 巨爪亚龙必须将自己的6点伤害都分配给牛头怪。

22、6.What really sticks in my craw is hearing that odious fellow claim all the credit for himself. ─── 令人难于忍受的是那讨厌的家伙把所有功绩都记在自己名下。

23、What's in your craw? You've been scowling at me all day. ─── 什么事情让你不高兴了?你生气地盯了我一天了。

24、Mothers were using their small children to craw through people's legs and get hold of things they couldn't get near themselves. ─── 母亲们利用她们的小孩挤过众腿之间,来拿他们自己不能靠近的东西。

25、It was tactical, but stuck in her craw. ─── 这只是战术性的,但是对她而言是如鲠在喉。

26、Craw unit ─── [医] 克劳氏单位(使大型水蚤Daphnia magna心搏停止所需的绿藜芦量)

27、Craw's unit ─── 克劳(氏)单位:能使大型水蚤(Daphnia magna)心搏停止所需的绿黎芦量

28、In 3 day of pupae, the rectum of adults was begun shaped.And the craw was begun shaped in 4 day of pupae. ─── 化蛹第3天,中肠后部新生的回肠和直肠囊开始形成,化蛹第4天嗉囊开始形成。

29、When they were over here, did you fail to offer them a beverage? Cause I can see how that could stick in someone's craw . ─── 她们来你家的时候你没给她们泡热饮吧?我能理解那多令人生气。

30、"Mr. Craw, snow pretty soon, " Tony told me one evening. ─── “克劳先生,雪很快,”托尼告诉我一个晚上。

31、stick in one's craw ─── 不能容忍, 受不了

32、stick in sb.'s craw ─── v. 使人难以消化, 使人难以接受

33、craw coal ─── 劣煤

34、craw through the grass ─── 爬过草地

35、have sand in one's craw ─── 有毅力

36、To craw through, cuddle inside, and wander between the heart, diamond, and star experience is extraordinary but also tickles your mind with nostalgia of secret hide-away from our childhood. ─── 以嗉囊通过,拥抱内,和漂移之间的心,钻石,和明星的经验是非常,而且还tickles您的想法与怀旧的秘密隐藏,远离我们的童年。

37、Example: The damage assignment order of an attacking Craw Wurm (a 6/4 creature) is Canyon Minotaur (a 3/3 creature) then Goblin Piker (a 2/1 creature). ─── 例:某个进行攻击的巨爪亚龙(6/4生物)分配伤害的顺序,先是峡谷牛头怪(3/3生物),然后是鬼怪长矛兵(2/1生物)。

38、Her constant complaining just sticks in my craw ─── 她那不断的诉苦真使我受不了。

39、His slight still sticks in my craw. ─── 他的侮辱仍然使我无法忍受。

40、a child must learn to craw before it can walk. ─── 先学走,再学跑。

41、In 5 day of pupae, the alimentary tract of adults were took shape which including peg-top like midgut,small ileum, swell rectum and craw. ─── 在化蛹第5天,具有陀螺形中肠与细长回肠、膨大的直肠囊和嗉囊的成虫消化道基本形成。

42、According to those who have been speaking to the former vice-president, the shift stuck in Cheney's craw . ─── 据那些和前副总统谈过话的人说,这种转变让切尼难以接受。

43、to stick in the (or one's) craw ─── 使某人难以接受,使某人生气,使某人厌恶

44、chicken craw ─── 鸡嗉

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